
Self-healing Quotes

There are 713 quotes

"The body is really good at healing itself; we just need to give it a chance. It knows what to do."
"It's not only understanding your skin, it's understanding your body. We live in this magnificent human body that heals itself, regenerates, repairs itself, fights cancer, bacteria, and viruses. It does amazing things."
"The way to heal yourself is to rewrite your brain like you did with your body in a gym."
"Self-healing is the starting point for personal development and self-discovery."
"Being honest with yourself is a key first step to healing and having a feeling or an experience within you doesn't make you disloyal."
"You've got to heal from your past. There's no way around it."
"Your healing is not anybody else's responsibility but your own."
"The key to all self-healing is self-love. It is connecting to our heart center."
"The one who broke you cannot heal you. You have to heal you."
"You are not going to find the healing outside of yourself."
"Heal yourself first with your powerful abilities to do so, and then you'll be on your way to transmitting your heart."
"When we forgive, ladies and gentlemen, it's not for the other person; oh no, it is for you."
"This is the healing of the inner child. This is true happiness."
"You don't owe your forgiveness to anyone; it's a personal process."
"The truth is that the only way to help someone is to make them aware of their own power and ability to heal themselves."
"You can cure yourself of anxiety. I don't say that lightly."
"He repeated four phrases repeatedly to himself with feeling and belief: I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you."
"Your feelings are not about changing the rest of the world so that you feel better. Your feelings are an indicator to you to observe and heal yourself."
"People can make mistakes... forgiveness is more so for ourselves than the other person. It allows us to move on from hurt."
"Is it possible to heal ourselves with our thoughts and with meditation alone? I think my belief... has changed dramatically in the last two years. I'm not the same person because of the things that I've witnessed."
"Self-heal, self-heal, self-heal. We are our own medicine. Heal thyself."
"Nobody can heal you. Nobody can change how you talk to yourself. This is an inside job."
"No one can ever meet the unmet needs left by our parents except ourselves in our inner reserves."
"The body has a profound ability to heal itself, given the right conditions."
"The body begins to heal itself, it begins to undo these consequences of dietary excess. It's really quite remarkable."
"The person who's going to heal us is ourselves."
"Every individual is responsible for healing himself or herself."
"You're never required to forgive anybody, but at the very least you deserve to forgive yourself."
"Stop using weak words and get it done. Do you want to heal yourself? Tell yourself, 'I'm gonna heal myself. This is easy.'"
"When you fast, you're actually allowing your body to heal itself."
"Your body, the DNA, it knows how to protect itself, so it fixes itself, rebuilds itself, caps itself off at the telomeres."
"You have the power to heal yourself; you can because you have power over your body."
"If we had full control of our subconscious, we could heal our bodies and get more energy without having to sleep."
"Your body is self-healing and self-regulating."
"Everybody has a self-healing mechanism inside their body. That's what's not being taught."
"Healing yourself and teaching others to do the same is the most congruent path of life."
"Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself."
"It is what you say within yourself that heals you."
"The human body is designed to heal itself, and it will heal itself if you give it the right conditions."
"I believe that put in the proper environment, the body can heal itself."
"You are the healer of your own life, and when you can heal yourself, you heal others around you."
"Educating yourself about the narcissist...is an important part of the early stages of the self-healing process; you just don't want to get stuck there."
"Forgiveness isn't for the person you're forgiving; it's for yourself."
"I've gained the courage to look within and heal."
"I see a lot of abundance coming to you, but you have to... all healing starts with you."
"Remembering ourselves is to begin to do some of the practices... like humming for me is the way that I actually work with all of the historical energy."
"You start to heal yourself by facing your fears right your fear there's nothing but your something that's deep bury that you don't want to deal with."
"The mind is the biggest and most powerful pharmacy in the world."
"The human body is a miraculous machine that has been created to heal itself."
"If the human mind is powerful enough to make yourself sick, it's also powerful enough to heal you."
"You healing is called being empowered, not disempowered."
"The body is self-healing and self-regulating."
"It's time... it's time to heal yourself girl you heard the voice inside and it's true and it's right you have good judgment."
"My body is powerful and knows how to heal itself... I welcome healthy and happy energy."
"Falling in love with yourself transmutes into healing."
"Forgiveness, we don't forgive for the other people's sake, we forgive for our own sake because first we don't wanna hold on to the pain, it keeps hurting us."
"The power lies within no doctor can save you no healer can heal you they can help you they can guide you but we have to be the ones that tap into our infinite potential of self-healing."
"In order to truly heal relationships with anybody, you've got to heal the relationship with yourself first."
"You're meant to have a very strong purpose of guiding others by healing yourself."
"We have the power to heal ourselves; all the answers are within."
"Can human beings actually cure themselves? Yeah, absolutely."
"Every time you heal someone else, you heal yourself as well."
"You don't have to heroically heal from everything, you just need to accept it and understand yourself."
"What happened to you in your past was not your fault."
"Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well."
"Take the time you need to forgive yourself and others so that you can embrace the future with joy."
