
Affection Quotes

There are 54390 quotes

"I love these little guys; they're kind of cute."
"I can only see your face when I close my eyes; can I get a kiss and let's make it last forever?"
"As soon as I saw her, I didn't let her go for a good three hours."
"Hugs are amazing if they're from the right person."
"I love you too, Tisley. Tisley, I appreciate you."
"I love you too, Lil. And with that, I'm off. Remember, two stars or better, or we're out on our asses."
"I love y'all dudes, man. Y'all dudes is crazy."
"At its very best, communication can help us to demonstrate our love and affection for one another."
"This person is really thinking about you, to the point where they're dreaming about you."
"People in movies: 'We must destroy them, they are only machines.' People in real life: 'This is my new Rover, I will name him Opie and we will be best friends forever.'"
"You're so beautiful. I'm always thinking about you."
"Liverpool's love affair with this League Cup has spanned the decades."
"Imagine that you never learned that butter was wrong. Imagine you learned that all bodies were equally deserving of affection."
"You are so beautiful. Just stay there, pretty."
"They hold a very special place in their heart for you. No matter how distracted they get, no matter how busy they get, no matter what they're doing, you're always there with them in their heart."
"Hi, baby, just want to say I love you, and you're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"Oh my god, I really like her. I mean, more than I like other people."
"Loving someone is work, and most of that work is hugs and words of affirmation."
"It's often more important to like someone than love someone."
"When your mom got you a Kinder Surprise, it's because she really loved you."
"What would it feel like to be cherished for every smell, for every kiss, for every cuddle, and for every touch?"
"I've been kissed. Yeah, I got kissed on my cheek and then right by my lips."
"I love you, Sebastian. Have a good one. Good night, Destiny."
"I still get butterflies when you touch me, kiss me, or look in my eyes."
"I'm sorry if I sound a little harsh, but I don't know how to get through to you because you don't seem to know that you are everything a girl could dream of."
"Keep on smiling, have a fantastic day, I love you."
"They need to do this again, this is so cute, I love this."
"I'm gonna have to wait longer. Trust me when I say that I really, really missed you too."
"I love you more than I love anybody, and um, and I mean that."
"I've liked you for a long time now and I can't keep it to myself any longer."
"I'm very very much in love with this whole family."
"We treat each other like we're best friends."
"I'm so happy you're here. I'll see you tomorrow, okay? I love you."
"You're always wearing a yellow shirt, and I love you, so I love the color yellow."
"I love you all more than you can possibly know and I'll see you in the next one."
"I just adore this plant...it's definitely my favorite [plant]."
"I really love it, I think it's just very cute."
"I love Humanity. I love the story. I have so much affection for the human project and what it makes."
"If they don't miss you, they don't like you."
"My home away from home, love it there in the summertime."
"I love you all so much and I'm sending you all a big hug."
"You're such a sweetheart. We'll be so happy together."
"We won't just say hello, we also love you very much. You're the best."
"I'm saying you're suited to date me; it's just somebody that I like you and I want to be with you. This is a pure feeling."
"You're just you, and you're just cute, and I love it so much."
"I just want to say I love you, my little coconuts."
"Whatever it takes for you to pick up the phone and say those words, I like that person."
"Love can be defined in many ways, but one way is a feeling of strong and constant affection for a person."
"The consequences of generational trauma where love, affection, and care are often used as synonyms for each other when they are in fact different things."
"If Violet was a food item, she'd be a rice ball. She's a rice ball with treats. Oh, I love you so much."
"Cherish the gestures, a smile, a wink, a kiss, maybe just a hug."
"To be honest, I'm happy that someone as beautiful as you says she likes me."
"I love you. I hope you have a great week and, as always, I hope you're having a lovely morning, afternoon, evening, wherever you're around the world."
"I love you and I hope that you got some relaxation from this and I hope you have sweet, sweet dreams."
"I purple you all so much and I'll see you in my next video."
"We hope that you found this entertaining. We love you to the moon and back."
"To become aware of affection is to become aware that it has already been going on for some time."
"Affection, at its best, gives you the pleasures of ease and relaxation of solitude without solitude itself."
"The glory of affection is that it unites those who most emphatically, even comically, are not."
"Mellowed by affection, we almost reach the stage of loving goodness itself."
"It's really about being available to your child, but not necessarily over-burdening them with a ton of affection and not letting them go, 'cause that actually doesn't develop strong resilience skills in your child."
"You're always my number one, and always will be."
"The only reason I give you so much attention is simply that I want to be with you."
"I think the Roomba is very cute, even though it's an inanimate robot."
"Thank you, Wolfie. I love your blue eyes and your teeth."
"If cats aren't meant to be kissed on their heads, then what's the little space between their ears for?"
"You're very wonderful. All right, listen, I love you. I'll talk to you later, okay?"
