
Proactivity Quotes

There are 3297 quotes

"It's always good to catch things early, financially."
"The only truth right now is that I don't know what's gonna happen, but there are measures I can take to take control of my health as best as I can."
"What are you doing with your life, man? Why are you sitting around waiting for something to happen? It ain't going to happen like that."
"You're taking accountability for your success because you know that if you sit there and do nothing, nothing's going to happen."
"Don't drive yourself crazy waiting around for something. If you want something bad enough, make it happen."
"If you're going to complain, I might as well be part of the solution, not the problem."
"Being proactive means you want to be in the driver's seat of your own life."
"You have to be more proactive. You don't have to be obsessive about it, but you better be prepared."
"Taking responsibility means looking for solutions, not just pointing out problems."
"Design life. Don't live life and let life happen to you."
"Rule number 22: Stop waiting for permission."
"If you feel like something needs to be addressed, do not wait for somebody else to address it; address it yourself."
"Always look for something you can make better."
"Internships absolutely a hundred percent do it now."
"I didn't wait for a ship to come in; I built it."
"Noah didn't wait for his boat to come in; he built it."
"The fourth purpose of life is to feel alive every day, to live proactively, to not have a single day where you're just going through some boring motions."
"A stitch in time saves nine. Those who are prepared will not fail."
"You can let life pass you by, as they say, you can let life happen to you, or you can happen to life."
"I want to be happening to life and not life just happening to me."
"Idle hands do the devil's work. Get out there, get busy, make more money, go to the gym, take care of yourself."
"Research shows that this ability to seize the moment makes you 3 times more likely to achieve your goals."
"It's better to be proactive and do something about it as young as possible rather than just pretend there's no problem."
"The sweet spot is having enough proactivity to open the door to possibility in your love life but enough pride to notice when someone is not meeting you there."
"Don't wait for opportunities to come; get up and make them."
"Often our tendency as human beings is to sit back and wait for things to happen to us...I love the Magi because...they're on one extreme of people who are very proactive, very engaged of their own free will and choice to seek Jesus."
"If you want some level of a high-quality relationship in your life, you have to take some action in some capacity."
"You got to be proactive about your healthcare; you can't just accept anything that you hear from these doctors."
"You miss a hundred percent of the shots you never take."
"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
"Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life."
"The truth about life is some create it and some merely react to it. You hold the pen."
"The world does not dictate; it reacts. It becomes what we decide it will be."
"Creating the opportunity rather than waiting for it."
"It's imperative that you plant the seeds at least, okay, because if you don't plant the damn seeds, it's never gonna grow."
"Life gets harder as you age... the worst thing you can do is by not improving and being proactive."
"Proactive people are automatically reactive, but reactive people are not automatically proactive."
"Proactivity means that you take initiative, you take steps, you do things, you make plans, you prepare, and you think of others."
"All else being equal, always err on the side of action, proactivity, and massive new experience."
"Proactivity means thinking ahead of time. What bit of proactivity don't they understand?"
"I want to be proactive; I want to be optimistic about the future. I don't want to lament the past; I want to build the future."
"The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create."
"Prioritize your emotional health. Pay attention, make it important, be proactive about it."
"Avoid becoming a person who always finds excuses. Instead, find solutions and make things happen."
"'Heaven helps them that help themselves,' as Poor Richard says."
"I wanted to find as many ways to attack that cancer from as many angles as possible."
"Be proactive and not reactive... planning for all things and being diligent over a period of time."
"The sooner you plan the tree, the sooner you get to eat from it."
"We need to not rest on our laurels and we need to try to stay ahead of the curve because the challenges are not going to go away."
"I am a healer, exploring the building blocks that make us unique, discovering new threats before they happen."
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; the next best time is today."
"Being fast on them, being pre-approved, being ready to go, and seeing value where other people don't see it."
"It was better that I'm addressing it now head-on rather than years later."
"It's better to do something about a false alarm than to do nothing about a building on fire."
"You're not afraid of a challenge; you're the first person to make something happen."
"We can't be scared of the future; you have to shape the future otherwise the future will shape you."
"The importance behind this is that we're in a world where it's create or be created."
"Go get it; it's not just going to come to you."
"It's much more preferable to get the recruiter to come to you than for you to send out your application to them."
"I'm gonna take some action. I'm gonna do something for myself."
"We shouldn't spend so much time asking what we think will happen in the future as if we are just some sort of pathetic, passive bystanders, waiting for the future to happen to us. We're the ones creating this future, so we should be proactive about it."
