
Memory Preservation Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"Have you ever looked out at a breathtaking sunset and wondered how you could keep that vivid image crisp and clear for the rest of your life?"
"What if we took advantage of that time to create a memory bank that might be helpful later?"
"We mustn't bury the memory of Alexandria but celebrate it."
"I refuse to ever play Shadow of the Colossus again, just to keep the memory of it alive in my mind, but it's just an absolutely beautiful and sad game."
"Capture the joy... assign [family members] a role to be the picture taker... capture the beauty of the moments together because you'll be really disappointed if you don't have those afterwards."
"I wrote my book to remember what I've forgotten."
"They hope the goal of the Gabby Petito Foundation is they do not want her light to dim." - Keeping a loved one's memory alive through positive action.
"The world has all but forgotten the old-growth, but I never will."
"I love vlogging. It's a great way to not forget your past but also build on yourself." - Atlas Leas
"We always bring Penelope like usually the tail end of my Duncan um because she would always share donuts coffee with me."
"Document everything, take pictures, take videos, do all of that stuff."
"He cared about people, and he was sincere, not a phony bone in that man's body."
"Recording a speaker at a political event can be a way to preserve a memory, not just to supplement one's own self-image."
"Post-mortem photography: preserving the image of the deceased."
"I hoped it would serve as a link to the past, a connection to my family that would otherwise be lost after my mother's death."
"I always loved making content to capture memories."
"Capture all the important moments in your life... enrich your life and theirs."
"Luna wouldn't allow her memory to fade away as another statistic."
"Nobody takes a picture of a moment they want to forget."
"I hope that the good memories stay with you as you navigate the grief."
"Photography to me is much like having a time machine because you can use device to go back in time when looking back at the photos you took and the memories that were made."
"I'm not so sure I'll see you again, but I hope you don't forget about me."
"If you can manage to live in the memories of those around them, you will never truly vanish, never truly die."
"Tear it apart, it's all in pieces. I want to remember this moment."
"We're big fans of Christmas decorations. Keith and I love having all of our memories somewhere we can easily look at them."
"His mom is to be commended for coming up with yet another way to keep his story in front of the world."
"Cameras are great for capturing memories; they allow us to look back on memories of our life and reflect on what was going on at that point in time."
"Just gotta keep it going and remember the good times."
"Memory... there's no better way in my view than a statue."
"The moment is not recorded, the moment doesn't exist for anyone."
"Memories are in our hearts, not in our storage units."
"Take your pictures, keep them somewhere, so you look back 30 years from now."
"Food is a great way to carry on somebody's legacy."
"It's my home and it's my stuff and then my memories. Nobody has a right to decide which of your memories are important or not."
"Keep everything, keep it because you'll look back and think Wow."
"Photos allow us to remember important moments in our lives."
"There is one very special person who brings Craig's memory to life like no one else can, and that is his son, Blake."
"You're recording a moment in time and life. That one split second could make you remember everything about the whole moment."
"The Crash at Crush in 1896 deserves to be remembered."
"Honor their stories instead of sweeping them under the rug like they didn't happen."
"Mobility, the ability to capture moments in our lives, to recall these moments, this ability to actually have photography and memories available to us in our hand in the palm of our hand."
"Max has a place on my channel permanently because I don't want him forgotten."
"We must never tame Martin Luther King Jr. or Fannie Lou Hamer."
"After all, we are all just memories in the end."
"Take pictures as many pictures as you possibly can."
"Where there's a camera, there's a way because besides creating and preserving amazing memories, cameras will always grab the most unbelievable sights."
"Keep Gabby as a good memory, not the bad. And keep those good memories that will help you, and the world's got your back."
"Couples just want to look nice in their wedding photos and they want to have memories that they can look back on for the rest of their lifetime."
"Realize what you've managed to take in the year because it can so easily fly by and be lost."
"Save letters or compliments you've ever been given like just nice things that people have said to you."
"Stories remain in our hearts even when all else is gone."
"I don't want Teresa to be forgotten. She is beyond loved and means so much to her family and her loved ones."
"Document everything... if you didn't document it didn't happen."
"You're able to freeze people in this particular time and place, and even though they've been gone for a long time, you're kind of able to kind of, they're able to live forever in some kind of way through the work."
"But when a thing takes on meaning because it becomes an avatar for a person, a memory, or a place, well then it's not replaceable."
"I'm a nostalgic guy, remember so you don't have to."
"You can do more than just capture on film a moment."
"History matters because if we let go of our history, we become totally Orwellian. If you do not hang on history and the people in power today are going to rewrite that history on you."
"I think it just makes it so much more special when you can keep mementos from certain days and certain memories."
"Keeping that memory alive is really important to me."
"I hope the memory of Evan lives on long after today."
"Oh come now, Felix, it’s not depressing. In fact, it’s a great way to keep their memory alive."
"Jane Road may never fully live without the pain of Melanie's loss, but thanks to the work of the bloodline detectives, at least she knows that the spirit of Melanie Road may finally rest in peace."
"He hands her the photo he took of her in the snow."
"It's such a beautiful thing when at the age of one you start taping all of L's references all over the house."
"What if I told you I could give you a piece of him that remains alive and well in his legacy?"
"Legacy Box helps you preserve memories in a unique and wonderful way."
"We're trying to get better at taking candid photos of each other because candid photos are the best."
"If someone has a family history of Alzheimer's, do you recommend genetic testing and is there anything they can do to preserve memory?"
