
Personal Importance Quotes

There are 641 quotes

"Your mental health is the greatest asset that you will have."
"What you believe about yourself is the only thing that matters at the end of the day."
"The thing that really matters to me is... a 69% reduction in all symptoms from all diseases."
"What makes people feel satisfied or successful with their work is making progress every day on something that's important to you."
"A person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language."
"I wanted to do this because I need to emphasize the importance of individuality."
"Relationships are also a huge thing for you."
"Relationships are the cornerstones of our lives."
"I'm in love with myself, which is the most important love, I think."
"Investing in your relationship with yourself is crucial because you're the most important person in your life that you're stuck with 24/7."
"That trip was super important to me, and I was there for like the whole summer. It was like the craziest trip ever."
"I've always wanted my life to mean something, to be important."
"Jungkook's lyrics feel like letters written to somebody incredibly important."
"There's no one more important to me than you. I want you by my side always."
"These superhero games were so special to me growing up, and I'm so excited to have a place to talk about them."
"This isn't your day, it's not my day, it's not Matt's day, it's not Cory's day, this is Ryder's day."
"I think it's really important to be part of a community."
"My faith in Jesus Christ means more to me than anything."
"Nobody should love you more than you love you."
"Not giving a fuck is about understanding that you can become aware of the attachments and understand that it's not necessarily serving you and then give it up."
"As a woman, how important it was to be financially independent."
"The one thing I wanted to do is to outlive me, that's what's most important to me."
"I didn't realize how important this was to you."
"Black hair and how it's tied to the importance of who we are as people."
"Love yourself like your life depends on it. Because it does."
"Listen to your intuition; it's so important."
"Music was like oxygen for me. I couldn't live without it."
"Your ultimate is pretty much everything to me with this champion."
"Entertainment is very, very important in my way of thinking."
"You being here is important, for you are a precious being with a purpose, even if it seems elusive some days."
"In a sense, love represents what a person considers important, and what emphasizes one's attachment to life and reality."
"Pronouns, just like anything that we have, names, identities that we care about, matter to us."
"As someone who has always thought they were gonna be a writer before I ever got into this motorcycle stuff every line is sort of as important to me as the writing is."
"You are everything to everyone and infinitely more to me."
"Nothing felt more important to him than making games."
"My motherhood is the most important thing in my life. Has the Daily Wire ever insisted that you don't talk about something? No."
"God is so concerned about you right there. He knows the numbers of hairs on your head. He's seen your destiny."
"You matter so much. Without you, we cannot win this."
"My whole life has revolved around records... my well-being kind of lies in the well-being of vinyl."
"Americans and you are the most important person in all of this."
"Don't ever listen to someone tell you, 'You're not important.'"
"They feel lost without you. It's like you're their heart compass."
"The most important word you'll ever hear are the words you say to yourself."
"I think that the thing that is most important to me...is the cultural narratives that we are told..."
"Being yourself is more important than I can ever tell you."
"Love is definitely a part of that, and that's going to be probably one of the most important things that comes up for you in your life."
"Stay awake and don't sleepwalk through your day or through your life. You're too important."
"I might even pin that as well. It might unpin the terrible bingo board, so I think this is a little bit more important honestly."
"That is more important to me than any treasure on earth. For me, to keep my integrity, that's much more important."
"Know this: even if nobody's told you this today, you're an important piece of the overarching puzzle. You're important, you matter, you're worthy."
"I like you a lot, Alex. You mean the world to me."
"Having some personal belief outside of yourself is deeply important."
"Focus on yourself today because you are the most important person in your life."
"For me being able to come here and talk about this with you guys I think is important for me."
"I'm always gonna keep it real with you guys and talk about things that are important to me because you are watching this on your screen right now and I want you to be getting something from it that it's gonna make you a better person."
"The quality of the female characters matters so much more to me than the quantity."
"You are not merely a spectator in the Grand Theater of life but a key performer whose role is essential and whose presence is irreplaceable."
"It's not only a status symbol, no it's much more important than that."
"Food is important to me, and it's important to the show."
"Self-care is the most important thing a person can have."
"You were the world to this person, like how do they compare to the world? You were the world's person at least at one point."