"I love you all. Alright, now that they're gone, they probably won't survive."
"Never has the boxing world been so unanimous in its affection, and never was it so richly deserved."
"Tell people you love them. It's a really effective measure."
"I love you so much, man. Take care of yourself."
"I think all we can do really right now is just let the ones that we love know we love them and be good to one another."
"He loves you like literally; he sends you flowers on the most random days with little teddy bears that are holding like a tiny balloon."
"Hey, you. The best part of every single day."
"There's something about you that just makes them feel so ooey gooey and soft."
"Just the thought of you can brighten up my day."
"I smile every time I think of you... I love you with every breath I possess."
"If a woman spends money on you, she likes you. Most women can go their entire lifetime without spending a dollar on a guy."
"It's okay, don't worry, you mean the world to me."
"Don't think I don't care about you because I really do."
"Millions of us watch clips of different species that normally wouldn't come together, showing what looks like friendship, affection, and even love towards each other."
"You're not a disappointment; you're my favorite and you're my best friend."
"I really do love the hair, love love love love love it."
"It’s a very brave thing to show love and affection for others, and to do it wholeheartedly like Steven does."
"Morty still Longs for normal Grandpa grants and activities and the bare minimum of love and affection."
"I like you because of who you are, not because you're someone's son or because you're smart or anything."
"I've liked you ever since then. That doesn't change the fact that you protected me."
"He brought me a tree once instead of flowers. He thought it was the same thing but better."
"I love this house; I really love this house."
"We love you guys so much, any last words? Stay Royal, we out, peace!"
"I'm thinking of you this very moment. Your love fills me with light. I love you."
"I will give them kitty kisses. Ashley, we will boop the floofs."
"I love him so much now, I feel like he's a kindred spirit."
"Over the course of my 32 years in the state department, I developed a great affection and, I think, understanding for Bangladesh and its people."
"You have someone who really loves you very, very sweet. We love that, very, very pure."
"I love it dude, it's so cute man, everyone loves Billy."
"This person is devoted and thinks that you are so beautiful."
"Your person really finds you adorable; they feel like you're a breath of fresh air."
"I was her protector ever since the first time I saw her beautiful face."
"You've made the UK proud. You are the people's princess."
"You are so precious to me, like a precious gem."
"Love you guys madly, thank you for being the best community in the whole wide world."
"I love affection and I love intimacy and I love love. I have a lot of love to give."
"I love you, Grant, you're my best friend, best biffle buddies for life."
"I love you, buddy. Everybody, love you too, buddy."
"He looks so pitiful. I think I need this Bullseye in my life."
"You’re the pink in my cheeks, and I love that it means I’m a little bit soft."
"It's you, baby. All I want for Christmas is you."
"You are so precious to me, no one lights me up and inspires me like you do."
"They put you on a pedestal and they really do like you."
"But I still feel that warmth, like a stream of sunlight being poured into me, moving throughout my body when I hear you say those words, 'I love you.'"
"I love our friendship and I wish I could hold you right now."
"You still have a place in my heart and I wholeheartedly believe that."
"Affection makes wishes happier and stronger."
"You are my heart, my soul, my treasure, my today, my tomorrow, my forever, my everything."
"As far as his personality goes, he is the cuddliest, most energetic, funnest, giggly little guy ever. He is strong-willed, he knows exactly what he wants, and I love that about him."
"This is my beautiful, gorgeous angel who has never done one thing wrong in her entire existence."
"I love this city, I have deep affection for her."
"San Francisco, it's where I live. It's a city I love."
"I love you all, have a nice day, and stay blue."
"I love dogs; they bring me more joy than anyone else on the planet has ever brought to me."
"I love you. Keeping treasured memories close to your heart, you're always on their mind."
"They are they're having a heart awakening here."
"My dad brings me chocolate-covered strawberries every Valentine's Day."
"I love you all very much and I will see you in my next video. Bye!"
"The effects were permanent. She could take the bug out, but the deal was done. I would forever have people falling in love with me."
"Absolutely adorable, she's super, super cute."
"I love them deeply, I love them with all my heart."
"Raja, you've always been like a mother to me."
"This person has very, very deep feelings for you."
"Dogs, they are the fraking best dude. They're always there for us, they love us unconditionally, and their babies are cuter than our babies."
"The bond is unbreakable. I love that girl with all my heart."
"I'm much more of a dog person because across the board I love when people or animals show their affection."
"Definition: Someone or something having power, authority, or influence; a master, a ruler. You're a master everything you do, a true leader in the ruler of my heart. So, I made it official."
"And love, most especially, mio caro. For you, our children, our brothers and sisters, and for the vast and wonderful world that gave us life, and keeps us guessing. Endless affection, mia Sofia. Forever yours, Ezio Auditore."
"She was kind, funny, loyal... Everybody who knew Bobby loved her."