"Your body is a miraculous self-healing machine when fed ideally and optimally."
"This is also about healing wounds revolving around how you think and how you speak to yourself, how you communicate with yourself."
"You can heal your responses when you feel triggered... it starts by learning to notice and calm those triggers."
"It's all about self-empowerment and self-healing."
"Your body has the ability to heal itself. That's how nature designed it."
"Heal anywhere where you might feel like this is just gonna work."
"To heal the world, we must start with healing ourselves. The center of your world is where you are."
"Forgiveness is for you because it really does ultimately free you at the end of the day."
"Take back your power and reclaim your divine sovereignty. Heal what you need to heal, move forward, leave relationships if you need to leave them, move forward, and just keep moving forward."
"Do a meditation on the solar eclipse to go within and see where you can heal your life."
"The self-healing journey is... the most selfless thing that you can do."
"Within each of us is our greatest ally for healing... we have an indwelling spirit that knows the quality of our choices and is ever-present to help us."
"If someone has to want to heal themselves, if they don't want to heal, then it's virtually impossible to help another."
"Psychedelics should be accessible for self-healing, not just through medicalization or religious freedom."
"Because you're healing, you're actually getting very in touch with your psychic gifts."
"Only you can give yourself that closure that you're seeking from this person."
"We have a lot more ability to heal ourselves than we're led to believe."
"Heal and love yourself; forgive our mutual flaws."
"The best kind of solution is for you to be so damn healed that you're not attracted to those kinds of people who bring you the mess in the first place."
"Some of you just need to reach out to the past person and get the closure if you can't find that closure in your own heart."
"As you get these as you get this knowledge of what was going on in your childhood use this to understand, to forgive and to really heal yourself and to love yourself."
"You have the power to heal yourself and change your life for the better."
"This is about healing our relationship with ourselves."
"You have everything you need to heal yourself."
"It's about you and your own healing process."
"No matter what wrong has been done to you, no matter how mean you think somebody did you, at the end of the day, it's on you to heal yourself."
"You deserve to be free of the cruelty of the past, it's your birthright to not have to carry this around."
"The body is designed to heal itself if you give it the right conditions."
"That's what we can do. And our potential is our own healing journey."
"Imagine any energy inside of your body that is stale or stagnant leaving."
"If you put in a program that 'I am healthy' and at that moment I am sick with cancer, what do you think the function of my mind is?"
"One of the biggest parts of the healing journey is to form a relationship with yourself."
"You have to heal yourself and do the work to change so that you can be the happy, fulfilled person that you were born to be."
"Healing yourself lets you let go of lower vibrational states and raise your vibration."
"We have the ability to heal within us all along."
"The most powerful healer in truth is yourself. It's time to look within and access your own healing medicine."
"We're a world of forgiveness... you've got to be that first."
"It is in healing yourself that you heal the world."
"Mending the fractured heart so when we mend our own heart fractures which is really accelerated on the planet right now we get to be an ambassador of that for others too."
"Be the energy and actually visualize yourself going back and holding yourself as that two-year-old that felt like nobody cared about you."
"It activates your body's own healing mechanisms."
"Your body wants to heal itself. You are not meant to be sick all the time."
"If you want to heal the world, you have to heal yourself."
"You have absolutely everything you need to heal and thrive and have a fulfilling life."
"Release and heal the past; experience more love in your present moment."
"By communicating and being honest about what it is that you want and what it is that you seek, that is going to free you up from any delays, any hurt, any trauma, or any pain."
"Give your body the opportunity to heal, and it will heal."
"Once we heal from within, we're going to become extraordinary human beings."
"July 30th, a time for grounding, healing, and recognition of your own power."
"I will not bring my baggage to anyone's son. That is why I took my time to heal."
"You know, your father's a god, right? He can heal himself on command."
"If you want to heal yourself, you have to reveal yourself to yourself. That's the beginning process."
"I'm relieved that I'm not boxed in and handicapped myself trying to heal myself all these years in a vegan paradigm."
"A good healer will not heal you, they will give you the tools to learn how to heal yourself."
"You will come into this awareness and knowingness and it will bring you much better relationships and a healing in your own life."
"Personally, I loved this class. Very empowering and a great reminder that self-healing is possible."
"Just continue working on healing yourself and feeling happy on your own, staying open to other options."
"The first degree connects the student to the universal life force and gives them the tools to heal themselves, their family, and others."
"The body is fascinating in that it can heal itself within reason when given the opportunity."
"You are not broken, trust the process. It's safe to soften. Oh my god."
"It is possible to heal yourself, to be more patient, more forgiving, and more compassionate."
"Great clarity and healing energy are brewing inside of you."
"Healing yourself, not just going around relieving everybody's pain."
"I have to do this, I believe in the power of the body to heal itself."
"The person who hurt you is not going to come back and fix you. Healing comes from Jesus and our intentionality."
"Show up as your more healed self. Let people see how you walk and move as a more healed version of yourself. Let them see how you're modeling how you show up."
