
Entrepreneurship Quotes

There are 31186 quotes

"I started The Surreal Mission without fashion school but with a blank t-shirt, a screen printed idea, and a dream."
"You need to give value and when that clicks and when you get really good at that and you really are one of the most helpful people to your audience, the money just shows up."
"I want to see you create more revenue and a more enjoyable lifestyle for you and your family so you can become a beacon of light in your community."
"I was trying to fit into a box that I couldn't. I was like a fly trapped in a jar... then entrepreneurship was realizing that the lid was off the jar the entire time."
"You make money changing the game, not following it."
"Some people don't have the skill set to be successful entrepreneurs. That is something you need to develop."
"All rich people, all millionaires would not go change their life path because you need those experiences to appreciate where you're at."
"Not just appreciate but also to learn the lessons and take the L's on the way there. All of it is a part of where you're at now."
"Every entrepreneur knows that the most valuable currency of all is not actually money, rather time."
"The number one skill of an entrepreneur is communication."
"The three things that every wannabe entrepreneur should think about before they start their own business: be ready for rejection, make sure your product is the best, and be prepared to do all the things unsuccessful people don't want to do."
"The main difference between labor workers and creative workers is owning a business because business is about solving creative problems."
"To any women who want to succeed in entrepreneurship, you have everything in you already to be successful at whatever it is that you want to do."
"Never compromise the big mistake I see many entrepreneurs make is that they compromise."
"I'm not a business man. I'm a business, man!" - Jay Z.
"Having more than one stream of income is genuinely life-changing. The fact that I had money coming in from my YouTube channel and my business meant that I could leave my day job or at least go part-time on it to focus on the thing that actually brought me joy and fulfillment."
"Money is a byproduct of the process of providing value with the right kind of intent."
"Challenge the assumptions, whether it's social skills, whether it's the business that you're doing."
"I think every entrepreneur, Founder's goal should be to create a brand that could exist without you."
"As a black woman owning my own business, we have it so tough already."
"For you to succeed in escaping wage slavery, you're going to have to go beyond all cookie-cutter solutions."
"It's often at unlikely intersections that opportunity hides."
"The goal is to make your first dollar on the internet. It's not to make a million dollars; it's just you need to make one dollar."
"I started my company in February of 2015 with a dream of delivering economic identity to those who don't have it."
"The capacity for failure is more important than the vision of success for successful entrepreneurs."
"Most people in life don't take the steps into the fog into the unknown because it's scary... but that is like one of the things that separates entrepreneurial people."
"I came out at 17, starting a management company."
"Everything you guys just said is a resource you lacked...the only thing you actually need is resourcefulness."
"Value taming gives value. It's contagious in this world of entrepreneurs."
"To anyone trying to start, my biggest piece of advice would be: only do it if it's something that you really love, that you're really passionate about."
"Nobody was prepared for this pandemic 2021, and that's why I keep telling people, being a boss is not for everybody, but product outweighs talent."
"Wealthy people are not working to climb the corporate ladder; they're working to own the corporate ladder."
"The most successful and wealthiest people are entrepreneurs. They're people that have started their own business."
"I started realizing that there's a lot of people they start a business with nothing or with very little money but they end up becoming wealthy in five years or ten years."
"A business can make way more money a lot sooner, a lot faster than a job."
"What does it mean to be an entrepreneur? I can tell you this: It is not for the faint of heart. It is only for the brave, the courageous, the calculated. Entrepreneurship is reserved for the resilient."
"If you're going to be an entrepreneur, you're going to need to lead. The world needs more creative, resilient, passionate, committed, focused, disruptive entrepreneurs."
"Entrepreneurship is this idea that we want to create value for others, that we want to take a little bit of a creative risk, that we want to do something that represents self-expression."
"The truth is that there's value to be made at every level."
"You take for granted the world produced by the entrepreneurs and the capitalists."
"This is the most tech-savvy and entrepreneurial generation that I've ever seen." - Robert Rosencrantz
"Immigrants in New York City are not just employees; they are also job creators."
"My ability to build my own small business from nothing has been one of the greatest freedoms and blessings that I have had in my life."
"Great leaders, great entrepreneurs, great people learn from their mistakes."
"To turn creativity into a business is a very delicate thing to do."
"Every client that I had was basically you plant a seed and then you watch the seed grow into a tree that provides fruit."
"After selling every bottle at 120% the price of a normal bottle, we finished the day with a staggering 817,640 gold."
"I love putting it on me because I don't have the luxury of having somebody that's gonna cut me a check. We're gonna eat, but we're gonna work. You eat what you kill."
"Pick products and services that you're excited about, that you're passionate about, and get excited about the results that your clients are going to have as a result of buying your product or service."
