
Budgeting Quotes

There are 5786 quotes

"If you want to be independent, you have to learn to budget your money better."
"You need to know the difference between a need and a want."
"You have to create a financial system or a budget that works for you."
"If you can't budget a thousand and make it stretch, then you won't be able to budget a million."
"Completely on budget for a little bit under three dollars."
"A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went."
"Interior design is very good for dealing with limitations because they've always got limitations of budgets and materials."
"If there's one meal you break the bank for on your trip to Japan, make it Teppanyaki."
"Training is just like a budget for a person who has a regular paycheck. You have to decide am I going to buy a couch or am I going to go on vacation."
"If you're only cash flowing the amount that you need to live, then that's financial freedom."
"Every dollar you don't spend is another form of savings."
"A budget is the foundation for anyone on this journey towards fire."
"Don't save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving."
"It's time to do the bodywork on this 1978 Ford F-150 and lay down a really nice paint job on a budget."
"Don't save what is left after spending; spend what is left over after saving."
"If you just combined funds, you're all living together in the same place."
"Save up or make something yourself. Thrift there is thrift stores with so many prints."
"It's always good when it comes to hammering out financial issues; spending, budget, bad debt."
"The eyeliner retails for $45, so $45 toward our $600 total."
"This personal finance app allows you to manage subscriptions, lower bills, build a custom budget, and grow your savings all in one place."
"Budgeting isn't just some dull number-crunching exercise, it's the best practice for achieving financial freedom."
"Go through the budgeting programs. Change thousands of people's lives."
"With so many people building and buying computers again because prices have really kind of sort of returned to the realm of normal, we're going to talk today about five things that you should absolutely positively know are a complete waste of money when it comes to building and upgrading your PC."
"Having a budget is 99% of people just don't have one."
"Embracing the challenges of budget constraints can lead to unexpected creativity and innovation in home design."
"The single best way to save money in RVing is to slow down."
"This is lifestyle preservation for less, so this is not about going on a budget and giving up everything you love."
"This is the most cost-effective thing that you can do if you're on a budget, you should obviously be growing your own food."
"Rocket money is an app designed to help you manage your finances and save more of your money, making it easier to budget and even helping negotiate your bills with just a few taps of a button."
"Everyone get your budget cars back, we're going to meet up in this parking lot."
"Instead of spending a thousand dollars on a hundred screen-printed shirts, you can use those thousand dollars to actually go market your brand."
"Cook from your pantry, fridge, and freezer, spending minimal on groceries, and save the rest."
"Closing out your budget, analyzing your spending, looking at where your money is going, and asking yourself if your spending is aligning with your financial goals."
"Budgeting is about having an abundance on any budget."
"I'm gonna make that $500 stretch because you can get a lot of gifts for $500. That's way more than enough."
"The only way for you to actually do a budget that you stick to, you need to build it. Not someone else build it for you."
"Keeping a budget and being aware of what you are doing with your money is such an important step towards financial freedom and peace."
"Making big fixes rarely ever works when it comes to saving money; it's actually a lot of small little minuscule moves that add up to a large amount of savings."
"This whole part of the equation is missing in money. All they talk about is cutting back. I'm like what about the other side of the table? You can earn more."
"Always follow the 'pay myself first' rule, which was to put 30% or more, if you can, of what you earn into savings, then figure out how to pay your bills."
"Budgeting experts advise Americans to spend just 50% of their net income on essentials, 30% on wants, and 20% on savings or paying off debt."
"We saved thirty thousand dollars in twenty months while raising four boys on an income which averaged under forty thousand dollars a year."
"That is what you earn, what you spend equals your income."
"Weight Watchers sets up a budget constraint and asks you to follow it."
"Developing a budget program that anyone could access...it's something that you can always go back and refer back to."
"Managing cash flow, it doesn't matter if you're working with 20,000 a year or $200 million a year, you still need to be able to manage cash flow."
"Cut down on your grocery bill... planning out your meals strategically."
"Once you're on a budget for long enough, the idea is to make those good habits innate."
"Using a list will help you not buy excess; it will help you not buy double on certain items."
"You've got to begin to look at your budget to identify where you are overspending."
"Let's move on to the first lesson, which is basic budgeting."
