
Dietary Benefits Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"The simple act of eating two eggs a day can deliver a powerful combination of lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins A and E, and omega-3 fatty acids, each of these components works in harmony to protect the eye from damage, reduce the risk of eye diseases, and maintain overall eye health."
"A high omega-3 index has been associated with a 90% reduction in sudden cardiac death."
"Beans are high protein, high fiber, no cholesterol, no saturated fat, and they're certainly one of the top heart-healthy foods that I recommend."
"You're actually burning fat and eating less because your body is accessing its fat store, which is what you're trying to do when you're trying to lose fat weight off your body."
"The consumption of nuts more than four times a week has a cardioprotective impact and may help to lower the risk of coronary heart disease."
"Optimal healthy fats... if you're slamming in avocados, peanut butter, normal nuts, you're probably gonna feel significantly better."
"Only animal foods contain every nutrient the brain needs in its proper form... they nourish, energize, and protect your brain."
"Use garlic to lose belly fat, it suppresses appetite and sends full signals to your brain, it prevents fat from accumulating in your body."
"It's better for you, better for animals, and much better for the planet."
"When they eat that way they feel amazing, they can live their life. Yeah, they feel normal and happy."
"The diet is going to help you to get much better, your arteries can clean out or that process can start regardless of age."
"More diverse bacteria is always better... certain bacterias produce lots of butyrate."
"What are the positives of Keto or low carb or no sugar no grain?"
"People who eat fish regularly are much less likely to be depressed, much less likely to be diagnosed with dementia."
"Eating a diet that's rich in whole plant foods can help prevent and even reverse some chronic diseases."
"Folks who consume Just One Seafood meal per week do in fact perform better on cognitive skills tests."
"Just two tablespoons a day decreases death rate by eight percent."
"Beans are full of something called resistant starch which is almost like a fiber."
"Onions are particularly protective and have powerful prebiotic effects."
"A completely plant-based diet is actually a great way not just to lose weight but to keep it off."
"They'll make you feel full while being low calories but they also contain the right vitamins and minerals."
"Extra fat tastes better, helps you achieve satiety, and keeps you full for longer. Butter, especially grass-fed butter, is full of vitamins and minerals."
"Eating vegetables is literally like eating skin care."
"Eating dates every day can really help make your uterine muscles respond better to oxytocin."
"I like to add one Apple to the mixture and the reason is this is an excellent source of pectin and pectin is a terrific prebiotic meaning that it helps feed the bacteria that create the probiotics."
"Feeling weightlessness and lightness after switching to healthier foods."
"A plant-based diet can reprogram your body to bring down IGF-1 production in as little as eleven days."
"Dairy has compounds specially placed to support brain health."
"It's not a diet of deprivation by a long shot... it tastes very good."
"Folks who increased their intake of magnesium... reversed their brain aging by upwards of nine years."
"The carnivore diet is good for your heart, your kidneys, your liver, and your brain."
"When you eat the living foods the fruits the vegetables and the nuts and the seeds that are fresh it awakens your consciousness."
"Two servings of fish a week lower dementia risk by 70%."
"The ideal diet for humans can transform your life, reverse disease, and help you lose weight naturally."
"Kale is probably one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin."
"Once you balance your glucose levels, so many things fall into place."
"One of the things that people notice when they put away the foolish standard American diet and adopt a proper human diet like keto, ketovore, or carnivore is that they're able, their joints feel better."
"Ketogenic diets have been shown in scientific studies to address many common biochemical features of psychiatric conditions."
"The highest level of Omega-3 was associated with 10 times less risk of dying from a heart attack."
"We want to understand that it's the variety that complements each other and gives the body all the different building blocks and all the different catalysts and vitamins and minerals that it's gonna need."
"Going plant-based is a very simple, highly proven, well-supported way to lower your cholesterol."
"The more nutrients you can flood your body with, in my opinion, the healthier you're going to be."
"When there's fats in your juice, it slows down your digestive system along with the soluble fiber, so that means you’re going to get a greater uptake of some of the special phytonutrients and phytochemicals in the juice recipe."
