
Clarity Quotes

There are 23194 quotes

"I don't panic anymore. I have a very clear vision of what's happening. It means that I'm delivering more energy to that person's brain."
"Everyone's shining, their eyes are so clear, and their hearts are open. It's a beautiful process."
"Higher levels of clarity in your life bring higher levels of motivation."
"The great way is not difficult for those who have no preferences. When love and hate are both absent, everything becomes clear and undisguised."
"When I run, my mind clears of everything and I can focus on a lot of creative aspects of business...the run is where my mind is super clear."
"By seeing the world clearly, you could become happier and also become a better person."
"The greatest feelings is when your mental energy comes back. It's like the fog has been brushed away and everything is clear."
"Most people know what they don't want, but they don't know what they do want."
"Definitions alone do not score... having the definition... centers you."
"You're going to be seeing things a lot more clearly than you have in the past, and I think it's bringing about a lot of freedom."
"Clarity is like a sword slicing through a foggy situation."
"You will not be able to make the right decision if you're operating out of fear."
"The deeper you go within yourself the clearer things will be...your soul has all the answers you're looking for."
"Black empowerment does not mean black exploitation."
"Whatever this clarity is, it's confirming that you are exactly where you are meant to be, that you have not made any mistakes."
"Action breeds clarity... you don't find the clarity before the action."
"If you're going to aim, drop let's get it clear."
"Liberation comes choicelessly to such a person, but that much conviction must be there, that much clarity must be there."
"Clarity is given; this new idea is shared with you."
"It's going to help get rid of any illusions, any fears that you had."
"The best type of communication is extremely clear; it's accurate and easy for other people to understand."
"We will either have achieved them or not, no tricks, no ambiguity. Rather delivering for you or we're not."
"Seeing things much more clearly, seeing things much more optimistically, and this is helping to bring your connection into much more harmony, into much more peace."
"Had a lot of wisdom awakening with the owl, seeing things clearly."
"I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way."
"Spirituality is not for comfort; it's for clarity, understanding, and truth."
"Clarity brings speed. It's time out for wasting time trying to be somebody you're not."
"Having a clear head about everything, especially on stage, makes a mountain of difference."
"It's crucial to make our support for the First Amendment crystal clear."
"Listening to your higher self and your intuition can be almost audibly clear during transformative times."
"What I like about Muji is his sort of lucid and easy way of helping you to recognize that you are already in a state of awareness."
"My favorite part is it's always 'Love, your grandma,' like if it was 'Love, grandma' I'd be confused."
"You now know what you want and what it takes to build a solid foundation with somebody."
"Orderly brain functioning means orderly thinking, clear thinking, clear speech, clear and purposeful and effective and fulfilling action."
"The moment you realign with love, clear direction is presented to you."
"Transform your pain into joy, exchange confusion for clarity, and choose the life you most desire."
"We need facts, we need information, and we need it quickly."
"Expect fantastic views today. It's a crystal clear sky, just absolutely perfect."
"Philosophy can help us think more clearly and explore issues like morality."
"When you confuse, you lose. Be clear about what you're all about."
"One of the mistakes I see most often is not getting clear about what you truly want."
"The clarity and precision of exactly what you want to achieve will have amazing neurological implications."
"A goal has to be specific, very, very clear...your goal has to be crystal clear."
"Senator Bernie Sanders, who chairs the budget committee on the Senate side, has also been very clear."
"Patience is required not just when you're doing something but patience is also required when you are attempting to get clarity on what you are supposed to do."
"Communication's improved, things are a lot more clear."
"Have a goal, write it down, and be specific."
"I believe the country has five priorities. That's why I've made five promises today. Five very simple things that everyone can understand."
"Refraction of light is going to be crystal clear to you after you watch this class."
"You would rather fail with intention and clarity than the pain of having no idea why you're failing."
"When your values are clear, your decisions are easier."
"Clarity is what is one of the five steps of David Allen's approach called 'Getting Things Done.'"
