
Technology Impact Quotes

There are 1239 quotes

"Technology is selecting for and entraining a shorter attention span, which is one of the reasons why ADHD is getting worse."
"The hundreds of thousands of people who've used our technologies now have many of them set their lives on much more productive pathways, and that's a pretty damn good thing to be able to have participated in."
"AI is a way of understanding knowledge and managing knowledge more effectively; it's how we use the technology that's going to be the issue."
"Chat GPT has awakened people to this idea that we are in a moment of innovation that most can't believe."
"The quality of the different dating apps truly does matter."
"The history of technology is there's displacement, but technology always creates more jobs."
"If you believe that the rise in depression, the rise in suicide, the dependency on drugs, the dependency on SSRIs, the sexual promiscuity, the lack of marriage, the lack of kids...are in some way a correlated byproduct of this entirely immersive, almost exclusionary, detached world that these folks have grown up in, taking that to the limit, I'm just going to put out there, may not be the solution to our problems."
"AI is honestly going to change the world in ways we've never thought of before."
"Most videos, maybe most of them, will use AI tools in the production."
"These technology systems have taken control of human choice. They're controlling the information that all of us are getting."
"Shout out to Hedy Lamarr, because without her, there would be no wifi to get them delicious chicken nuggets."
"Having search on the iPhone benefited Google because they were able to use everything they learned from iOS users."
"The dominant question of our time is not can it be built, but should it be built."
"If happiness can be defined as the ability to fully experience life, then reaching for your phone in an attempt to record that and promote that is only going to take us out of that very state."
"Machines make perfect food. The perfection is boring; it's the imperfections that truly make something unique."
"Millennials were the first generation to grow up with the internet, mobile technology, and social media, commonly described as the first global generation."
"Vaccines are becoming extraordinary as a tool and whether you hate a COVID vaccine or love a COVID vaccine, it's a technology that has saved tens if not hundreds of millions of lives."
"Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are undeniable technologies that are going to change the world."
"I've seen senior citizens happier than ever compared to us on our serotonin binges and 60-hour screen times."
"Make no mistake, this was more than a fight over the future of AI; this was about the fate of the modern world."
"Science fiction steps forward maybe five years or 10 years or 20 years and asks, how are these new technological changes going to change our life for better or for worse?"
"The number of companies releasing product and the compounding effect of this technology is phenomenal."
"Ultimately, I don't think this is good for humans and it gives off a very like Klaus Schwab depopulation agenda vibe."
"The twin revolutions of info tech and biotech are now giving politicians and businesspeople the means to create heaven or hell."
"You got a lot of technological advances being imposed upon mankind that is literally going to make one robotic, easily manipulated, and controlled."
"Smartphone cameras haven't replaced photographers."
"I want to tell you that AI is not going to be stopped, but companies using AI to steal content will be."
"The AI doesn't hate you, neither does it love you, but you are made of atoms it can use for something else."
"The erosion of people's privacy has been a gradual process since the early 20th century."
"Nothing has changed the human race like the advent of the internet and the smartphone."
"Young people stopped living their lives and started watching other people live their lives."
"Deep learning has enabled such tremendous applications in a variety of fields from autonomous vehicles to medicine and healthcare to advances in reinforcement learning, generative approaches, robotics, and a whole host of other applications and areas of impact."
"It's not a modern invention, so as soon as we began to value privacy, it was being eroded."
"We're getting dangerously close to this point where you're not going to realize the opinion you're reading isn't from a human being; it's automatically generated by an AI."
"As pixels translate to profits, the virtual bleeds into reality, for better or worse."
"This scene is one I see all the time everywhere, and these young children are looking at a smartphone, and the smartphone is having a huge impact in even the poorest countries."
"Deep learning can do more than just beat us at board games; it finds applications anywhere from self-driving vehicles to fake news detection to even predicting earthquakes."
"The whole 'buy and hold forever' philosophy is really not realistic anymore because of the technology game and how fast things can change."
"The amount of screens that we have in front of us all the time is destroying our ability to concentrate on something for more than like five seconds at a time."
"Technology is affecting the natural evolution of human beings."
"I'm considering turning my phone on silent. I have this deep horror whenever I get a notification noise."
"Technology has probably helped everybody and hurt everybody in a lot of different ways that we're still figuring out."
"People started to be absorbed by the glowing screen in front of them and they ditched all of the social connections that reinforced all of the societal rules that made life better."
"Bitcoin is going to change the world. It's changing the world already."
"But it's not just about productivity, it's not just about creativity. Beyond those things there's another critical part of Windows. We said we want to bring you closer to the things you love."
"No, if I was to pick one technology that would have the biggest impact on our society today, that is within grasp, it would be cheap, scalable energy storage for the grid."
