
Vitamin D Quotes

There are 608 quotes

"The simple act of eating two eggs a day can significantly contribute to your vitamin D intake, aiding in the maintenance of robust, healthy bones and teeth."
"Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a vital role in maintaining healthy bones and joints."
"Low vitamin D, which occurs in about 60 percent of the population, is associated virtually with every bad thing, including a smaller brain."
"If you want to have a smaller brain, never go in the sun, never test your vitamin D level, and never take a supplement."
"Vitamin D deficiency is a pandemic of its own."
"Hardly a disease that you can name that isn't made worse by D deficiency and improved by D repletion."
"Every aspect of the immune system is vitamin D dependent."
"It took me about two years to get my GP to check my vitamin D levels."
"If you have a high vitamin D level that's coming from a healthy lifestyle, that's associated with good health."
"It's a public health imperative to address vitamin D deficiency."
"Every mother who goes to the antenatal clinic should have a blood level of vitamin D check."
"A more successful pregnancy requires vitamin D."
"Sunlight sets in motion a huge number of different things, including increasing the amount of vitamin D in your system."
"Vitamin D deficiency has been suggested to increase the susceptibility to infections."
"Those subjects that got the supplemental vitamin D only had a 10.8 percent prevalence of influenza A."
"Finland has virtually eliminated vitamin D deficiency in its population with rates of less than one percent."
"I think the benefit-to-risk ratio is high. Dr. Fauci himself is supplementing with vitamin D."
"Sunshine is actually really very good for our health, and what might surprise a lot of you is that it's not all about Vitamin D."
"Vitamin D is not just a vitamin. Vitamin D is actually a hormone."
"Vitamin D is not just like a supplement or nutrient necessarily or a vitamin, it is also a literal like steroid. It's like hormonal in its structure essentially."
"Vitamin D is impactful on your ability to regulate steroidogenesis, which leads to testosterone and AR expressed functions in the body."
"I fully expected medical science, government, public health to mobilize the knowledge of vitamin D, but it didn't happen."
"A lot of people are very deficient in vitamin D. I definitely think that's worth checking."
"Inadequate levels of vitamin D have been linked to a number of diseases, including metabolic disorders, psychiatric, respiratory, and cardiovascular disorders, autoimmune conditions, and cancers, as well as osteoporosis and osteomalacia."
"The Secretary of Health in the UK has launched a call for evidence to improve vitamin D levels in the population, increase intake through dietary supplements and fortified foods and drinks."
"Vitamin D itself is unlikely to be the sole protectant against colds and flu."
"Vitamin D regulates about between two and three thousand of our genes... a tenth of our genome is regulated by Vitamin D."
"A study found that men with the lowest levels of vitamin D had slower cognitive acceleration and were at much greater risk for developing conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's."
"Vitamin D literally is the power of sunlight in our bodies and that's what keeps us young."
"I think you're going to be quite blown away by how broad vitamin D affects the different organs, the different tissues."
"Vitamin D receptors are in almost every single cell, if not every single cell, of your entire body."
"Vitamin D is not really a vitamin; it's a hormone."
"Vitamin D is probably one of the most potent natural anti-inflammatories."
"Vitamin D is the most important nutrient for the immune system."
"Vitamin D helps control calcium and calcium is involved in the contraction and relaxation of your muscles."
"Vitamin D is a natural anti-inflammatory; it gets rid of pain."
"Vitamin D supplementation is exquisitely effective in boosting immunity and reducing the incidence of various health conditions."
"Vitamin D induces production of antiviral peptides and has anti-inflammatory properties, which could be crucial in combating infections."
"Vitamin D deficiency and vitamin D insufficiency are increasing at a global level."
"Vitamin D is critical for the health of our bones, our musculoskeletal system...and it's also really important for the health of our immune system."
"Vitamin D is critical for bone health, yes, but it also plays a major role in the health of the skin...and it's critical for barrier function in the skin."
"Vitamin D comes from the sun; it's from the sunshine that the skin synthesizes the vitamin D on exposure to ultraviolet B radiation."
"We have infused vitamin D into these delicious snacks."
"Every time you get vaccinated... it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Every time you... deplete your stores of vitamin D."
"If you're very deficient in vitamin D, you'll get rickets... but if you're a little bit deficient in vitamin D, you will get immunosuppression, more infections, potentially more cancers."
"The world needs to wake up to the fact that big pharma... has a really big strong motive for maximizing D deficiency."
"A 45% reduction in self-harm and suicide in veterans that had taken Vitamin D supplements as opposed to those that hadn't is quite incredible."
