
Meal Planning Quotes

There are 714 quotes

"By the end of this video, you'll be able to turn your everyday meals into powerful potions of health and well-being, defending your nerves against damage and aiding their recovery."
"Let's make every meal a celebration of health, a tribute to our resilient nerves, and an investment in our overall well-being."
"Our lunch should actually be our largest meal of the day because that's when our digestion is the strongest."
"You can ditch both the meal planning blues and the grocery store run with quick, convenient recipes delivered right to your door."
"We're talking about 197 g of protein in today's full day of eating in only three meals."
"Decision fatigue is a massive thing, so having HelloFresh handle recipe planning and shopping just eliminates stress."
"Factor is less expensive than takeout. I did the math."
"Plan your meals. This will help you stick to a healthy calorie allowance, instead of eating whatever whenever."
"Meal planning... it completely removes the 'what's for dinner?' problem."
"Cut down on your grocery bill... planning out your meals strategically."
"Meal planning and meal prepping at the beginning of the week has been a game changer for me."
"We are making two desserts, two main dishes doubled, two sides, a bread, and an adult punch."
"Turkey soup. Turkey, I'm probably going turkey."
"Lunch meal prep is really important because when you're at work during the week... it's going to be more tempting to go get that fast food or to eat whatever's at the office..."
"I've eaten out so much, spent so much money, but now I need new options, so Hello Fresh to the rescue."
"You gotta know what you're looking for how many people you feed right keep it simple I love it."
"It took the thinking out of healthy and tasty meal making."
"Cook more, eat out less. HelloFresh keeps me on track with simple recipes and fresh pre-portioned ingredients."
"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper."
"If you install a simple meal prep and meal planning system into your life, you're gonna be able to be more consistent with your nutrition."
"It can feel like you're stuck whenever you're looking for something that's quick to cook, tasty, healthy, and cheap."
"I'm just so happy to hear Jaclyn trying to plan meals and snacks based on nutrient adequacy."
"Meal planning: the heart of our family routine."
"Our overall dinner is going to be phenomenal."
"Eat your food in the right order... reduce the glucose spike of the meal by 75%. Vegetables first, protein and fats second, starches and sugars last."
"The biggest mistake I actually think is to cram try and cram all your calories into that single meal."
"That's a delicious meal. I can have a proportional amount of rice, a proportional amount of sour cream, or whatever is, you know, again working within my macros."
"You can control every element of the apportioning. You can get all your fats, all your proteins, all your carbs. You can stay within your caloric total."
"Be sure you include a green vegetable in every single one of these meals."
"Now if you're looking for a super quick and affordable lunch or dinner, definitely think about baked potatoes."
"Believe it or not, all of the lunches I'm sharing today cost just about one dollar or less to make."
"So now with everything you see here, the total cost for this lunch is just 87 cents."
"Mix the deliciousness of the mountain house in with other stuff to make it last longer to feed more people."
"Breakfast for dinner is a great way to save time and money."
"One big learning is people realizing that the importance of balancing their meals... fat protein and fiber."
"Meal planning has saved me time, money, and made meals turn out better."
"One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is walking into the grocery store without being able to answer the simple question, 'what am I actually cooking this week?'"
"I am big on meal planning... I cannot explain to you how much time and how much money it saves me."
"Meal planning just allows me to stay on top of what I have and use it up before I need to buy more."
"Final verdict on meal planning? Two gigantic thumbs up."
"Getting on a very organized and detailed meal plan was really helpful."
"One of the best ways to save money at the grocery store is to menu plan."
"Meal prepping ensures there's food for both home and work, making life easier."
"It really takes the stress out of cooking because you know kind of what you plan on making for the week and then once you're stocked up you kind of have everything ready to go..."
"One of the best ways to avoid that is to have a base grain in your fridge cooked and ready to go."
"Plan your food the night before and you will have no struggles the next day."
"Meal preps are a great way to save money... have nice lunches and snacks ready to go."
"Congratulations you just took eight bucks a chicken plus another buck or so for two cups of rice and then some mixed veggies and you made yourself four really good sized dinners and eight snacks on top of that."
"HelloFresh makes cooking and planning for meal times so much easier."
"With more than 27 meal options each week, you never get bored."
"By getting in every meal fiber, protein, healthy fat, and some type of herb, it's actually gonna help you burn fat."
"28 meals, 100% from scratch, plus pre-cooked for future ease."
"The veggies differ depending on what I'm cooking for the week."
"Every Plate does the meal planning, shopping, and prepping for you, taking the time-consuming guesswork out of it all."
"You want your pre-workout meal to be high in carbohydrates because carbs are our energy source. So, I'll bust out a sweet potato, I like to eat that when I eat. I can't just eat, like, snacks, you don't say."
"Factor has everything that I need for a week of flavorful, nutritious meals."
"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dinner like a pauper."
"Quick and easy meals that are about 15 to 20-minute dinners."
