
Rehabilitation Quotes

There are 1679 quotes

"What if we were able to treat injuries and impairments in an entirely new way, by hacking into your brain's ability to rewire itself."
Don Vaughn
"Ultimately, if and when the technology for spinal cord, nerve, or muscle stimulation gets far enough, ultimately it could be used to restore that individual's control of their own body."
"It's therapeutic for a lot of us convicts that have gotten jammed up to just be able to have community and talk about this stuff."
"Most inmates are repeat offenders... I think there should be more programs in place to help inmates get more help."
"They can absolutely go on to live pro-social effective lives in the future."
"Everything mathematically is better if you prioritize rehabilitation. Everything. You get less recidivism, you're more humane, life gets better for everyone. We live in a utopia."
"Mary Bell committed two dreadful murders, but her case does give us hope that children can change."
"Mary Bell's story, in one sense, gives us hope that children who do dreadful things, children who commit murder, can change."
"We're trying to inform people... Not everybody's a piece of shit who does time."
"We live in a society that acknowledges the mistakes made in the past, accepting those who have proven to change."
"The prison system as it originally developed was designed to be rehabilitative and punitive."
"I went to rehab three times by the time I turned 15."
"Once you have served your time in prison, we should turn our system from one of punishment to rehabilitation."
"I think that criminal justice should be about rehabilitation, and killing somebody is kind of not rehabilitating someone unless you could truly stand to a person's mind and know that they could never be rehabilitated."
"If you care about women who have abusive tendencies, wouldn't you want them to get help?"
"Our system allows someone to serve their time and be considered rehabilitated."
"When you've served your time and you've paid your debt to society, you should be able to vote and protect yourself through the political system and have the same rights as everybody else."
"Who do you want getting out of prison?... You want a person who has hope, who wants to be a taxpayer."
"I was freaking terrified of rehab before I actually went because I had a whole different vision of what it was gonna be."
"Rehab always will have its benefits, in my opinion. I think it's an amazing program."
"Some people, irrespective of their crime, come in jail, do their time, and they're polite and respectful."
"In the early stages of recovery, there is a huge gain in productivity."
"The new approach... is predicated on the idea of how do you get a job and go through drug rehab and stuff like that when you can't even be sure where you're sleeping at night."
"In jail, the former escapologist became a model prisoner and actively mentored young offenders."
"From Cox's arrest in 1988 until his eventual parole in 2004, he appears to have been the classic model prisoner."
"For as long as we continue to demonize people, the opportunity for understanding and the opportunity for rehabilitation is gone."
"If you can give them skills, training, and a career profession...you'll see reoffending be reduced by ninety percent."
"No one goes to prison for a drug offense. They go into rehabilitation."
"The whole point of [hospital admission] is that it's not about punishment, it's about rehabilitation."
"There's no point in having rehabilitation unless there's an endpoint to make them reintegrate into society."
"The prisons in Norway are built on rehabilitation; the prisons in the United States are built on punishment, not rehabilitation."
"We want to make sure we rehabilitate so people don't reoffend and have more victims out there."
"At what point does a person become rehabilitated and now everything after that is just bitterness?"
"I just don't think we should be putting people in prison for it; we should be trying to help them."
"I believe in bringing out the best in prisoners rather than punishing them."
"Rehabilitation over punishment, kindness over compulsion, was actually working."
"I believe the Bedrock of our Criminal Justice System remains the same, and it's deterrence and Rehabilitation."
"I have a problem. I think I need to go into rehab. That's it. I need to go into like margin rehab."
"The more humane the prison conditions are, the more of a focus the systems have in rehabilitating people and reintegrating them into society, the less likely those people are to commit crimes and reoffend."
"He got a law degree and now he represents people who had felonies and are trying to get jobs. I think that's really cool."
"The Invictus Games show in a unique way how meaningful sport is for rehabilitation."
"Let's not forget that the purpose of the criminal justice system is both to rehabilitate and to punish, but if we can rehabilitate somebody, that is a huge win for our system."
"I believe in redemption. I believe in rehabilitation. It's why I do what I fucking do."
"It's really terrific if we can then help them acquire employment, education, skills training, and certainly housing on their way to full recovery."
"In the name of rehabilitation, do we have to have a world in which we are able to grow and evolve?"
"You're about to see a video with a one-year-old cattle dog. This dog could not be with dogs. After about 40 minutes, he was playing with four dogs, with no muzzle, no leash."
"Prison doesn't rehabilitate; it takes an individual to rehabilitate themselves."
