
Personal Qualities Quotes

There are 1185 quotes

"We all look for certain types of qualities that we want in one person."
"I think one of the reasons that you've been so successful is you genuinely care about people."
"You're so pure of heart, you're so down to earth, you're so kind, you're so chill, you're such a good energy that it's very hard for people to hate you."
"Love, kindness, and charisma are what you're really selling."
"Ingenuity was a quality that represented that intelligence and creativity best."
"Work ethic is something that not everybody has."
"Discipline, the root of all good qualities, the driver of daily execution."
"I do have a lot of patience; I've displayed a tremendous amount of patience."
"People with discipline are extremely attractive."
"They're a very sweet person and they have the best of intentions towards you."
"Anyone who makes the accumulation of a fortune his chief goal, and who has grit, determination, willpower, and faith in himself, will get there."
"People can become so much more attractive when we see what's underneath, when we see their personality shine."
"She's a very unusual person because she's very clear thinking, she's very intelligent, well-educated, logical, and fearless."
"The most powerful muscles to me are not physical; they're like faith, courage, determination, playfulness, passion. Passion unexpressed weakens, faith untested gets smaller."
"I think you need to have compassion and accountability; that's a very rare thing."
"Humility, integrity, professionalism, and intellectualism... should be easy individually; they're hard together. You make it look easy."
"It is that quality possessed by some which draws all others with magnetic force. With it, you win all men if you are a woman, and all women if you are a man."
"What are the qualities of a high-value man? Someone sweet, caring, loyal, trustworthy. They can do something for you without asking for anything back."
"She was extremely intelligent, a woman of impeccable judgment, resolute, selfless, witty, very witty, and kind."
"You're very intelligent, and I respect that in you."
"She loves hard and has energy out of this world."
"We want inner strength, we want the intangible stuff."
"He's so nice, he's like one of the nicest people I think I've ever met. He's just a good dude."
"I feel like all of those elements come together and meet in Michelle; it's just like there is no other way to describe it other than I feel like she just has it all."
"Your abilities, your qualities, your skills, your generosity, your kindness, your empathy, your compassion...that's what makes you lovable."
"This person is amazing; they are incredible."
"It's not the business; it's the entrepreneur. The right entrepreneur can make any business successful because it boils down to a set of core fundamentals."
"With John Kerry, for example, we laughed a lot; he has, I hope still, very good humor."
"Think of someone who motivates you in your life or someone you look up to that has accomplished great things. What do they have that makes you attracted to them? They have drive, perspective, probably confidence, self-worth, authenticity."
"It's not even necessarily about the following to me. It's also just like, if someone is doing something successful in their life, that's attractive to me."
"Empathy, self-awareness, social awareness, and emotional intelligence are some things I actively look out for."
"This person envies you for how strong you are."
"This shirt is so appropriate. The defining quality that I'm describing here is empathy. You have it in spades and give it generously."
"Lakan was an amazing daughter, sister, friend, overall person in general. Her love for the Lord was exemplified in every aspect of her life."
"She deserves every credit she receives because she is an unbelievable person."
"There's so much to like about this girl, including her self-direction in the college process and independent determination."
"You have specific qualities you have qualities that no one else has in the world."
"Having a sense of life purpose is extremely attractive to women."
"He's using his judgment and his wisdom and his humanity to make good decisions."
"You're not a very forgiving person... but I'm very forgiving. I'm all for second chances, especially in a game like this."
"Good women are so forgiving. You really don't have to be the hottest guy on the block."
"I know Dak's always had a chip on his shoulder. That's one thing I loved about him."
"Being attractive and being pretty are two separate things."
"Many people look at gentleness as if it's weakness, but really it's a strength. It takes self-discipline and strength to remain gentle in the face of conflict."
"Justin was amazing; he was the most polite and likable atheist I've ever met."
"You're still permitted to admire people for the things that were admirable about them."
"Gentleness can also be translated as meekness."
"Faith, hope, curiosity, and then you can fall into nature."
"Vulnerability, empathy, self-awareness, kindness."
"My sister is one of the happiest, funniest people I've ever met."
"Ethan's smile isn't just that, a great smile."
"John Terry had the intangibles... he was a natural-born leader."
"Reaching out and helping people with their personal problems is one of the principal qualities of being a hero."
"This person is definitely a creative genius."
"Didn't have the willpower, they didn't have what it takes."
"They do see you as someone who really rises above anyone else that they have known."
"I think she has exposed herself as being toxic, and people don't like being around poison."
"He's just a really, really, really good human."
"He truly was the best of us, an amazing dude and an even better aviator."
"Hannah is a person of utmost integrity and moral character."
"President Joe Biden is a leader with great will, great determination, and even greater empathy." - Kamala Harris
"Pride is the lever that opens the door to deception."
