
Luck Quotes

There are 11205 quotes

"Turn this into your life's work...the amount of serendipity that will occur in your life, your luck surface area, is directly proportional to the degree to which you do something you're passionate about combined with the total number of people to whom this is effectively communicated."
"If you live in the UK, by definition, you're one of the luckiest 10% alive."
"Thoughts become things, so I feel like you're really connecting to this idea of Law of Attraction this year to bring in better luck."
"Have faith that whatever it is you're launching will be successful; you've got luck on your side."
"There's no such thing as luck. There's preparation meeting opportunity."
"Your life purpose is going to bring you a lot of luck, happy coincidences, rewards, good fortune."
"I have always said I'm a lucky person and I have been. If you say you're an unlucky person, you will be. If you say you're a lucky person, then you will be."
"Luck can be a fickle and mysterious force, but it is also, as Roman philosopher Seneca once mused, what happens when preparation meets opportunity."
"Oh my God, the plane I was supposed to be on crashed. Thank God I overslept."
"Whoever ended up getting this signature was probably one of the luckiest people in the ballpark."
"New beginnings butterfly angel number 44, creating a new foundation for yourself, a foundation that brings you luck and blessings."
"We just got the holiday cloak. This is like a 3% chance of getting this, and we actually got it."
"The more action you take, you put yourself in positions to be lucky."
"The Tulip indicates a gift, good luck, beauty... there's a new sprouting, a beautiful new sprouting."
"This run, I got incredibly lucky with the Rocks: Full Restore and that's why we do this. Moomoo Milk, Super Potion, that's actually so sick."
"A period of good luck, blessings after dealing with unfortunate events."
"Maybe doing good things will give me good luck."
"I bet $4.5 million on New Orleans to beat the Indianapolis Colts in the Super Bowl... I got lucky and I won it."
"Anytime you win, I mean, I feel like I'm lucky."
"You create your own luck, and he has been brilliant this evening."
"It doesn't matter how low you've been, it doesn't matter how broke you've been... you can make your own luck in life."
"The Wheel of Fortune talks about good fate, good luck being on your side. So this is a really lucky week for you guys."
"To win trivia, you need good planning, intelligence, and you need to think outside the box. Not in My Trivia. My Trivia you need to be dumb, random, and lucky in order to win."
"Sometimes these games can go very fast. The cards go in your favor, and you play them correct."
"I can't even stress how unlucky I am right now."
"You will be lucky if you can count your friends on one hand."
"More you improve your communication, more you'll be opening the new doors of luck and prosperity."
"Social skills to learn networking and how to entertain an audience and a massive amount of good luck doesn't hurt either."
"I am pretty sure I'm the luckiest person on the face of the Earth right now."
"Even to the last minute, we were lucky, but also we worked. We fought to survive."
"Her last-minute impulse to switch seats saves her from injury, maybe from death."
"Lucky Girl Syndrome/manifestation is believing you have an abundance of good luck."
"The Wheel of Fortune is all about abundance coming your way."
"More diamonds, man. I've really been getting lucky with the diamonds."
"This October, abundance and prosperity is coming to you, or this could just be symbolizing that you're going to be lucky."
"It's gonna be a very lucky month for you. I'm talking like being in the right place at the right time making connections."
"Draco Junior's luck will pick up. Don't worry about it, Draco Junior."
"Keep up the hard work, and the wheel of fortune will turn in your favor. Luck is on your side."
"Good luck and abundance are coming your way."
"It's true that luck, randomness, and misfortune is going to happen to you, and you can't control everything... but it's also true that you influence the situation."
"Luck is 98% of it, being at the right place at the right time, and the 2% is talent and hard work."
"We hear of some people that they are always lucky; everything seems to come their way. Things come their way because there are invisible thought forces radiating from their minds."
"Luck is really more about being open to opportunity beyond just how the task or situation presents itself."
"If you don't buy a lottery ticket, you can't win the lottery."
"Your next big major life change has to do with wealth, luck, and finances."
