
Autism Quotes

There are 1143 quotes

"Diet for autism can correct some of the cognitive problems, seizures, and mood disorder symptoms that often accompany autism, having a powerful treatment role for quality of life and ability to function."
"Don't think of autism as a disability. Think of it as a different ability."
"I don't want to feel like I have to justify being autistic to every person that I meet; just believe someone."
"You're so open and honest, and I think that resonated with people, to see what it's like to be given a diagnosis like autism at age 53."
"One of the things people talk about with autism is theory of mind. Theory of mind is the ability to look at the world from someone else's perspective than your own and realize that they are perceiving things differently."
"My advice to people who have a loved one with autism is to check out the resources that are available to you because they do help in the same way that they have helped me."
"He was a special needs child, autistic; he couldn't fend for himself."
"I've worked with kids with autism for the last four years."
"I've worked with a kid with autism for two and a half years."
"Mr. Chandler is a 22-year-old man with a history of developmental delays and autism. Despite these limitations, he seems to be quite successful in maximizing his academic abilities."
"If I've been masking for decades and only just got an autism diagnosis later in life, then the question of 'who am I?' behind the mask is a serious question that takes some time to explore and to answer."
"Gluten-free, casein-free diets are rampant in the autism community because they work."
"ADHD is characterized by underregulation, difficulty regulating attention. Whereas autism for me is characterized by overregulation, every bit of my attention is heavily regulated by my brain."
"A lot of autistic people have a huge ability to mask, even young children have the ability to go to school and do everything they need to do at school and then they'll come home and they will crash."
"If you want to get to know more about autism or ADHD, my number one piece of advice is, go out and meet not just one person, but many people with the condition and let them tell you what it actually means for them."
"As a mom of a child that has autism, I realized I could not ignore the story."
"One of the most incredible lessons my autistic son has taught me is to see the beauty in life."
"People always underestimate the autistic power of speedrunners."
"Please hear and lift up autistic voices when they're speaking."
"One of my favorite stories is a mother who said that she used the book to explain to her child that she had autism like Julia... At the end her daughter said, 'So, I'm amazing too, right?'"
"The way we talk about autism's impact on families matters."
"I learned that there is no two people on the spectrum that are the same."
"One of the things that I've enjoyed most about streaming is having individuals who didn't realize they themselves were autistic... make that connection, they go and see a therapist, they go through the process, and then they get diagnosed themselves."
"It was a major relief...it also connected me with the autistic community."
"To cure my autism would mean eliminating who I am."
"Two autistic people can look at the same character and one declare that it's a bad representation while the other can feel seen."
"A lot of autistic people feel empathy very strongly."
"There are real-life positives to autism... including a very unique perspective on the world and the ability to drive innovation."
"Autism actually presents at a relatively even rate in all sexes and is merely more apparent in males due to research bias."
"Autistic people are not just gifted in maths, music, and trains but also may be very passionate about things like performing arts and painting."
"Autism, a lot of it is so internal... people like myself are often disbelieved about the fact that we are autistic at all because we're very good at camouflaging ourselves to appear like neurotypicals."
"Autistic people are not just a problem to solve or a burden to bear; they are individuals with their own stories, challenges, and contributions to society."
"If a cure for autism ever became available, would I choose to take it?"
"In the UK, only 14% of autistic adults are in full-time employment, and that's the lowest amount for any notifiable disability."
"Autism doesn't have friends in the traditional sense, but that doesn't mean we live in isolation."
"In conclusion, there is no evidence that a raw food diet can cure autism... it's why I understand so many parents... are obviously struggling looking for an answer."
"Vaccines don't cause autism because autism was already underway in early early brain development."
"Masking is basically covering up autistic traits in order to fit in better."
"Autistic people putting themselves last... I've spoken quite a bit on this channel about a particular threat response that often comes into play when you're masking autism called 'fawning'."
"The autistic people to collectively breathe a sigh of relief and go, 'Oh yeah, it isn't my job to make everyone in the world happy at the expense of my own happiness.'"
"Autistic inertia affects us even if we want to switch to a fun task. It means that we have difficulty starting, stopping, and switching tasks."
"I did work my ass off at YouTube. A big bit of it was also just luck, right time, right place, and also a big bit of it, I think, was autism. I don't think I'd be as successful with YouTube if I didn't have autism."