"Less is good for the economy because folks are now able to buy a home, start a business, start a family."
"You guys are natural entrepreneurs; you do have a talent for really thinking of good business ideas."
"You could be making LLCs; they could be literally doing what they're already doing every day right now and converting that into revenue."
"It is possible for a well-led entrepreneurial organization to do things that it was previously thought only the governments of major powers could do."
"This is going to lead to the enlightenment and then the modern age because the dynamic here is, as a result of Musk proving this, he has set off an entrepreneurial space race."
"I'm having fun because I love to help young entrepreneurs."
"Empowerment is teaching someone how to be an entrepreneur instead of trying to own them."
"As an entrepreneur, I had to bet against the consensus and be right, and so to gain that humility was the thing."
"This woman had only eight dollars in her bank account today she has 600 acres of land in Costa Rica where she's building her own Resort Empire."
"I went from $8.70 to over a million dollars in one year before I was 23 years old."
"Entrepreneurship... became my passion for a long time. I wanted to make online income to escape the full-time rat race."
"Shopify made it super easy to launch our site with a custom domain."
"Elon Musk is the most creative entrepreneur of our time by far, which is why he's the richest man in the world."
"The story of America isn't just the story of the patriots that helped build the democracy. The reason the United States is the leading economy in the world is because of the work of entrepreneurs."
"John D. Rockefeller transformed the oil industry and created a vast empire that dominated the market."
"I'm absolutely convinced the world is a better place if we get more entrepreneurs around the world that are self-sustaining."
"The world is a better place if we get more entrepreneurs around the world that are self-sustaining, who know how to make their money on their own and create jobs for other people."
"Coming up with a winning business idea is one of the most important parts to building a successful online business."
"Passive income is when you do a majority of the hard work upfront so that in return for that hustle and hard work, you can make money passively."
"Affiliate marketing is when you can earn a commission or fee for simply sharing a product that you love to your followers."
"I'm a young entrepreneur, I'm 22 years old, and I'm looking to expand my brand."
"If you want to be an entrepreneur, the single best thing you can do is to probably study as many businesses you can."
"Some of the most amazing entrepreneurs in the world... simplify very complex concepts."
"Why would you bet on Goliath when we've got David? Value giving is contagious in this world of entrepreneurs."
"I started an online business because I was working at a job, and I was attending school full-time in University, and I just didn't have that much freedom."
"Sometimes people look at other ways of making money online, and it's maybe, you know, selling digital products or whatever it is, but when it's like a physical product that you know someone is receiving, I guess, in the mail, and they can use it, it just feels like more of a real concept."
"I think the most valuable part of this business is just having that freedom to do those things."
"Straight up printing some cash, we got to start selling them at some point."
"Meditation was my biggest tool; it helped me get Mind Valley to where it is today."
"Your greatest innovation, your greatest entrepreneurship, is happening at the smaller levels, those small shops, those small innovators that are creating incredible technologies."
"Is the American dream still alive? My name is Grant Cardone and I took on a challenge to build a million-dollar business in 90 days from a small town in Colorado during COVID."
"If Louis Curtis comes to Pueblo, no money, no names, no contacts, and make it, anybody can make it if they don't make excuses."
"Entrepreneurship is simple: you literally just find needs and problems that need to be solved, and you charge people for that product or service."
"Scale is just being able to make money from way more people than you probably could in like a normal shop kind of business."
"It's enough to raise entire cultures and countries out of poverty... Entrepreneurship did that, and it did it with its arms tied behind its back."
"Imagine what will happen as we start to unleash the true power of these entrepreneurs and allow them to do what they're really gifted to do. It's going to be game-changing."
"Opportunist DNA causes the entrepreneur to really look at business as a vehicle. That's it."
"I stumbled across what I believe is that bottleneck, and I think it is the game changer for entrepreneurship as we know it."
"If you want to be an entrepreneur, you want to make friends with people who want to be entrepreneurs or are entrepreneurs and surround yourself with that."
"Having huge incumbents that copy and clone entrepreneurs is not good for entrepreneurship."
"Entrepreneurs are in the business of solving problems. I like the idea of solving problems."
"Most startups don't die from homicide, they die from suicide."
"It is very hard to build a very big business. Like, most people will never build a business that makes a million."
"If you're 22 years old, and you never sold shit, growing up, you've got a problem."
"Entrepreneurship is when you love your game more than what the game gives you."
"Idea when we get it is 1% of the journey, 99% of it is all execution."
"Entrepreneurship is not limited to technology, entrepreneurship happens in all walks of life and in all business segments."
