
Eggs Quotes

There are 261 quotes

"Consuming two eggs a day can truly provide a panoply of health benefits that go far beyond what you might have thought possible."
"Eggs have been unfairly demonized in the past due to their cholesterol content."
"So, the bottom line: Are eggs bad for heart health? Absolutely not."
"Eggs have been unfairly demonized and the studies overall prove this."
"So consuming eggs is an excellent idea and the next time you hear some bad news about eggs take a look at the study."
"Scramble eggs immediately, anything else after I link it halfway through."
"For a cracking soft-boiled egg, simply place your egg in boiling water, add a splash of vinegar, and cook for exactly eight minutes."
"Eggs can be described as a complete food offering a comprehensive nutrient profile with essential vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients."
"Eggs, when chosen wisely, emerge as a safe and nutrient-dense food. They provide high-quality protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, contributing to overall well-being."
"Eggs are Nature's perfect food... it's almost zero."
"How can you go wrong with an egg on burgers? It's the best thing ever!"
"I think a lot of people are grossed out by the yolk."
"The guinea hen egg is shiny and the white is quite firm."
"It wouldn't be a breakfast burrito without eggs."
"Eggs are among the most nutritious Foods on Earth."
"Eggs are up the chain, then. Eggs are really highly ranking here."
"Eggs are one of the most nutrient dense foods."
"The majority of recent research suggests that eggs pose no risk to our health."
"A level of one egg a day is perfectly healthy and it's actually a good component of your diet."
"Let's do it, she laid, okay, so she laid 14 eggs."
"The egg at the end of the day is sort of the star of the show and having that fluid kind of custardy texture is really key for a traditional interpretation."
"Eggs are actually so fantastic that if you're eating plenty of those on a regular basis you probably don't even need to worry."
"Eggs are one of nature's most amazing miracles."
"Wonky eggs are safe for human consumption."
"Eggs nutritionally dense, they have everything you need."
"Eggs do not raise your cholesterol and they are fine to eat."
"Eggs are probably one of the best forms of global micronutrients."
"I was today years old when I learned you can cook scrambled eggs in boiling water."
"You need eggs and revenge? You're just gonna have eggs."
"There is no limit you can eat as many eggs as you want okay and you will not get a heart attack you will not clog your arteries you will not get heart disease"
"Every morning we can come out and right here reach into the nesting boxes and get breakfast."
"When frying an egg, the benefit of a non-stick pan is evident, especially when you're cooking eggs."
"Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense Whole Foods made by Nature."
"Eggs are actually really good for you."
"Between 1989 and 2011, strange eggs were discovered in Australian waters, but it wasn't until recently that the mystery was solved: these eggs had unique T-shaped ridges not seen on any other shark eggs in Australia before."
"Eggs I just think are one of nature's superfoods."
"...they're way more orange... the yolk tastes way better."
"These eggs man and the best part about these eggs they're literally from the village."
"The price of eggs is getting crazy."
"One of the many reasons that egg prices are skyrocketing is the spread of avian flu."
"It's just my belief that eggs are good for you."
"Salt your eggs before cooking not only adds flavor but can actually make your eggs softer and more tender."
"Eggs also might cook unevenly if the pot is too small or if the eggs aren't fully submerged in the water."
"Chicken math, they better lay a lot of eggs."
"We have all the eggs. Do we have a turkey egg?"
"Here are the secrets of egg-traordinary egg cooker, Polly Crist."
"The biggest chance of you getting a legendary would be if you get this Royal egg."
"I think most of them involve farm fresh eggs that are not washed so I haven't quite figured out that solution yet."
"Over 45,000 eggs in the alien egg pit. Oh man, I wouldn't be surprised if there were more."
"The one takeaway that I usually give to people is if you're buying eggs, you can look for a certified Humane label, cage-free. Certified Humane. So, if you go out and buy eggs, yeah, that's what you want to look for."
"Eggs are really versatile. They're such an amazing ingredient and there's something that we need for so many different recipes out there."