"You think the world is based on banking. You think the world is based on private property and large monopolies, tech IP. We can switch it off."
"We live in a time where we have unprecedented access to information, and we have never been lazier."
"We've been totally successful at creating incredible technology... but now it takes two people working full-time stressful jobs just to own a home."
"Blockchain City is the true story of blockchain and the reality of how it impacts us all as people, our cities, our workplaces, our families, and our future."
"The effectiveness of Google's tools for changing the world for the better are limited by how fit brains are."
"This mobile device has really ruined things because people have lost the ability to create and make small talk."
"Social media companies like Twitter are forcing them to play a game that they don't know the rules to."
"The CEO, Bob Swann... said, 'We should see this moment as an opportunity to shift our focus as an industry from benchmarks to the benefits and impacts of the technology we create.'"
"Over time, machines, computers, smart algorithms are increasingly going to substitute for human labor."
"This technology represents nothing short of the second generation of the internet."
"Generative AI is propelling scientific research across diverse domains from climate and weather prediction to astronomy and disease research."
"Technology is shortening our attention spans and we sort of move a little bit societally towards ADHD."
"Whether you like it or not, radical transparency and algorithmic decision-making is coming at you fast, and it's going to change your life."
"The iPhone went on to change the world, popularizing smartphones and changing the way we live our very lives."
"We are individually very unhealthy as a result of all of this technological progress... we are physiologically unhealthy, we are socially unhealthy."
"The impact of AI and these technologies is asymmetric, and everybody doesn't get the same benefit."
"Everything that teenagers love is because of computer science: video games, Wikipedia, selfies."
"I feel kind of old saying this, but ever just go somewhere for the experience and not to take pictures of it?"
"There is no app, no technology, no Airbnb that can get rid of $1,100 a month rents."
"The tools are driving us to this outcome. The real problem in humanity is the following: we have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like technology."
"AI and biotech could undermine the idea of individual freedom, making free markets and liberal democracy obsolete."
"As we get little pieces of our soul clipped away by the experiences of life and as we turn to technology, we don't really allow ourselves to heal and recover from it because technology is so good at distracting."
"Artificial intelligence: How much has it entered our lives? What is its influence in our daily interactions? Is the machine a friend or a foe?"
"Solar flare...like something from space...can cause problems. I guess there was one big enough where it made some services go down."
"If they could control our choices, not just simply monitor our choices but determine our choices, then that becomes the most valuable thing imaginable."
"Commercial real estate may be an interesting dynamic because I think Zoom crushed commercial real estate."
"Between television, computer games, you literally gain not a single thing useful. It's a waste of time."
"What are the tech our algorithms, what are they incentivized to do for us, and what is the actual price that we're paying for that?" - The Duchess of Sussex
"My biggest concern is all the people who did not live in our city... those who decided that it became too much, all this technology."
"These technologies really do have the power to enslave or free mankind. It's going to be one or the other; there is no middle ground here."
"We're getting data, very limited benefit of what we can do with said data, but definite harms that I'm seeing as a result of health-related anxiety that's being fueled by all these alarms."
"Kytch's technology promised to reduce the machine's downtime and to consistently deliver more frozen treats to McDonald's customers."
"As cool as they look in movies, when you think about their application, it raises some questions as to whether this is really the future we want to head in."
"1984 painted a grim world where the populace was ruled by force... Brave New World painted a different kind of dystopia, a dystopia not repressed by force or fascism but by pleasure, by designer drugs, mindless entertainment, and the latest and greatest technology."
"AI is going to be to SaaS what mobile was to web 1.0."
"Work has moved from conference rooms to video calls. Friendships are increasingly formed online through Twitter and Discord communities. And video games are quickly replacing sports as the dominant competitive activity."
"Imagine this for a second: one man with total control of billions of people's stolen data, all their secrets, their lives, their futures."
"The internet sure changed everything. Absolutely, that's why they need to censor it."
"You have an entire generation that has access to an addictive numbing chemical called dopamine through social media and cellphones as they're going through the high stress of adolescence."
"Technology is a machine that you use, but the truth is, the machine shapes you."
"Social media and ubiquitous communication...is a slowly transforming black ball. It might only be gray at the moment, but it's getting darker gray and darker gray all the time."
"By putting the power of a super computer in our pocket, the mobile phone has changed our world in double quick time."
"We have access on small devices in our pockets to everything that has been written, said, composed, and sung in a way that our forebears would have found impossible to imagine in a lifetime."
"It is not immigrants that are causing economic problems around the country. It's the fact that technology is pushing our economy to a point where more and more Americans have trouble getting by."
"When these systems become big enough, there is no more room to experiment in an open-ended way because the implications have broad societal impacts."
