
Cause Quotes

There are 519 quotes

"Mitochondrial dysfunction ultimately is the cause of mental illness."
"You can't ask people for culture; you have to offer them a cause to join."
"Somebody's got to fight for it. Somebody has got to fight for it."
"This palette, you get to support a really great cause with this, and in my opinion, a fantastic creator."
"They had, through their devotion to a greater and unifying cause, established a lasting peace."
"How could we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give themselves up individually to a righteous cause?"
"The root cause of crime, of course strictly speaking, is the decision to commit it."
"The universe began to exist; therefore, the universe has a cause. What could be more simple?"
"Keeping God's word is the supreme cause of God's love for the disciple."
"Fighting for something is a worthwhile cause. Believing in something is a worthwhile cause."
"Join us in this fight because it's worth it."
"Recognize that's not just happened by accident, it happened because of a convergence of interest."
"We did it for the cause, man. We did it for the cause."
"I am going to take a stand for something bigger and beyond myself."
"Become immediately concerned with a cause larger than yourself."
"Their commitment to this cause is therefore absolute."
"This is a meteor hitting the earth for reasons not having to do with the excesses or corrections or people's activities."
"Become consumed by a cause or a purpose... it trumps everything else."
"Be a part of something bigger than yourself, be a part of a cause to which many have attached their resources and their time."
"Ninety-three percent of headaches come from the neck - that's a pretty good chance I can fix it."
"There is good cause to expedite this appeal for several reasons."
"This is our chance to be a part of something so much larger than ourselves."
"That is some serious dedication to the cause."
"Unselfishness: become immediately concerned with a cause larger than yourself."
"Maybe it's a lost cause, but fuck it, I'm all in on lost causes."
"Since insomnia is all in your head, I kind of figured that after all these weird theories it might have just been caused by plain old-fashioned stress."
"Investigators believe that five six Charlie's violent end was caused by a savage lightning strike."
"How does something like this happen in the first place?"
"Reasons come first, results come second. What are you fighting for?"
"We actually came in on top... we did it for a great cause."
"We did it for a great cause and it just... it was one of the best experiences."
"Climate change in all likelihood is being caused by human actions."
"You need to go to the root of all the things that are being caused in your current reality."
"Charity FC, yeah this is the cause I can support."
"Anger often comes from a place of vulnerability, isolation, marginalization."
"I definitely credit them to being the majority reason for why my glutes are in so much pain right now."
"Doing all that for a cause, and for what is essentially what is a noble and just cause any way you slice it."
"We're going to dig deep and uncover the real root causes of eczema."
"I just wanted to be better, I wanted to feel like I was doing something for a better cause."
"You guys have a fighting spirit, as fighting spirit you are a champion for your cause."
"If she dies, the rebellion dies. We've learned how much she means to this cause, and she is the cause."
"This is worth the fight, this is worth the sacrifice."
"Because when he knows the cause then he can find the cure."
"What's causing this disconnection?"
"The issue that really kickstarted the entire Free Karen Reed movement."
"And that was a Cause worth fighting for. At Any expense."
"Why are we not on the side of the kids? If there's nothing else in this world for us to rally behind, it's got to start focusing on the cause and the problem."
"No cause that you have that's built on hate will survive."
"The real reason why specifically Ang is special to this cause is because of who he is behind it all."
"...and the emergence and perseverance of Hajime showcased that hope was the cause he was going to fight for from now on."
"Oh, and we've got so bugged down in the how of the switcher room mechanic we've not even begun to talk about the why of the switcher room mechanic iic I.E what exactly is causing all this nonsense to happen to begin with."
"All of our familiar faces, the ones who sadly had to fight one another in the war, are now united under the AUG's just cause."
"Treat the cause instead of just treating the symptoms."
"No one becomes a revolutionary because he wants to."
"It's important to allow that creativity to nurture a bigger cause."
"The motivation behind them was religion."
"This is bigger than me, this is bigger than you, this is bigger than wrestling."
"We have a cause, and that cause is one of optimism."
"We do know of a cause that is sufficient to produce information: that's intelligence."
"There's only one worthy cause I have devoted time to."
"Just another drop in the bucket for the cause. Every drop matters."
"There were never enough people who were prepared to support the cause."
"However, she proceeds because she can do anything for fluffy animals."
"Well, we're drawing what happened that caused the sign to be."
"I guess we're going to have to figure out what caused that. Super just killing it here at Morrissey's."
"...when you step out into that world you discover this entirely different one where there's millions of the best people possible who are willing to sacrifice something meaningful For A Cause worth fighting for."
"Piracy itself can be the right cause."
"I'm not going into this with the expectation that I die but if I do it will be for a great cause."
