
Body Quotes

There are 1707 quotes

"The body is really good at healing itself; we just need to give it a chance. It knows what to do."
"The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around."
"If you want to know what your experiences were in the past, look at your body now. If you want to know what your body will look like in the future, look at all the experiences you're having now."
"I am not the body, the body is not mine. I am not the mind, the mind is not mine."
"You're only given one body, so take care of it."
"The Upanishad says the self is the passenger and the body is the chariot."
"All symptoms of life are from the soul; the body is the vehicle."
"Your body is a wellness producing machine. You are doing wellness."
"I control my body in all the shapes, all the positions as I want. It feels awesome. It's like having a superpower."
"Your body is but a vessel; it doesn't decide who you are as a person."
"The body is like the garage where the soul is parked."
"Your brain is always regulating your body, and your body is always sending sensory signals back to the brain."
"The body is a vehicle, consciousness the driver, yoga is the path, and the chakras are the map."
"Your knee joint is the biggest joint in your body and it's really a remarkable structure."
"The shape of the body is defined by the shape of the soul."
"The distribution of fat is also genetically determined, which is why it's almost unanimously agreed that you can't perform spot reduction to remove fat from a certain region."
"There's a natural, essential affinity between one's body, one's memories, and one's identity."
"There's an innate inborn intelligence in the body."
"My body and my mind should take instructions from me, only then it's a useful instrument. If it's start doing its own things, then it's a nuisance."
"Your body has the ability to heal itself. That's how nature designed it."
"The body is designed to heal itself if you give it the right conditions."
"Your body and brain are not sending those signals because they're out to get you."
"Give your body the opportunity to heal, and it will heal."
"We've been gifted this incredible body to do these incredible things."
"The body does not really grow old, it is being perpetually renewed."
"The body is fascinating in that it can heal itself within reason when given the opportunity."
"Self-expression through your body is really important."
"God has given us our bodies as our homes as our vessels."
"Flesh is a weakness and becomes disgusting to them, like a soiled jacket draped over them."
"The body knows how to fix itself. The body wants to fix itself."
"Your mind stays the same, even as your body changes."
"Almost every cell in the body is replicated in a seven-year period of time so the tattoos people have are actually older than the body that they inhabit."
"Each zodiac sign kinda is associated with a different part of your body, so Aries, you rule the head."
"Your body is sacred, it is a temple, especially for those of you who have a great purpose."
"The heart, the most important muscle in the body."
"Our bodies are literally designed to heal themselves."
"It's like putting your body back to its original factory settings."
"Your body is like, 'Well, gosh, I need energy.'"
"It's amazing how your body just heals itself."
"The body horror here is insanely disturbing."
"We need to rethink how we think about the body."
"You only get one body so you might as well take care of it to the best of your ability."
"Everything in the body is a form of vibration."
"Your body is a holy place and it has a heavenly purpose."
"The body is all one living organism, it all works together."
"It's not the extraordinary use of one's body like with organ donation... it is the ordinary use of the body ordered towards sustaining a human being."
"You know your body better than anyone else."
"When you look at your body's metabolism, you effectively have two sources of fuel."
"Your body is housing your soul and that is good enough."
"I know that my body is a manifestation of pure spirit, and the spirit is perfect; therefore, my body is perfect also."
"The body is a temple; it must be respected, revered, and cared for as such."
"the body is a form of a prison and that your mind and yourself is trapped inside of it"
"If God didn't want me to get all these tattoos, why'd he give me all this skin?"
"In alternative mental health, we understand that the body is never against you... anything that takes place in your body is in fact for you... pain is really pointing to something that is deeper."
"Your eyes are adaptive organs, just like your muscles, just like your metabolism, just like everything about you."
"I get to feel absolute freedom in my body."
"Our bodies are temples, sanctuaries of a divine power."
"Our body is a living house of a living God; it is a place of worship."
"The moment you took your first breath in this life, that's how long your body has been with you. Your body remembers things that you don't remember."
"The body cannot live without the mind."
"To change is actually to be greater than your body, to be greater than your environment, and to be greater than time."
"The way the body heals is incredible."
"We have eternity to know your flesh."
"The body has an amazing ability to repair and heal if you just feed it right."
"Our body is a temple for God to abide in."
"Your body's alive, it's electric, it's electrified, there's volts of energy going on right now in your body that's how it communicates."
"You are given the privilege of one body to host your spirit per lifetime, and maintaining that body is important for your longevity."