"Shadow is this dude that manages to do the right thing by accident."
"I am a master at seeing positive signs. I am a master of creating coincidences. I have the world's most incredible luck."
"People who believe they're lucky are actually luckier."
"Thanks for watching, here's one of my good luck chips for you."
"We feel like we're some of the luckiest people in the world because of you guys."
"Most people who get really wealthy really quick are really lucky."
"Fortune: Keep up the hard work and the wheel of fortune will turn in your favor."
"That has to be both the luckiest moment and the world's strongest glass."
"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."
"Everything works out for my good. I am a lucky person."
"The harder you work, the luckier you become because luck happens when hard work meets opportunity."
"You have to put yourself in a position to be lucky."
"Well played, Melon Man. Well, unlucky Melon Man."
"I’m just leading a charmed life. I have fallen into—or created—fortunate circumstances."
"We happen to be in the one where they are nice, you know."
"Luck isn't random; it's almost like a bus that keeps showing up at the same bus stop over and over again. But if you don't have the right fare in terms of your preparation, you will never be able to get on that bus, no matter how many times it comes to the stop."
"You are a little lucky, but that's okay because sometimes in this game, it's better to be lucky than good."
"The difference between being very lucky in our society and very unlucky should not be as enormous as it is."
"The eleventh house is the house of gains, it's the house of hopes, wishes; it's naturally known as a very lucky house in astrology."
"Jupiter entering Pisces brings a lot of good luck and good fortune."
"This isn't just a cake; it's our luck. But we can make our own luck."
"I don't hire smart generals. I hire lucky ones."
"It's like a guy who went to Vegas once and won big but has since blown all his earnings and is now only constantly in the casino, hoping to strike lightning twice."
"The totem doesn't actually bring bad luck but instead brings good fortune to the person who stole it."
"We've all heard that in order to achieve success, it's when preparation meets luck."
"We make our own luck. The harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."
"This event is all about bringing good luck and fortune."
"Shanor's crew viewed their ship as lucky, a kind of talisman, adopting the personal mantra 'Shanor ever onwards.'"
"The will of fortune, which indicates that is a very successful surprise, your luck is changing."
"I feel incredibly lucky and incredibly grateful."
"Literally, my game usually makes these absolute monsters, but today it's been on fire."
"That's the thing about Minecraft luck: you have none, and then after that, all at once, it comes."
"It's like found money; it's like you were walking along the street and you found 50 bucks."
"I got the worst luck and I still won. That's outstanding."
"It's also a story of luck and determination, and ultimately triumphs."
"It's better to be lucky than good. It's better to be both lucky and good."
"I don't know what I'm doing at all. I got so lucky."
"Lady luck is on your side; fate and destiny intervene in your situation."
"You are going to be on the path of your higher calling and this is why it's going to be so lucky."
"If it gives you a chance to buy something that you like and you can buy it even cheaper, then it's your good luck."
"People may benefit from their good fortune, from their luck in the genetic lottery, but only on terms that work to the advantage of the least well-off."
"Good luck during this event, and follow for more tips."
"You always have a little luck. Absolutely, but you also put yourself in the position to meet that luck."
"But hard work doesn't always guarantee success. Of course, with that being said, when you pair hard work with a dash of luck, you might find yourself with a leg up over the competition."
"Luck is on your side; it really seems like everything's working out for you guys."
"Good luck on your side, my love... this is like divine timing."
"Relying on luck to make a fortune isn't really the best of strategies."
"What's left is the recognition that, at bottom, everyone is luckier or unluckier than others, but no one is self-made in any deep sense."
"They say luck is where preparation meets opportunity."
"What we call luck is, in fact, a direct result of the correct or incorrect application of natural laws anyone can use effectively if he knows how."
"Japan, keep doing what you're doing, keep making lucky bags that are actually lucky."
"Becoming a billionaire requires luck...there's no business plan where you can just start it and say, 'Yeah, I'm definitely going to be a billionaire.' You can, if I had to start all over, could I start a company that made me a millionaire? Yeah. 'Cause I know how to sell, and I know technology."