"During that exchange she told him that she forgave him and that his heinous crime would never take the beautiful memories that she had of her daughter away from her."
"the motion picture it is how memories have been captured for more than a hundred years it is how examples of true excellence are passed down from generation to generation"
"I'm not going to let that happen. I'm going to write these stories out, all these stories that I've heard. Now there's not so much of her in this book, this was more friends and friends of family, but that was what started it all."
"There's something so special about holding a picture in your hands and capturing fleeting moments."
"It's just the best way to preserve your family's memories."
"We're protecting memories, and right there proves it, how precious is that?"
"Finally, I made this time capsule."
"We talked to people that worked at the park and just wanted to capture something so that we'd never forget."
"I want this journal to be something that I can remember and look at in my bookshelf and open it up again and have an idea of the adventures that we went on together."
"It's the only way that our fallen live on."
"If you don't go digging for these lost details of a bloody war, then they'll be forgotten about forever."
"Preserving their memories and stories for years to come."
"Storytelling within a wedding is essentially what's going to allow you to really give them those memories of everything that happened."
"Memories are super important for us, that's the whole point of taking pictures."
"The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do."
"I am the sole survivor carrying the memory of that terrifying encounter."
"I had so much fun vlogging this process and being able to look back on it as well."
"That table is in fact a table that holds the weight of a thousand stories."
"The best way to keep somebody's memory alive is to always talk about them."
"The next thing to do is just put a screw on the wall, mount it up on the wall, and enjoy looking at it and reliving the memories."
"The mountains of Connemara have risen very high, almost as noble guardians of the memory of the place."
"I want people to see things they otherwise wouldn't see; I don't want things to be forgotten."
"He was creating an atmosphere and capturing an air on canvas that was soon to be nothing but a distant memory and a chapter of our industrial history."
"This whole idea of preserving memory not only in your own time but into the far-flung future."
"We got all these memories captured."
"What a wonderful way to keep somebody's memory alive."
"I just love the way that I can bring a story to life through my memory book."
"I'm beyond grateful to have had nine years of Olivia; I will keep those memories forever."
"We want to be able to look back on our vlogs when we're older and see the memories that we made, not skits or challenges."
"Honor those we’ve lost by keeping their memory alive."
"The past of the individual is a museum in which all kinds of extinct things are grouped attractively in showcases."
"Photo albums are like the ground zero of the photo book."
"The camera is an incredible tool to have for holding on to these disappearing moments."
"These maps contain memories, experiences, and history."
"Time has passed, about two years to be exact, and I feel that I had better write down my story before it passes into that gray area of unreality."
"I guess I wanted to capture a place that holds a lot of happy memories."
"We are memory keepers, focusing on craft and tools with a lot of great innovation."
"Photographs become more precious with the passing of time."
"We can preserve your memories; incredible."
"That's the benefit of YouTube and recording these moments and uploading them."
"If we look after the jacket, it will be that focal point to reflect on those people that are no longer with us but with us in thought."
"Once you can separate them and preserve the memory, you will never regret getting rid of the physical item."
"Preserving the memory of these creatures is a job worth doing."
"Document the show; take photos that are clean with nobody in the gallery but also have some photos from the reception."
"You are making a better world for the people you love or loved in those memories."
"With neural technology, we can save memories of patients who suffer with amnesia or Alzheimer's."
"Real life is always passing by, but moments can be captured on film."
"Pictures are the best way to keep memories."
"Our channel really is like a time capsule of every moment throughout your life."
"The people we love will always be with us, loving us, thinking of us, just as we are thinking of and loving them."
"In just a matter of a couple of minutes, we can take an old photo, straighten it up, clean it up, and turn it into something so we can hang on the refrigerator."
"No matter how old I am, I can go back and relive this exact trip the way it was."
"It's so cute and I really just love scrapbooking, keeping all their memories, and doing photo books."
"If the forget gate is set to remember everything on every step, that's a fairly simple strategy that will ensure that the information in the cell is going to be preserved indefinitely over many time steps."
"You and Jill have each other, and you'll be able to keep that part a little part of Edmund through your love."
"We might not know those reasons right now, but I do know that the memories we create will live on forever."
"A scrapbook of memories of you together... I think this is a really meaningful gift that anyone would love."
"It's just a perfect kind of nostalgia moment."
"Find the simplest option for you that actually allows you to get your stories told, to keep your memories; that's the point of all of this."
"That's why we make these videos, to keep the memory of these places alive and to educate."
"It's really nice to see grandma helping out here because although she doesn't remember as much these days, this activity of just getting together, staying with her family and cutting and socializing, I believe really keeps her young."
"Babies grow up so fast, I really want to capture those moments."
"But we will, one, and two, there will be this video for him to look back and you know see his birthday party."
"Moments are precious, let me freeze time so you will always have them."
"Aren't watches just great? If you buy it on an important day, you'll remember it forever just by wearing it."
"So, I've saved loads of Renee's clothes to make into a blanket and also ones that we loved her in."
"I love capturing moments that the pet parents can look back at."
"However, as long as we remember the ones who've died, they will live in our memories."
"Let's keep the memory alive, because that way they're never really gone."
"I like to think of my sketchbook as a capture book for all the memories and moments I felt special to my heart."
"Our story is a place to preserve your memories, family lore, personal trivia, inside jokes, and handwriting for future generations to enjoy and cherish."