
Brain Training Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Retrain your brain for maximum happiness... Neuroplasticity, the concept that we can retrain our brain physiologically, seems like nonsense, but it's exactly what happens inside our brains."
"Some people don't believe we can train the brain. And that's kind of a hopeless state. So let's actually change that with evidence. Personal evidence."
"Neuroscientific evidence... suggests that this kind of training can help you feel less stressed, less pain, and change the way your brain works."
"If you train your brain to look for what's going right, you're putting your attention on the thing you want to grow."
"Neuroplasticity: someone who trains to be a musician will create stronger neural connections that link the two hemispheres of the brain in order to be musically creative."
"You can train your brain, but there is also a limit to that."
"It's extremely important for you to train your brain. And there's no better exercise than counting."
"Every time you repeat that loop, you are programming neural pathways in your brain."
"You can train your brain to learn anything if you remember that. That is the best mindset that you can go into life with."
"Think of your brain as a muscle being trained."
"You can train your brain to a certain point, but some things are innate."
"It's really the only way to retrain our brain is to do it. Pick a simple thing something that's really easy but stick with it."
"The series, also known as Brain Training, is designed to stimulate your mind and improve your intelligence."
"This is the fastest way based on science to start rewiring your brain."
"What would it be worth to you to train your brain to function at higher levels of processing?"
"You're essentially rewiring your brain and your associations with responsibility by noticing all the situations in which you take responsibility and it goes well."
"With repeated and directed attention towards your desired change, you can rewire your brain."
"Stair exercises retrain your brain and alleviate pain."
"Yoga and Tai Chi reprogram your brain, physiology, and nervous system."
"Your brain is the most powerful weapon you can train to use."
"Every single morning to maximize my brain power, these are my brain hacks."
"You can train your brain to make being positive familiar and being negative unfamiliar."
"Daily brain workouts: two sets of counting to 10, two sets of alphabet, 10 minutes of trying to spell 'restaurant,' and animal lists 'til failure."
"I would love to hear your thoughts and your experiences with brain training programs."
"Stay tuned for more on brain training, transhumanism, and fitness."
"Embracing forgetting is actually crucial. If you forget something, the harder your brain has to work to retrieve it which trains your brain to build up the necessary neural pathways to ensure you remember that information later on."
"This crossword game will sharpen your brain."
"Train your brain and by autumn you'll be speaking a new language."
"...this is a wonderful game to train your brain to get out of its own way."
"The end goal of shape analysis is training the brain to see in simple shapes."
"Unlike a lot of other brain training programs, Elevate's games focus on practicing specific Real World skills."
"...our brain is very neuroplastic and when we apply a specific training technique we can actually create a new pathway far more efficiently."
"Neurofeedback involves measuring brain waves and training an individual to learn how to change their brain waves."
"Read as much as you can; it's so important to read, train your brain."
"It's really meant to be just a fun way to train your brain and work your mind out and get better at your computation and mental math skills."
"You can retrain your brain to have new dopamine memories."
"Every single day you wake up, you can train your brain and literally it maps out the course of your day."
"What can work is deliberately practicing new neural pathways and they replace the old ones."
"A big part of your training when you do strength training is brain training and central nervous system training, not muscle training."
"Visualization can also change the brain; you can strengthen it, you can rewire it."
"Reading is such a fantastic thing; it trains your brain, it expands your vocabulary."
"The goal of the exercises today is to rebuild or strengthen a neural network."
"Just like our brains have been evolved to track objects for survival, we can also train it to detect patterns optimized around achieving a specific goal."
"When you do behavioral treatment, you're really doing is retraining the brain to do something different."
"Duolingo is a brain game, not a full-blown language course."
"If you don't train this brain, it'll use you instead of you using it."
"It's like instant brain training as soon as you start treating hearing loss."
"This advanced memory and cognitive recognition test is designed to stimulate several segments of the brain."
"The management of tinnitus is really about retraining our brain and our brain's reaction."
"I teach your brain and your hands will follow."
"It's really cool, so basically you dial up what mode you need or want, and this literally helps train your brain."
"You have the power to train your brain; this is what neuroplasticity is."
"Manifesting done correctly is when you use your procedural memory as a tool to train your brain."
"We can retrain the brain to be more focused on solutions than problems."
"The best thing you can do to maintain cognitive ability isn't to do exercises like Lumosity; it's exercise."
"If you can train your left brain to understand the subject, engage your right brain to come up with creative solutions, keep your subconscious brain excited rather than fearful, and then take action while being willing to make mistakes and learn, you can create magic."
"Train your brain to look for successful information, once we start finding it then our brain is trained to see it everywhere."
"Sudoku has helped you to rediscover your passion to learn and improve your brain."
"Human brains are really good at making shortcuts... we have to train our brains to stop intuiting because your intuition is probably wrong."
"We want to train the brain, training the neural network to have optimal weights to get good results."
"Incorporating brain training... could well be an effective method for building a truly unstoppable machine like Doomguy."
"It's an amazing exercise for our brains."
"It helps challenge your brain to form as many words as you can."
"It gets harder and more challenging for you, but honestly, it's all worth it because it keeps your brain moving."