"Greens are the ultimate gut health supplement."
"By eating a carnivorous diet or a very low carbohydrate diet, then you actually can suppress your blood glucose values and you can keep them controlled within a very very very tight window."
"Cottage cheese is said to aid in weight loss and bone health."
"Can you imagine the healthcare savings from 100 times lower heart attack and stroke?"
"People who ate seven servings of vegetables and fruits every single day were happier, less frequently depressed."
"Love this way of eating! Changed my life for the better: improved neuropathy, no heartburn, improved eyesight, and energy for miles."
"Higher protein diets tend to increase fat loss as well as increase muscle growth."
"Most people lose weight on a carnivore diet, and it actually ramps up your metabolism."
"If you're on a plant-based diet, you are less likely to get severe COVID and if you get vaccinated it's more likely to work better."
"There's so much benefit that comes from eating meat."
"Polyphenols are super powered for the guts because anything bitter and barky feeds our gut flora, especially the ABCs."
"Adding a cup of cranberries to your daily diet can prevent many diseases."
"Switching to whole grains reduces the risk of diabetes by 30%; switching to beans reduces it by 60%."
"It's not just about living your longest life, it's actually about living your best life because eating a whole food plant-based diet helps with everything starting now."
"Sardines, a great source of calcium and heme iron."
"Research is now clearly showing that a plant-based diet beats every other diet."
"Asparagus and broccoli: rich in diindolyl methane, helping liver process bad estrogens, crucial for hormonal balance."
"Productivity was actually really high as well as the increase in mental focus."
"Vitamin B6: vegans may have higher blood levels."
"Why do we love fiber so much? Oh, so many reasons but a wimpy 30 grams of fiber a day will drop breast cancer by as much as 40 percent."
"Eating fruits without added sugar helps people lose weight, reduce cholesterol, and improves their insulin sensitivity."
"Following a whole food plant-based diet does not mean you can't get sick but it does mean that you have a better chance of not getting sick."
"The closer we get to a whole food plant-based diet, the healthier we would be."
"Blueberries are for your gut bacteria, not just for you."
"Super inexpensive source of protein and vitamins."
"Eggs are especially effective because they combine protein, fat, and moisture all in one little shell."
"Mushrooms have an abundance of anti-inflammatory components."
"The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the more it fills you up."
"It's amazing what you can do with this way of eating."
"The more good stuff to eat with polyphenols, the more we actually benefit from it."
"When you see all these benefits, it is just so amazing that we can eat this way and not feel like we're missing out on anything."
"My cholesterol, which was 265, went down to 197."
"It has zero fat, zero cholesterol, and zero sodium."
"It reduces your chance of getting cancer by like 70%."
"People tone up and they feel better just eating this way, and then if they work out, they get amazing results."
"It's really brought a lot more gluten-free food to people with celiac disease which I think has been a great benefit."
"Calorie restriction is good, but thymuses are good too."
"Adding dates to your diet not only nourishes your body but also fortifies your nervous system."
"Regular consumption of dates can also improve skin radiance and offer an added layer of protection against UV rays."
"Increasing your dietary levels of DHA specifically was able to directly improve both memory and reaction time in test subjects."
"When all things are equal, a high protein version is better across the board."
"Feeding pet-safe real fresh human foods, which basically is most anything we would eat ourselves without a lot of the excess seasonings and spices, has enormous benefits."
"The living foods just make me feel amazing."
"I do think one of the biggest benefits is it heals the relationship with food."
"I definitely feel less bloated and just more energy and better overall eating this way and so I do want to try to make it more of a lifestyle."
"Greens... are excellent sources of vitamin C and vitamin A, as well as potassium and fiber."
"Olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil, is really good for your heart."
"I love sweets... and after having those things, I'd always have like a little bloated belly... since adding Seed into my routine, that has not happened anymore."
"These good-for-you ingredients are high in protein, fiber, vitamins, hummus."
"Having a plant-based diet really helped, and my kidney function is definitely getting better."
"Popcorn is a fantastic snack, full of fiber, tasty, gluten-free, and good for you."