"Guys, if you're in the US and you're looking for the best way to buy eggs in a grocery store, you want to look for pasture-raised, certified Humane eggs. Pure, that's the best label for Animal Welfare."
"Sea urchin and eggs, raw, amazing."
"The more liquid you incorporate into your eggs, the softer and more moist they will be."
"Whisk in about 1/4 cup for every two eggs and you'll have yourself some impossibly delicate pillowy eggs in no time."
"...all you got to do is collect your eggs put them in a basket put them in a bowl keep them at room temperature that is the way nature intended it."
"Eggs: the budget-friendly, versatile protein source."
"The central technique of souffle making is about whipping egg whites."
"If you leave it for a while, it's actually going to soufflé and puff up if you like your eggs more cooked."
"Eggs are stronger than you think."
"That's homemade by the way, a couple of eggs, crack those straight in."
"There's no need to avoid eggs on a heart-healthy diet. An egg a day may keep heart disease away."
"But the research has shown that eating excess eggs is associated with increased cardiovascular disease, and is associated with increased mortality, and absolutely can lead to increased cholesterol levels which is one of the main drivers of cardiovascular disease."
"Eggs are nutrient powerhouses...the yolk is actually the really really powerful part."
"Let's start off part two with what exactly is water glassing. So, water glassing is a historical method of preserving eggs."
"Eggs are especially effective because they combine protein, fat, and moisture all in one little shell."
"The eggs are better, richer, healthier. The yolks are like such a vibrant color, so much better than what you can get at the grocery store."
"Our eggs might not be great, but our souls and our stories and everything else are just as good as anyone who's got balls."
"The regular consumption of eggs contributes to stronger bones and a reduced risk of osteoporosis."
"Eggs might be the undisputed champion of versatile ingredients."
"Eggs are one of the easiest things you can cook to make a simple meal, but the next best thing is an egg that is already cooked."
"It's amazing how many ways there are in the world to combine potatoes and eggs, and they all seem to hit a very similar satisfying, comforting note."
"This may be one of our new favorite ways to make eggs."
"I only had three eggs today and it's 4:30, starved."
"I am so excited to get organic eggs from our backyard and I don't have to buy those anymore."
"It's impossible, nobody can eat that many eggs! 499."
"The only way to poach the perfect egg is if you have really, really fresh eggs, end of story."
"...because I use these for ice I can use these for other kind of you know putting herbs in uh I can do all sorts of stuff with that size so I just leave it there um all right so here are our two times eggs."
"The Eater is never satisfied, so if you're not watching your eggs carefully, you might just come back to a barren wasteland."
"Everything is delicious. Eggs are delicious. Whatever you season these eggs with, absolutely magnificent."
"The success rate is eight months out, so eight months after you initially store eggs the success rate is a hundred percent."
"Always a runny egg. Like, they're my favorite. It is cooked perfect."
"Freezing your eggs is not the same as just having kids."
"Eggs with cheese is a gosh darn genius."
"This is an unfertilized egg, actually every egg you buy in the supermarket is an unfertilized egg, no chicks inside, no growing life."
"What makes an egg so amazing from a nutritional standpoint? For starters, it is one of the best sources of high-quality animal protein."
"I need eggs to be happy, dude, I need eggs to be so happy right now."
"You don't have to buy the pastured eggs, you can buy the cheapest eggs in the storage. They are still 1,000 times better for you than any cereal that Krafts, Kellogg's, or Post or General Mills makes."
"There's a lot of confusion about whether eggs are healthy for you."
"You have six follicles, you have 32-year-old eggs, that's a really good thing."
"Good news or bad news, electrolytes help you have nice juicy eggs."
"Eggs is a classic like go-to breakfast for me."
"Eggs are one of my go-to breakfast or lazy lunch foods."
"Remember, we're not cooking this, the egg's cooking itself."
"Eggs are probably one of the best ways to determine how non-stick a skillet is."
"We don't sell eggs... mainly we just make sure lots of friends and family have all their egg needs met."
