
Maintenance Quotes

There are 9542 quotes

"Improving my mental health has changed my life forever and it's something that I will always, always maintain."
"Motivation needs to be cultivated like a garden."
"Change is really hard... there are steps to change... the most important step in the stages of change is maintenance."
"Building muscle is much more difficult than maintaining it."
"Ownership is a big hassle; shit breaks all the time."
"Friendship needs as much attention as a romantic relationship."
"Be grateful for the health that you have, and try your best to maintain it and make it healthier if it's not where you want it to be already."
"The hard work isn't achieving it; it's keeping it."
"Everything looks good on this now. With anything with building an engine, every time you put new parts in, you want to spin it and make sure that everything's still working like it was."
"I'm going to do the right thing, just shoot a little lube down the carburetor, and crank this over."
"We check the relief, check the action at the nut, check the action at the 12th fret, and then set intonation."
"Preventative maintenance is always a great idea, but there is potentially a lot to gain on some of these cards that have been in the field for five, six, seven years."
"We service our bikes; we might as well service our body."
"Relationships are harder to measure, harder to sustain, and harder to repair."
"This isn't a car you want to own out of warranty."
"Maintaining a proper skin barrier is crucial for healthy skin."
"Clean My Mac X is more than just freeing up unwanted space. It also helps you manage your storage and files, detect malware and viruses, and keeps your system routinely running like new."
"Supporting the many other bridges that are still in very poor condition."
"What you build in your own strength, you have to maintain in your own strength."
"We need to prioritize where deferred maintenance has gotten to be a huge problem and address that."
"The protective coating really helps its appearance."
"This is a vital part of the process of servicing a watch, we put it through a chemical process that will strip away, dissolve, and take care of any dirt, debris, dried-up oil, or anything else that may have gotten on the movement."
"Watering consistently and weeding consistently will improve your gardening success."
"Raised bed gardening is easier to maintain, requires less fertilizer and soil amendments, and grows healthier crops."
"Cleanliness is so very important; the tub is perfectly clean, the rocks are perfectly clean."
"We don't have any intentions on selling this boat, but you know, it's always smart while we're in here doing work to just go the extra, it's not even the extra mile, it's like the extra 20 ft to keep everything as modern as possible."
"There's a fair amount of clients out there who want to go tiny because they don't want to worry about the maintenance; they just want to live, enjoy life."
"Doing the vital repair work to keep these heavy-metal wonders of industry alive."
"A mighty maintenance job can also mean mega danger."
"You are not losing progress by being in this maintenance and momentum phase. If anything, you are building progress, you are making progress."
"That's going to aid things like maintenance and inspections and things on a reusable rocket."
"A missing screw can jeopardize the safety of flight. Constant checks keep planes flying and passengers safe."
"Replace your 1-inch filters every month, or at least check them monthly."
"Keep your vents and registers clear to avoid impeding airflow and causing system problems."
"Planes so well built that they could fly almost as long as we're willing to take care of them. They're built tough and should be able to last forever if they're maintained properly."
"The most common mistake that people make with maintenance is not really understanding what maintenance is."
"Instead of calling this maintenance, in our inner circle we call it momentum."
"If you do maintenance properly, you will make dramatic progress. It might not be in fat loss per se, but you will make dramatic progress."
"Building really strong friendships that are actively maintained can be the most fulfilling."
"This year, we're going to take good care of her; we're going to do a full rebuild of this car."
"Democracy isn’t automatic. It has to be nurtured. It has to be tended to. We have to work at it."
"Remember kids, when you buy a supercar, you're actually buying two of them: the one you drive and the one you service."
"Adjusting the handbrake, not entertaining content, but it's got to get done."
"I'm a simple guy, like I don't really demand much, you know. Low maintenance."
"Anytime you're working inside of a panel, you want to do as much as you can to get the power totally off."
"Ferraris that if you miss a shift, the transmission needs to come out and go to Italy to get fixed."
"Feet are easier to maintain than many people think... just keep a pumice stone, foot file, or... a double-sided foot buffer in your shower."
"The entire beauty industry as an economy is one of maintenance, of keeping women in particular on a constant cycle of need."
"If you don't schedule time for maintenance, your equipment will schedule it for you."
"You don't need ten different compounds, 10 different polishes; just find ones that you can work with, learn them really well, and you'll go far."
"The games industry has a horrible, horrible track record of maintaining its own games."
"These machines last forever if they're properly maintained."
"The critical step: always have your reservoir directly before the pump to prevent dry running."
"Ensure your drives are running at their best."
"It's more than tailoring a suit for the prom. It's about how to wash it, iron it, and wear it again."
"The human brain is like any complex machine; sometimes it breaks down and needs a little servicing to get it running again."
"Plug and holes is really, really, really important."
"If you don't maintain that yard it is unbelievable, it just gets out of control so fast."
"This is one of those things that I'd rather just set it up and not have to worry about it again."
"You definitely need the washer, if you don't put the washer in there you get too much friction and it doesn't turn."
"Activate maintenance mode to prevent snooping during repairs."
"Refitting is a thing you probably even forgot it even existed."
