
Financial Advice Quotes

There are 7957 quotes

"It's always good to catch things early, financially."
"When it comes to investing, most people recommend investing in diversified index funds like the S&P 500."
"The number one way to not have paper is to chase it."
"Start investing. It's one of my biggest regrets when I was younger."
"The best way to get rich quick is don't get rich quick."
"Stop wasting money on things you don't use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions."
"You can mess around with a lot of things, but not the taxman."
"When it comes to Medicare, you're not going to save any money by doing it yourself. The price is always the same whether you do it yourself or you use a broker or captive agent."
"The simplest way that you can start saving some money is just stop paying for the things that you're not using anymore."
"If you're looking for a good starting place with dividends, I would recommend looking at the list of dividend aristocrats."
"It's much better to have $1 million dollars in cash than have a net worth of $1 million on paper."
"Please be careful with your spending; it's very dangerous and can lead you down a very slippery slope very quickly."
"Minimize your liabilities and maximize your assets."
"Cancel all subscriptions, they don't matter, anything medical you have to take care of on a monthly basis?"
"Keep your household needs 50% or less of your income."
"Financial advice holds an extra level of responsibility because you're playing with people's lives."
"There is no shortcut. You have to consistently put money in every week or month."
"If you hear somebody saying like you can get rich overnight, it's probably a scam."
"Financial advice should be tailored to a person's unique financial situation."
"You all got student loans? Be honest, you do. Just go save some money and get some cash back."
"The secret secret to building wealth for regular people is not building the next Amazon, it is not finding the next hot stock before it pops, it's investing your money."
"Investing is the real secret to building wealth for regular people. It is not building the next Amazon, it is not finding the next hot stock before it pops, it's not winning the lottery."
"Increase your income to take advantage of the wealth transfer."
"I just really want to see you invest, I want to see you build, I want to see you do something good with your money."
"Your investments have to be greater than your car payment."
"Take a breath and relax because you do still have some juice in your numbers."
"Don't put your family into a crisis just to become a homeowner. But also, don't say home ownership's out of reach in Billings, Montana. It's not."
"Call the wambulance, take six jobs, build up your down payment, or lower your price point that you're looking at, and quit looking at houses you can't afford."
"They are skilled staff of negotiators; they know how to get debt out of your life permanently without bankruptcy and without a loan."
"The last thing you want to do is buy something that might go up. You want to buy something that pays you every month."
"Don't lose money. That's rule number one. Rule number two: Don't forget rule number one."
"Putting your money in the S&P 500 and not touching it... 20 years from now, you'll have returned more money than the smartest people on Wall Street."
"Don't think you need a lot of money to start investing in long-term goals."
"Get yourself some [money], and to me, that's a smart message."
"You are not obligated to buy or pay for anything they offer in the finance office, no matter what they say."
"Here's the thing that happens with a rent payment: it goes up every 3 years. My mortgage payment doesn't. So over the course of a 30-year mortgage, I pay way less money on my primary residence than I ever would on rent. The difference is I own something."
"The way to get wealthy is to make others wealthy."
"If you have some important financial transactions to do, they go well."
"My mission is to help people get out of debt and build wealth so that they can have freedom and options."
"Not every single thing needs to be a home run. You can hit a third-base investment. It's still going to be really good."
"The more you save, and the more you invest, the more options you have."
"The key with investing is you should make money on the buy, not necessarily the sell."
"If you're not happy with your income, raise your standards. If you're not happy with your relationships, raise your standards."
"If you're spending that money on things that don't appreciate in value... then your money's going out but you're not building wealth."
"Every year you wait to invest is costing you thousands, sometimes tens of thousands of dollars."
"If you fix your credit and you buy real estate, you'll save a hundred G's in interest over the time you own the house just for changing your credit a little bit."
"The sooner you start, the better off you are because of compounding."
"Spontaneous purchases and retail therapy don't do it; just get real therapy."
"I would have saved close to $8,000 not buying this stupid stuff. So, learn from me, save your money."
"Every dollar you don't spend is another form of savings."
"Multiple streams of income is a necessity right now. One stream of income is too close to being broke."