"Children rush to hug their mother, wishing that their parents could stay a few more days with them."
"Hug your parents alive, or your close loved ones, your friends, your family, give them a big hug."
"Hug someone you love. That's my sign-off tonight."
"I will always love Tinko; she has such a soft, sweet side, and her free time events are so, so adorable."
"This baby right here can never do no wrong, can do no harm, is like the best human that ever graced the face of the earth. Nobody believes it but me, but it is."
"I love Nina. She is so nice. You can never go wrong with her."
"Dogs are the best. They really are. Love them, unworthy of their love, I tell you."
"Heartfelt hug, you know what I mean? It's really nice, like she cares. It's now obvious that she cares."
"It is so wonderful to be able to press to one's heart such a bit of paper, which two so dear little eyes have lovingly beheld... only now do I realize how indispensable my dear little sunshine has become to my happiness."
"Since I like you so much and you are so far away that I cannot give you a kiss, I am now writing this little letter and am asking you whether you like me as much as I do you? Answer me immediately. Thousand kisses from your Doxerl."
"I will leave you with precious, Oh cute-ass precious."
"Go tell someone you love them, be nice, eat some cheese and pasta - elite combination."
"Malik has the best heart ever. I love him so much."
"I can't believe it; I think you guys are just absolutely amazing, and I just love you."
"I love you a lot, not like a little bit, a lot of bit."
"Happy anniversary my dear, wonderful wife. Happy anniversary, darling. Congratulations."
"The affection in which she (the Queen) is held gets deeper and not less."
"I love you anyway, you perfect little specimen."
"Hi, I'm Bobby Bear. You want to know how much I love you? Yes, how much is it? A lot. I love you to the moon and back. Well, watch out; Hoppy Hopscotch is over at the moon, so tell him I said hi while you're up there."
"Oh, sure, sure, your partner has been interested. I get it, you want me, but my heart belongs to Sonia."
"I care for you more than you will ever know."
"Every time I see you, I always get amazed by how beautiful you truly are."
"I love how you make me feel like a million dollars."
"Stay safe, I'm sending you lots and lots of love."
"I just want love and affection. I'm a needy person, I know."
"ARA, the only person suited to take over from Maro and capture Maho's heart."
"Love bombing is a manipulation technique used to win over your trust and affection in order to get you to do something."
"Communication is a sign of affection. When there's a lot of communication, it probably means that someone's interested."
"I'm going to miss you, like for real. I loved you, my little friend."
"I had to, you're my gal, I love you. You're such a great teammate."
"They feel like you have been showing them a lot of unconditional love, and they really want to return that."
"You learned to say 'I love you.' You must have been studying, huh?"
"You're coming into your own is an understatement, my love."
"If I could clone Nerf right now, I would spend every dollar in my bank account."
"Hey baby, do you believe me when I say I miss you so?"
"Blake, are you okay? I missed you so much, dear, two days ago was the longest time in my life."
"Get vaccinated. Then go hug your loved ones."
"Oxytocin is known as the cuddle hormone because our pituitary glands release it during moments of affection, like when you're hugging somebody."
"The love is in abundance. You are not losing out if your partner shows affection to a friend."
"You're always going to be beautiful to me, you're always going to be like you know it's not it's not changing."
"I adore how much her and Jamie kind of clicked very quickly. I don't know, I'm finding that adorable."
"I love you guys, follow the stream, follow the YouTube channels, and yeah, peace."
"Enough of this hug and high five and crap. Branch kiss poppy with tongue."
"You're a beautiful flower and I love to watch you grow."
"I love you, I love you, I love you and do something that makes you happy today."
"Love you guys so much man I am out over and out Roger that."
"I love you so much, be sure to subscribe if you haven't and like the stream."
"Hey, what's up, you want some attention? I'll give you a brush pet."
"This person definitely just like is afraid sometimes that other people are going to steal you from them because they're just so crazy about you."
"They think that you're just like the most amazing thing on the planet."
"I love you and I'll see you next time bye bye."
"I mean, every dog is a good dog. They're all good boys."
"Well, every dog is a good dog. They're not all boys, though."
"I love them so much I would happily dropkick my own gran in the teeth if I thought she'd drop a pair of gloves that I particularly wanted."
"Together, they were an inseparable couple filled with warmth and affection."
"You're my pride and joy and I miss you dearly."
"I love you guys and have a fantastic rest of your day."
"Most grandparents delight in spoiling their grandkids."
"Come on, give me a hug. It don't count if you don't hug back, buddy."
"She was mourned and still remembered as the people's princess."
"I have no problem saying it because, you know, guys, I love her and she's my wifey."
"An entire cash machine... intelligent... a sweetheart. Girl, I love it!"
"Girl you got what I need, this love I got for you too much I can't measure."
"He's the sweetest guy, the sweetest guy in the world."