"A focused, clear mind purified and focused mind can reveal the secrets of the universe and about oneself."
"The mind is devoid of mind because the nature of mind is clear light."
"The pollutants of the mind are advantageous and the pollutions of the mind contamination really result from more thought processes and conceptual processes which has the tendency to obscure and taint our essential nature of the mind. However, the mind, the essential nature of mind is luminosity and this mere experience and at that level, our mind is clear light, our mind is free of pollution."
"Adopt responsibility for your own existence, and then your pathway is clear."
"The more clear we are on who we are, the less fear we have."
"Contemplating your own mortality clarifies what's important to you."
"In order for us to really see clearly, we need to break down in a big way. It's hard to make big changes when things are good."
"Your true beliefs are becoming clearer to you, which prompts you to make necessary life changes."
"A change of scenery results in renewed clarity and sense of purpose."
"The more you know God, the more clearly you can hear God."
"It's the color of the water here that is incredible, it's like this teal and you can just see endlessly into the clear."
"We live in a world where Sports Science has made it really clear as to what it takes to achieve these physical things."
"The most important thing is to communicate clearly and effectively, using the vocabulary that you know well, rather than trying to impress with complicated or unfamiliar words."
"You don't need to wonder what dogs want; it's very straightforward, and that's really nice."
"You help them see clearly, you help them see what they truly want."
"Your person is in a position of clarity now, where they're starting to see or they have seen for a while that there's a reason why they can't stop thinking about you and feeling for you."
"You're not all caught up in desires or needs or fears or anger or frustration, you're clear."
"I am a healer, bringing clarity to our most important questions and comfort in times of uncertainty."
"Receive peace in your soul, receive clarity of mind, receive a touch from heaven."
"When your vision becomes clearer, your decisions become easier."
"Leaders fundamentally bring clarity but it's about clarity of where you need to get to but not be too dogmatic about the means."
"You know what you want, you know who you are."
"Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear."
"Mathematics allows for no hypocrisy and no vagueness." – Stendhal
"You need clarity on what you want and why you want it."
"Consider your options because when you wave away the fog of the previous illusion, you will discover the route back to balance."
"The meaning should jump out at the reader, not force them to have to figure it out."
"You can always reach out to them and ask them for guidance and clarity on anything, really."
"We can emerge from this...not as victims but empowered, armed with greater clarity to actualize a better, more sustainable, purposeful intentional, and fulfilling life experience for ourselves, for our loved ones, for future generations, and frankly the world at large."
"Every now and then something happens that completely scrambles everything that you thought you knew about politics, something that brings the bigger picture into focus."
"Anything is possible, and that's the beauty of being alive. At any given moment, everyone can have an aha moment, a moment of clarity, and we choose to forgive each other, we can have peace."
"The Selfish Gene was a lightning bolt of clarity and forceful argument and represents an ideal of good science writing."
"Bring yourself to the point of clarity, but you have to make this happen for yourself."
"Your why is going to encompass your needs and also your wants."
"Now that I'm getting help, I'm able to see things so much more clearly."
"Write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it."
"This is the year we get Clear Vision from God."
"It's hard to hit a bull's-eye when you don't know what target you're aiming at."
"The most common reason people don't get what they want is because they don't specify what it is."
"Clarity of thinking means thinking clearly about what it is that you want to be, have, or do in life."
"If you don't know what you want, you will never get it."
"John Paul II wrote the catechism of the Catholic Church, presented Catholic teaching in a coherent and understandable way."
"If they like you, you'll know. If they don't, you'll be confused."
"Understand your goal. Be clear about it, and know that it can change as you progress."
"Jupiter and Uranus... they're so wonderful because they give you clear vision about such matters."
"There's a clarity of thought and communicating through numbers that isn't true while communicating through language."
"His voice was far-reaching, his message was clear, and his impact immeasurable."
"Writing is thought crystallized on a piece of paper that can then be reviewed."