"We are at an exciting inflection point. We have an opportunity to make AI even more helpful for people, for businesses, for communities, for everyone."
"We're constantly hearing from customers about the many ways that the Apple Watch has changed their lives."
"What's the value of having all your movies, all your photographs, all your books, and all your documents on your iPhone? That's enough to make Apple a two trillion dollar company."
"We know that the technology we develop can change the world."
"Blockchain technology could have an impact in areas like healthcare, supply chain, and identity."
"The arrival of the internet changed everything... it's serving as a platform for communities to be built around anything and everything you can think of."
"Virtual reality is going to become a big deal."
"Experts predict that once successfully achieved, the technology could prevent 1.3 million estimated deaths worldwide per year caused by traffic accidents, as well as reduce congestion and emissions."
"I think there are important ethics discussions that we do need to have alongside the electric vehicle discussion, automation, all this other stuff."
"I suspect Optimus is going to be more valuable than the car long term. It will turn the whole notion of the economy on its head."
"Good super intelligence can widen or enhance what it is like to become human."
"Everyone, and thank you so much for joining in so enthusiastically. It used to be the case that when we woke up in the morning, we would look outside and see the dew and listen to birds. But now, of course, we don't do any of that. What do we do? We turn to our smartphones and look at the headlines."
"According to Accenture, AI technology can enhance business productivity by up to 40%."
"The implications of robo-taxis and humanoid autonomous robots is going to be profound. It's going to change so many things about life as we know it today."
"We are in a world where I call it as machines are getting smarter, people are getting dumber."
"Life before the internet, life was more simpler, it was less complicated to be a kid."
"The disruptive potential of tech is turning out to be a lot more fragile and more dangerous than we realized."
"Self-driving cars could generate billions in revenue."
"Tesla bot dwarfs everything else in Tesla's business, a multi-multi-multi-trillion dollar opportunity."
"That's why I'm also scared of it because they are in there, they know how we think better than we know how we think."
"All of this technology is potentially miraculous, like any tool, it has the potential for great benevolent utility but also to become a persecutory tool of powerful globalist elites."
"We should have one billion crypto users in 2024."
"The point of cryptocurrencies in broader blockchain technology is about remediating that great sin that great indifference in blind spot to the suffering governance causes."
"There's never been a successful growth company that wasn't a technology company."
"The reason people watch YouTubers or streamers is that unlike Tom Cruise it does feel like I'm having more of a relationship with this person."
"Why the skyrocketing rates of mental health diagnoses in children? Is it us, them, or the iPhones?"
"Technology can indeed be disruptive, but it always has and I submit always will produce more jobs."
"Exclusive content drives price down for everyone. Early adopters funding R&D trickles down to consumer tech."
"Restrictive data caps are bad for consumers and the internet in general."
"AI is gonna be taking the place of the average worker's job." - Participant in the video
"The experience that you have in these goggles is absolutely insane."
"We're allowing the tech world to do a giant experiment on the human brain."
"A very deep, very powerful piece of this software."
"When the robot trucks come in five to ten years, it doesn't matter if you're really hardworking conscientious truck driver or not so conscientious truck driver, the robot truck's better than both of you."
"Emojis stifle and dumb down human expression."
"As far as these researchers can tell, there's no other serious alternative explanation for what's happening here except cell phone and social media use."
"Artificial intelligence is unquestionably the most powerful automation force the world's ever known..."
"I'm really interested in the creative potential that we've started to see from NLP systems with things like GPT-3 and other really powerful language models."
"That is suddenly giving a tech overlord the power to say here are the books that are now you are prohibited from reading functionally because our monopoly will not allow anyone to get them."
"The ethereum merge doesn't matter too much right now."
"Decentralized cryptocurrencies: once it's out, it's out."
"A digital fingerprint is much worse and much more effective than cookies are."
"The Internet... The internet is well on its way to bringing the sum total of human knowledge within reach of anyone who connects."
"The price per watt for solar systems has been dropping dramatically over the past 8 years."
"Blockchain really offers a new level of that almost bragging rights."
"You go on Facebook, and this is the bigger problem I see with these big tech companies: It's the algorithmic feeds where you essentially have accidental world views being built."
"Who's going to be making those decisions whether or not you're laid off thrown out on the street whether you benefit from that technology."
"If technology is going to semi-break privacy anyway, maybe better that it'd be on our own terms."
"Andrew Yang argued that the inevitable rise of artificial intelligence would make it an opportune time to introduce a radical concept called universal basic income."
"I don't like to use the word game changer because I know that it's a bit of a cliche but this is really something special."
"Money as pure information on an open network that is simultaneously uncensorable, open to anyone, neutral and global."