"I love budgeting... it's like permission to spend. It gives me the ability to spend money without questioning it, or guilt, or shame... I have control over my money."
"You want to create a budget to zero before the month begins... every dollar has a name."
"A budget is not to limit your freedom; a budget is to give you freedom."
"Budgeting will give you peace of mind and it will help you relax more than you've ever known."
"A budget does not limit your freedom. A budget gives you freedom."
"You will never win with money if you do not budget."
"Being realistic with budgeting is crucial... set super realistic goals for yourself."
"Having a budget... basically just helps me really understand where my money's going, how I'm spending it."
"If you're creating and trying to implement a budget... it's a game changer."
"Budgeting isn't about limiting; it's really empowering and, when done consistently, can be truly life-changing."
"Just one bad meal doesn't mean you've ruined everything that you did or ate that week. The same idea works with budgeting."
"You're not failing at budgeting if you fell off the wagon for a bit; you're only failing if you didn't get back up."
"Everyone knows I am a huge proponent of budgeting. You have to budget if you want to get good with your finances."
"It's about facing the facts and facing the realities of how much money you make and how much money you spend."
"My budget by paycheck method is not just for budgeting; it's an overall financial plan for your money."
"Budgets get such a bad rap, but they are a roadmap for your money."
"Budgeting is basically telling your money where to go before it goes to UberEats, Seamless, Amazon, or Netflix."
"I've been on TLC, 'Today Show', 'Rachel Ray', 'Good Morning, America', and many more because I have some of the simplest budgeting tips you will ever do. Ever! And they work."
"Pick one, do it. Then pick another and do it and before you know it, you are going to be a budgeting guru."
"For the rest of your life, your ultimate goal is that 70% or less of that money is what you use for your bills, your mortgage, your medical expenses, your spending, your travel, everything."
"I would love for these people to come on stream and like, break down their budget and prove to us that it's circumstantial."
"Living on Social Security, how to live on a fixed income, and how to live less than you make doesn't have to be real hard."
"Live below your means by half and get everything paid off."
"Get the numbers out of your mind and focus on living within your means."
"This is what there just should be more movies out like this, where it's not this big blockbuster. It's just mid-budget, original film."
"Moreover, I wanted to see how little money I could spend to eat full meals and feel fulfilled."
"So here's the result of the TikTok ads and Facebook ads dropshipping challenge. In today's video, I'm going to be attempting to do Shopify dropshipping in 2022 with a $1,000 budget using TikTok ads and Facebook ads."
"Stop spending money on dumb stuff that's not relevant."
"The problem with a dwindling number of large studios capable of juggling the kind of budgets you need for multimedia productions is that there are too few cooks in the kitchen."
"Once you have all of your spending organized, it becomes just a lot easier to really see where your money is going."
"The biggest thing you can do during a recession and the inflation that we're experiencing is to cut spending and make more money."
"Even if you have so little money that you feel like you can't find a penny to save every month, just writing it all out and being super aware of how it's coming in and how it's going out is the first real step to having control over it."
"I am begging you, I advise you not to use Walmart's 96 cent spray paint. Pay the extra three dollars and get Rust-Oleum."
"You got a Red Lobster budget, not no [ __ ] dollar menu budget."
"The spending sweet spot has been a total life changer."
"I am on a budget and I do have a financial goal, but I also am a believer in treating yourself."
"If your budget's a little bit tight but you want really good off-road performance and good on-road manners, the Eaton TrueTrac limited-slip is the way I would go."
"Don't rob Peter to pay Paul. Don't have champagne tastes on a beer budget."
"Buying secondhand games is one of the most effective ways to play on the cheap."
"If you love DIYs on a budget please give this video a thumbs up and share this video with your friends."
"The budget is you telling your money what to do instead of wondering where it went."
"You can eat healthy, have different stuff every single day, stick to your goals, and not spend a lot of money."
"You can do all of that and still have some leftover money for maybe like a video game or a movie."
"If you take the time to prepare your food, utilize it, and actually consume that, then you can save money, eat healthy, be healthier."
"We're saving up our money because we want to do some department upgrades, more specifically fabrication because we absolutely need it."
"The best way to control your spending inside of a casino is budgeting only bring disposable cash to you inside of the casino and leave all of your cards and accesses to cash at home."