"Once season is safe for re-gripping your clubs."
"Of the hundreds of thousands of engines I've seen built and the thousands that I've torn down, none of them have ever failed because they were too clean."
"A lot of old high tech devices that are barely functioning, often maintained through ritual more than true understanding."
"I really don't think I'm high maintenance. I wouldn't consider myself to be high maintenance, girl."
"The first two months are crucial... definitely clean it at least one to two times a day."
"It required absolutely no money to fix, all I had to do was push a little storage compartment back up and we have a drop top."
"The more consistent your code is, the easier it is to read, understand, and maintain it."
"It's to all intents and purposes as immaculate now as it was when it went out on track an hour and a half ago."
"It says it's got a condition for peak performance."
"Anyone who's owned a house and had pipes freeze and then had to deal with what happens most of the time when your pipes freeze is just going to pay the extra five dollars that month on water to not have to even remotely risk dealing with that."
"With a little bit of tender love and care, you can eventually get where you want to be with it."
"It's maintenance free, it's passive income once you create it."
"It's easier to maintain, and this is a great benefit... can help you stabilize your self-realization."
"Relationships are created and upheld by the power of definition."
"Not only are the six aviators awesome so are the maintainers that they have on the team."
"With an electric car, there's way less necessary maintenance."
"All three of them you'll probably be charging them up every week these days."
"How long is it possible to keep patching holes in the ship that is essentially Destiny 2?"
"Couples therapy should be a regular thing to preserve the longevity of your relationship."
"Transformation never stops; maintenance is key."
"Sunscreen should also be applied immediately after swimming or toweling off or if you're sweating a great deal."
"Especially when you're an athlete, these are the type of things you have to do for regular maintenance."
"Keep your GPU drivers up-to-date for optimal performance."
"So, big picture stuff here. Don't just stop at the refrigerant leak. Start looking: why is there a crack in the line? What caused the crack?"
"We've got the gas ballast open on the vacuum pump, okay, until we get it to about 1500ish microns, and then we'll close it so that way it's kind of saving the oil."
"Electric vehicles need extremely little maintenance."
"A Land Cruiser that's been regularly maintained has an average lifespan of more than 300,000 miles or 25 years of service."
"Sounds a lot better with the new sparkplugs in there."
"It's going to help prevent any weird issues."
"Relationships are truly like a garden. If you tend them and water them and weed them, then they can grow and really be productive. If you neglect them, then they just get swallowed up by the landscape."
"That wasn't too bad. I thought this would be stuck in there."
"Fix known vulnerabilities in software - it's the bare minimum of cybersecurity."
"Maintaining that autonomy as much as possible."
"This feels real, okay? I said I was gonna be pampering, that's what we're doing. All right, maintenance, pampering, maintenance, it's all one of the same."
"Car tires have rubber notches between the treads, serving as indicators for when the tires need replacing."
"The side hatch hasn't been open since launch day."
"Don't throw your mats out yet, clean them to give them a couple more weeks of use or months of use."
"Just fix the things that are broken and leave it alone."
"Code spends 10x more time being read than being written."
"More copy-pasted code implies future headaches."
"Update your Windows, navigate to check for updates, stay up to date."
"They just don't want to have it break so that they have to come in and intervene with a rescue."
"Tesla vehicles require no traditional oil changes, fuel filters, spark plug replacements, or emission checks."
"I wouldn't even go as far as changing the wheels."
"Remember to maintain hygiene and always sterilize your cutting tools."
"Regenerative braking also extends the lifespan of brake pads by using the electric motor to decelerate the vehicle."
"Maintenance and repair? No oil changes for the fully electric vehicles, no spark plugs."
"The secret is, I stay fairly lean all year round. I don't bulk ever."
"Our gun is secure, grips are tight, metals good, cycles nicely. Nothing weird."
"Once you're in there, now it's time to actually do some cleaning."
"Every time I ever either given a gun or buy one somewhere, I'll just pull it apart all the way and just check."
"Most of the time, unless the gun's really egregiously bad, that'll be the limiting factor."
"If it's not broken, there's no need to fix it."
"When well-maintained, the stick has an incredible responsiveness and range of movement."
"Dusty PC alert! Let's make our customers happy."
"Make sure that you run all your updates I would definitely recommend updating windows all the time making sure it's up to date."
"Get a good sharpening stone. You don't have to buy it new."
"You have to take time to weed the garden, your soul, your marriage, your life."
"Toyota has tuned this chassis to be really, really easy... it's easy to live with, it's easy to charge, it's easy to own and maintain, it's easy to drive..."
"It's difficult to get on top and to become that winner but it's even tougher to stay on top."
"If the duck's sticking, then keep them ticking."
"It's not a maintainer system, it improves upon what you already started with."
"Now it's good as new, just took a little bit of rinsing."
"The highest percentage results will be achieved with a regular water change schedule and making them easy to perform so they're actually done on time every time."
"Maintenance is way better on an EV usually... fewer moving parts."
"Toyota is throwing in 2 years complimentary scheduled maintenance."
"Reduced mechanical erosion during the break-in cycle."
"You don't want to damage the glass back and you certainly don't want to break the screen."