"All human potential is truly limited by the amount of communities, others, that you can get on the same cause."
"War between Austria and Serbia was one thing but it was the escalation that really mattered."
"100% of the proceeds from this collection are donated directly to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children."
"If the weight of the vehicles on the bridge didn't cause it to collapse, what did?"
"Let me present you with a cause and a team that you can be a part of today."
"That's what caused that's from Sandy."
"The current mess started from one moment."
"You fight for something when you believe that the fight is worthy of the eventual cause."
"Better to be shot for deserting than to die like a dog fighting for an ugly cause."
"Death was due to acute paralysis of the heart and must have been practically instantaneous."
"I felt like I was part of a cause."
"The key to resolving any problem or challenge is to find the cause of it."
"My cause is to inspire people to do the things that inspire them so together each of us can change our world for the better."
"The fruit comes from the root. Bad root, bad fruit."
"This is for a much greater cause than business."
"I guess it was for a good cause in the long run because it's kind of standing up for like the costume design union."
"No disaster occurs Without a Cause, and to find out the cause and change is a disaster into a lesson."
"They had cause to agitate and they had a potential leader."
"It's a really, really great cause."
"Now, it looked like a blow to the chest and manual strangulation could have caused those injuries."
"Whatever the cause, what we're looking for in the short term is stabilization."
"My primary cause is in front of me: these children that God has given me."
"All the profits from LIG go to support young Nigerian girls. It's a cause that hits me so deeply."
"Every phenomenon is the result of an accurate definite cause."
"Back of every effect there is a cause."
"I think they should clean the balls there because when ball starts getting there's a reason for that."
"...I can't think of a better cause."
"I always think you need that bigger cause."
"Jesus said they hate you without a cause, that means for nothing."
"No one outside of a jihadist terrorist is more committed to a cause than a Scientologist is committed to Scientology."
"Pop-up shop is not about giving out clothes. Pop-up shop is about a Cause."
"You didn't give us all these blessings just for our own family. You gave us these blessings so that we could be a blessing to others. So show us this week what's our cause for this week as a family."
"Believe it before you see it. Get to the cause, there lies the lasting solution."
"The evidence that God exists is first of all, everything that has a beginning has a cause. The universe has a beginning, therefore the universe has a cause."
"That's pretty much what set this whole thing off again."
"There must be some kind of transcendent cause that is responsible for the change of state."
"Probably the biggest frustration with autism is the fact that we still don't know after all these years what causes it."
"If the cause be not worthy, we may wake up someday and see that we have given our entire life to a cause that was not good."
"The most common cause of hypocalcemia, at least in the US, is patients who have sustained damage to or accidental removal of the parathyroids as a consequence of surgical thyroidectomy or other neck surgery."
"Mary Richardson decided it was time to strike another blow for the cause."
"Coral bleaching is caused by increasing ocean temperatures."
"Running a few minutes late, but if you're going to be late, you might as well be late with a cause."
"What causes the release of this histamine?"
"Maybe unhappiness is rooted deeper than just a crappy job."
"Slavery is the root cause of the Civil War."
"The binge eating is the symptom of what exactly? It's usually many, many little things that all add together."
"I would find so many other ways to help support that cause. Right? Because I think that the cause is fantastic and incredible."
"Burnout is the causation of an unhealthy soul."
"Ignorance is the cause of being overcome by pleasure."
"Achilles tendinopathy is thought to occur when the intensity, frequency, and volume of Achilles tendon loading exceed your capacity to recover and adapt appropriately."
"One of the reasons The Forbidden door was opened is partly due to a pandemic."
"They gather followers, individuals from across the Galaxy who believe in their cause."
"I'm going to dedicate the rest of my life to saving lobsters."
"Courage is ultimately about what you risk it for. The cause makes all the difference."
"It's supporting conservation at the end of the day, you know. It's for a really, really great cause."
"The cause which is the miracle always takes place first in the mind."
"A purple lapel ribbon in support of the Purple Leash Project."
"The exact cause of death is yet to be determined, but it is the carving that requires the initiation of an immediate and in-depth investigation."
"It's a good feeling. It's a great project. Something worth well worth the effort if the cause is great enough. It's worth the effort."
"Channel it into a worthy cause, into justice, and lead some kind of movement."
"Alcoholics drink because they are alcoholics."
"The only reason why he stopped is because he had passed away through a car accident."
"My cause is to look the most beautiful possible."
"I learned that when you are willing to make sacrifices for a great cause, you will never be alone because you will have divine companionship and the support of good people."
"Harry's has a great cause, they give one percent of every sale back to organizations that help promote mental health care for men and veterans."
"My passion for the business and the cause severely outweighs my desire for personal finance."