"I know we're all going to make life-changing money in this bull market, but not everyone's going to keep their money."
"Invest all the money in yourself first. Every penny."
"There are very few financial advisors that are familiar with the concept of FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early)."
"The quickest way to get rich is either serving your way to success or paying your way to success."
"If you don't have a side hustle, if you don't have a small business, if you don't have a rental property, you ain't saving jack diddly."
"Credit card debt should not exist. If you're not paying it off every month, you've got a problem."
"For tips on how to avoid pump and dump stock manipulation schemes, check out this website."
"Remove your credit card information from those online sites...to reduce your impulse spending."
"Whatever money you have, a dollar, a hundred dollars, get it working for you."
"Don't spend things you can't afford. That's probably the best advice I can give."
"Don't save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving."
"We're buying great businesses at good prices, and if you aren't able to do that yet, then ETFs are a great way for you to get in."
"The average American is struggling with basic debt skills... Dave really is that ladder out of the debt dungeon."
"Financial opportunity cost is somebody else earning a rate of return on your money that you're not earning because you didn't put into a proper place."
"Stop listening to everybody telling you don't keep cash. You've got to have some; you have to have cash as a savings account for an emergency fund."
"Whatever you do, just prioritize: don't lose money."
"The most important part about building wealth is learning how to save money."
"Get rich slowly is how it's done for most of us."
"Every individual's financial situation is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution in personal finance."
"Find a job that you can make money while you sleep."
"If you're not saving money for one of these three reasons: for an emergency, for a big purchase, or for an investment, you are saving your money the wrong way."
"To achieve financial independence, you must save your money and live below your means."
"The money is there to live the perfect lifestyle that you've always wanted; you're just allocating your funds wrong."
"Put the money aside, invest your money, have an emergency fund, pay off your credit cards every month, don't have the debt."
"Compound interest is the number one phenomenon you need to be aware of when it comes to investing."
"If you start investing a hundred dollars a month when you're just 21 years old...you are going to retire with more than one million dollars."
"The secret to building wealth is investing your money."
"I want to teach people how to grow 'fuck you' money."
"I have heard, but don't know if it is true or not, that the SEC is investigating many of the influencers who claim to not be giving financial advice but then charge for investing or passive income courses where they then give out unlicensed financial advice to their course members."
"Time in the market is way more important than timing the market."
"Next time you buy something, ask yourself: Would you rather have that item, or would you rather have cash in your hand?"
"The real wealth is built through equity, not just through your salary."
"The earlier you invest, the more compound interest and exponential growth you will see."
"Warren Buffett says that if you can't find a way to make money while you sleep, you are going to work until you die."
"It's like getting your news from the news is like getting financial advice from broke people."
"There's concrete signs and concrete points at which you should be selling."
"If you don't invest, inflation's killing you anyways. You got to invest."
"You have to save your money and then invest it. It is the only shot you have at beating inflation."
"Buy an S&P 500 low-cost Index Fund, keep buying it through thick and thin, and especially through thin."
"Always do your own due diligence and never blindly listen to a random guy on YouTube."
"You need to make sure you have the right mindset when it comes to investing."
"Time in the markets beats timing the market."
"If you want to make money as a photographer, go where the money is. Find an industry to work for that's doing well, even if you're just paying your bills so you can do whatever it is you're passionate about."
"As we all know here at TFD, the longer you wait to start investing, the less time your money has to make money."
"Don't trust celebrities to guide your investment decisions."
"It's impossible to time the market, and day trading is market timing."
"Stop spending money on jewelry, clothes, designer for the next two or three years; it's not worth it."
"It's okay to buy Jordans, but make sure you also take $56 and buy a share of Nike."
"The truth is, it only takes two things to stop being broke: a good decision-making process and a lot of effort."
"Your stimulus check is not taxable; it's an advanced payment of a tax credit, and tax credits are not income."
"Pay attention. You do need to save for a rainy day."
"My legacy will be helping people get their finances right."
"You don't need to be waiting for a perfect amount to start investing; you need to just invest the money that you do have."
"Diversify. Don't put all your eggs in one basket."