"Eggs are packed with all the great nutrition."
"Eggs are heart healthy in moderation."
"Eggs are just a super food, especially if they're pastured."
"Now we have our eggs ready. With the eggs ready, it's time to make the crepes."
"The egg is so good. There's something so sinfully delicious about eggs and cheese. It's so good."
"Shell eggs should be refrigerated, clean, unbroken, and grade double A or grade A."
"Eggs have always been just a really good go-to budget-friendly protein."
"I have an egg problem and it's a good problem to have."
"Look how many eggs in this basket. It is so full."
"Another reason why I love having farm fresh eggs."
"Ostriches lay the largest eggs in the world, measuring in at about 15 centimeters in length."
"Eggs do not cause heart disease despite what many mainstream Health sources say."
"Guys, that is an F-tier food. I can't believe it. I really like noodles and I really like eggs, and I can't believe you've made me hate that. You've taken two of my favorite things and made it look horrific. Boo."
"...an egg, a whole egg in particular is literally like nature's multivitamin, one of the most nutrient dense foods you can find."
"I just hate when sometimes eggs taste a little too eggy."
"The yolk is packed full of nutrients... here's the best part: studies comparing egg whites to egg yolks... whole eggs result in more muscle gain, better protein synthesis."
"Not only are egg yolks not going to kill you but eating a whole egg increases protein synthesis."
"You'll never have to say you can't cook eggs again. Look at those, just great!"
"...looking at these eggs, how nice and fluffy and perfect they are, I'd say all of these look absolutely perfect."
"Do as I say, not as I do. Always crack your eggs in a separate container before you dump them in your batter."
"Hard-boiled eggs are great again because of that high protein it's lean protein it helps with satiety."
"She probably won't have any eggs unless she gets into like a hormonal cycle, which she hasn't done with us. And we've had her for about 10 years now, so I doubt she will. Good question."
"All of our studies suggest that up to one egg a day is not so bad, in fact, it may be beneficial for some chronic diseases."
"Eggs were considered a real hazard, and we have a lot of data from our research that shows that they're not so harmful after all."
"...eggs are fantastic, they're like a superfood that has all the building blocks of nutrients that you need to form a new life."
"The secret to a good hard-boiled egg is to not boil the egg but rather to steam it."
"It's a massive piece of our food system here on our farm because it's how we start every day; every breakfast has eggs."
"I cannot poach an egg... so I have a way to poach eggs perfectly without having to do the spinning thing in the water."
"I got them fried, scrambled, I got them poached, I got them over easy, over light, I got omelets."
"You can do all kinds of things with eggs, really, really interesting."
"Perfect boiled eggs, it's a very simple formula, I remember it by the old saying of lucky 13."
"Put the lid on it, 11 minutes, Lucky 13, 2 plus 11, 13 for the perfect perfect boiled eggs."
"Notice the color of my eggs, that's so beautiful, bright bright yellow."
"The most nutritious foods are eggs and red meat."
"Egg yolks are nearly twice the amount of choline than pork liver."
"The number one reason that Black Copper Morans come in third on my list of favorite chicken breeds is for the reason that they are most known for, which is those beautiful dark brown eggshells."
"Eggs are very nutritionally complete."
"I am a huge, huge fan of whole eggs."
"What's something you can never leave out when having a rice bowl? Eggs."
"This tofu scramble, this is a competitor for my standard scrambled eggs."
"I'm a big fan of egg, then you're gonna like this."
"I want my eggs to look like this, look how pretty that is."
"By the way, roe is also little eggs, just without the shells."
"I try to keep my filling for my eggs smooth."
"I [expletive] love eggs for breakfast."
"I've got some duck eggs and some goose eggs, and I have my handy dandy incubator all warmed up."
"Marans are mostly known for three main things: their brown eggs, their black colored bodies, and of course, the broodiness of the hens."
"If I've taught you guys anything in my videos on how to cook, it's to slow stir your eggs on low heat. Makes them so fluffy."
"Now that is definitely a tortoise egg."