"My goal actually was clarity... I want to try to take them at their word as much as possible."
"If you cannot define it, you cannot defeat it."
"The only way to rectify our reasonings is to make them as tangible as those of the mathematicians, so that we can find our error at a glance."
"Pretty rough when I found out my mom had died, but weirdly enough, my head actually feels clear now."
"You become authentically powerful when you become clear, forgiving, humble, and loving."
"Whatever talent you have, if it has to find full expression, your mind doesn't come in between and distort anything. It just shows you everything the way it is."
"We need to acknowledge the problem in a clear, sober, unflinching way."
"By being able to write them down clearly enough...that allowed me to make decisions in a very powerful way."
"You see things in a different light, maybe a clarity that you didn't have before."
"The one who's clear will see solutions. They may be small steps, but at least they're steps in the right direction."
"I feel better. I seem to think more clearly, sleep better, mood, et cetera."
"The way is lit, the path is clear. We require only the strength to follow it."
"We need our minds clear and our imaginations free to define these freedoms."
"When you became emotionally associated to something, or you have clarity of something being important, your brain figures the whole thing out."
"In the time of John, it literally just meant the unveiling, the revealing. It's to reveal, to make clear, to show something."
"We might as well do the one thing that makes obvious sense, which is restore our ability to think without conflicts of interest."
"Personal clarity in the face of outer confusion is one of the positive sides of an outer world in chaos."
"When you express things directly, you can maintain it; it's easier to find errors, it's easier to make modifications."
"I want to have a nice, clean, clear home, but whatever those reasons are, make sure you're clear on those."
"You cannot provide clarity for others if you don't have clarity."
"Your intuition is ready to guide you, and it will bring you the clarity that you need if you follow that quiet inner voice that we all have."
"Our problems tend to get better once we give them the accurate name."
"Don't ask your listener to fill in the blanks. Say what you mean."
"That's not a miracle of science, it's just science."
"You're gaining clarity and understanding on what you want to do next, and this vision is going to allow you to, with precision, get to exactly whatever your destination is."
"You help this person cut out a lot of negativity in their life... You really just cut through the crap, basically."
"We need to call a spade a spade. We need to tell it like it is."
"Just communicate! It's the only way to know for sure that everyone is on the same page."
"Don't get lost in the distractions. There's so many distractions. The distractions will confuse you and lead to a lack of clarity."
"Time apart is needed; distance will bring clarity. Take the time to focus on yourself, doing the things you love."
"There's this sort of clarity that comes through where it's like, okay, it's all been part of a bigger purpose, a bigger sort of pattern."
"When you have clarity, and you see things clearly, you have so much more confidence."
"Expanding the lexicon instead of trying to bloat the terms that we have to the point where they're meaningless is extremely useful."
"Things become so clear when you put things into perspective."
"Healing is again a lot of clarity comes through healing. You'll be able to see things differently in a relationship if you are from a healed place."
"You've got to figure out what you truly want, and you have to figure out why you want it. And those things have to be really clear."
"Don't give me adjectives, just give me facts and lead me to where you want me to go."
"If you have those absolutes, there are many decisions that come into focus very quickly."
"The whole next year is about finding your footing, finding your ground, gaining that clarity, seeing the opportunity in front of you, and then blossoming through that."
"You can begin to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit with confidence and clarity."
"Sincerity can allow one to see clearly, and earnest advice can provide sound direction."
"We need to examine where we are, remove the fog, and feel our heart."
"Oftentimes, making the wrong decision actually gives you the information that you lacked and the clarity that you needed."
"Creating the good life requires a long series of clear, high-quality decisions."
"Being decisive gives you a sense of direction and clarity of mind and peace of mind."
"You cannot create a good life without being clear about what you want."
"I think as our understanding has evolved, it's actually made things clearer."
"You don't have to settle for confusion; you can hear the Holy Spirit with confidence and clarity."
"Know what you want, not just from this connection but in life."