"Vitamin D is the best anti-inflammatory, and it's not really even a vitamin; it's a hormone which acts very similar to cortisol."
"You can make a very strong case for vitamin D being the number one deficiency in the world."
"Vitamin D status and how well you're doing overall have a very strong correlation."
"Vitamin D is critically important to regulate inflammation. So if vitamin D is low, inflammation goes up."
"Vitamin D is involved with neurogenesis, meaning building new brain tissue, making new brain cells, and new brain connections."
"Vitamin D is too important to ignore. It governs so many critical functions, so you need to measure, you need to know where you are."
"The higher your vitamin D level, the longer your telomeres are."
"Vitamin D is a prohormone... essentially acts as an endocrine hormone... circulated carrying information to other parts of the body."
"People with higher levels of vitamin D have lower mortality; they're less likely to die."
"Optimizing vitamin D status... will certainly have potential benefits for COVID-19."
"By mitigating the inflammatory storm and its consequences, vitamin D could be considered as an adjunct to any form of therapy."
"Vitamin D is epigenetically involved; it's involved in the switching on and off of at least 300 genes, most of them associated with the immune system."
"The risk of severe COVID-19 cases among patients with severe Vitamin D deficiency is 17.3% compared to 14.6% for patients with normal Vitamin D levels."
"Vitamin D is actually required for the T cells to do their job... it is very anti-inflammatory. I mean, it's absolutely vital for the immune system."
"The only vitamin I will ever recommend in COVID is actually one vitamin called Vitamin D...it seems to help patients along the way."
"Vitamin D plays an important role in the immune system, and its deficiency has been implicated in various skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis."
"As you get older, your body's ability to absorb Vitamin D decreases, which is especially problematic for overweight individuals."
"Exposure to vitamin D was associated with a 40% lower dementia incidence versus no exposure."
"Vitamin D is known to participate in the clearance of amyloid protein... and may provide neural protection."
"The Sun is probably more beneficial than Vitamin D."
"Mushrooms might be the only non-animal source of vitamin D, but there is a trick to actually getting it out of them."
"Mushrooms contain ergosterol, and when it's exposed to UV radiation, it is converted into vitamin D."
"It's really, really important for so many health benefits, in addition to increasing your testosterone potentially, to get outside and get true sunlight."
"I'm a big proponent for vitamin D, and I have so many patients who have psoriasis who tell me that they get better in the summer when they go to the beach."
"Sunlight is good. Okay, vitamin D is an essential hormone synthesized in the skin and is responsible for skin pigmentation."
"Vitamin D is an immunomodulator, preventing excessive inflammation and overreaction."
"Low vitamin D status has been associated with a range of autoimmune, cardiovascular, and infectious diseases."
"Vitamin D supplementation reduces the risk of acute respiratory infections compared to placebos."
"Vitamin D deficiency was associated with increased disease severity and mortality."
"Low vitamin D levels were correlated with more critical illness."
"Vitamin D works like a steroid, it is a steroid, it's not even a vitamin."
"Vitamin D is proving to be one of the most powerful things that we can consume especially when we've been fasting."
"There's a lot of people... almost half of the world's population is deficient in vitamin D."
"There are a thousand biological processes that vitamin D influences."
"No not that I've found out this is what I'm trying to demonstrate now now we've demonstrated quite clearly on my videos you've probably seen that's open low levels of vitamin D and more prone to viral infections."
"Vitamin D is essential as an immunomodulator."
"Vitamin D makes sure the porridge is not too hot and it makes sure the porridge is not too cold, that it's just right."
"People that were vitamin D-sufficient had less C-reactive protein in the blood."
"There is no downside to increasing our intake of vitamin D to maintain serum levels for optimum overall health benefits."
"If your shadow is not sharp and shorter than you are tall, you are not getting significant amounts of vitamin D."
"In almost any ancestral circumstance, the amount of outdoor time during the summer would result in sufficient vitamin D production."
"There's no such thing as flu and cold season, only vitamin D deficiency season."
"Vitamin D supplementation can actually reduce autoimmune diseases."
"Vitamin D supplements appear to genuinely work in helping prevent mortality."
"If you had over 30 nanograms per mil of vitamin D you had a mild outcome compared to the severe outcome that's how your charts look."
"Vitamin D supplementation of 4,000 to 10,000 international units per day is recommended in winter."
"It's a clear inverse correlation: people with higher levels of vitamin D are getting lower levels of death."