"Autistic children need to learn certain skills, all children do. Respectful approaches don't cause trauma and value our essence."
"It's not a disability, it's a differing ability."
"Autism, or the set of symptoms that define autism don't define a person."
"Understanding autism is the first step towards acceptance."
"Autistic people do not have to be amazing and have all these wild abilities to be valid."
"Just let whatever happens happens and be there when your 'autistic' needs some picking up and some cuddling and some comfort and safety."
"Autism is not a defect, it's almost an upgrade, not a downgrade. In other words, it feels like an upgrade."
"Autistic people can't be silenced no matter how loudly they tried to speak over us."
"Diagnosis opens the door to understanding the anxieties and difficulties people with autism have."
"Autistic people can feel the emotions of others."
"Keto diet cures autism? Processed foods exacerbate autism, not ketosis."
"Autism is more prevalent than people think, and just if we can make the world more aware and acceptable towards it, it'll just be a lot easier for everybody."
"Groundbreaking for the autistic community." - Jessica Nicole's character arc.
"Your kid could be demonized and attacked but your doctor calls it autism."
"Kids with autism don't get better... but we often see improvements."
"So, what I'm hearing from you then is there are lots of things adding up to say this child almost certainly is on the autistic spectrum."
"Children on the autistic spectrum like to fail to control a situation if you're asking them to do things where they don't really understand why and they can't control it."
"Being autistic is valid and I support their right to exist."
"Asperger's is on the autism spectrum but it's actually considered... a relatively mild form of autism."
"Autistic people don't actually act like the Sheldon type."
"Autistic kids are smarter than us, a lot of these kids."
"It's not a story about being diagnosed with autism or people suffering with autism. It's a story about a girl who is on a mission."
"Increased representation can also have positive side effects on the production landscape for autistic creatives as well as creatives in general."
"Characters that feel so connected with an autistic viewer's own experiences that they want to claim them as their own feel significant."
"Representation by autistic writers and actors ensures authentic portrayal and empathy."
"The autistic savant got another piece of representation recently in Korean TV show extraordinary attorney woo about an autistic lawyer newly hired a big Law Firm who also has a photographic memory."
"Autistic people see, hear, and feel the world differently."
"Stimming is a lifeline to an autistic person."
"Every person, especially every autistic person, is different."
"Some of the best people I know have autism and show a truly remarkable children and adults. I look forward to a time when love prevails."
"Autism is portrayed in a stereotypical way, and that's offensive."
"Autism experts have shared that children with autism gravitate toward water." - Caption from the video
"Secrets of the Autistic Millionaire: It's got nothing to do with money and everything to do with living a successful life on the spectrum."
"I think one of the reasons for doing it was politics they were trying to narrow the spectrum but I think all it's happened is it's muddied the waters."
"Diagnosing autism is critical because it allows the individual to access resources to help them cope with this diagnosis."
"Autistic women and girls of any age need access to resources and the stigma needs to be moved."
"It's so important to learn from Joey's story to see how frustrating it can be when a proper diagnosis isn't given."
"Autistic women and girls need proper help, otherwise, people like Joey will continue to persist."
"Keep on stimming as long as it's safe for you."
"It's very important that we had an actor and someone that's that has autism and I think you did a brilliant job."
"Many autistics have tremendous capacity to learn."
"Autistics are more conscious in their theory of mind."
"Autistic people definitely have empathy, you just have to sometimes explain stuff."
"They just hated me because they did not understand people with autism."
"If you think you might be on the spectrum it's a worthy question to get an adequate answer to."
"Imagine if we could raise a generation of autistic children who never had to hide who they are."
"To my fellow a/Autistic people, today I encourage you to think of one thing about your autistic self that you can embrace."
"And no matter who you are, I hope that, today and every day, you will join in celebrating a/Autistic people, our culture, our experiences."
"Autistic workers are 20 percent more productive than their neurotypical peers."
"If you drop your expectation level for a child with autism, they will drop to that level."
"Autistic inertia is not only real but it can really be a significantly frustrating challenge. But as we've said, it's important to approach it with compassion and understanding."
"Vaccines don't cause autism, it's all a myth."
"My son is referred to as high-functioning...he knows how to read, write, do addition, knows all colors in English and Spanish, and can tell you geometric shapes."
"Increased productivity is a really great attribute of an autistic employee."
"Autistic people can be hyper-focused in what they're currently trying to achieve."
