
Emojis Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"We've swung through alphabet and into emojis and so we've come full circle back to hieroglyphics."
"I can't do this anymore, Edwin. Your constant use of emojis instead of actual words is driving me insane."
"So, emoji is just the argument to this function, and the 'in' separates it from the code that actually executed."
"Another nice feature is that if you send an emoji like just a single emoji by itself then it actually shows up substantially larger."
"Emojis are just little pictures; they don't define who we are or how we feel about each other."
"Politicians should have clown emojis instead of check marks."
"You're gonna want to make use of the new emojis which allows your phone to turn your face into your own emoji."
"I think every emoji has its day. It might not be like today. It might not be next year, but I have to say, virus was not doing anything. Then came 2020, and that was like such a good moment for it, along with soap."
"I speak in emojis almost every single day." - Dom
"It's pretty cool that you can now search for emojis straight from the keyboard."
"21 new Emoji in iOS 16.4, including the shaking face, long-awaited pink heart, and more!"
"It's gotta be the Hulk. That's a lit Emoji riddle if it's actually the Hulk, man."
"Emojis need to step the game up big, they did recently in fact."
"You can also tap and hold on certain emojis to change the skin color."
"The slurs have been taken away from you, so you use monkey emojis. What the hell?"
"So now we have our emojis here. You have to be proud of your forms."
"I'll retext something like a thousand million times to make sure that like I'll put the right Emoji in the right thing so my message doesn't get like, you know, like that kind of overthinking."
"...they're different emojis right so like, are they actually all friends or no."
"The skull emoji has to be one of the best emojis out there."
"Emojis? Yeah, why not? Like a 2019 thing to do."
"The movie just said that to your face... emojis are the most important invention in communication history."
"That's a good one. Just a little face with emojis. People do tweets like that now."
"For those of you that want it, Emacs handles emojis great."
"I would love to see you guys flood the comment section with every single purple emoji all of your favorite purple emojis."
"The ocean emoji is the emoji if you'd like to post an actual mermaid, sure."
"Send a little heart to your coworker or to your boss like if you have that relationship with your boss where you guys can send each other other emojis and hearts like that is so amazing."
"New emojis are being added every week from Disney Pixar and Star Wars IPs."
"Wingdings were the original emoji."
"I want to look like the dancing girl emoji."
"I decided to turn some emojis into mermaids."
"Emojis can increase open rates by 45%."
"You're pro emoji, very. As a rule, it's fun, it's friendly."
"This is the palette, like an artist's palette from which we're choosing the emojis that we want to use there."
"In this busy world, who has the time to type out long sentences? Here's where emojis come in handy."
"These little charo emojis are insanely friendly, they're so friendly it's ridiculous."
"Emojis with hearts... that's usually a good sign of he likes you."
"Emojis are great, alright. They ultimately help mediate the negativity of the message."
"I think Unicode should have added it in."
"Finally, if you've got red hair, you can have an emoji for you."
"So man with white hair, now a bald man, a woman with red hair, a woman with curly hair."
"There's hundreds of pre-digitized emojis for creative, unique, and humorous designs."
"The power of emojis is that they allow you to express yourself in a fast and very fun way."
"I really, really, really, really want to see some frog emojis."
"Just think of all the characters in all the world's languages, and most importantly, all the emojis that we just can't live without."
"Remove emojis. You should always remove the emoji JS and inline CSS because the browser can render emojis natively."
"These emojis that we're so fond of sort of mimic some of the facial expressions that we're capable of."
"Star Wars actually released 42 emojis in celebration of their 42 years of storytelling."