
Bone Health Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"The simple act of eating two eggs a day can significantly contribute to your vitamin D intake, aiding in the maintenance of robust, healthy bones and teeth."
"Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a vital role in maintaining healthy bones and joints."
"Enhances bone health: Oatmeal is a treasure trove of essential minerals like calcium and phosphorus, the building blocks our body needs to repair and fortify our bones."
"Your bones actually need some deadlifts. Lifting is really good for your bones."
"Vitamin D is critical for the health of our bones, our musculoskeletal system...and it's also really important for the health of our immune system."
"Promotes strong bones: Cod liver oil is a rich source of vitamin D, vitamin A, and vitamin K, all of which play crucial roles in maintaining bone health."
"Strength training, resistance training is fantastic not only for preventing and slowing down sarcopenia... it also builds bone density."
"Vitamin D is involved in bone health, immune system function, and protection against cancer."
"Your bones are not like stones and they're not even like trees. Bones are constantly being remodeled up to ten percent of your bone in any given moment is actively being broken down and rebuilt all the time."
"Stop smoking. It's dumb, stop that. You've got to stop smoking okay, that saps your bone density you gotta stop that."
"Never miss a chance to walk up stairs... keep physically active and your bones will stay strong."
"Vitamin D deficiency... that's what causes bone loss."
"Cottage cheese is said to aid in weight loss and bone health."
"Eating alkalin-forming foods may help avoid osteoporosis and bone fractures."
"Exercise transmits forces through the skels and generating signals that are detected by our bone building cells."
"Maximizing your bone health can help you live an active life."
"Fracture rates go down as bone score goes up."
"Protein intake positively affects bone mineral density."
"Ketogenic diets increase energy availability, improving bone health."
"Vitamin D deficiency leads to weakened bones and problems with muscle gain."
"High fluoride exposure increases the risk of bone fracture."
"Cutting protein... make sure your bones and your muscles will be more frail..."
"Vitamin C is the rate-limiting step for the building of bone."
"The more you tax the muscles, the more bone density you're going to have."
"Increasing your fruit intake can increase your spine mineralization by 5%."
"Getting enough protein is so essential for bone health too."
"If you're low in Vitamin D, obviously that's going to have an effect on bones and your bone tissue and your bone health."
"Creatine really seems to have some beneficial effects by reducing bone breakdown and preserving the skeleton."
"...arguably the most important part of improving bone and improving healthspan overall."
"...if we want to optimize, if we want to build muscle, build bone, and improve our health span overall, we need more protein."
"Exercise Works on Bones much like it works on muscles it makes them stronger."
"Exercise is important for building strong bones when we're younger and it's essential for maintaining bone health when we are older."
"Testosterone given as replacement decreases the incidence of breast cancer and reduces the chance of recurrence."
"Testosterone is fantastic for protecting our bones, and both estradiol and testosterone work together to improve bone density."
"My big takeaway is let's look after our bones a little better."
"It not only supports bone growth and the production of the hormone calcitriol which helps to grow bones, but it also supports calcium and phosphate absorption and reabsorption."
"Ultimately, Dairy is beneficial for bones if you can tolerate the proteins in it."
"Collagen makes up more of your bones than calcium, so we all need to be aware of this and get more of this in our diet."
"So the question we have to answer today is does it improve bone mass, bone quality, can it reduce fractures and then are there any other things that we're interested in."
"From a bone health perspective, it's really not just the calcium in isolation that makes dairy interesting; it's rich in phosphorus, zinc, vitamin D, and dietary protein content, all important for bone health."
"If you want to increase the bone density in those parts of your bones, you've got to train the muscles surrounding them because you get this pulling effect of muscle and tendon on bone which can increase the bone density."
"...lifting heavy weights especially as women as we age we need to lift heavy for our bones..."
"By 2018, the latest meta-analysis on veganism, vegetarianism, and bone mineral density, was up to 20 studies, involving tens of thousands of participants, and, again, lower bone mineral density was found in studies of vegetarians and vegans compared to meat eaters."
"But a compilation of all the best studies found no association between milk consumption and hip fracture risk."
"Calcium is important for bone health, especially for plant-based athletes."
"Studies suggest boron's impact on bone health, arthritis alleviation, and even reduction in cancer risk, making it a crucial nutrient to consider."
"The serms and hormonal bone medications build bone; they replace lost bone, so they perform a function that estrogen cannot perform."
"If you want your bones to get stronger, you lift weights."
"One of the best ways to reverse that in your bone is to build muscle in fact it's the best way if you want to strengthen your bones just get stronger muscles."
"Breast cancer can increase bone growth and weaken bones, but we can fight back by strengthening them."
"The holy grail in the bone field is how can we find and stimulate those osteoblasts, those stem cells to come in and become osteoblasts and make new bone?"
"Walking, dancing, and moving are crucial for strengthening bones."
"An alkaline diet encourages bone formation and reduces bone breakdown."
"Osteoporosis is a condition where bones become more brittle."
"The Dexa bone density test is the tool for monitoring your bone. It's quick, painless, inexpensive, and readily accessible."
"The more stress you place on your body, the stronger your bones are... anything that requires the body to perform strength against resistance is going to be good for the bones."
"What I'm going to do is I'm going to give you a routine that's basically a bone building routine."