"Own assets that cannot be counterfeited. Commodities, businesses, these are great options."
"Never say, 'I can't afford it.' Ask yourself, 'How can I afford it?'"
"We will do our best to help you keep calm and carry on as best you can with sound advice on how to protect your health and finances."
"Every asset that you own, hold for 10 years. All the gains are there."
"The way I see it, this $10,000 should not be the reason that you go and buy a home."
"Remember, building wealth is not about building income; building income is usually short-term."
"Buy used, use your extra cash to build wealth, and now when you have this wealth, go out and buy whatever car you want."
"The only time you are guaranteed to leave the arena in profit is if you sell when you're in profit."
"You just hold on DCA long term. You're going to make a lot of money. It's just that simple."
"If your broke friends are making fun of your financial plan, it means you got a good one."
"If we get close to 58 to 60k, that's where you buy with both hands."
"Never trust a group of unelected bureaucrats to tell you what your money's going to be worth."
"Cash is not safe. If you have inflation at seven percent... it's losing 7, 10, 15, 20% of its purchasing power every year."
"Live below your means, which would allow you to save the difference."
"Don't get too smart for your own good. Keep investing and saving."
"If you ever get in a situation where you can afford to pay off your mortgage, do that first amongst all things, because then nobody can take anything away from you. You have a house to live in, you can still work a bar job, you can do something, and your life is protected."
"One thing that I like to say is, when you have really high conviction stocks, keep putting money into them. It's really easy to get distracted and put some money here, some money there... But if you have really high conviction stocks, make sure your high conviction stocks are your biggest allocations."
"Take your stuff off the exchanges. Learn about self-custody."
"Warren Buffett has recently warned of the dangers as well, specifically calling out commercial real estate as a source for potential danger."
"Keep your hands out of your wallet or your purse."
"If you have money instead of being stingy and saving everything, maybe you should start to enjoy a little bit your life."
"If you're making $25,000 a year, $250,000 a year, or $2.5 million a year, it doesn't matter. Spend less than what you make."
"Your income is increasing. Manage your finances with love."
"Invest long term first. Put 70% of your money away until you're 30."
"Be patient, have money waiting, and get in at good prices."
"What if instead of having a car payment, your car payment was going to invest in you, that way you can become wealthy?"
"Everybody wants to time the market, but no one can time the market because you have to be right twice."
"The best tip to become a millionaire is learn a high-income skill."
"If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die."
"To take advantage of opportunities, you need three things: education, access to cash, and patience."
"Do you want a million followers, or do you want a million dollars? I know people with five, ten, fifteen million [followers], broke, can't even pay their bills. But 50,000 people paying you two dollars a month is a hundred grand a month, 1.2 million dollars a year."
"I don't want to pay interest on anything ever again. No, you want to be collecting that interest."
"If you're somebody's looking to buy in the next six to 12 months, you're going to want to focus on these value-driven cities."
"Your earned income is not going to make you rich... What you need to do if you want to become wealthy is you got to take some of this money aside and you got to start putting it towards your passive income."
"You have to learn how to manage money, 'cause if you can't manage a dime out of a dollar, you're not gonna manage $100,000 or $1 million if you don't first start and learn how to manage with a small amount of money."
"The best investment you can make is not in a stock or a mutual fund or real estate, it's in yourself."
"Aim for patient wealth, not get rich quick schemes."
"The only way to get passive income is to invest money that gets you passive income."
"The best and highest paying sources of passive income often require the most upfront work."
"Invest in yourself and your education; that's going to be way more productive than investing in any single piece of real estate."
"The two most important people in your life are a good CPA and a good insurance agent."
"Wealth is built through owning assets, it's not built through having a big income."
"One of the best investments that you can make is in yourself."
"You have to have diversity, not just in investments but in income sources as well."
"You cannot save your way to wealth; you have to invest your money."
"If you gave me $3,760 and I promised you a $65,000 savings, would you do it?"
"The best money in the market is made by investing over the long term."
"Compounding is the key to financial success, life success. Everything that we're doing is all about compounding."
"In this economic climate, pretty sketchy out there, you need to be cutting your monthly expenses because you just don't know what's about to happen next."