"Prison is the least effective place to rehabilitate offenders."
"If you have a guy that gets hurt once he gets back to being able to train...he will regain the attributes that he has lost."
"Nobody wants someone's life to be ruined by drug use."
"Making sure that drug use doesn't get you thrown in jail, stop you from landing a job, and that you can get access to proper treatment if you want to is the way to do that."
"Jigsaw's goal is ultimately to help people turn their lives around, which mirrors his own journey."
"LEAD participants have a 58% lower likelihood of being arrested than addicts outside of the program."
"Some prisons in Brazil offer inmates a chance to reduce their sentences by reading books and writing corresponding essays."
"Participating in the redemption through reading program can have four days removed from their prison stays for every book they read, up to 48 days a year."
"Rehabilitation should be the focus instead of punishment."
"I wanted to package that up and put it in schools and juvenile detention centers and in prisons to say, 'Brother, listen, it's hard, it's difficult, but it's not impossible.'"
"We make prisons actual correctional facilities."
"We need to really be trying to reform people."
"I went to learn. How did a country that had done such horrible things recreate itself so quickly into one of the most enlightened when it comes to crime and punishment?"
"Rehabilitation is a waste of time if you yourself do not want to help yourself."
"We have to send fewer people to prison for shorter periods of time and then when they're here do things like this."
"The punishment also furthers basic purposes of criminal punishment: deterrence, incapacity, a just punishment, and rehabilitation."
"No one should go to jail for a drug offense, no one should go to jail for the use of a drug, they should go to drug rehabilitation."
"Rehabilitation are really critical, particularly in a culture that incentivizes disposal."
"Their plan was to take her in, get her healthy, and release her back home to the ocean."
"Batman doesn't kill his enemies. He tries to rehabilitate them."
"When you aim to go for retribution over rehabilitation, all you are doing is expediting my execution."
"Ex-felons can be great assets... anybody who's given a chance when they've hit a bottom, they can be grateful and hard-working employees."
"Our prisons should focus on rehabilitation, not punishment."
"This man is not a threat to anyone anymore. He's paid his dues to society."
"No one should be going to jail because they have a drug problem they should be going to rehabilitation not to jail."
"I had to do my own surgery, my own rehab, my own everything."
"It's all about treatment over punishment and really learning how to help people."
"Success in rehab comes from a holistic approach addressing triggers, emotional work, coping skills, and environment."
"Punishment should be more important than rehabilitation in criminal justice."
"We're sending a powerful message to prisoners who have reformed their lives when you return to society we are not going to leave you behind."
"We're here today to announce a vital new action that we're taking to help former inmates find a job, live a crime-free life, and succeed beyond their wildest dreams."
"Second chance hiring is about safer communities, a stronger workforce, and a thriving economy."
"America wins when citizens with a criminal record can contribute to their communities as law-abiding members of our society."
"We're expanding our Second-Chance Pell Grant pilot program to allow individuals to use their time in prison to take college-level classes."
"Rehabilitated citizens with a criminal record can apply for federal government jobs and affordable housing."
"We have a rideshare partnership where formerly incarcerated people will be gifted gift cards so that they can get rides to and from job interviews and jobs."
"Everybody's given a chance to act like human beings when they come in here regardless of what they done on the outside."
"I feel like if we don't understand the people who are committing crimes then we can't really say what will rehabilitate them."
"A system that focuses on restoration and preventing future harm is not a system that would ever have the death penalty."
"He speculated that just three more levels might fully restore his physical condition."
"If I'm helping other people make money and empowering themselves and they don't go back to prison or they can help other folks do the same, I'm good. And I think God is good with that too."
"You hear a story, you read the details about it and you're like, this person can't be rehabilitated."
"If you don't believe in rehabilitation, you're not a [bleep] progressive."
"People go to court to be punished; they go to prison to become better neighbors."
"Texas recently closed a bunch of prisons and decided that they were gonna try and rehabilitate more people, and as they closed prisons and released more prisoners, you know what happened to their crime rate? It went down."
"If you ban him for life, what's the reason he has to get better?"
"Staley argued that Epstein had served his sentence and paid his debt to society."
"The emphasis is no longer on how many people we can lock up, but on what they've become when they walk out the gate."
"If we are going to rehabilitate people, then we need to stop torturing them while they're in prison."
"We just need to refer you straight to treatment and counseling and not to a prison cell."
"If you're going in, read, read, read. And when you get out, come out here, man, and just try to always say whatever destruction you are a contributor in, in your community."