"When you've been told that you're going to die at 16, it could affect you in multiple ways... or you can become like me, very proactive at trying to juice everything I can out of life."
"The worst thing you can do right now is nothing."
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it. That's a great saying, right? But for me, I want to get that instant success. I want to go quick."
"The squeaky wheel gets the oil and the quiet wheel doesn't get in."
"People who get a lot done tend to do things right away."
"Just ship things before you're ready." - Elizabeth
"Just do it, you know? There's no reason to ever wait on anything."
"Leaders don't wait for a new normal, they build it."
"We must take the battle to the enemy, disrupt his plans, and confront the worst threats before they emerge. If we wait for threats to fully materialize, we will have waited too long."
"The most important thing is just to force yourself to start the conversation. That's it. Just A, ask more questions, and B, just have the conversation. Force yourself to do it."
"The time elapsed in between when they have an idea to when they execute is very small."
"This is not the time to sit on the couch. Let's take the bull by the horns."
"If you wait around, someone else is gonna take it for you."
"Start before you're ready; you'll never feel ready."
"A key to success is to start before you're ready."
"Sometimes the wrong decision is better than no decision. Nothing gets done, right?"
"Ensuring the safety-enhancing parts of AI come earlier."
"Doing nothing is never a good idea because some people just sit around and do nothing for years waiting for something to magically happen."
"You're seeing opportunities before they happen."
"Just get it forehead. Don't complain and do something about it. It's a game, have fun."
"Willingness to move is a good sign that you are willing to make your life better."
"There's nothing like taking matters into your own hands."
"You have to have a backup. Don't procrastinate, don't delay."
"Opportunities are within arm's reach, seize them."
"Prepare yourself now, don't wait to the last minute."
"Be willing to take action. In a world of talkers, be a thinker and a doer."
"Proactively enjoying and stepping into tension."
"Make a decision before you have to make a decision."
"The best time to plant the tree is twenty years ago, the second best time is now."
"You're either on the offense or you're on the defense, right?"
"When there's an opportunity in life, you've got to grab them because you never know when the next one's coming around."
"Now if you want something to happen, make it happen."
"There's no right time, there's just time, and what you choose to do with it."
"Grateful people tend to be more interested in changing the status quo."
"The future belongs to those who prepare for it."
"Hopefully you have pushed back before you get to that hill, you've stopped the train before it gets to the bottom of the slippery slope."
"I would say start now... use what you have. Don't wait."
"Don't wait around for another freelancer to get that first discussion. Jump on that invite quick."
"Take action right away, prove to yourself it will work."
"A lot of opportunities are here but you have to grab them and create more."
"If you don't want that to happen... get off your freaking ass."
"Nothing in life happens unless you make it happen."
"Don't wait for things to happen, make them happen."
"If we're not creating, we're just chasing, we're just following, we're just reacting."
"We're not anti-anything, it's we have to be problack love, you know."
"Drastic times call for drastic measures. You gotta do what you gotta do."
"It helps to be the person who sets the narrative as opposed to someone who responds to the narrative."
"Knowing how to make healthy decisions and take healthy actions is of the utmost importance."
"Stay positive. Be proactive. Don't be a victim."
"Be proactive, make your own success. If you are in an area that doesn't have a great comedy venue, you make one."
"Create your own opportunities rather than waiting."
"Good things come to those who wait. This is distorting the merit of patience into an excuse to do nothing."
"Action now is the time for action, proactive action."
"The arc of time doesn't turn towards justice, you might have to do something, you know, you might have to actually get up and show a little bit more proactivity."
"Do the work now so it can be better for you later."
"Best time to plant the tree was 20 years ago the second best time is now."
"It's better to be prepared than not prepared."
"Proactively taking strategic heights was unprecedented for the Indian army."
"Waiting for things to happen will not work. Make your own way forward to put yourself in a position to win."
"I like that from Arsenal, that feels proactive, that feels clever."
"You have free will, focus way ahead of time."
"The greatest victory lies in defeating the enemy even before a war has begun."
"Don't just wait for something. You can actually make it happen, meet the person, work on it a little bit more."
"The greatest danger of all would be to do nothing."
"Be the solution, not another obstacle in your own way."
"If your opponent's just sitting there doing nothing... you need to do something or he's just going to win the cycle for free."
"How can you become a contributor to the future instead of a victim to it?"
"Super cool when people are on the ball. He got on the phone with his [ __ ] manufacturer right in front of us in our parking lot. Did everything. Got a meeting with them the very next week."
"Design your life proactively and say what you want."
"Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem."
"Imperfect action is better than waiting for the perfect plan."
"I had to pull myself out of that depression and start being proactive."
"The best way to start getting experience is don't wait for somebody to give you the opportunity."
"Time to stop waiting on someone else to save you."
"Conscious politics is bold, fearless, and proactive."
"I can usually tell if someone will succeed or fail by the questions they ask me and how proactive they are."
"If you're not making moves right now, you're gonna be on the short end of the stick."
"Victorious warriors win first, then go to war."
"If you have a great idea, don't just sit there with a great idea, guys, bring it into life."
"Take the action first, just take those first baby steps and keep going and don't give up."
"Stay present, be proactive, and try to bring happiness into every situation."
"Don’t waste time hoping for something to happen. Do your work and then put it out in the world and let the world take care of it."
"It is time to take action in your life. Stop waiting, thinking, or talking about it and take action now."
"Mercury is entering your seventh house, so you might become more proactive in personal relationships, chasing clients, and using communication skills."
"There's never a perfect time. You have to create the perfect time."
"For those of you who choose to take action, you will be successful."
"Identifying a need, speaking up, and then filling that need before anybody even realizes what's going on, it's a proactive sort of opportunity."
"Move first, be the first one. The other person, this can also represent someone that's very stoic."
"If you plan ahead you end up ahead, that's it."
"Just focus on what you can do... what can you do to change the situation."
"Every day in Africa, a lion wakes up. It's too late to be scared. It's time to kill."
"The best time to make friends is before you need them!"
"Better to ask for forgiveness than permission."
"You have to try, you have to put in the effort. If you sit back and are waiting for something magical to happen to you, you're going to be disappointed. You have to go out and seek out the magic."
"If you are the first to see the money, then you're going to be the first one to get the money."
"You don't really find great deals, you make great deals."
"Actions speak louder than words. This means that it's better to actually do something rather than just talk about it."
"Strike while the iron's hot, escalate, get to that first date asap."
"I sense that those among you who seek happiness, take charge of your destiny. Visit me."
"You don't succeed by being scared and waiting for it to unfold."
"Why wait for them to show up when you have it in you to become one of them?"
"You need proactive cards that are doing stuff rather than just accumulating value."
"Start before you're ready and if you start before you're ready there's gonna be no, there's gonna be no roadblock in front of you."
"You can put yourself in the hole, now it's a conversation to do it when you can go on ahead and do it early."
"We're not going to just sleepwalk into extinction."
"You might as well just do it right now so you guys don't forget because I'm telling you right now you might forget about the event."
"If you wait for somebody else to do it, it may never happen."
"When life gives you lemons, make something worth my time."
"Susan went out of her way to get feedback from the community."
"Nothing good is going to happen on accident."
"I am not pessimistic. I'm optimistic about the opportunity if we seize it."
"I've never really done well just sitting around. I want everything. If I want to do something, I just do it."
"You try to get all these things yourself, 'you have not because you ask not.'"
"The application process: Early bird gets the worm!"
"Don't wait for the stars to align, reach up and arrange them the way you want to. Take charge."
"If you don't take action, somebody else will."
"Don't put off whatever it is you're meant to do until the situation is optimal."
"Don't just sit there, do something about it."
"It's better to have tried it than to not have tried it at all."
"You have to dig the well before you're thirsty."
"Dig the well before you're thirsty, give without the expectation or attachment of getting anything in return, and do not keep score."
"If you can, you want to shoot the archers, not the arrows."
"I am the truth. I'm absolute. Don't talk about what I might be, I talk about what I'm about to do."
"Good investment opportunities almost always come when you're looking for them."
"The sooner you put the seed in the ground, the sooner you harvest."
"Make the changes now out of choice rather than when the herd makes the same choices out of necessity."
"Early bird gets the worm or in this case the freeway it is."
"Setting yourself up for success instead of failure."
"If you're not on top of your numbers, then your numbers are going to be on top of you."
"Provoke ideas. Don't wait for them to happen."
"I don't believe in luck. I don't really feel lucky. I feel rewarded for being proactive, positive, and putting the time in to get good."
"Culture is key... creating a safe space, a family environment."
"Adapt and be flexible... take action now, not wait and see."
"The best time to start was ten years ago the second best time is now."
"I'm not gonna sit here and just let things not happen."
"It's always better to get out there and fucking do something."
"Don't be afraid to approach a team and ask if there's anything you can do to help."
"Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant."
"Wow, confident go-getter! I don't know if I've seen this one. Tackles any challenge head-on."