
Preferences Quotes

There are 8602 quotes

"We all look for certain types of qualities that we want in one person."
"You famously love Spider-Man. It is well known I do quite enjoy that Spider-Man."
"We make determinations about people based on their preferences."
"During the red carpet, people were asking the right questions: 'Who's your favorite guy? Homer Simpson.'"
"Women would rather share the king than marry the jester."
"I have a very particular style of comedian that I like a lot, and most of them are dead."
"I want everyone to like me, but I don't like them back the way I like you guys."
"I'm a big supporter of the red trunks on the Superman suit."
"This is one of my favorite cases right here."
"Sometimes the Sims 4 seems so milk toast to me. I love when drama is really baked into the older Sims games."
"I want my slippers. I'm not walking on these floors. They're drug-infested."
"Blood is blood, and you need it. This is just how you prefer to feed on any given night."
"Super Saiyan 3 just looks a lot cooler, so I know a lot of people would pick Super Saiyan 3 over blue just because of appearance alone."
"I've never gotten espresso martini to go, he was like do you want ice in it, I was like sure, oh this is exactly what I wanted."
"You can't force him to like something that he just doesn't care about."
"I think there's two types: ones that are okay with the fraudulence and they like it; and others are like, 'Nah, generally speaking, I don't care if you're fake, you're [__] if you're fake. I want honesty even if I don't like it.'"
"You love a cheeseburger, but you don't want to have a cheeseburger every day; sometimes you want a slice of pizza."
"Find a boy who doesn't ruin your mascara but ruins your lipstick."
"If you don't like our videos, don't watch them."
"Airplanes that make it to their destination, like sign me up for that one."
"I'm a sucker for chocolate, especially chocolate digestives and KitKat bars."
"Doing what you like to do with people you like, and doing that as much as you possibly can, is my simple definition of happiness."
"Did I mention I love cannons? Because I just really love cannons in this game."
"And let me just say it now, let us know down in the comments what your favorite mix is."
"People receive information differently. Not everybody likes video. Some people prefer to read."
"I love having teacher Sims. I'm not really sure what it is, but I just like that."
"I don't think there's a better drink than water when you're really thirsty."
"I don't like to play The Sims on easy mode, I want extreme challenges!"
"Ask always, why do I like what I like, and how do I know what I know?"
"If I line up 100 women, 95 of them are going to want a man who's masculine, dominant, assertive, doesn't take [__] and can lead them."
"No list is ever going to satisfy everyone; different people are going to have different opinions and preferences."
"Guys would literally rather limit themselves to virgins than risk being unfavorably compared to anyone else."
"What has led to a situation where one of the most popular porn categories is the teen category, and guys are like hyper fixated on super young women?"
"I prefer to live in a society where people are allowed to say things I don't like than a society in which they're not."
"No game is for everybody, right? That's just the way it goes."
"Too many people like blue. I think it's like a majority of people say blue's their favorite color. Why? Nothing's happening. These are the opinions that we actually want to see."
"Have enough sex to know what you like and don't like, and date enough people to know what you like and don't like. Then, if you find a great person that feels great, go with it."
"We always like to go out and get a nice seafood platter."
"I would rather go and do an experience than see a site."
"Expansive RPGs are not bad at all; they just need to respect my time."
"How about coffee? Do you like coffee? Only with my oxygen."
"He takes his wife out to dinner in it. She likes it more than any of us, I think."
"I like books and I do like college classes, and I do like all that. I don't like it more than a life of freedom."
"I also like bubbly girls and... girls who are caring and loving and have strong convictions."
"Having control over who you let in is like setting personal boundaries. It's about knowing what you like and don't like."
"He was begging to go back to prison because he'd rather be in prison with things that he's familiar with than this crazy world."
"Remember that if you want to skip ahead because you don't need the basic information, that's okay, just jump ahead to the next section."
"Now obviously, coolness...you can't exactly debate that any more than you can debate whose favorite color is correct. It's green, by the way."
"Everyone has their personal preferences, everyone has their budget range, and everyone's going to buy something different."