"Our physical home body is a microcosm to the macrocosm that is Earth."
"Our body is already hardwired to stay healthy and to reverse disease every single day."
"The body is only as strong as the mind."
"Your body is super impressive in how quickly it can adapt to its environment."
"You are going to be so comfortable in your body."
"Pregnancy has made me just in awe of bodies."
"I will always honor my body's hunger and cravings."
"Our nervous system... basically operates all parts of our body."
"Your body is wise beyond years, you hold genetic imprints and information from your ancestors."
"Your body is a series of muscles that are stacked on top of each other in layers."
"I want to be able to use them and feel that they have a function for my body."
"It is your body, yours to give freedom."
"We all have our body and we're all given a genetic makeup that we must work with."
"Our bodies are ecosystems unto themselves."
"You can create really nice heat by twisting in your whole body, and heat means healing."
"God gave us an opportunity to have an experience and gave us this body as a vessel to come on Earth for a short period of time."
"Nourishing your body isn't actually about how your body looks."
"Your body is screaming at you: listen, listen."
"I've never changed my body for a role, but during quarantine, I did change my body into roles."
"It's giving the body those signals; it's helping the body to do something."
"My body is the most mind-boggling thing I'll ever own in my whole life."
"This subtle shift is actually a big shift to the body in the nervous system."
"My body is a wellness-making machine."
"My body does wellness, always wellness, my body is a wellness-making machine."
"Your body wants to go there; that's your harmonious set point."
"Living more in our body, staying attuned to our body, noticing its instincts."
"For our purposes, I think it doesn't really matter. If you want to say souls have a location, where are they located? They're located more or less where my body is. At least, as long as my body's working."
"The more consciousness you direct into the inner body, the higher its vibrational frequency becomes."
"It felt like my body wasn't mine, so removing a piece of it was no big deal really."
"Shift your concept of the body... it's not a physical object, it's a field of awareness."
"We have this human body and it's designed to keep us safe, and within it, we have this amazing soul."
"Inhabiting the body protects you not by putting up a shield, but by raising the frequency vibration of your total energy field."
"Your feet are the foundation of your entire body; they're carrying you around all day long."
"Your body knows how to heal. Trust your body."
"The body tells the truth, and that's the way that I feel very comfortably."
"My body hasn't changed very much, if anything people say I look better."
"Our body is meant to rejuvenate itself."
"Remember, you are body, mind, soul."
"Use it or lose it applies to every system in the human body."
"Our bodies are such incredible machines."
"It's not about the body, it's about the friendship we made along the way."
"Every organ system in the body is affected by menopause."
"I think that it's written in our body I mean our body is like a biospiritual ecological system that's a micro Earth."
"If the feet had a six-pack, I think people would take training them more seriously."
"You put ribs in the oven at 200 degrees for four hours and they're fall off the bone. Your body is on your skeleton at 98.6 degrees for 70 years and nothing."
"You are a spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body."
"Your body is like a Wonderland to them."
"Whatever I do, I don't know, whatever my body decides to do for the day, yeah."
"I found a hair on my nose... I can't even say this... I found a hair on my nose like it's coming out of here, you know what I'm saying? Like that is... I'm sprouting little whiskers from my nose, not my nostrils, my nose."
"We are defined by our minds, not by our bodies."
"Your body is dead for all intents and purposes."
"Your proprioception is your body placement in space."
"There is a map of my body in Genesis 2 and that if my God can do that he will be able to do this other thing."
"It's almost like let me do yep nipple check there we are I went from being a little bit warm to hard nipples in about four seconds."
"I haven't flexed my back in so long."
"Your body goes through so many changes as you get older."
"This person thinks you have a nice body."
"Change your body, change your life. Everything's coming for you now, and it starts right now."
"...we need therapies that treat the whole body...and induce an orchestra of favorable changes."
"Your body and brain will prioritize monitoring your spine above all other areas."
"Your body at its core wants to keep you alive. Your body is not fighting you; your body is trying to keep you alive."
"Your body knows your body keeps track your body keeps score."
"The body is a self-healing machine."
"We want more muscle mass and less body fat."
"The body and the Soul are intrinsically linked in the world of One Piece."
"Your extremities are more sensitive to pain compared to the rest of your body."
"You have to evaluate the gravity... to engage with the very subtle forces within the fascia."
"Engaging with the body with its own inherent wisdom so the body can heal."
"Fascia is much more than just connective tissue; it's a remarkable and highly significant component of our bodies."