"Imagine a $20 Android landing in a village in Kenya... it's a bank."
"The metaverse is already starting to offer glimpses of its potential to drive change and to shape how we behave in profound ways."
"Neuralink might prevent Terminator 2 Judgment Day from becoming a reality."
"Adblock is destructive, it is and the idea that people like how can you be anti-adblock but Pro react content because Adblock actually deprives creators of Revenue."
"Children are being raised by children and now by algorithms and adults want to be children."
"I think it's fascinating that we have hypothesized exactly what AI is going to do and it's going to do it."
"It's always nice to see technology being used for good."
"The biggest risk of AI is what you realize about yourself."
"The computer reshaped work in science, defense, and ultimately industry."
"If you build Great Tech, they'll let you come in and destroy the industry on their behalf just to partner with you."
"Tonight we turn to news in one specific way that artificial intelligence technology is changing our world and it is absolutely remarkable."
"It's just a matter of time for this thing to truly change our lives."
"This is part of the splinter net and the decoupling... It's already happening."
"Tv ads are not as impactful as they were back in the day."
"Artificial intelligence will obviously be very significant in all fields."
"I imagine a world where we smile when we have low batteries 'cause that'll mean we'll be one bar closer to humanity."
"I think NFTs are really going to take hold on the digital world."
"Particularly as networks get larger being able to visualize them in this way is enormously powerful."
"It's gonna be really game-changing, ain't it?"
"The recent hype around AI is possibly driven by the fact that writing and artistic applications of the technology offer a more tangible example."
"Technology has already eliminated a lot of middle-income jobs."
"Imagine people could have raised ten million bucks voluntarily from around the world and Adolf Hitler can't round up Jews and send them off to the concentration camps anymore. Is that a dystopia or a utopia? Well, it's a utopia."
"The thing that annoys me about all of this is the fans watching on TV and get a correct decision in seconds... that is the thing that I don't get."
"We had patience back then, yeah right, I mean really before Vine came in it was like you only got six seconds do a video."
"We've already won... the fact that we're here talking about digital assets."
"Having conversations about infrastructure, big tech, and some important stuff is happening."
"The biggest flaw with all of these analogies the largest deviation from any other technology we’ve developed is that AI Art models make creative decisions."
"The Twitter files are a once in a lifetime window into the dark soul of a corporate tech-centered Nation."
"Each aircraft we've encountered has permanently altered the landscape of Aviation."
"This is game changer... allows you to scroll through trending topics."
"Our technological evolution has outpaced our moral evolution."
"I think people are Awakening to it. I think people are starting to realize like my friends and I are starting to realize that this phone as much as it's great it could also start to harm you."
"F-35 is basically that friend who makes you feel smarter just because you're standing close to them."
"A social dilemma cannot be allowed to become a social catastrophe." - Tim Cook
"Information always traveled, but with modern technology, the ability to create a cult within like three days is super dangerous."
"Artificial intelligence is set to be one of the most disruptive human-made creations in history."
"The problems for men are deeper more complex... exists on the grand stage of ubiquitous technological interface designed to consume your attention."
"I think it's internet video changed and people could stream scenes and stuff and all of a sudden like in the last like 10 years and even more so the last five years it just seems like it keeps growing."
"The algorithm itself can cause people's views to change."
"It's like the transition that the world went through in the early days of the internet and then social media."
"Can you imagine when voice chat is a thing on Roblox? It's going to be amazing."
"Unreal Engine 5, I feel like, is a huge game changer."
"Every profession is going to have an AI co-pilot very soon."
"What doesn't get talked about nearly enough is how the integration of AI is changing our understanding of the world."
"People are getting smarter and more precise with their money because they have the tools to do so."
"So yeah, I mean, if you think about the future where the car is often in autopilot or full self-driving mode, then entertainment is going to become increasingly important."
"If everyone drove a car with autopilot, we would save 900,000 lives globally every year."
"If we do our jobs right and we build something as great as we believe it is, then I believe 20 years from now, we're still going to be using it, but it's going to be much more evolved."
"How are you going to look different when you can have an AI create something exactly the same?"
"The way AI is changing the game too is massive."
"Whether you love Apple or hate Apple, there's no doubt that the iPad is going to drive the tablet market forward."
"Attention is sacred. You don't really realize it until you've seen the degree to which our minds are hijacked."
"It took for police brutality and the iPhone to bring more justice to black people across America than the justice system ever has."
"A lack of technology and overstimulation will overall just improve the quality of life of a child."
"Skyrim... being able to play Skyrim wherever you go is just mind-blowing."
"It's like he's literally texting them while we're in the band."
"You just swipe right. You just got a date. You can have 4 dates in an evening."
"You need higher levels of authoritarianism to overcome higher levels of technology."