"This is the story of Jessie Snodgrass, an autistic teenager who was one of the students arrested that day."
"Demand avoidance for autistic people isn't actually a choice. It isn't actually a well, na, na, na, na, na. A tantrum or a- to authority. It isn't."
"Demand avoidance being a manifestation of a disability should and must be respected."
"I think having some autism in you is gonna be a positive, you almost have this link between humans and machines."
"The secret to understanding autism is empathy."
"I'm a 33-year-old mom who didn't know that I was autistic until I was 31 and it changed everything."
"A lack of eye contact is misinterpreted by neurotypical people as rude when it's not in any way the intention of the autistic person."
"Glyphosate has been linked correlating with autism."
"I am on the autism spectrum. The vaccines did not cause this. Please stop using me and my brothers and sisters on the spectrum to push your anti-science, anti-medicine shit."
"Empathy is actually a thing for us, I promise."
"I'm ashamed of this country, I'm ashamed that I have to listen to Monique who has to struggle with her kids, drop her kids off autism or not, and not know whether she's gonna see them again."
"Absolutely no link between vaccines and autism."
"Autism is not just about social discomfort, it's about sensory discomfort too."
"Autistic individuals curate their lives to function within sensory sensitivities."
"Even small disruptions can have extreme effects on autistic routines."
"They'll talk about how important it is to find a cure."
"What's not cool is that being an autistic person who masks who compensates and also having unmet support needs."
"Self-worth and self-esteem are significantly impacted during autistic burnout."
"Social withdrawal during burnout is a response to exhaustion and sensory overload."
"Every autistic person's experience is different, and that's because we're all individuals."
"Autism is categorized as a developmental disorder, but in many cases, autistic people don't see their autism as being something wrong with them."
"What do autistics have to offer the world? As much or as little as anyone else."
"If more autistic voices are heard, I think it would benefit everyone."
"Being unique is awesome; being autistic is a superpower even though some days it might not feel like that."
"You meet one autistic person and you've met one autistic person."
"I'm going to do something I always wanted to do: talk about every single canonically autistic character in animation."
"For an autistic child, every minute of every day is like a surprise party; it's all new all of the time."
"Copy and paste behaviors are almost a survival tactic for navigating the world of non-autistic communication."
"There's a stigma that people with autism don't have empathy, which is so far from the truth."
"Undiagnosed autism in adults is a lot more common than most people think."
"Being the odd one out doesn't necessarily mean you're autistic, but if you find yourself commonly being the odd one out, then that is a sign that you might be."
"I was treated very differently because of my autism and gender non-conformity."
"I think what makes an autistic person's interest different is the intensity and focus."
"Autistic special interests don't have to be abnormal in topic; it's the intensity of focus that's important."
"An autistic special interest can be anything."
"I feel like one of the ways that autistic people often manage anxiety is by controlling their day in some way."
"I don't know whether autistic people ever really have all that much chill."
"It's like my mind just gets quite happy and settled in a particular environment, and then I just kind of don't want to leave it."
"Finding out whether or not you relate to other neurodivergent people can be a great way to discover whether you're autistic or not."
"Struggling with transitions is actually a sign of autism."
"I want to try and wrap my head around what I consider the curse of a late diagnosis of autism."
"Our society is like low-key actually controlled by autistic people."
"80% of autistic women are undiagnosed by the time they reach their 18th birthday."
"Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by social differences, repetitive behaviors, adherence to rules and routines, intensely focused special interests, unique sensory experiences and needs, and a restless mind."
"People on the spectrum tend to find comfort and relief from overstimulation and overthinking by spending time alone, balancing their sensory experiences, stimming, and working on or studying their special interests."
"Autism is a part of us; it colors the way we think, interact with others, and see the world throughout our life."
"The earlier a person is diagnosed with autism, the earlier they can receive specialized care and treatment."
"Every person with autism is different."
"My autism journey is just one out of thousands that can provide insight into the way autistic people think, interact with our society, and see the world."
"Autism is inherent to how they see the world and how they process the world."
"If their behavior changes suddenly, if they seem very distressed or violent or self-injures, please check that they're not in pain."
"Autistic minds have a natural tendency to focus on fewer things but at a higher intensity."
"I'm tremendously grateful to have the understanding of being autistic now."
"I recently was diagnosed as someone who has autism spectrum disorder."
"To be actually diagnosed with autism is a very real thing."