"Truth freedom justice love and rights in creation are the things that are really important in our lives."
"Naruto is the most important piece of media in my life."
"Subjective experience matters more than anything."
"Never downgrade how important you are to your life."
"As much as those shots and untouched derps are important to us, nothing is more important than safety."
"Your time and energy is so precious, it's so important to us."
"Protect your energy, it's something that has meant so much to me."
"Someone definitely sees you as the end-all be-all, like they're saying you're the one for me."
"The most important Legacy for me is the Legacy that I leave with my family."
"Focusing on yourself is just more important than anything else."
"I'm just so passionate about it, it just matters so much to me."
"I have power, I'm needed, I matter, I'm of use."
"You are important to me by virtue of your being on this planet."
"You matter to them and you matter to the people around you."
"Do you know how important this signing is to me? Guarantee it."
"The most exciting thing to me is to have something that has meant so much to me growing up."
"Everything about Harry's thoughtfulness and the inclusion of that and obviously not being able to meet his mom it's so important to me to know that she's a part of this with us."
"Tanila really means the world to me. She's my everything. She's the reason why I get up every morning."
"Video games are not only important to me, they're so important to many other people."
"I gotta care about how you think. Your opinion matters."
"Ultimately, just get yourself down Ikea, buy a good view mirrors, put them up around your house, and spend time looking in the mirror because that's the only person that matters."
"My family, my sister, is more important than any treasure."
"You are saying... no price could be put on how much is worth."
"I feel like it's important to do the commitment."
"Music means a lot because it's how I feed my son."
"Of course, there's something more important than my own birthday. Your birthday!"
"It actually holds a special place in my heart."
"Your happiness on the other hand is everything."
"If I'm needed by everyone I care about, I want to keep playing that role."
"Hair loss can be devastating for people. It can really affect your psychological state of mind. It really is important to a lot of people."
"Without me you are nothing, but with me you are everything."
"Being recognized in life is pretty important."
"My family, you know, that means a lot to me."
"It just makes me realize how important this community is to me."
"You all are a big part of my life, just as big as food is. Seriously, thank you so much."
"Your decisions are important. Take them into account."
"God sees us in a different way than the way we view ourselves. And what is more important at the end of the day? How we view ourselves or how God views us?"
"Spirituality is just going to play an important role."
"So it was very important to her to get the Beaver emoji passed."
"You are that piece of the puzzle, and it's going to be almost like complete."
"I just keep reaching for it because I need it in my life."
"You're my best friend, I love you more than anyone else in the world."
"Recognize, record, take note—your experiences matter."
"Yes, my existence is important fundamentally, and I've never really felt that way."
"You were someone before you became their mama and she still matters. And you were someone before you became his wife or her wife and she still matters."
"It's important to some of us, it's an escape mechanism, comedy."
"Your voice is important. Your authenticity is important."
"If the Quran is what it says it is, then that's pretty important to me."
"Abortion rights is something that's very very close to my heart and it's something I care about deeply."
"What's the most important thing to this woman right now? Her kid."
"Who's the most important person to you? My little sister."
"I love you, but who cares that I love you though? It is like you love you, so make sure you love yourself a little bit more every day."
"He saw me as though I was the only person in the world."
"A wedding video for me at least is like as important if not more important than wedding photos."
"Capturing the feel and the mood and the tone are the big things for me."
"Your fears serve a purpose. Your fears highlight to you how important something is and what needs to change."
"Honor the value of your success, understand why it means so much to you."
"Every link is worth like a diamond in my collection."
"When you spend everything to get something, that something becomes your everything."
"This is your time to shine, this is your time where you prove everyone that you are important."
"He makes me so happy and to me that is what matters most." - Portia
"You all are as important to me as the tortoises."
"You matter, your heart matters, your desires matter."
"It's all about the genie, it's all about him."
"Education in Jamaica is an important thing, I think it was important to him."
"What could be more important than you feeling good? There's nothing."
"What you feel deeply is far more important than what you are thinking."
"You're cherishing what you truly value, what's really important to you."
"I find it just it's so in integrated into my life that when I don't do it I almost feel like there's something missing."
"I think we should all be grateful for that, he's still probably the funniest insult comic who ever lived, and that is more important to me than anything else."