"Luck is on your side, so this indicates serendipity as well, just being in the right place at the right time."
"My definition of luck is preparation meeting the moment of opportunity."
"People who are able to operate at the delta level of mind often tend to be incredibly lucky."
"Life dropped an epic husband, the rarest of its loot table, and I was lucky enough to win the need roll."
"Luck favors the prepared, so we want to test the technology before we need it."
"Hard work is important, but like, probability is still a major factor in how these people become as successful as they are."
"You've got to accept the fact that there's luck. And that luck is consistent with free will."
"Saying yes to things just kind of expands your surface area of luck."
"Miraculously, the light pole had somehow avoided hitting all four cars that were parked below it."
"To increase your odds of success, reduce your dependency on luck not just to gain success but to maintain and grow your earnings."
"If you believe you're lucky, you're more likely to go for amazing things."
"Your luck will start to be very good; your finances will improve, your life prospects will improve."
"Just picture the worst 'cause it happened to me, but I was lucky."
"The people who usually hit the lottery are the people who don't give a fuck about it."
"I'm lucky! And you know what? I've always considered myself lucky, even when I wasn't working with Lucas and Spielberg."
"I am very, very lucky. Incredibly lucky. There are a lot of people who are smarter, more talented, and more beautiful than me, but they are less lucky."
"I guess it's not just chance. You put yourself in a position to benefit from that luck or you take advantage of that luck."
"The Stroke of Luck that landed such skilled craftsmen for this project was nothing short of miraculous."
"You can't control the luck events that hit us, but we can increase our surface area for luck events to hit us."
"Work hard makes you eligible for good luck and eligible to be able to overcome bad luck."
"Pedro once said that he considered his star roles to be just luck, because it's all too good to be true."
"The best luck of all is having wonderful friends around you."
"I think a lot of people see us being married or being in a long-term relationship and they get envious, but in my opinion, I got very lucky."
"I used to not leave as much space for luck as I do now."
"Luck is on your side. Your circumstances are changing."
"Lucky things happened and against all odds my affirmation came true."
"Rich people and poor people think about luck differently."
"The four-leaf clover indicates better luck is here for you now."
"You’ve gotta ask yourself a question–do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk!?"
"I get lucky, you know. I'm a disorganized person and being disorganized has a bad reputation in society."
"Sometimes, Tate, God just loves you and you just get lucky."
"Jupiter actually harmonizes with Saturn and it conjuncts the North Node which is a perfect alignment to tap into good luck, good fortune, and prosperity."
"This is the most esoteric reading I've done today... there's something about the magic, feeling lucky, feeling like the universe is on your side."
"Hopefully we're going to get some good luck with these because if we get a royalty charm, it's worth 2 million gems."
"You're so freaking lucky. I don't even know if you know how lucky you are."
"Anyone who's done something well over time can tell you that there is a significant amount of luck in terms of when you were put in that seat to do a certain thing."
"You either strike gold or get stuck with coal."
"Back to back 21s, see? When you bless, you get blessed like this."
"It's better to be lucky, but I would rather be exact. That way, when luck comes, you're ready."
"You know you're living right when you start to get a few of those to fall in."
"I strongly recommend whenever possible that you be lucky."
"Luck is on your side. You have a new beginning coming. Seize the moment."
"Maybe genius isn't a number then, but rather the happy accident of a hard-working, lucky, and ultimately normal person."
"Thanks to Jupiter, the planet of luck, astrology says Tauruses are in a tremendously expansive and joyous phase of life."
"Success is you have to put yourself in a position to be lucky."
"Negreanu dominates the table tonight with his million-dollar stack stealing pots bluffing drawing out with a good run of luck."
"Whenever you see an extreme outlier, it's always the combination of great skill plus great luck."
"Luck is where preparation meets opportunity."
"Only if it's out of your control can it be luck."