"The beauty of the internet is you don't need the stigma that's attached to kind of business as it was probably 50 years ago. I mean you can be a 16-year-old in a bedroom and start a business that two years later you can sell for $40 million."
"If you hate what you are doing you won't be successful as an entrepreneur because it requires too much extra effort. And you have to really love it to make the sacrifices that are necessary to be successful."
"The most important thing if you are starting something yourself I think is to ask yourself what's the right thing for you."
"Being a successful entrepreneur is stunningly rare."
"Don't wait for permission... in most realms of business, you can pretty much just start doing it whenever you want."
"Start off really really small... a Minimal Viable Product... is the smallest version of your product... that you can feasibly get in front of people."
"Do things that don't scale... at the start, you wanna be putting in extra effort to make your customers happy, to recruit new customers."
"Just start... you probably don't really need any more information. Just like get an idea and start working on it."
"Madam C.J. Walker... the first female self-made millionaire in America."
"The entrepreneur is valued more than the worker in our culture, which is why people are drawn to MLMs."
"You got to have patience, because building a business, building a side hustle, getting the raises, doing all you got to do to earn more money does take time."
"The entrepreneur is the elementary unit of the free market."
"Entrepreneurs are the hero of the marketplace."
"Entrepreneurship is about creating something out of nothing."
"The cost of failure is as close to zero as it's ever been right now."
"What a time to be alive, what a time to be someone who actually has an idea and wants to share that idea with the world."
"Ideas are worthless, you've got to make them happen."
"There is no point having ideas in your head; you've got to make them happen by putting them on paper."
"The beauty about entrepreneurship is you don't have to live someone else's life. You find something you love and I guarantee what you love doing, you will be good at."
"In the context of entrepreneurship, ADHD can be a severe advantage, quite possibly a superpower."
"I love people who work in startups, I love entrepreneurs, in part because it's so tough and isolating."
"We need to do more for you. I spent seven years trying to help, really help, train people to become you."
"The man has made billions around the world in the decades that he's been reinventing the fashion industry."
"Most rich people do not idly count their wealth sitting under palm trees; they continue to reinvest it in new projects."
"Entrepreneurship became way more than just a patch for my problem; it actually was a journey of personal self-discovery."
"I became an entrepreneur because I was looking for a way to get back my freedom and autonomy in life."
"Entrepreneurship provides you with an opportunity to actually curate a community of people in your life that you want to have in your life."
"At its core, entrepreneurship is all about service because we have to walk in somebody else's shoes and understand their problems."
"There's something exciting about becoming an entrepreneur because every day there's an unknown."
"Becoming an entrepreneur is the greatest board game you'll ever play."
"When you become an entrepreneur, you find out about your unique gifts that you have."
"Entrepreneurship for black people is freedom."
"You can become wealthy and establish in your own business, in your own profession."
"Entrepreneurship is the lifestyle of freedom."
"It's easy to listen to us talk about it at the position we're at after years and years of work, and think, like, 'Oh, we pay people,' but it's a journey."
"I want to be completely off the internet, just running businesses on the side."
"Every one of these ideas will change the trajectory of your earnings, your income, and your wealth."
"Breakthrough ideas that help people are at the very heart of great entrepreneurship and innovation."
"Effective entrepreneurs do not learn everything to the point of perfection and then begin; they begin and then learn furiously as they go."
"For people like me and many other entrepreneurs who have an overachieving personality, taking more time to relax and appreciating life more can be the biggest catalyst to bigger results."
"Immigrants bring entrepreneurs who start new businesses that hire American workers."
"If it was easy, everyone would be doing this."
"Entrepreneurship is way fucking harder than school."
"Success in entrepreneurship is just incredibly unlikely. It is rare."
"Maybe we should start thinking about entrepreneurship as something we engage in through critical experiments where we try to disprove our idea."
"Entrepreneurs take more antidepressants and psychoactive drugs... because entrepreneurship is incredibly stressful."
"The distribution of entrepreneurial outcomes is such that the average doesn't actually tell you anything because all the gains from or not all the gains but most of the gains are concentrated in a very few super winners right and lots of people who are just getting zero."
"The problem with being an entrepreneur is that you start obsessed with something and it becomes kind of your life mission. Then, concepts like work-life balance, health, sanity, they go out the window."
"I've never been here for the short term; it's always been the dream of finding a way to get financial services to the three billion people who don't have them."
"It can be done right, so you can start a business in the UK, whatever, in this world online, and it can become a unicorn in under 10 years."
"I think being a YouTuber is like the best job for a creative person. You make your own hours, you can create pretty much whatever you want without some higher ups or corporate big wigs telling you what to do, and you can make a pretty good amount of money in the process."