"And the third patient had lost her teeth over many years and waited 30 years to get dental treatment, and in spite of that she still had enough bone to do this type of treatment."
"Bisphosphonates not only protect the bones from bone loss but actually build up or counteract the effects."
"Vitamin D is fascinating, but there's a sweet spot. Studies show that too much may have a reversing effect and contribute to more brittleness of bones."
"Smoking actually is another one that actually is a lifestyle habit that can be really rough. It seems to have a risk with causing osteoporosis or speeding up bone loss."
"GG can help maintain bone density by supporting the cells responsible for bone formation."
"...exercise for bone health, especially in post-menopausal women."
"Exercise is good. It helps us prevent fractures by helping us maintain or grow our muscle mass and it affects our bones positively by helping improve their structure."
"Give your bones the best chance of staying healthy by making sure you have adequate calcium and normal vitamin D levels."
"Resistance training is what we need to keep our body beautiful as we get older and to keep our bones really strong too."
"Copper aids in bone mineralization; your bone is this matrix and a lot of minerals go into bone mineralization, copper being a very important one."
"Vitamin D3 is called your sunlight vitamin... it maintains bone health and helps the body process calcium."
"Osteoporosis is very very very common, it's basically when the bones become porous so they grow weaker and puts them at risk for fracture because they're weaker bones."
"Bisphosphonates... inhibit osteoclast activity, reduce bone resorption, and they can increase bone mineral density."
"Two or three times a week, having some kind of resistance, some kind of dumbbells in your hands is the way to at least maintain your bones and muscles."
"When your big muscles work, they're pulling on big amounts of bone."
"Bone density being a big factor that starts to really decrease with menopause."
"Osteoporosis is severe loss of bone mass which can compromise the bones' ability to function normally."
"Your puppy's bone and joint development is going to grow faster now when they're a puppy in that first one to two years than any time of their life."
"Osteopenia is inadequate ossification or a reduction in bone mass because osteoblast activity declines."
"Make sure you're eating a variety of colorful plant foods... these deep purples and blues actually activate your osteoblasts."
"Your bones are powerful, not perfect; bone health is a blend of nature, nurture, what you do has powerful effects."
"Carbonated drinks can cause osteoporosis."
"Build stronger bones in the legs and spine."
"Anorexia is different than postmenopausal osteoporosis because it not only has increased resorption but it also has decreased formation."
"Oat milk is overall shown to be beneficial for bone health."
"Weightlifting is one of the only things that can actually build strength, make your bones stronger, and as women, that's really important especially as we age."
"Milk is your best source for calcium, strengthening bones and teeth, helping muscle function and improving quality of life for young and old alike."
"I believe that muscle is longevity, my friends, and it helps with bone density."
"Vitamin D is like a best friend to calcium and is actually required to absorb the calcium from the gut into the bloodstream."
"Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting, healthy bones, and kidney function."
"They may also help prevent or treat weak and brittle bones, also known as osteoporosis."
"Strength training is so incredibly important for women because of their bone health."
"Xylitol sourced from Birch is a better option and has benefits for teeth and bone health."
"Olive oil contributes to a more robust skeletal structure."
"Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps the body absorb calcium."
"Lots of weight-bearing work, very important for our bone strength and our muscle strength."
"When you do strength training like this, you're protecting your bones in two ways, you're giving them a big thick cushion around them, and you're helping them stay as big and thick and dense as strong as they can themselves."
"Once a month you get your favorite magazine, have a girls' night out, and you can also do something important to help protect your bones."
"When you place a muscle, and a bone more specifically, into a hypoxic environment, you have this really cool thing called vascular endothelial growth factor."
"Vitamin K assists in the activation of proteins that clot the blood and is necessary for the synthesis of key bone proteins."
"This is the study of autoimmunity as a primary driving force behind bone loss."
"There are many nutrients essential for bone health."
"Dates are like the mineral buffet for your bones."
"Eating five dates a day is like giving your bones a daily pep talk, encouraging them to stay robust and resilient."
"The kidneys store essence, which is related to producing bone marrow and controlling bones."
"Vitamin C helps in the healing of bone and if you don't have it you will get scurvy."
"Strength training helps strengthen your bones when you put stress on your bones by doing things like weightlifting."
"Supports bone health, chia seeds are a treasure trove of minerals crucial for building and maintaining strong bones."
"If you consume dates regularly in appropriate quantities, your bones will remain healthy."
"Using strength training as a means to hold on to your muscle mass and continue to keep your bones strong too, by the way, is very important for women."
"The process of remodeling is important for the replacement of bone."
"The actual contraction of the muscle on the bone that is attached to, creating tensile force, increasing bone density and bone mass, that's important."
"We really suspect that while yogurt has many nice nutrients, it's because of the probiotics that it's able to have such a significant effect on bone."
"Anything that builds muscle is going to be helpful to build bone."
"Vitamin D is critical for long-term bone health, especially since bone formation peaks during puberty."
"When you consume broccoli, envision it as a natural architect diligently working to fortify your bones and joints."
"The anti-inflammatory effects of your diet can have many benefits for your bone health as well."
"For bone health, activities that produce high physical stresses on the bones are necessary."
"It's possibly effective for things like osteoporosis in combination with calcium, zinc, and copper."