"Just because I like it, I don't really have to justify why I like it."
"If you pretend that your choices and the things you want to do do not need to take stake of the outward reality around you, and that all of reality is supposed to comply with your preferences, you're gonna be quite shocked when it turns out that reality doesn't work that way."
"In these cases, the robot looks at you the way you want; it will never have a headache, it will always laugh at your jokes, and it will never judge based on shortcomings."
"What do you respond to? What do you like? What is it that gives you more energy than it takes?"
"Once something has existed and asserts a preference, I think that preference ought to be respected."
"It seems far easier and more reasonable to just say that once you have a conscious experience, and once you can assert preferences, it's easier there to be respectful or mindful of those preferences."
"The axioms seem fairly unobjectionable: if you prefer A to B and B to C, you should prefer A to C."
"If you don't like the idea [of permanent death], you can tweak your difficulty settings."
"Would you pay extra to go to a no-ads screening? A hundred percent yes."
"Ratatouille is my favorite Pixar movie, and people think that's a joke when you say it."
"My dad prefers to cook and clean, like he enjoys doing it."
"Not everything in every media that comes out needs to be a sensation to be liked or talked about."
"I'm trying to build a wardrobe that every piece is something I love."
"I just like personality. I like what I like when I like it."
"Preferences and moral thoughts are two different things."
"Everybody like butterflies. I don't really know [] caterpillars, but [] butterflies."
"People that come here aren't really looking for that glitz and glamour. They come here because they love the nature."
"Watch a movie at home, see a movie at the theater."
"Etsy... it's always the first website that I go to when looking for gifts for other people."
"There's always going to be at least one person whose favorite Pokemon is one that everyone else claims to be terrible."
"The best form of objectivity lies in explicitly identifying preferences so that their influence can be recognized and countermanded."
"We like to start with the nine negotiation skills; there are two that everybody likes."
"This challenge... taught me what I want for myself in the morning but what I don't want for myself in the morning, which is equally as important."
"What genuinely fills your cup makes you feel energized; that's your taste, end of story."
"Don't be too carried away that you are smart. I like wise people than smart people."
"Panic Room... scratches a lot of itches for me."
"In my opinion, the best stone flooring in the entire game is in this pack."
"Working from home is awesome. I will not go back to working in an office unless you pay me like $400,000."
"If you ask to play video games and it's Ring Fit Adventure, it's basically a 100% chance I'm going to say yes."
"The truth is that most people want to be able to play solo because it's the most common denominator."
"Z is a Swifty. Her favorite song is no joke, 'Shake It Off.'"
"Everybody, I don't like. It's like: Let me see what you're made of first before I make my decision."
"I like Aurelia's Fury better in general. It's X red white to deal X damage divided amongst any number of targets."
"People like to have choices. They like to let choice drive things."
"It doesn't mean having no preference; it means not being attached to your preferences."
"People are tired of being told by some freak on Twitter that they're wrong for liking hot girls or guys in video games."
"All of these are really cool... it's totally my brand, it's blue."
"You never have a favorite kid, so just like you don't have a favorite kid, we can't have a favorite show."
"I hope you guys like this video. Let me know which one was your favorite."
"It really surprised me because I didn't think I was gonna like Black and White whatsoever, but it was a huge shocker to me that it was a great game."
"I wouldn't, a Pro Performer, rather have electrolytes come from sodium instead of potassium."
"You have good taste. This can be for food, fashion, music, movies, whatever."
"Never, never, never, never turn this into a PC vs consoles debate when it's actually a mouse and keyboard versus controller debate."
"We prefer entertaining lies over uncomfortable truths."
"I like support. I like casting spells more than right-clicking. I actually enjoy the back and forth of warding and dewarding."
"Your mom takes me to Toys R Us. I love Toys R Us."
"Don't yuck anybody else's yum. This is what you like; this is great. We all start somewhere."
"I really like being able to see my month at a view, like the important, like big picture things."
"The top I like but I'm not crazy about like the jeans."
"Spaghetti topped my list as the king of price to fullness ratio."