"Talk about the one thing you can do that nobody else can do, and talk about it in a really clear, powerful way."
"Heresy always forces the church to greater precision and clarity about what we do believe and what the Bible teaches."
"We understand the stakes, we know who the good guys are, we know what they can do, what they want to do, and what they have to do."
"The more clarity I have, the better I do; the more distracted I am, the worst I do."
"Divine revelations are generally brief, clear, and concise."
"Heroism doesn't happen by accident. It's a choice for him that is crystal clear."
"I want to sound as clear as possible for as many people to understand the point I'm trying to get across."
"High performance students know exactly what they want."
"I am crystal clear about what the solution is: His name is Jesus Christ."
"I walked into this year knowing exactly what I wanted to achieve. I made my visions, my goals very plain, very clear."
"Who do you want to be?...You have to be clear about that."
"A woman in the dictionary is an adult human female, which is a good and sensible definition."
"It's hard to generalize because everyone's so different, but I do find with women, the communication is a lot more clear."
"Stephen Weinberg was the unmatched master of seeing through complexity and revealing the essence of ideas."
"This message will be loud and clear: We will not be manipulated."
"Seek out that simplicity if something is too complicated, if it's too messy."
"I tear a lot of things down in my personal life because I want to try and have a clear idea and a very clear understanding of what's around me."
"Indecision is a dream killer, and clarity comes from engagement, not thought."
"Being clear and intentional is very important, especially in a public forum like YouTube."
"Satire requires clarity of who or what is the target or else it will be mistaken for what it intends to criticize."
"We are a nation of full hearts and clear minds."
"The more clear you are, the more you're going to be able to accomplish these goals that you're trying to achieve."
"They're coming to give you that clarity, that truth, because you deserve it."
"You are doing great! You're on the track of destiny. Things may not be clear yet, but the dust is beginning to settle."
"Clarity is everything; just answer the question."
"Clarity and... they are starting to see things more clearly, or they're going to have some sort of epiphany by the end of the day."
"The first time I took my medication, it was like putting on glasses and realizing I could see without squinting. I could focus."
"It's becoming crystal clear to this person that there is a lot of love here for you."
"The first time I took this pill I remember thinking it was like putting on glasses for the first time and realizing I could see."
"Try to educate people, make things make sense."
"Your clarity on who your channel is for is critical. The YouTube creator that understands the viewer best, wins."
"You will not leave this room today without a clear idea of at least what is meant by God in Vedanta."
"Money's like economic water, and when it comes to price signals, fiat currency is inscrutably murky...Bitcoin is the opposite; it is crystal clear."
"My task here is not to win; my task is to illuminate differences. I believe in clarity over agreement."
"When you name it, when you call it out, when you know what it is, it kind of flashes a light on it."
"I really don't want to hear about this and it catches them off guard but it just, it gets all the mess out the way."
"Clarity of thought is the most important. The articulation of thought is most important so that you're clear and succinct."
"Focus on the positivity because it's just going to give you so much clarity."
"It is better to use a simple word properly than use a complicated word incorrectly."
"We did not teach him poetry, and it doesn't fit him either. It is nothing but a reminder, a Quran that is absolutely clear."
"The sooner you can get clarity, the sooner you have an edge on everybody else."
"It's not fun to be at a crossroads. It's not fun to be in a do-or-die situation, but at least everyone's clear on what the situation is."
"I love the sense of clarity and purpose that you have when you're hiking."
"His wisdom is adorned with experience and professed with clarity."
"Philosophy teaches you to think clearly, to speak clearly."
"The nature of who you are is clear, the nature of where you are is also clear."
"The customer is going to look at payback and ROI, so make it obvious right up front why this pays for itself, why it justifies itself."
"Communication is the bridge between chaos and clarity."
"Science can solve your problems for you and make all the confusion go away when kids are confused and teenagers especially are confused."
"A lot of clarity is gonna come out of this relationship."
"Men don't do subtle, Doc. I think you really better spell it out clearly for us."