"The soul of man seems to dwell in the fascia of the body."
"Fascia forms an unbroken network throughout the body, enveloping every structure."
"You're the best person that's most knowledgeable about yourself, your body, and honor that in all the ways."
"We really are what we eat, treating your body as a temple."
"Your body is supposed to be a slave of the life that you carry."
"My ribs... I think I've given myself pots. Like, my ribs... I'm in pain, though. It's, like, standing up. Your body, so it's so... Look at Annie. Annie, take that sweater off for one second. Annie's body is... bodied. Dude, working very... Harding. Amazing."
"Every little inch of your body being weaponized against your entire community."
"Our bodies and our minds need variety. Sleep is rest for your body, but in the evening, you need to think about rest for your mind as well."
"I literally give so many options and examples of poses that you can start with if you have absolutely no idea what to do with your body in your hands."
"That's why it's morally wrong because we're taking someone else's body, someone else's life."
"Using our own body to heal ourselves."
"The body's feedback helps us to help the body heal."
"Possessions really are part of the body."
"My body's just a suitcase for my soul."
"That's one way to preserve the body."
"...the Celts, provided excellent protection for the body..."
"The Ancients regarded the body with great reverence, considering it to be a proper symbol of the divine order and the Divine Harmony."
"Your body hears everything your mind says. Stay positive."
"The soul cannot break through into the body if this body is loaded with toxin."
"We have magnified our body and de-magnified our spirit."
"The body has its memories that reason cannot reason."
"When you choose with your will the spirit over the body, you become a spiritual being."
"You are the temple of God. Your body is the temple of the Spirit of God."
"Your body is receiving accurate messages from the Divine."
"We need faith in the body, not fear of all the things that could go wrong."
"My bum was a conduit, and it's been a conduit for a lot of things."
"Your body will do so many nice things for you if you do just one nice thing for your body."
"Everyone bloats like literally everyone."
"The body as a lab is responsible for the alchemical process."
"We live in a day when it's all about a woman's body or her face but not her soul or her character."
"You can live without a body, but there is no life without the soul."
"Whatever you believe about your body is going to be true about your body."
"There's nothing inside of your body that could actually kill you. Isn't it amazing? Scary is just energies inside of the body."
"Your body is the canvas on which experiences are painted. By treating it with respect and care, you create a foundation for a positive and fulfilling life."
"If you can get your mind strong, your body will follow."
"When I see your body, I see you. There is no seeing you apart from your body."
"Be patient with yourself, and your body."
"Your anxiety and your body is a lot like a smoke alarm. It doesn't really have a filter that says this is a dire emergency, your life is in danger."
"Thank you to Logan for volunteering his body, self, and life with riding and filming both."
"The vast majority of serotonin in your body is made in the gut lining, not in your brain."
"Well, that's exactly his point, is that the body has many parts that have many gifts and abilities. And even think about it in hospitality, I mean, just even cooking becomes a great gift to draw people in."
"Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, consecrated to God and sacred."
"Embrace the sacredness, view your body as the sacred garment of your inner self."
"You just have to push and try to make your bike flute over the stones and you just go instinct is part of the job is part of you and sometimes you have to leave a part tactics and listen to your body listen what to your to your instinct and go."
"The body's so objective that it does not know the difference between the real-life experience that's creating that emotion and the emotion that person is fabricating by thought alone."
"Your body be an alkaline, yes your body dude you just woke up from and from a deep sleep."
"The human body is nature. That's why a spirit or a plasma energy is within you."
"The body is the house and the soul is the tenant, and it's eternal."
"Most of my weight is just water weight."
"Your body is always working for you."
"My body's like stop, we can't handle anymore."
"Ketones have been found to benefit numerous aspects of the body."
"I guess that's fair to put personality over body, but I consider game as one."
"Autophagy allows our body's cleaning crews to remove damaged proteins."
"Thank you to your body. Thank the cells just like you would thank anybody else."
"just realize the fact that your body is a living being also think of the fact that she's separate from you"
"It's definitely a transition with your body and your nipples are going to go through that hard time in the beginning, but it does get better."
"Respect for the mind, respect for the body, respect for the ego, respect for your partner."
"Listen to your body that's a key through all of this."
"I don't love working out, but I love the way it makes my body feel."
"Knowing that my body can only heal when it feels safe."
"The purpose for which our bodies were made is exciting and simple."
"You need to emotionally connect yourself with yourself because some of you might have been disconnected with your body."
"It's not your body, therefore it's not your choice."