"Vitamin D is not naturally in milk... Definitely it's not the place you should be getting your vitamin D."
"Vitamin D adequacy reduces the risk of respiratory infections."
"Vitamin D is probably the most important single vitamin."
"I just feel so lovely, I just feel like I got a good boost of vitamin, oh my vitamin D, my vitamin D..."
"Over 100 nanom per liter of vitamin D is desirable in cancer management and prevention."
"The prevalence in India is most indicative - 80 to 90 percent of people are deficient."
"Scientists are trying to find out whether vitamin D might also help to protect against Covid-19."
"Vitamin D is involved in bone health, immune system function, and protection against cancer."
"Vitamin D supplementation can help prevent colds, flu, and chest infections."
"Low blood vitamin D levels had a 64% increased risk of community-acquired pneumonia."
"Low plasma vitamin D levels appear to be an independent risk factor for COVID-19 infection and hospitalization."
"People with low vitamin D levels were nearly twice as likely to be hospitalized."
"High vitamin D blood levels are associated with lower rates of SARS coronavirus II infection."
"Naive T cells need vitamin D to mature into active, virus-fighting cells."
"If you don't have vitamin D3 in your diet, it greatly impairs your ability to essentially get taller."
"Every human being that I see initially with leaky gut or autoimmune disease has a low vitamin D level."
"The widespread availability and low cost of D3 vitamin D presents a unique opportunity."
"Safe and effective treatments... we know vitamin D is safe and effective."
"Vitamin D levels the lowest... exhibited the largest decrease in covid-19 infection and mortality."
"Vitamin D may help to reduce the severity of the covid-19 pandemic."
"Keep vitamin D levels above 100 for cancer prevention."
"Vitamin D supplementation cut the risk of infection with respiratory illness."
"Asthma, this can be greatly improved with vitamin D."
"Vitamin D... my best friend in the winter months."
"It made a lot of sense that vitamin D is likely to be implicated in this."
"Vitamin D supplementation has to be done in a responsible way."
"Relatively small doses of vitamin D... reduce the probability of autoimmune disease."
"High dose of vitamin D2 for example 50,000 units a week for eight weeks and those with diabetes improve their passing blood sugar improve their insulin improve their insulin resistance markers after treatment with the vitamin D."
"The easiest way is just take vitamin D it's cheap it's easy to take it's no side effects and it's easily available."
"Make sure you're in the optimal range which I think is probably about 50 to 75 and then you adjust accordingly if you love that last video."
"Everybody should get their vitamin D tested. Vitamin D deficiency is a big problem."
"Vitamin D drops, we're so deficient in vitamin D."
"Did you know that vitamin D is such a necessary nutrient... you need Sun to make vitamin D."
"Vitamin D supplementation was associated with less severe COVID-19 and a better survival rate."
"Vitamin D supplementation could prevent acute respiratory tract infections."
"Some of y'all need some vitamin D, maybe these are actual vitamins."
"There are now, uh, I think at last count last week, 17 separate studies confirming the benefit of high levels of vitamin D."
"I have never in 20 years seen vitamin D toxicity. I do not think it exists."
"Practically every cancer studied has been shown to be related to vitamin D levels."
"Sun exposure and vitamin D during the day... turn off melatonin so it can recharge."
"Vitamin D. We all know that comes from the sun."
"Sun exposure may actually help lead to weight loss through correcting vitamin D mechanisms."
"Correcting vitamin D deficiency could save thousands of lives."
"Vitamin D is dirt cheap to make... so why bother?"
"40 to 60 nanograms per milliliter is required for optimum immunity."
"The D that we pass on to them is what makes them healthy to start with. That's what selects for the healthy foursome in your baby."
"People with low vitamin D were 10 times more likely to have complications and die."
"Let's hope doctors and governments start picking up on the significance of vitamin D."
"Elevated blood sugars and insulin resistance can result from vitamin D deficiency."
"Vitamin D deficiency affects serotonin production, leading to depression."
"Autoimmune conditions can arise from vitamin D deficiency, due to immune system modulation."
"Vitamin D deficiency leads to weakened bones and problems with muscle gain."
"Asthma is a situation where you have inflammation in the lungs and this can be greatly improved with vitamin D."
"It's usually a vitamin D deficiency especially if it's in the winter."
"If someone's depressed they're usually vitamin D deficient."
"Isolate a particular thing... something like 90 percent across our species of our vitamin D synthesis happens from exposure to the sun."
"Vitamin D creates what are called cathelicidins, antimicrobial proteins."