"The body knows how to fix itself. The body wants to fix itself."
"Ultimately, it's going to be you that heals yourself."
"Inner child work is essential. Embrace your inner child for personal growth."
"Choose to forgive, not for the other people but for yourself."
"Be a force for love. That's a way to simultaneously be healing yourself and leverage the fact that maybe not everything in your life's been perfect." - "Force of love... wow, that's so cool."
"Start with healing yourself, forgiving and releasing blockages from your heart."
"One of the greatest gifts is realizing the power we have to bring wholeness and healing into our own lives."
"Stand in your power, because you're the healer here."
"You're meant to break free from old emotional connections."
"Don't be afraid of someone breaking your heart, but be more concerned as to how you can heal yourself."
"The body has an innate ability to heal itself as long as you act like a detective."
"Our bodies are literally designed to heal themselves."
"Forgiveness is really not about the offender; it's about you."
"Forgiveness is really a gift you give yourself."
"Healing those sides of yourself, being authentic, speaking truth, and ascending to the next level."
"The body heals itself; you don't need medicines and chemotherapy."
"We have to forgive ourselves for loving people who didn't love us back."
"You're aligning yourself with your center. Healing yourself and moving forward with hope."
"It's not a warning of negative circumstances to come instead it is the opportunity to let go, to heal, and to forgive."
"Forgiveness is for you. Forgiveness is for you and I."
"Recovery from narcissistic abuse is imperative to put yourself and your life back together."
"Healing from within, finding answers to move forward."
"Surrender the idea that you can fix someone."
"Each person must be accountable for his or her own healing."
"Am I willing to do the work to heal it, no matter what the other person does?"
"Forgive yourself and others to open the gates to abundance and fulfillment."
"Let me heal myself, and then I want to go to you."
"Healing Birthright to be able to help ourselves in most cases help our family members and our loved ones."
"Embrace your emotional and physical self... heal yourself from doubt and restriction."
"Nobody can heal us but us, but we gotta shed some light on some of this sickness."
"Feel it, put your hands over your heart when you do that, and watch how your life begins to change."
"Forgiveness of others, allow yourself to receive and open the floodgates."
"You would be better off not calling for help but to look into your soul, look at who you are, and attempt some healing with yourself."
"That inner child part of you that's taking control and that inner part of you is not really convinced and can't see it fully that what this behavior is doing is not helpful for you anymore."
"Hold on to hope... It's about your ability to heal yourself from within." - Amy
"You can heal yourself relatively quickly if you apply the right conditioning and steps."
"I am forgiving. I forgive myself. I forgive others. I forgive the world for all this craziness that I see and hear about all day."
"I Choose Healing, I Choose Healing. Healing Will Find You."
"We all are able to cure ourselves from various ailments."
"Healing doesn't come from things outside of yourself. It comes from things you can change."
"I am willing to release the pattern within me that is creating this condition."
"This is about balance, balancing yourself out, coming out of sadness and isolation through healing."
"This gives you a 20% chance to heal yourself on hit and this is what makes it so that while we attack enemies we are at the same time surviving them very easily."
"The ability to heal yourself feels so fantastic."
"Only you can heal yourself and create your own happiness."
"Recognize your power to heal through the clear and loving energies."
"Overall DMZ I was pleasantly surprised I did not think I was going to enjoy it but I did."
"The best healers are those who heal themselves."
"Forgiveness is the key to taking back your personal power."
"We provide the body with the stuff it needs to fix itself and when it fixes itself you're going to be out of pain." - Peter Glidden
"Our mission is to help educate people to let them know that they have the power to heal themselves within their own body."
"Invest in spiritual healing for inner peace."
"It's time to really focus on healing inside of you and focus on forgiving and sorting through your emotions before you worry about what somebody else is thinking."
"Self-love heals deeply, unlocking your romantic and healing sides."
"Your body is so amazing and it knows exactly what it needs."
"Forgiveness is not about the other person who has hurt you but it is only about you."
"The body can heal itself. It can do so because it has a healing system."
"Nothing is more commendable or brave than picking up your own pieces and putting yourself back together again."
"Speak positively over your life and situation to heal yourself."
"Let the wall fall that separates me from my own vulnerable inner child. I long to take care of myself like never before."
"It's not the technology that's healing you, it's the technology that's creating an environment for you to heal yourself."
"It's time to release something from your energy."
"This is about bringing you into the present moment as a more fully healed evolved self-compassionate being who can travel forth with higher levels of self-acceptance self-love self-compassion that you're truly owning."
"You've got to take the risk and take the chance and take the plunge on yourself and heal yourself from the inside out, re-establish your relationship with yourself, fall in love with yourself."
"To forgive themselves and absolve themselves of all of it and move on and have and make peace with yourself and then those things won't even be an issue anymore."
"Learn to heal yourself and have compassion for others."
"You healed yourself so that you could realize that you're worthy of receiving."
"The heart of healing the self is the continual and persistent attempt to speak to yourself with the voice of love."