"Whether or not I like someone isn't based on their gender."
"If you could only eat one food for the rest of time, what would it be? I feel like nobody ever gets tired of pizza."
"Everybody is different, okay? Depending on your physiology and the job that you're performing, some people run hot like me, some people run cold like my wife."
"We're all individuals, and we all have different preferences."
"It's mostly like there's a lot of protein powders in there but I'll throw a ton of stuff in that like Greek yogurt... It's so good and it's mostly healthy."
"Music today is not bad; you're just not looking at the right music."
"I really love eating cake but I don't eat it often because it's not healthy."
"I don't regret marrying Ted one bit. I could do it without the big wedding though."
"A bad beer is 10,000 times better than a bad wine."
"As far as foods go, I love eating cheese, and finding out that his name was based on the name pun for cheese made me an even bigger fan of him."
"Beer. It’s the go-to alcohol for many people in the world. That’s why it’s arguably the most social of drinks."
"Arthur loves to read. He reads all the New York Times best-selling titles like 'Birds' and 'Ghost'."
"I like my scores like I like my dates: across the street and unaware they're being watched."
"Humans have a funny habit of enjoying the things we're not supposed to."
"I enjoy the more whimsical, unsettling nature of horror movies rather than the kind of cheaper stuff."
"Sex is not a casual thing to me. I actually have to like you to even be sexually aroused."
"Standards should be rooted in morals and values. Preferences are not connected to morals and values."
"Understand the difference between standards and preferences."
"My favorite board game...I really love Settlers of Catan."
"I would much rather see him do that because as weird as the moustache was at times in Justice League, he was really morphing into the charismatic Superman that we all kind of wanted."
"Trophies are awesome, but dogs are even more awesome."
"I like top 10 lists. I've always found them very entertaining."
"It's hard not to like my kids watch them. I can't get them to watch anything. They're like, 'my videos are boring to them, but they'll watch Car Wow.'"
"It's important to remember that at the end of the day, everyone has different preferences and if you disagree with my list, that's perfectly fine."
"Staying in someone else's house is the worst thing. I prefer to stay in a hotel than stay in their house because it's uncomfortable, it's awkward."
"For me, it's like the definitive ways to play these games already exist now."
"Oh, sure, sure, your partner has been interested. I get it, you want me, but my heart belongs to Sonia."
"Breakfast is one of our new ways in, and apparently Ranch is the condiment of choice for Millennials and Gen Z."
"Rosalina is really cool. I really like her controls and everything."
"Now, there are times of the day, or times when you just don't want to be disturbed."
"If you've never tried it, I know what you're thinking, but pineapples on pizza? Blasphemy? No, seriously, try it."
"I really hate when people judge others for what they like to do."
"Pros: safe options for choosy eaters, and I would follow Sunny Eclipse to the ends of the Earth."
"Every individual person on this planet has a different set of tastes."
"Buffalo sauce... you can't shovel it into your face by itself... but when you slather that on a chicken wing, it gets you know unconcentrated."
"The things that you like when you're young are usually far different from the things that you like when you're old."
"Everyone's an individual, and everyone wants and likes and prioritizes different things."
"This plot is goofy, weird, and fun, but I don't enjoy it as much as RE7."
"Who doesn't love jelly beans? Like, is that the stupidest thing you've ever heard of in your life? Paul McCartney versus jelly beans, and the jelly beans crushed."
"Moon is the map I'm most excited about; it looks the most different."
"She's good, powerful, stands up for herself, but I sort of like Widow more."
"Mob of the Dead is one of A or S, please overrate A or S."
"There's no one best... there's a bunch of theirs."
"If you really like the fizzing, you're an aficionado."
"More than ever, we just have to keep sharing cool things that we like online."
"I don't want Star Trek, you do. So I get it."
"The only other thing you guys might have noticed on the interface here was the partial requests option. If you haven't set to partial requests, it'll always keep ten peat stocked."
"Pepperoni, the best pizza topping, along with olives, bacon, and pineapple."