"My only message has been: fight for our children."
"Even throughout her later years, she remained steadfast in her support for the cause she had nearly given her life for."
"We're doing this to raise money for Give Kids the World Village."
"A lot of people tend to focus on the debt which is the effect. Honestly if you're trying to solve a problem you need to focus on the cause."
"For something to come into being without any sort of cause would be truly absurd."
"...making sure that we get justice for mia."
"By supporting the beind shop you're not only receiving some of the cutest jewelry and accessories but you're also joining their cause to protect and preserve bees and their habitats."
"Human behavior is now recognized as the cause of this extinction."
"I remember reading something from Mr. Mandela, and he said, 'If you don't have a cause, there's nowhere you can carry the weight of the world on your shoulders,' and I thought what we were doing was a noble cause."
"You have to struggle, or everyone is going to struggle. Just choose who you're going to struggle for and what you're going to struggle for."
"A worthy cause indeed, well worth the cost of admission from this point on."
"Your thoughts and words are the primary cause of everything."
"This is not about prizes, it always made her so upset when people just got greedy and didn't care about the cause."
"I'm playing Survivor for veterans who are suffering from traumatic brain injuries, who are suffering from PTSD."
"True leadership is finding a human cause worth sacrificing yourself for."
"It's for the Curling Foundation, which is for brain-damaged children. It's a good cause."
"The primary cause of acute appendicitis is probably luminal obstruction, which may result from fecalith, foreign bodies, parasites, and primary neoplasms or metastasis."
"Public service for me has been an opportunity, opportunity. It may sound corny to say, but it's an opportunity to serve a cause bigger than yourself."
"The most common cause of vitamin B1 deficiency worldwide is eating white refined rice."
"Join our campaign for real gravy!"
"A campaign for real gravy is still there."
"Devotion to a greater cause is an excellent way to find something to throw yourself into."
"Your computer is running slow, that's the reason it's taking time."
"Atheism was only a symptom, not the cause."
"This is a man who sacrificed his fortune for the cause."
"Central sleep apnea is caused by respiratory depression during sleep."
"An authentic hero should find a cause, a reason to fight."
"You have to figure out which it is, what causes them to be there in the first place, and then you apply the appropriate remedy."
"It's the cause, not the punishment, that makes the martyr."
"Violence is always the result of stupidity."
"What better way to promote this cause than for me to get a vasectomy?"
"The medical examiner determined her cause of death was due to blunt force trauma to the head."
"If you support them, you're supporting a great cause, so definitely check them out."
"The best way I've always summed it up for myself is they were as patriotic and as keen on their cause as we were on ours. Yet they firmly believed that they were fighting for the right thing, and so did we."
"Stanford up 2-0 without saying, a very very worthy cause."
"That money will go to that awesome cause."
"She was someone who did not give up, even when it was a popular cause, when it was not a popular cause."
"Something to fight for, yeah, and truly believe what you're fighting for is the right cause, yes."
"...you are serving a cause bigger than yourself."
"All the money went for a good cause."
"The source of suffering is grasping and fixation. That's what creates suffering down the line."
"...the cause and the effects are not equal that the effects can be all out of proportion to what the causes are."
"Total commitment, total effort for the cause."
"All of the team were so dedicated to the cause."
"Right now, the New Orleans Saints are not just the team to a lot of people, they're a cause, and I think people are happy to see them do well."
"Inspired by the most glorious cause that mankind ever fought in, I am determined to defend this post to the last man!"
"I'm proud of all of you here who are willing to give your time and effort for this worthy cause."
"He wasn't a rebel without a cause; he was a rebel with a cause."
"I am so happy you decided to join us in our righteous cause."
"It's a very very noble cause and pretty definitely noteworthy."
"We stay true to the cause, though the heavens may fall."
"We're dedicated to the cause, aren't we?"
"I definitely feel a little naked without it, but it's going to a good cause."
"I hope you enjoy this, it's for a really, really good cause."
"What causes mental illness in the first place?"
"The Horizon Initiative doesn't play well with others to a great degree, but they are willing to occasionally put aside their differences for a greater cause."
"I believe in the cause, you know, you're there, Battle of Bastogne, trying to free a people from being wiped off the face of the Earth."
"That's what you call a queen with a cause."
"Anger stems usually from other emotions; someone's been distressed by something, someone's been upset by something."
"An avalanche may start with one stone."
"A man just doesn't die without something being the matter."
"The money goes to an incredible cause."
"Allegiance can be a powerful thing when we feel strongly about the cause."
"I care so much about this cause that I'm just gonna start investing in it."
"It's all going to a real good cause."
"This is definitely a cause that I am down for."