"If you're doing a low-end build, I think now is a good time to do a low-end build."
"I get you also having more control over your money. Like some of you, I get some of you kind of going into a cheap mode."
"Use a budget or tracker so basically you can see clearly what your expenses are."
"The same price it would cost you to buy designer shoes, you can literally go on a really good trip."
"If you give 10, save 10, and live on 80, you'll always be okay."
"No matter how much money you have coming in it's important to only spend what you can afford to spend and set money aside for a rainy day."
"Extremely helpful for players who are budgeting stones."
"Anastasia has all the benefits of a studio budget that Bluth lost with Spielberg."
"There's always the thought of, 'Oh if you don't buy Starbucks, that's how you're gonna make it.'"
"Don't go out and spend thousands and thousands of dollars on all the top high-end most expensive supplies."
"Disney World is super expensive as it is, spending your money the way you want to is important."
"You should always try to use some sort of discount when booking your Disney World vacation."
"But of course, if a thousand bucks is not on the table for you, we've got ways for you to save a thousand dollars as well."
"Unfortunately budgets are a real thing we have to live with."
"We've got a much bigger budget this year and we're going to try and really make the experience awesome while also delivering the great content." - Speaker
"Keep track of every dollar that we spend on personal things and groceries and things for our children all of it it's all logged."
"Living below your means means less stress. It means that you can relax knowing that you have enough income to cover all of your expenses."
"Reduce your regular spending. There are a lot of ways that you can actually reduce your monthly bills."
"There is no magic formula to live beneath your means. It takes determination and it takes you deciding, 'I'm going to do it.'"
"The 5600G is the way to go for a budget build."
"Every dollar you start the month off by saying allocating where your money is going zero."
"It's an imperfect budget that I can maintain consistently which is the most important thing for me."
"If budget is really your concern, then this is probably not the best mic for you."
"If you're not sure of the right amount to spend on defense, you ought to spend more."
"Be a good steward of your money, allocate it properly."
"It is part of that producerial map. Does Kevin Costner get 80 million dollars to make 'Dances with Wolves' if he's also not in it?"
"You have to be very deliberate with every dollar in your army of dollar bills."
"There's nothing as freeing as knowing that you're spending below what you can actually afford. I mean that [ __ ]."
"Our goal was to build a respectable gaming rig for the modest price of five hundred US dollars."
"And anytime you can tip within your budget make sure you're tipping. If you can't afford to tip, man or woman, just don't go to that establishment."
"Generally, I believe you should spend twice as much on your graphics card as you do on your CPU for a gaming-focused computer."
"Intentionality just means that you know we're not going to go from Friday night to Sunday night and spend everything we made in the previous five days."
"Enjoy and have some money set aside for enjoyment."
"Cancel your unnecessary subscriptions right now with rocketmoney.com."
"You don't need to spend a ton of money you don't need to spend an arm and a leg you don't need to spend two thousand dollars just to get a good stereo system."
"The Vepr Hunter and M1A are excellent choices for budget sniping, offering solid performance without breaking the bank."
"There's all different ways that you can feed your family for free."
"Guidebooks are $20 tools for $3000 experiences."
"Use apps like Hopper, SkyScanner, and Dollar Flight Club to save on flights."
"Learn to live off the smallest paycheck you've received."
"She-Hulk with the show where no expense was spent."
"Be frugal, don't spend unwisely, and keep a budget."
"It's obvious when you make $100 a week in income but you're spending a million dollars a week."
"If you purchase Disney gift cards before your trip and load up, you'll wind up saving five percent on basically everything you buy in Disney."
"Broaden your appeal with topics like travel accessories and money-saving tips."
"Have a budget in place in case of market fluctuations or recessions."
"In the end, it just depends on your priorities, what is important to you, what do you need, what do you not need, what your budget is, and decide what's the best option for you."
"What are we doing spending the amount of money we're spending on policing relative to the amount of money we're spending to deal with something much more dangerous to us?"
"Here is a huge, huge, huge insider tip that I'm giving you: a way to make your dollars stretch further."
"This whole thing probably costs right around 100, maybe a little bit more, a little bit less, but save you some serious money."
"If I'm selling something worth $100 I'd want to be spending $10 to $30 a day initially."