"Eric didn't want fragrances that would stick around that you wouldn't be able to get rid of."
"Thanksgiving food shouldn't exist. Turkey, I mean, I do like the aesthetic of it for Thanksgiving."
"Customization should return to its roots with expanded color options and no armor coatings."
"Most women aren't angry women, they like men and want to be friends and have a boyfriend."
"Would you rather meet your love interest in a coffee shop AU or a college AU?"
"Would you rather read a poorly written but complete fanfic or a literary masterpiece but last updated June 2013?"
"I actually would rather have them get together in canon but one of them dies in a tragic way."
"Rice is my favorite carb and potentially my favorite dish."
"It's not complicated. Prefer items that last a long time."
"Pioneer is everything I could want from a format."
"I guess I was in the camp of somebody who generally enjoyed the Disney sequels even though I consider myself very easy to please and I just really like Star Wars in a like a unconditional need to give back."
"Our favorite might just be the Frozen mint julep because mint juleps, that's why."
"Yak and Yeti is probably my favorite table service sit down restaurant in Animal Kingdom right now."
"Why do Eastern people not like randomized controlled trials?"
"You can't deny people, like Parmesan on their fish."
"I am a big smoothie girl I also love Frozen grapes but that's more of like a summer thing so it really just depends but this is what makes me feel at peace with my own health."
"I want to give these like a nine. Oh, I'll give them a eight. Okay, so 8.5. Give nine okay. Nine Cream Egg, nine."
"...but we're going to test pouring your milk first or your cereal first."
"Just have your standards, have your checkpoints, know what you want."
"Serenity likes white pizza, she wants everybody."
"It's okay if you enjoy it and it's okay if I don't enjoy it."
"Taste buds, they coming to the mic talking about the food they hate, talking about the food they like. Two foods gonna fight but only one food can be right."
"I suspect most of us would rather like the idea of our power and heating or cooling supply being a big rod in our basement."
"We have choice... we don't have to watch the bad show waiting for the beginning of the great show." - Steve Stoute
"The best is yet to come for people who love Magic and Warhammer."
"Do you prefer realistic graphics or a more artistic take?"
"I'd be a cat though, I think, because cats, I wouldn't be a cat man."
"Nice white box, y'all know I like a nice white box."
"Honestly, I just-- there's certain kinds of trash that I like."
"What is Fuad's favorite comfort film? Shrek."
"You should also give me the manual override if I want it. There's two sides to the thing."
"Windows of Opportunity is better in my opinion. It's good for a lot of reasons."
"You don't get in the car, I just know you like Teslas."
"Much like people, Sims either love or hate fruitcake."
"Women generally like a bit of muscle and strength...but nothing extreme."
"I think she loves Taylor Swift more than me."
"Okay, I need a pizza but don't bother putting any of those fancy toppings on, just sauce and cheese."
"Bad breath is the number one instant turn off for me, no matter what."
"Aries is also a spicy sign like liking spicy things both literally in terms of foods but also metaphorically."
"Bottom line is we love doing this and it's much better than wearing a tie to work."
"I think my favorite one is Cosmic Intervention if you don't do the Armageddon thing."
"It's very impressive to me. I love playing this game wherever I go whether it's on the go whether it's in bed or whether it's on my television."
"Dark chocolate's like coffee... it's sophisticated."
"That's honestly one of the main reasons I love skincare."
"The only thing nastier than candy corn is real corn."
"So some people love it, which is why I don't have an issue with people requesting that for their wedding."
"One thing I loved about the gearing was that in some items you could choose the stats you want on them."
"When I find a product I love, I stick with that shit."
"In which case you had people that were both team Cap and team Iron Man. I'm team Cap, how about you?"
"Sometimes bigger isn't always better and maybe when it comes to gaming that's what I'm looking for these days."
"A lot of people love fifth edition and might be receptive to an improved Berserker subclass."
"Women would rather share an alpha than be saddled with a beta."
"You don't want anyone who like lower than like you want least double digits and ideally you'd like 20 or more I mean 50 or more is pretty good 20 or more is amazing."