"Luck is just preparation, so if we want love, if we just learn about love, we'll probably find more love."
"Mythic, come on, yes! No freaking way, are you kidding me? That's four new Brawlers on this one account, that is insane!"
"We've just had really good eclipse luck in North America the last few years."
"RNGesus - who is the personification of luck in the gaming community - is cursed just as often as he’s worshiped."
"That's right people we got eight lucky Rings today not one not two not three but eight..."
"The odds of winning that golden Prime bottle were in fact one in a million."
"Easily without a doubt the luckiest I've ever been for any anniversary so far."
"That's that, like we pulled all of the units every single one off of that banner."
"A string of luck so potent, it can gather fortune from others and unleash it in one go."
"The harder you work, the luckier you become."
"Would we like to be a country where people who have just had the worst imaginable luck in life could find refuge and shelter? Yes."
"September is going to be super lucky for you... massive amounts of wealth coming to you."
"Being in the right place at the right time can make you rich."
"Trump is the first person in the history of mankind that's made me wonder if somebody could legitimately luck their way into becoming a billionaire."
"The companion cube certainly brought you good luck."
"You may just have the luckiest name in history."
"Martin escaped death twice, all because he wanted a better deal and saved some money. Lucky, lucky man."
"It's crazy because you know this is basically like winning the lottery."
"Lucky vibes with you, new reading: Who's obsessed with you?"
"Everyone says Jay Rose you get such good luck, guess what? It all evens out."
"Photographer gets once in a lifetime shot of a meteor by accident."
"You guys are gonna feel like you hit the jackpot somewhere in the month of December."
"There's only one conclusion: we're not here because we did something right, we're here because we're lucky."
"Luck is a synchronicity often in your life, so I want to help you open up those synchronicities."
"You are destined for luck, meant for big things."
"An appreciation of the role of luck in life can prompt humility."
"Know that luck is on your side, know that karma is on your side."
"I think I got lucky that I met the right person."
"He knew deep down that he had only won by sheer luck, and to win only by luck or cheating only cheats himself of knowing his true potential."
"The peanut gallery will always call it lucky though, this is what we call the long-term mindset."
"It's better to be lucky than good as they say."
"Luck is because you kept putting yourself in these situations."
"This temple will guarantee me hopefully the on-banner characters, and hopefully they'll be jamming."
"The smarter you play the game, the luckier you'll be."
"Playing smarter leads to getting luckier as they say."
"But through a combination of insane talent and once-in-a-millennium luck, they were responsible for creating or at least popularizing a lot of conventions in popular music that we take for granted today."
"Destiny is intervening, luck is on your side."
"May the odds be ever in your favor, and may your travels be easy."
"We're building out a universe here, positivity will meet with energy."
"You've got can do go-getter momentum super luck by your actions and choices working for you."
"Possibly in luck you are lucky your luck has expanded you make your own prosperity."
"John Ratzenberger, who provides the voice of Hamm, became Pixar's good luck charm."
"Remains most alive in the nation which it did the most to create."
"It's just like, if the same five people win all the time, then you can't say it's not [competitive]. But there is a huge factor of luck that goes into it."
"We may have gotten very lucky. Most of the rest of the habitable planets in the galaxy aren’t anything close to as nice as this one."
"The luck and the balance are going to be on your side."
"All we need to do is sit back, listen, and hope that luck and time play out in our favor."
"There's luck and good, hopeful things coming your way."
"Lady Fortune is on my side now more than ever."
"Luck is on your side, but there's something curious."
"Life's the best deal we got. It's the best thing we got going, and I'm really blessed. I'm really lucky."
"Like out of nowhere, you wake up one morning to a knock at your door, and after dragging yourself out of bed, you find a camera crew waiting to tell you that you'll never have to work again."
"Luck happens when you intersect hard work and preparation. Once you're prepared, you put in the hard work, then the opportunity comes, now you're ready to capitalize on it."
"I genuinely do think that I got lucky... 50% luck, 50% extremely hard work."