"Now this is one of the best places that you can save money and use that money to pay off debt."
"If I think an idea is funny, I'm never going to get hung up on the budget or a prop."
"Slowly build your prepper pantry, stay within budget."
"For every dollar you earn from now on, 75 cents is the maximum you can spend."
"With $15, you're not getting as much as you could be with things like ethical standards."
"Be flexible, but stand firm. You have to be flexible because whatever your budget is, you can't have taste that will exceed that in a sense."
"You don't want to throw away money at subscription services that you know you won't use during a certain time period."
"It is okay to walk away and not purchase that thing if it's a matter of you are really wanting to support a small business but $125 is just too much for you."
"Bottom line, if you're looking at a Polestar 2 and you're considering the single motor, unless you really, really are on a tight budget, I would simply get the dual motor version."
"What watches should I buy for this amount of budget to build a collection?"
"It all began by slowly building the habit of what you do with a dollar."
"I got 50 dollars, I have a decent amount actually."
"Impulse purchases are an easy way for you to find an extra few hundred dollars a month."
"Can you build a rifle for a thousand dollars?"
"Your minimum monthly expenses in order to survive are actually incredible, meaning that you should be able to get out of this situation."
"You absolutely don't have to go out there and buy the latest and greatest gaming laptop."
"The total cost for this build is around $1,750, but when you consider..."
"Don't spend more money than you're taking in."
"I have peace of mind knowing any dollar that I spend is a dollar that I've already earned, it's a dollar that's already in my bank account, it's a dollar that's already mine."
"The final price surpassed Toru's expectations, yet he could still afford the fairy and retain significant money."
"All you gotta do is start off five dollars a day, five hours a day. Five dollars a day I do all my test budgets, that's five to ten dollars a day."
"Please only buy a sneaker because you like it and not because some random dude on the internet told you to. It doesn't matter what I think about a shoe, it matters what you think and what your budget is."
"You can only afford what you can buy in cash."
"Three million dollars sounds like a lot of money but video games are really expensive to make."
"The foundation stone of wealth accumulation is defense, and this defense should be anchored by budgeting and planning."
"Your income is your offense, the expenses are the defense."
"Budgeting: a financial plan embodying an estimate of proposed expenses and finances during a set duration of time."
"Always budget your income for the worst-case scenario."
"Budgeting tells me yes, yes you can be debt free, yes you can buy that house, yes you can go on that vacation."
"It's really important that every dollar has a purpose."
"Not talking about money can start off as a bad habit."
"All of them can be done with a small budget and can make you a large amount of money."
"You can always create your vision within a budget, it doesn't matter how big or small that budget is. If I can do it, you can do it too."
"You wanna make sure that it's going towards the financial priorities that matter most in your life."
"It is a no-brainer and I just love this extension for saving money."
"Nearly always start my builds around my CPU and GPU because apart from being the most expensive components and therefore taking up most of my budget, they also dramatically narrow down the other parts that I might select."
"Accommodations are a classic example of how spending less can actually give you a richer experience."
"Subscription plan that fits your budget utilizing unlimited downloads of demand-driven and diverse content."
"A spending freeze is a great way to reset your finances or do a financial detox."
"A hundred dollars a month? So we're talking about $1200 a year."
"Your budgeting and financial journey is a long one, and small rewards as you go along can make all the difference in your motivation."
"Your total income minus your expenses should equal zero."
"Reassess your spending and financial habits."
"Budgeting is just a plan. It doesn't mean you have to quit spending altogether, it just means you're prioritizing some financial goals over others."
"I saved a bucket load of cash on my latest gaming pc. Just incredible savings!"
"My frugality has been a blessing. It's the reason I've been able to get here, but it's also been one of the things that has stunted growth."
"I bought as much frozen fish as I possibly could... it's healthy, it's nutritious, it's genius."
"Developing a budget means developing self-control."
"Three thousand dollars, I think we'll be fine."
"Every single dollar counts and I know that's easier said than done but I did it and it is doable."
"Write down everything that you spend your money on. Put it in a few categories."
"How can you actually create a Facebook ad that's guaranteed to win the auction? First off, if you don't have much budget, I've actually made a video showing you how you can create your own Facebook ads."