"He was an amazing spouse and dedicated father, a good person all around."
"There's something so attractive about a guy with that kind of a mindset."
"They see you as a gem who stands out among others."
"Alicia was a wonderful person. Someone that anyone would be lucky to have as a friend."
"They come across as someone who's very wise."
"You are brave, you're strong, you're full of faith, you're trusting that inner guidance, that inner light."
"I know what hard work looks like, I know what dedication looks like."
"I think what comes across... was like the authenticity of her spirit, I guess, of adventure."
"His deep understanding of the Bible and respect for other people's religions was truly inspiring." - Damon John
"Their self-respect makes them more romantically attractive."
"Lucy and Britney both have the intelligence, strength, and power to do anything they want in life. Boom."
"You can tell a principal woman by how her life is organized."
"Sadie, you're an expert communicator and a gem of a human."
"Resilience and experience, two really good qualities."
"He was ambitious, exceptionally diligent, and hard."
"You are honorable and gifted, but remain humble."
"That man's optimism, that's what you call it. That's what you call it, optimism."
"I think all Harry did was show his true character again."
"He's very intelligent and that is quite clear by the way he communicates."
"Fez is a king. Excellent work, excellent friend."
"It's one thing to talk to talk but when you walk the talk you know that's hard to find."
"I'm really happy for him because he's honestly one of the nicest, most sincere guys I've ever met in this business."
"Imagination, empathy, and intuition are the three spiritual attributes that separate you from the collective."
"You may judge someone by their coveralls at first, but you fall in love because of their great inner qualities."
"When somebody's like that and they have their focus, you gotta respect the fact that they get things done."
"You're able to find the good in almost everything."
"I'm talking about very minimal Christian things and we have people that say they are Christian but they don't possess the fruits of the spirit or the attributes of Love they don't have that and that's what I'm looking for."
"People may love you for your muscles and looks, but I love you for your insights."
"Even his biggest critics can agree that he has many admirable qualities."
"On no planet can you make up for incompetence by being the nicest person in the world."
"No one should ever talk to anybody like that, but I'm as calm of a person as anybody can be."
"He showed empathy and had a delightful sense of humor."
"I monitor him our garam masala lilo an address."
"You only have to be two out of three things: Be really, really good at what you do, be on time, or be very, very kind like a good person."
"You're one of the strongest and bravest people I know."
"You should attract people with your inner beauty, your personality, your intelligence, not your looks."
"That's awesome, and like she's just like truly like the definition of like a sincere person."
"Someone as beautiful as her inside and out has all this potential to share with the world yet there's people who just take advantage of her."
"Stay positive and keep your head up. You've accomplished quite a bit already. You're very smart and talented."
"You're just a wonderful person, I don't know how else to put it."
"She never gets the attention that she deserves."
"He's the nicest person you'll ever want to meet."
"He had the biggest heart, there's no one like him."
"I gravitate towards people who love themselves."
"He showed that one person with intelligence, fearlessness, integrity can make a difference."
"You're clever, intelligent, you're funny, you're good to hang around with, and to be, you know, people love being part of your company."
"I do think that's one of the most important qualities a person can have."
"Character matters more than skill, character matters more than capabilities."
"You need fearlessness and you need integrity."
"If you have those two qualities, you're unstoppable."
"Being smart has very little to do with academia... Men look for someone with depth over superficiality."
"There's something about Michelle... that in my opinion is the essence of a Miss Universe."
"I think virtue should be things like kindness, courtesy, and understanding."
"I'm going to tell you Marcus he got a lot of good qualities but my favorite thing about Marcus is his joy."
"A heart kind and an open mind are the best traveling companions."
"They definitely see you as a very beautiful person."
"Risk-taking isn't a negativity if you've got the quality to back it up."
"You really get to see people's character when things get hard."
"Because I am fun, um, I have a really good heart, um, very loving, I love really hard, um, I listen, I'm a good listener, uh, and I feel like I got a lot going on for myself, I feel like I'm a catch honestly."
"They find you very attractive, they find you, you know, just your appearance, how you carry yourself, very beautiful."
"Having the courage to go into situations is something that many people don't have."
"Honestly, one of the things I've always really admired about you is just how honest, just like frank, how cutthroat you are."
"Champions don't have something that everybody else doesn't have."
"Honesty, integrity, and a lot of freedom. Oh, and a love of freedom—qualities that few in Night City possess and no amount of money can buy."
"You've always been surrounded by great people. That's because you yourself were a great person and they wanted you in that group."
"They're definitely the kind of person you want to marry."
"Robert Barnes, above and beyond being tremendously intelligent, is tremendously generous."
"He's been a good friend and a very kind person."
"They still retain the sense of humor which is absolutely incredible."
"Dana was refreshingly honest, even as a little kid, always very responsible, and to this day, one of the hardest workers I have ever known."