"There's no reason why you should be spending your money when you don't have to be spending your money, and you get the same exact coverage."
"Money doesn't grow on trees. Save your money; it'll save you."
"You have to understand the concept of debt because we live in this consumer culture."
"Buy vehicles that total up to be less than half your annual income if you want to be wealthy."
"If you want to earn more money, you have to create more value. Who do you create value for? You create value for customers."
"You don't want to do anything that requires you to invest money and you don't want to get into debt. Trust me, making these mistakes is deadly."
"Investing is not that complicated, and when you sit down with someone that actually knows what they're doing, they can help you put the cookies on the shelf where you can reach them."
"If you're young and you have a long time before you need the money, you're getting the market on sale. You should get excited."
"It's the countdown to inauguration day, which is a great time to pull some of those earnings out of the stock market and solidify those savings through diversification."
"Make sure you're doing the same thing that other people are doing that are making money."
"You should never tell a car dealer that you are paying cash, especially during the sales process and especially during the negotiation process."
"Create solutions for other people's problems... trade your solution for some of their money."
"Here's a secret: If you want to be rich, go hang out with rich people."
"If you want to build your financial house, the first thing you've got to build it on is solid ground, based on principles and values."
"There's a lot of degrees that you get that you don't need. If you want to learn about that stuff, go read about it. Don't pay $200,000 and go into debt to learn about something that has no skill set."
"If you could borrow $1 billion 0% interest for 10 years, would you do it? No... It's not worth it. I don't borrow money."
"Only invest what you can comfortably afford to lose."
"The message I really want to get out there is that... wealth generation, wealth accumulation, and wealth preservation... it's really a life cycle."
"You really can't go wrong with just dollar cost averaging and buying for the long term."
"Live below your means. Put away as much as you can because that is taking care of your future self."
"I'm really fortunate to have been able to hit 100k net worth pretty quickly in life, and I wanted to share with you a very practical step-by-step guide to hitting 100k net worth starting from zero."
"The best way to build up a nest egg for retirement is to start saving early."
"The easiest way to drop your expenses: living well below your means."
"The most important thing is just to have insurance."
"Don't overcomplicate it. Stick with this simple plan: don't use leverage, dollar-cost average, think about it as a five to ten year investment, and your probability of success is going to be extremely high."
"Trust me when I say that anyone at any age can absolutely create passive income."
"Respect your account, whether you have $50 to your name or $50 million."
"Money management is everything. If you can't get your money right, you'll never be successful."
"Saving money is really about dozens of small choices that you make every single week that add up to saving major amounts of money."
"If they listen to me, they're gonna drop half their gold. I've been saying 10 percent of gold since 1983, and now I say five percent of gold, five percent Bitcoin."
"Whenever things have gone this well for me, usually there's a correction around the bend. I do want to warn investors that, you know, in the investment world, it's not just straight up and to the right."
"Try to save money while you can, even if it's a small amount."
"Always follow the 'pay myself first' rule, which was to put 30% or more, if you can, of what you earn into savings, then figure out how to pay your bills."
"Budgeting experts advise Americans to spend just 50% of their net income on essentials, 30% on wants, and 20% on savings or paying off debt."
"The best way to save money is to not spend it in the first place."
"The best way to give yourself a pay raise is to spend less money."
"Focus on base hits day after day after day. Five percent a day, ten percent a day on each trade is much more obtainable than trying to swing for home runs."
"Prove profitability in a simulator before you trade with real money."
"'If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as of getting.'"
"I'm not going to lie, I've never done this before, but it's time to make you guys some money."
"If saving is extremely hard for you... work on reducing debt first."
"These tips will help anyone to start saving in 2021, regardless of your income, age, job."
"If you can't pay the cash, then you're out with the trash. Some words of wisdom from Arlong the Sawtooth Shark Fishman."
"We all know how important it is to save money where you can, especially in this economy."
"The advice is simple, but when you tell somebody, 'Hey, dummy, spend less than you make,' everybody goes, 'I know, I know,' but you don't do it."
"It's basically financially insane to buy anything except an electric car that is upgradeable to autonomy."