"I've been there with people, I've helped abusers to have corrective experiences."
"Prisoners want to be valued as contributors to our society."
"We should absolutely try to rehabilitate everyone we can. We have to try, we have to."
"I want these people to come out better hopefully than they went in."
"On rehabilitation, it's clear that courses like this can bring hope and harmony."
"California passed this bill allowing former inmates to become firefighters."
"We've got to have a way to bring them back to light, to let them close that chapter of their life, learn a lesson, treat people differently, and move on."
"We should refurb the basement and set up the world's first video game rehab clinic."
"There should be no question you need to be involved or you have no room to complain about the state of this state or the country."
"Freedom reads is a way for people on the outside to express our kinship, our support, and our belief in the possibilities of those on the inside."
"However, it was greatly exaggerated since work programs, education, and psychotherapy absolutely paved the way for prisoners to re-enter society in a productive fashion."
"You really gotta need those beds. Because I wasn't a person that was in need, it was like, 'We can't give you any halfway house time.'"
"They become productive members of society who go home and start like million charity organizations."
"With an beggars extraordinary ability to understand and Oto's needs, his journey back to the wild has begun."
"Decriminalization worked in other places because it was paired with support and rehabilitation services."
"Felon voting: restore voting rights after prison."
"I passed criminal justice reform to give former prisoners a second chance at life."
"Recovery is possible, stretching and strength building is important."
"Witness the unequivocal good it brings, offering hope to those severed from the brain-body connection."
"I want prisons to be rehabilitative, sane, safe, and humane."
"You stop moving and you experience all sorts of pains and aches from not moving or not rehabbing the injury properly."
"Kevin was a kind person. He wanted to give people such as criminals and homeless people a second chance to get back on their feet."
"If you want out of prison, you really must pick up some degree of common sense."
"Prisons should never be for punishment, they should always be for rehabilitation."
"We need to rehabilitate these men and women, get them prepared to enter back into society and help make the society better. They're fully capable of that, we just have to figure out a way to give them a chance."
"I think by looking up a young person 13 10 11 12 13 by restricting their Liberty for a period of months and sometimes years you are doing that swimming pool gymnasium."
"It's a good see, I think it's part of the sort of like wider trend of Rehabilitation of nuclear power."
"Attack rehab like you're practicing like you're working out. That's how you have to attack rehab."
"The problem is with life with something like this is that like you're you're you need to rehabilitate somehow."
"Once somebody has paid their debt to society, they've paid their debt to society and we should be doing everything possible to help them become productive members of society."
"Josh finally had a successful rehab stint and was reinstated into the NFL"
"Muslim women are 50 times less likely to give birth to a fetal alcohol child."
"Physical therapy is dipping your toe in the water, seeing how it feels, and always changing things up."
"Society is now looking to rehabilitate and reform as well as to punish."
"Some people need rehab, professional help is crucial."
"Supported bridge pose is great for rehabilitating your hips... sometimes we have imbalances on our hip... these supported stretches right here help you to return to a place of balance."
"Rehabilitation and restoration of community are essential."
"I haven't caught any other charges since I got out, and I'm just trying to change my life."
"Mass incarceration as bad... sticking people in a jail cell and like expecting them to just come out better people after 10 years doesn't seem to be working."
"I'd rather get them clean and provide them opportunity as opposed to providing a safe space for them to continue to do drugs."
"Can we imagine a scenario where, after serving whatever time he does, we can figure out a way to redeem and bring him back into the community?"
"The whole concept of Bastoy is to provide a more pleasant experience than most jails."
"We've gone from a situation where people were going to be permanently disabled or ultimately pass away, and now they're able to get back to their families and get really good rehab."
"More needs to be done after the jail sentence to actually continue monitoring these stalkers."
"My job was to help teach people the skills to never come back to prison again."
"Finally settle into their new lives on the right side of the law."
"I took 11 men out of combat positions thanks to the 'I Want To Live' program."
"Wunda the chimpanzee's very first reaction is to go and hug those that looked after her, including a very special hug for Dr. Jane Goodall."
"Rehab sucks, but coming back and trusting that knee is the hardest part."
"How much punishment is enough? Should the man be allowed to work again?"
"You don't find it too often where you go to prison, you come home, and you're able to find a job that you really enjoy."
"It's crucial that we continue to explore ways to support the rehabilitation and recovery of individuals with mental illness."