"God loves the world, but most important of all, God loves you."
"I found that I had a lot of things I didn't realize that were very important to me." - Ricky Gervais
"Hey you, best part of every single day, oh no matter what I do, I'll be lost in you."
"Every single one of us is playing a ridiculously important role in this ascension."
"You are important, you are helping other people by telling your story, you do have a purpose, and Junior would not want you to come home too soon."
"I knew how important this story was for her and I knew that she would never have the voice to tell her stories."
"I often forget how important he is to some people... He's kind of like an emotional support animal."
"Main attraction; you are their main person because they really are attracted to you."
"It felt like I was being heard, and being heard, that's what mattered."
"You gotta tell yourself you love yourself because that's the only person who really matters when it comes to this thing called life."
"Nature is very, very important, always been really important to me. I need to spend frequent times just being at one in the natural environment. I spent all my childhood sitting in trees."
"In the end, did we make Olive famous? No. But to Kayla, she's the world."
"I love Hatsune Miku, she's so important to me."
"They feel a sense of security, self-worth, and importance with you."
"What seems so important today, in a year's time, no one really cares about."
"The most important opinion you will ever hear in your whole life is the opinion you have about you."
"Your person puts you up on a pedestal, you're their queen/king."
"Realizing that those really petty things are actually important to some people."
"This time we have together is important. It's important to me, and I really hope it's important to you too."
"There's nothing more that makes you feel like the world is more about you than having two children."
"Your happiness is important, extremely important."
"It speaks to me on a very high level which is really important when I play a guitar."
"You matter. In order for you to be happy, you have to have self-happiness."
"You matter. You have no idea how much you matter. No matter what you've done, you matter."
"Christmas shopping is really something that I take seriously."
"It's like you're connecting to the past, and that feels important to me."
"If you become irreplaceable to that company, they need you, you're an asset."
"The most important thing for me when it comes to Casio watches is the nostalgia factor."
"Good faith criticisms feel meaningful and important to me."
"They know you're someone extremely special in their life."
"My career isn't really my career because it's my whole life... it's my everything." - Tinashe
"If something is important to you, you are going to make time for it."
"The single most important thing in your life is your dream."
"What does it mean to be valued in a relationship?"
"What matters most is the relationship you have with yourself."
"Your own independence matters the most here."
"Don't let that love go to waste, this matters."
"Your life is far more important than any amount of money."
"You are the most important part of the entire thing."
"I think it's very important to me to succeed in college this semester."
"It's just the most important thing in my life, this job. It just is."
"Your own opinion of yourself is what truly matters."
"What is one memory you really want to never forget? Our 19th birthday."
"That's okay I know that but the problem is the marketing wants you to think that you are just as important as the local fan and they want you to act just as important as the local fan."
"One of the most important things to me is good mic quality."
"That's why I tell people, sports are important. Sports are really important."
"This is my purpose in life, my existence on this planet matters."
"Just remember to say it to yourself: I love you. You gotta tell yourself you love yourself because that's the only person who really matters when it comes to this thing called life."
"It was very important that I introduced my kids to it for both for them and for me."
"Your voice is important. Speak your voice, even if it trembles."
"Family is something important, even above all."
"Everybody has something very important, quite literally, to bring to the table."
"I didn't realize how important my wedding was to me until this post blew up."
"You are alive and you matter, and you deserve love."
"People are wanting to care for you and let you know how special and important you are."
"But just know that what you do matters, it matters, it matters."
"Your response and the way you're feeling is so important, especially right now."
"Remember it's your special day, no one else's."
"Animals have lives that matter to them, not just lives that matter to me."
"My audience to me is very important. I try to keep my audience happy."
"It's no stretch of the imagination to see how important music is to you, especially a positive message in the music."
"Honesty to your inner self is astoundingly important."
"That is firing. That is huge coming from Ally. I think that's equally important to both of us."
"Everybody is essential to somebody even if it's just themselves."
"Emphasizes its importance for the individual."
"Just you being here is shifting the course of history is shifting destiny family so please take this time seriously."
"It's about starting your own business, making something, and becoming important."
"Marriage is the most important decision of your life."
"I feel like people sometimes learn that lesson later in life but their inner world is so much more important than anything else."