
Mood Management Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"You have the power... we can change our mood, we can change our lifespan, we can change how we come into this world every day."
"Sometimes we just wake up in a bad mood for no reason, and it's important not to let it govern us."
"When we don't nurture ourselves that week before our period, what ends up happening is now we're going against biology. Now we're irritable, now we're angry."
"If you're in a bad mood, don't be going out in public ruining everybody else's day just for the sake of it."
"I need the world to know and understand that y'all don't dictate my mood."
"You put that task aside, and you've just regulated your mood. Now you feel better." - Fuschia Sirois
"Do not let it spoil your mood or distract you."
"It's very good to be intentional about your energy the mood you carry and how you affect those among whom you move."
"A meek man is a man in complete control of his moods and his moods are the highest, for he knows he must keep a high mood if he would walk with the highest."
"We gotta keep the same energy... just happy."
"Every bad mood, every illness is there to help and serve us, to serve our happiness."
"I woke up in a great mood because I chose to be in one. Let's breathe, let's go!"
"We all get in those terrible moods, and hopefully by the end of it you will have found what feels good."
"Your art is hot like potato crisps. Don't let anyone piss on your good mood, amigo. If they do, eat them."
"I think it's better just to hide for the day if you're in a bad mood or gonna have a bad stream or don't know what you're gonna do. You don't make content for it."
"I try to get myself out of that funk by remembering, you know, what did I do that made me kind of happy? Made me feel like I am making a difference."
"Act as if you're happy, then you'll feel happy."
"I'm not gonna lose though that's the thing like my mood will be great because I'm not gonna lose."
"Everybody has bad days... detach yourself from it."
"Life is way too sweet to be feeling this sour."
"I've been the grumpiest person without sleep, and now that I know it's not the worst, you can kind of... there's ways to go around it."
"Answer mode is about dropping tension and feeling relief."
"I never rely on my mood to dictate how well I show up okay meaning I have to get myself in a place to be of service."
"Don't let one small thing in life change your whole day. It only takes 10 seconds to get out of your head, 10 seconds."
"Sims would acquire either positive or negative moodlets based on their traits, their surroundings, or recent interactions."
"It helps you just be a little bit mindful because sometimes you don't realize how much of a slump you've been in."
"Life is very short, you only have 80 or 100 years. The thing you can do is 30 years. If you're always in the bad mood, you cannot pick up the second. Pick up one."
"Michael be strong you've got this okay we need to encourage Michael to redirect his mood exactly we want him to redirect his mood into something else if he's feeling down he should take it out in his music you know express himself that way."
"Steve, I feel like he's really good at lifting a mood if energy is stagnant."
"Sometimes we think that if we're in a bad mood and we just shut off the world, sometimes I feel like that is necessary but know yourself."
"I'm in such a good mood today and I've needed this I've needed this day of good mood."
"I gotta get this together... I cannot let this affect my mood, I cannot let this affect like my life..."
"Don't get mad at me, let's keep this upbeat and positive."
"His mood is not my mood so let me try to be happy and bring his mood up."
"When you have a bad mood, don't think about it; instead, do something else right away."
"Procrastination is more about the immediate urgency of managing your own negative moods than it is about just getting on with your tasks."
"What people can do is they can become experts at managing their moods to the best of their abilities using mood tracking consultation with their psychiatrist."
"You can choose your moods...if you could not, you would have no real control over your life at all."
"You can be in a bad mood, you just can't stay there."
"Working through your mood, meaning identifying what you're thinking and what's going on with you and doing your best to work all the way through it, is absolutely the first line of business."
"If somebody comes in with a bad mood, I tell him to go for a walk. If they come back and they still have a bad mood, to walk again."
"I'm about to cook dinner, but I need to make a snack first, otherwise, I will cook hangry, and like nobody wants a hangry cook."
"Your mood is under your control; what you crave is under your control."
"We use the medication to try and raise the frustration tolerance, decrease impulsivity, keep mood and anxiety under control."
"Architect a small win when you are feeling unmotivated, lazy, lethargic, sad, or in a funk."
"I never let my negativity show, shall we say. I don't let that sort of dictate the mood of things."
"I don't want to be in a bad mood my favorite month of the year; I really want to savor holiday season."
"My mood today is my choice, not my day's choice, not my consequences' choice."
"I really like how this page turned out; I can always look back at it if I'm in a weird mood or I'm just feeling down."
"You can choose your mood; moods are essentially a matter of permitted emotions."
"That ability to control your breath allows you to control your mood."
"That was pretty funny even considering I was trying to stay in a very deep and dark place."
"If you notice your mood is really slumping... just bump like fix my mood to top of your to-do list."
"You've been having a great day with me; don't let them come home and you start having a messed-up evening."
"The best thing to do when you're in a bad mood is don't spread it, don't put other people in a bad mood."
"Are you having a bad day, or did you have a bad five minutes and you're letting it ruin your whole day?"
"If you narrow your span of control to managing your mood and working on a 10-week goal, you will be building an optimistic mindset."
"Stay positive; it's not gonna help you being in a bad mood."
"I apologize to you. It was my bad, I didn't manage my mood well. I'm sorry."
"Everyone has their process, and relationships work best when both partners understand how to be in a good mood."
"Learn to lift your own moods without any external input."
"I'm really trying to work on is when I am in these irritable moods, instead of letting it ruin my day, I try to kind of like feel the feelings for a little bit, acknowledge the feelings, they're valid."