"Vitamin D supplementation is associated with significant weight loss in women."
"You need to start taking especially this time of year between four and around six thousand international units per day of vitamin d."
"There has been a ton of data going back as early as 2007 connecting the dots between vitamin D insufficiency and alterations in glucose homeostasis."
"Shiitake mushrooms are among the best sources of vitamin D, crucial for kidney disease patients."
"Treating breast cancer cells with a vitamin D derivative might prevent them from growing and encourage them to die outright."
"Low vitamin D levels in the blood were associated with increased risk of breast cancer."
"100,000 IU given now can help a person stay in the normal range for up to 70 days."
"Vitamin D supplementation can decrease respiratory tract infections."
"Without good liver function, you don't get the benefit of the active form of vitamin D."
"I can't overemphasize the power of vitamin D. Not only for against infections, it's a hormone."
"High or normal vitamin D levels are associated with less risk of COVID-19."
"Vitamin D is finally getting the respect it deserves."
"Vitamin D is very key for depression, anti-inflammation, immune system."
"62.5% cleared the virus with vitamin d vs. 20.8% without."
"The accumulation of evidence supports the importance of vitamin d."
"Vitamin D is like a gun, and those bullets start poking holes in bacteria, viruses."
"Vitamin D is antimicrobial, it produces bullets called catalase edins which literally take out and disrupt the walls of bacteria and viruses."
"Vitamin D supplementation can really help and vitamin D is so important."
"Vitamin D is so powerful when it comes down to fat loss."
"If you really want to maximize your vitamin D, take vitamin D3 and K2; K2 helps with the absorption."
"70% of Americans are either deficient or inadequate in vitamin D."
"If your vitamin D level was over 50, the risk of death was zero."
"The sun is our friend, and getting that natural vitamin D on a daily basis is huge for us."
"I am also low in Vitamin D, so I need it."
"Vitamin D plays a lot of important roles in the body, especially when it comes to calcium homeostasis."
"Vitamin D is a potent anti-inflammatory."
"If you're low in Vitamin D, obviously that's going to have an effect on bones and your bone tissue and your bone health."
"You know what they say about vitamin D? It's essential."
"...vitamin D is a hormone, that means if you want to prevent diabetes using vitamin D, what you have to do is say if I maintain my level between 30 and 40 over a 10-year span will I be able to prevent this disease."
"So vitamin D is incredibly important for mood and what's funny is that most of us are deficient in vitamin D."
"Vitamin D is often referred to as a longevity hormone."
"The sun isn't bad for you. People are anxious, they're depressed. I'm telling you, it's lack of vitamin D."
"It's cheap, it's readily available, many people are already thinking about it in their own health."
"And came to the office and said, 'Hey, Vitamin D.' And we said, 'Well, we're not going to work on that because there's a paper every day on vitamin D."
"70 percent of the population in the United States according to our last survey doesn't have adequate levels of vitamin D so what do you do you get a blood test and you make sure you have adequate levels of vitamin D."
"But like with respect to, let's say, forget every... let's say you finally convert the vitamin D3 into the 25-hydroxy vitamin D into the 125, you know, at that level it's the same."
"I think going above 60 nanograms per milliliter is probably still okay."
"Supplementing low levels of vitamin D is important in MS."
"I would encourage people to take 2000 international units of vitamin D3 a day if they get inadequate sunlight exposure."
"Vitamin D supplementation with or without Omega-3s for 5 years reduced autoimmune disease by 22%."
"Love that for me. Taking vitamin D with a fat source is key. Little things you learn, like taking it with breakfast, not first thing in the morning."
"Sometimes it loosens up and it goes down too far, and the body should, in theory, absorb it quickly if there's enough vitamin D in that fluid."
"There was a recent review of 27 studies comprising over 8,000 individuals with IBD. Low levels of vitamin D were more associated with an increase in severe disease activity."
"If your vitamin D levels start dropping, that is a sign that your body is experiencing some kind of inflammation from an autoimmune condition and it needs the vitamin D. Vitamin D is almost like a fuel."
"But vitamin D is crucial for your immune system."
"You're out of work, yeah, and you're not getting a lot of vitamin D, and vitamin D biologically helps improve your mood."
"Vitamin D... reduces disease activity... 75 percent of MS cases could be prevented if your vitamin D level was over 100 nanomoles per liter."
"2,000 international units of vitamin D3 a day for those getting inadequate Sunshine was probably a good idea."
"Vitamin D is so important as a primary vitamin to assist in so many parts of our metabolic function."