"The incredible edible egg, remember an egg a day is great, a Pace Farm egg is even better."
"Eggs are our marketing gateway product, that's what opens the door for us."
"Eggs is another way of getting in a lot of protein and fats; they're very nutrient dense."
"Eggs are probably my number one staple."
"An egg carries a thin layer of coating on its outer surface called cuticle, this layer naturally protects eggs from almost all contamination."
"In absence of washing, an egg is capable of protecting itself naturally."
"Eggs are arguably the highest and most appreciable source of dietary cholesterol."
"By consuming only four eggs per day, you will actually meet your daily recommended intake of vitamin D."
"Eggs are a nutritional powerhouse that contributes significantly to maintaining healthy eyes."
"One-third of the fats that are in eggs are monounsaturated fats."
"This entire thing, the yolks especially, are full of micronutrients."
"Eggs can be called a complete nutritional treasure because they are rich in diverse nutrients that are essential for humans."
"I love a boiled egg because they're quick, cheap, and a great healthy protein-packed snack."
"I like my egg yolks to be sort of like jammy, not a full hard boil, not a full soft boil, but just in the middle."
"Poached eggs are great because this is a really gentle way of cooking an egg, so they're so soft and delicate."
"Look at that runny yolk, so delicate and soft, would be perfect on an English muffin or some toast, but still really good on its own."
"5 foolproof ways to make perfect eggs every time."
"I'm going to show you a really cool trick to elevate your regular deviled eggs."
"Pasture-raised eggs by far have the most nutrient-dense yolks."
"Eggs are literally Nature's multivitamin, they're so nutrient dense, so healthy, especially for children."
"Whole eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense, best muscle-building foods that exists on the planet."
"Egg prices soared by a shocking 39.8%."
"Real farm eggs taste much better."
"I like to make sure that none of them are cracked; they stay fresher longer that way."
"Anything with egg on it is bloody amazing in Japan."
"Eggs... are very nutritious and they have the B vitamins that we need to help support carbohydrate breakdown."
"Good egg cooked to absolute perfection."
"Eggs are like the perfect meal because they have great fats in them, they have protein."
"Whole egg consumers have a significantly better hypertrophy and strength outcome from their training."
"And there you have it, the perfect scrambled eggs."
"You will see our chickens have been laying eggs. We've got a blue one in there too, that's from the Easter egger, so that's exciting."
"The eggshell has little air holes called pores that let the air in so the chicks could breathe inside the egg."
"I absolutely love it when my chickens are behaving and we have farm fresh eggs."
"My advice if you're making scrambled eggs is low heat."
"I chose chocolate eggs because, well, I like chocolate."
"You do not put milk in no eggs for them to be fluffed, you just got to put them in and slow cook them."
"A sample of ample eggs is an egg sample."
"This is honestly such a good food hack, like this is a good way to not let your broth go to waste, just add one or two eggs and you have yourselves a steamed egg."
"The largest dinosaur eggs were as large as basketballs."
"We're going to take advantage of the abundance of eggs that we're getting right now and we're going to preserve them for long-term food storage."
"Eggs are good for you. Do you remember when they said they were bad for you?"
"Eggs are considered the healthiest protein Source in the world."
"Eggs have one of the highest biological values among all protein sources."
"Eggs aren't just a great source of protein, they're also packed with other critical nutrients for nerve Health."
"Eggs also contain antioxidants like lutein and zanthin which may boost cognitive performance."
"I'm going to eat a lot more eggs."
"Don't overcook your scrambled eggs."
"Take a look at this hard-boiled egg, you can see it's perfectly cooked."
"When you crack that egg yolk, you just know, it's just heavenly."
"Several of you have asked exactly how do I cook my eggs, so I'm going to show this to you."
"Most of them are Sunny Side Up. Don't break."
"I love, I have a passion for making eggs."
"Eggs are such a superfood, they're filled with bunch of nutrients."
"Why are some eggs white and some eggs brown?"
"Most people think that eggs are pretty fragile, but it couldn't be further from the truth."