"The cool thing about YouTube is that it gives people the opportunity to branch out and start these other business ventures like chocolate bars, coffee beans, pizza restaurants, hard seltzers."
"If you don't believe as an entrepreneur, nobody else will believe."
"Every CEO's job is basically to sell and raise money."
"I'm not going to make a bitter person an entrepreneur because then they use their power to punish."
"The show was not just about motorcycle building; it was a narrative of the American dream."
"Competitors are not a bad thing, they are a good thing because it shows proof of concept."
"Funding stats for women in particular are a shambles."
"If you're trying to set up a business or you're trying to run something and you want to have a lasting impact, this is extremely profound."
"I didn't know how to make money until I turned 25. I never thought I'd be an entrepreneur."
"I used to believe that entrepreneurs are made, but now I think some of us are actually born to be entrepreneurs."
"We are making five thousand nine hundred a day."
"Owning a dump truck isn't just about moving dirt, it's like having the ultimate sandbox on wheels."
"It's my business, it's my reputation, it's my food. I'm the chef and I'm the owner. That's what I want."
"The best entrepreneurs have got to find a way to do things differently to how other people are doing things."
"The most correlated or causative factor in making your first million dollars is the age at which you start."
"When you multiply the skills of sales and marketing of influence of copywriting with the traits of consistency, focus, and discipline, you now have the ability to print money."
"Four months ago, I bought this abandoned auto repair shop and moved the family from Utah to Colorado."
"The goal isn't to become a professional yard sale reseller but to learn the power of making money for yourself."
"Entrepreneurs in this world get no value to haters."
"The entrepreneurial method... you find a problem, you learn how to solve it, you document how you solved it online."
"Learn to sell, learn to build. If you can do both, you will be unstoppable."
"Build distribution, then build whatever you want."
"I believe that entrepreneurs are going to solve all the major problems of the world."
"I always knew that I wanted to create my own thing. I didn't want to go be a part of your thing."
"I started Paul with $500 in my pocket. The tip margin is over 50%. Actually, wow, yeah. On average, we do about 30 cars a week."
"Absolutely, I started Paul with $500 in my pocket. That's what you have and some hopes and dreams."
"It's nearly impossible to tell Jason's story without also mentioning David's because it was David Dobrik building an empire on YouTube that saved him."
"To have a large number of small firms is one of the key ingredients of success."
"What I tell fellow entrepreneurs is like, this is our time. Like when things are challenging, when they're difficult, when they're not stable, is exactly when entrepreneurs do well."
"You are essentially, as an entrepreneur or anyone trying to achieve anything... you are at war. There is an enemy, there is someone or something that you have to defeat in order to accomplish that which you wish to accomplish."
"If there's a big enough problem you're solving, it's infinitely scalable."
"Making nine thousand dollars a month as a high school student, I was making more money than my parents, more money than all my friends."
"More businesses are started in recessions and downturns in the economy than any other time."
"Entrepreneurship is creation and being a Creator is the act of channeling the Divine through your human edge."
"I have to tell you about this new idea I have for a business."
"I didn't wait for a ship to come in; I built it."
"90% of our businesses are small businesses, and it's great because those are the ones that are not going to lecture you about stuff."
"When I die, I want to have an impact on this world. That's why I started my company."
"It's okay to be an employee, but someday don't you want to be an employer?"
"My job is to help you... I want to push you to have your own business while you're traveling the world with me."
"This will be a world message on economic empowerment, stock market investing, entrepreneurship, the whole gambit."
"Junior took the money he made from the league and opened a Wendy's franchise, turned that into over 200 Wendy's franchises."
"Begin before you are ready. No one feels ready to start a business."
"In 1987, 23-year-old Johnny Dang left his home country of Vietnam and arrived by boat on the shores of America with barely a dollar to his name, but what he did have was a dream and the work ethic to make that dream come true."
"You have to constantly reinvest into the business."
"In order to run a successful company, you need to stop coding and start delegating."
"Through my masterclass and workshops and print sales and ad revenue on my YouTube video, all those little bits add up to make what is now quite a comfortable living."
"You're taking the plunge or you are ready to gamble with the notion of being in control of your own schedule, your clientele, and your money."
"Instead of going everywhere where everybody is, for example, create your own empire."
"Slow clap for doing the work in creating a business. Most of them fail. You've been doing it for six years, so congrats."
"We're launching our Easter boxes. Yeah, they're so cute. We've been wanting to work on monthly boxes for a while now."
"And so my dad got to build a business in Turkey. He sold it. He came here. And I remember when I came here, and I was eight years old... And I thought that was nirvana."
"AI is going to take our jobs, but it's also going to open a ton of doors for you to create businesses people can't wait to just throw money at."