"I know quite a few autistic people and they're lovely people."
"Autistic people don’t need to change themselves in order to connect with the world around them."
"I really do think at this point it helps out a lot if you watch John Wick and treat him as if he was autistic."
"Rise just happens to have an autistic character who is represented very well, which is in my opinion just as important to depicting the autistic experience."
"These are not just things that I've decided are Trace these are things that are discussed all the time by academics and a lot of autistic Charities offer support for some of these things so they are real."
"A hell of a lot of autistic people are undiagnosed and kind of the older you are the more likely people in your generation are to have not been diagnosed."
"Number one autistic trait that I'm surprised again and again to see is not in the DSM 5 is perfectionism."
"There is a link between anorexia particularly and I think some other Eating Disorders as well and perfectionism and we know that there is a link between anorexia and autism."
"I have just a little bit of autism. It does come out when I preach, okay?"
"What does the latest research say about what is at the cause of autism?"
"Research has come such a long way, so we really do understand the factors that increase the likelihood of autism."
"Each person is actually quite unique in terms of the causes that have led to differences in brain development with autistic features."
"My youngest son has autism and we share a special bond."
"Recreation is therapeutic as well, and I think that specifically autistic people, neurodivergent people who struggle with that closeness, like to feel social reward, to feel at ease in social interaction, is absolutely therapeutic."
"Autism is an inherent part of an individual's identity."
"Autism is a condition of the mind and it affects over half a million people in this country."
"Just because you have autism doesn't mean you can't do what other people can do."
"There definitely is a genetic component to autism. There's a genetic component to all mental health."
"Autistic people have what's called a local processing bias instead of a global one which is basically a fancy way of saying they tend to look at details rather than the whole picture."
"There is actually good autistic rep."
"Sesame Street’s introduction of an autistic character, Julia, will allow people to understand autism from a young age."
"Avoiding treatments that teach autistic people to conform and pressure them to socialize in non-autistic ways is crucial."
"What is autism? You got a different sense of reality but doesn't everybody?"
"That feeling, that awful shame, is the feeling that autistic people, a lot of autistic women in particular, are trying to avoid when we mask. And that's why we mask, because we don't want to be seen as socially unacceptable."
"Meltdowns is just a part of the autistic experience."
"I'm a single mother with full-time custody of my child, I have my own business, and I'm autistic."
"Sometimes autistic people want to fit in, but don’t know how to."
"People with autism can find it difficult to interpret others' motivations, misjudge relationships, and are taken advantage of."
"Because of the sensory piece being so prominent in autism, that often drives that meltdown for somebody with autism. Can be a disruption, an overstimulation, a quick and sudden response to that sensory piece being overwhelming."
"Being autistic is awesome. I've never met an autistic person I don't like."
"This is the best comprehensive summary of autism I have seen. Thank you for making it."
"Most treatments seem to be about trying to help autistic people fit their square peg into the round hole."
"To quote the SciShow video again, this is a huge finding that flies in the face of years of clinicians and researchers claiming that autistic people have a communication deficit."
"Does autism give you these powers? Yes, it does actually."
"And as for his autistic spectrum disorder, well he wouldn't have been himself without his unique way of looking at the world so is it a disorder at all or is it, as some people are now arguing, the next stage in human evolution?"
"There's no heart, no core to the diagnosis of autism."
"I'm also on the Spectrum so as an autistic empath I can sense things very easily."
"When I heard someone else was on the Spectrum, I felt less alone."
"Reality testing: Creative people perceive reality differently. It is no wonder that many autistic people, especially high-functioning autistic people, are also creative."
"If I don't have an auditory stim, I cannot really function."
"All autistic people really do deserve a diagnosis."
"Much of autistic behavior can be seen as attempts to restore some kind of equilibrium."
"Autistic special interest is not an autistic special interest because of the particular category of interest. What is important is the intensity of focus."
"Monotropism suggests that autistic brains tend to prefer to focus on fewer things at any given time and at a higher intensity."
"Not all autistic people are the same. We all come from different circumstances, different environments, we all have different personalities. It's called a spectrum for a reason. No person is the same, period."
"Life as an autistic adult is always finding the balance between feeling alone and feeling comfortable."
"She's an absolute saint. She's a behavioral therapist and teaches children with autism."
"Brain fog is probably one of the very top number one most discussed warning signs from actually autistic adults."