"Your contrition and ownership of your actions cannot repair the damage you inflicted, but it is an important and encouraging step towards your own rehabilitation."
"My task today is to balance the need for a sentence that adequately punishes the seriousness of your conduct and a need for a sentence that supports rehabilitation."
"Hotel with a designated Turtle Hospital: saving and rehabilitating almost 2,000 turtles over 15 years, addressing injuries caused by marine hazards."
"Helping people pick up their grandkids again, that's the big goal."
"I hope for your sake that you get the help you so desperately need because you are sick sick sick."
"If we can't forgive, we can't move on. We rob society of capable people judged for past mistakes."
"Here in this community, we believe in rehabilitation over incarceration."
"Unfortunately, he couldn't be released into the wild after having spent all his life in a circus."
"I never really went to school, my whole teenage years were involved in me being in jail, yeah, youth authority at 13 I was in, I was in jail for, uh, I went to jail for murder and uh, that changed my life, you know, changed my life completely."
"I think there is an argument to be made that someone who has committed a crime in the past but paid their debts to society should have their rights restored."
"There is a story of recovery and rehabilitation in Genesis, not creation ex nihilo."
"Hurt people hurt people, and then locking them up forever is not really the solution either."
"The full can exercise helps maximize the subacromial space."
"Now that my bio kids dad is staying out of jail maybe he can help out around the house a little bit."
"He deserves a chance at least to make a switch to suboxone."
"Nobody's going to jail or anything like that so it is money and hopefully she does get the help she needs."
"There's some commonality... both in what got you in... and what got you out."
"This is not a gift of the court. This is going to be hard work. It can provide a tremendous benefit to you and to the public as well, but you're gonna have to work at it." - Judge White
"Most of them would not return to a life of crime if they had one more chance."
"Oftentimes incarceration is just simply not the answer."
"Prisons are for people being penalized, and it doesn't make them better people."
"The genius of what they're doing in Rhode Island isn't just that there is full drug treatment inside the prison walls the genius is what happens when the inmates leave."
"Dr. Yaakov Gradinar, together with Prosthetics for Ukrainians, is helping more and more Ukrainian Defenders learn to walk again."
"When women come to this facility, they're forgiven, and then we teach them how to live a forgiving life."
"They tell you that we shouldn't incarcerate people because incarceration doesn't work and if you want to rehabilitate you have to let them out. They are not rehabilitated."
"We shouldn't have any young people in prison, they should be at home in their communities."
"Some people just get dealt a bad hand and make horrible mistakes, and I just hope these young folks find their way in life and don't have the chance to hurt anyone else."
"Statistically you should be in a Cell right now for the rest of your life but instead you're out here actually spreading a message and changing lives."
"Focus on other areas of your life that you can improve on while rehabbing."
"I think the best thing, at least in my opinion, would be Chris being put into some sort of halfway house where they're under supervision 24/7."
"Thank God he still has the option to apply for escorted leave."
"If the person really wants to get sober and they go to a reputable place that has helped them before, then it works."
"I got accepted into rehab and then I went before central local."
"We rehabilitate people who are leading lives of crimes."
"I'm in Brixton prison trying to make a success out of my Bad Boys Bakery."
"I don't think prisons do a great job of reforming people."
"A man goes to rehab because they see the need for change, yeah? He recognizes his condition, that's right."
"I will arrange for you to go to rehab and I get one phone call about you pitching a fit or having an attitude or telling them how to do what they need to do and I will tell them to kick your ass to the curb before God gets the news."
"Does the rehabilitation of war criminal George W. Bush show that when it comes to the crunch, liberals have no principles at all?"
"Why not just go to a therapist? Well, rehab is... you go to rehab."
"Let's identify the problem and fix it, get them off the drugs in 90 days. Wouldn't that make more sense?"
"VR as a promising strategy for rehabilitation."
"Do we truly believe that people deserve these fair chances, second chances, and deserve to be home from prison and jails or not?"
"You don't just sit around all day in prison; there are jobs, classes, and activities."
"Our justice system is based on a concept of redemption and rehabilitation."
"We want to bring returning citizens great people in many cases great people."
"He was actually a bit of a model prisoner... he even volunteered at the prison hospital."
"We have patients from the acute clinic coming here; they are really fatigued, very limited in their physical activities, so this environment here with woods and ways to go around the clinic really helps them to get on the way back to normality."
"Our jobs market is so strong that businesses are recruiting the former prisoners off the sidelines in record numbers."
"We do a ton of work with my foundation to help reduce the recidivism rate."