"The repairs to help keep the traps alive get to get more value out of each one of them."
"Graphene coatings make water spots easier to remove."
"It's a really nice anchor piece, super solid plant, it's easy to maintain."
"These engines are pretty much bulletproof; you just have to keep up with regular maintenance intervals."
"By removing the brown leaves, you're taking away an environment for pests and fungus to develop."
"Respect the things you worked hard for, like your car, by keeping them neat and tidy."
"Make sure that your garden looks pretty all year."
"Some would call it high-maintenance. I call it having self-respect."
"It's not low maintenance, but it's not like, 'Oh my god, I didn't text Zoe in three days.'"
"Proper maintenance... it goes a long way... it will last longer... you'll have a better experience."
"Alright, it's intake manifold time. That thing is not leaking anytime soon."
"This stuff lasts forever if you take reasonably good care of it."
"Becoming great and successful is the easiest part; maintaining it is the challenge."
"Relationships are critical to find, maintain, and work through differences."
"It's worth the question, can you get parts for these?"
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it," is what I say.
"Their job is to just keep that electrolyte from freezing."
"This person is saying you know you need to change your oil every three months."
"All right, everything is pretty much cleaned."
"Plants will consume hardness minerals over time... keep feathering it to stay in a zone that you want."
"That's a good investment. It can buy years for this old floor."
"A two page design suddenly becomes something that's legitimate and maintainable."
"It's easier to stop a leak if you have the material necessary for it."
"It's just one of these areas that requires regular maintenance."
"Squarespace website just maintains itself—no updating needed, no fussing with plugins."
"I just have to 100% not care what anybody thinks."
"You don't want to keep using the same water and keep everything clogging up your paper."
"Every time you go in and polish or color sand to get rid of scratches or imperfections in the paint you're removing that paint."
"Always make sure to give it a rinse with fresh water to keep your GoPro lasting longer."
"Every time your thermostat turns yellow, it's time to warm that bad boy back up again."
"Essence plus from Car Pro...a light polish after you apply the ceramic coating."
"Preventing fading and cracking - always protect the surface."
"Will save you whole bunch of money now this is going to sound kind of counterintuitive but I promise you it's not doing high maintenance things to be low maintenance."
"The more you defer maintenance, the more expensive it becomes."
"When you respawn, your gear will have taken some damage that is this green health bar next to all of your gear in your inventory."
"Increase gloss, add slickness, and make maintenance a breeze."
"Insane gloss levels, tied for first place with bead maker."
"Speeding of that though, might want to do some lickety-split base repairs."
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it, and try not to waste money."
"The Weasel is simply designed and extremely low maintenance."
"It's important to maintain all three of these things in order to preserve narrative rationality."
"Now we're just going to make sure our installation is working."
"The idea that it's so maintenance free... there's really nothing. I mean, these could go half a million miles."
"Replace them because when you tune your car... the engine eats through this much faster."
"Piston engines are much less demanding to the technicians working on them."
"This stuff is brilliant and I've never had a bottom bracket creak that I've used this on."
"Life maintenance load doesn't contribute to progress or enjoyment, it just keeps the wheels turning at a basic level."
"Wipe down your cutting board after using it every single time."
"Hybrid batteries, if maintained right, will have no problem lasting 100, 200, 300,000 miles."
"Maintain them right and if you follow some of the general precautions, they have no problem lasting at least 10 to 15 years and 100, 200, 300,000 miles."
"Eventually you'll be able to figure out how to take parts off and put miles on, but it's the diagnosis part that people really need to learn and understand."
"Remember, the paint should not be scratched by your drying process."
"Drying is even more important than washing in some cases."
"This technique of drying your car with a microfiber towel is crucial for long-term paint care."
"Avoid throwing the carpets in a leftover puddle from your previous wash and just keep them to the side for now."
"Detailing towels are pretty much my number one detailing tool."
"Remember, we don't ship features as programmers; we ship maintenance to our future self."
"At the end of the day, I like the idea of being able to maintain stuff."
"Any variations in porosity or texture in the steel barrel will be filled in by copper, effectively smoothing the barrel out and making it more friction resistant."
"I'm here to tell you that if you just do the work one time to figure out what maintenance you need and you get into a rhythm you can make sure that you keep the value up in your RV."
"If you want to save money in the long run, getting these tools and doing a good part of the maintenance yourself is a good way to go."
"You know when you take that boat home you're about to put some more time and some more money into it to get it dialed in exactly the way you want."
"This is a boat that's been driven up on the bank a few times... it's just surface, it's just scratch."
"Exterior-wise, pretty simple: headlights, trim, the rear bumper. Those are all things I could quickly fix."
"I'm excited...the DeLorean is all cleaned up and looking pretty."
"It's running so good right now, no lights on the dash, the ride is beautiful."
"Once you learn how to eat to maintain your weight, that's a beautiful thing. You don't gain, you don't lose, just maintain."
"Self-care is like brushing and maintaining your mental health hygiene."
"Therapy is like maintenance for your brain. We all need it."
"Knowing how to work on cars will greatly reduce maintenance costs."