"There isn't a parent in this audience today who wouldn't be honored - honored - to have Dana as your son, he's such a good person."
"You know who you can date is a strong, smart, brave, self-fulfilling female scientist."
"Gabriel, I consider you to be a very kind soul."
"Everyone says he had an infectious smile and a really sweet person."
"Looks attract you to somebody but after the looks what else do you have right um?"
"He valued authenticity and integrity which matters more than anything at the end of the day."
"Charles Scudder was described as a friendly caring Man Who Would welcome anyone into his home."
"They see you as their best friend, loyal and with a heart in the right place."
"They think you're really smart, intelligent, witty."
"Confidence is truly the most attractive thing on anybody."
"He's a hard worker, driven and always challenges himself, pushing himself past limits previously thought to be impossible."
"Three non-negotiables is discipline, commitment, probably an attitude."
"I think it takes a little bit of craziness or madness to achieve anything."
"He was just remarkable that way, the serenity, the self-confidence was just astonishing."
"Not because somebody is uneducated it doesn't mean they lack intelligence."
"You can be intense, you can be passionate, and it's not scary, it's [ __ ] amazing."
"People who are confident and themselves are 10 times more attractive."
"He's willing to do that, and that is where he's really useful."
"Character makes a person, and she got good character."
"What does my curly hair have to do with anything? You're more concerned about this aspect of me than I am because I'm more than my skin tone and my curly hair."
"My list is short, I'm just looking for a good communicator, good teeth, nice cologne, and just a good communicator."
"I'm really looking for a man who can hold a conversation."
"He is honest and he is who he is and he will continue to inspire."
"There's something that you have or how you treat women that people are drawn to."
"Everybody, they love Amanda and Andre. They're such good people."
"Handling uncomfortable situations at work says a lot about you as an employee."
"Ali was coming to town... he was just wonderful, he was patient, he was nice, he was funny, he was thoughtful, he was all those things."
"It's not his powers or techniques that make him special, it's his ability to gather people to help him."
"Loyalty is one of your best qualities and it is one of your superpowers."
"Teresa meant many things: order, kindness, intelligence, humility, faith, hope, and common sense."
"Our lips look so good, I got good everything, what else you got good?"
"He was positively sure what it took to be great."
"Men still prefer women who are kind and empathetic and warm and feminine."
"You are genuinely the most peaceful person, both inside and out, that I have ever met."
"I just want the world to see Rosa... she's amazing and she is so gentle and fierce at the same time."
"Men do not value women when she only has her sex to give."
"Your authenticity is really what makes you shine."
"He's so like awkward and shy and nervous, something about it is just really doing it for me."
"Pastor David Houk who knows members of at least two of the victims families spoke out at the memorial he said Lila was not a gangster she was a giving and generous young lady who was very involved in baseball."
"You're lucky, smart, innovative, unique. You're passionate, reaching the top when no one sees it coming."
"She had this innate ability to come up with the rightful words and to be in the right place at the right time."
"A high value woman is attractive and appealing. She's loyal and liberating."
"It's mainly about the personality, right? That's what you can't replace."
"I had always known that you were special, not only because of what we went through but just because of who you are."
"I know I don't look it because I don't seem very intelligent myself, but I do value intelligence."
"Faith, determination, and action. Usually, a person is missing one thing."
"You're definitely one who will succeed if you have your own business."
"You just naturally exude that boss energy that is just influential, people want to follow you, pay attention to you, etc."
"His generosity is as large as his physical stature."
"He's always shown love for his fans and has never been afraid to poke fun at himself or the world around him."
"Creativity, discipline, and persistence are rooted in the core of my being."
"I don't question Kanye's ability, I question Kanye's arrogance."
"Margaret was a woman of remarkable devotion, kindness, and generosity."
"How did a guy like me, who was basically broke, beat out these guys who made more money? I had something that those guys didn't. I had game."
"Behind his intimidating exterior, Kimbo was known as a very friendly, humble, and kind family man."
"There is strong and then there is Carson strong."
"They're generous and loyal, with a lot of love to give."
"She's a very profound person, but she's just a great friend and a great style."
"This person is very confident, very grounded, they know what they want."
"Being feminine is about having a quiet confidence in yourself and in your femininity."
"God cares more about our availability than our ability."
"He was a very generous person with his time... wanted to look after people."
"Determination and work ethic leave little doubt."
"Class, kindness, politeness, inner beauty, and confidence. Those are the most important things."
"I genuinely really want to work for your organization I believe that the skills and qualities I have are a match for the standards that you set."
"She's a great hero not because she's physically strong, super smart, or has no fear, but for the exact opposite reasons."
"You're an easy person to like because you're like you're exactly what people would think you would be."
"There's just something about him that just feels so wholesome and genuine."