"Stop meal planning, instead just keep your pantry full."
"Creating a rough weekly meal plan and then writing requirements on the back."
"I got drunk and I made two Hello Freshes back to back and I had a blast. And we had food for lunches in the morning and dinner that night, and then we kept eating."
"When it comes to creating a complete plate, I like to add in some add-ons or sides."
"I've noticed with these celebrities, usually they'll have their carbs for breakfast."
"Menu fatigue is real. You're going to get tired of eating the same thing for breakfast, lunch, and dinner day after day if you don't have that variety in morale."
"Figure out the times you want to eat and go from there."
"Meal planning legit saves so much money and so much time."
"Tell the AI to produce a shopping list for certain meals."
"Be practical about your eating habits... And you're already paying for this overpriced meal plan so make most of it."
"HelloFresh: Get delicious recipes and exact portions delivered right to your door."
"So you could meal prep for the week your lunch and dinner don't forget you can also swap out proteins and sides."
"Meal prepping... takes such a load off throughout the rest of your week."
"Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince or a nobleman, and dinner like a pauper."
"Create your own meals and make your nutrition count."
"16 bucks to feed one person for the whole week."
"Consider to use Lifelines with your meals, it would behoove you to do that."
"Start cooking at home more cooking from scratch making a lot at the beginning of the week where you have food for the rest of the week."
"Meal prepping is one of the number one behaviors that leads to long-term success."
"Recipes save time you'd otherwise spend meal planning, shopping, and chopping."
"Dinner should be around 75 minutes or an hour and 15 minutes everyone look at it same difference right."
"Sheet pan dinners: the ultimate solution for quick, healthy meals."
"Eat a big healthy lunch and make dinner a smaller, lighter meal."
"A major pro for meal prep is not counting calories."
"This meal prep focuses on giving you more variety."
"You're not gonna waste any ingredients that you already have because you have your kitchen inventory."
"I've got green beans as my vegetable with my sheet pan dinners."
"Make a double serving of dinner and save some for lunch the next day."
"Prepped, packed, and ready to go—healthy meals for the entire week!"
"Adding a protein and fat to any carbohydrate-rich meal is going to have a number of favorable effects."
"Meal prep makes calorie counting exponentially easier, especially for weight loss."
"Eat the elements of this meal in a particular order to reduce the glucose spike by 75%."
"It's perfect to reheat over and over like for the next mornings so you can just make one and then have this for busy mornings."
"Meal planning: Organization saves money and time."
"Homemade stuffed peppers for dinner sounds wonderful."
"Life happens, I usually plan for five dinners because we often have leftovers."
"HelloFresh really just takes the stress out of meal planning on top of it they're saving you money."
"Always plan what you're going to have for your main dish and thaw it in advance."
"I hope this gave you some motivation to not only clean your home and get it feeling nice and peaceful for you to live in but also motivation for going grocery shopping ideas for your meal plan."
"It's the only way to stay on a diet - if you have food ready for you."
"I would love to see more actual sit-down meals and not just drinks and snacks... Food equals calories which equals energy."
"They also save you so much time and cut all of the stress out of your meal planning life."
"I'm going to show you how to do a week's worth of frugal and healthy meals for your family on the super cheap."
"But, of course, we are a family of 11, so feed 11 people all day every day, and it's a whole lot."
"Factor has saved me time it's gotten me eating better and I can't speak highly enough of them."
"You can have a very fast and easy option that will work for your goals, make you feel satisfied, but also not be a salad."
"HelloFresh not only saves you a ton of time by not having to go to the grocery store and plan out all of your own meals but the meals themselves are quick and easy to whip up and are extremely tasty."
"These are meals that we are going to have here for two nights of dinners and two days of lunches."
"Knowing dinner and lunch honestly sometimes we make some time for lunch is taken care of and making our life easier."
"Most weekday meals should either be like a bowl of things or make a meat and a vegetable or make a starch and a vegetable."
"HelloFresh helps to effortlessly save time, money, and stress with their foolproof step-by-step recipes."
"I like to actually have food that has nutrients in it so it holds me over till my next big meals but also keeps me full and nourished."
"Bulk produce your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches... there's just nothing easier."
"I've been plotting and scamming what I was going to have for dinner for the last six hours."
"It's just right there in the fridge and I wish that every meal in my home was HelloFresh because it is so good."
"Spinach salad: pack in your daily veggie requirement in one delicious meal."
"We're going to go get something to eat 'cause I'm starving, why? Because we're going to be late."
"Getting back to it, meal prepping helps avoid last-minute dinner scrambles."
"Hang in there, we're so close to having all our meals for the week!"
"I really enjoyed this $21 series Mainely because it was really about taking a very small amount of ingredients and seeing how many creative meals I could make with them."
"Having this in my fridge as you can see I don't have much right now a lot of meals will be influenced by just some steamed broccoli."
"Every prayer home cook should have their own set of meals that they can turn to every single week."
"One of our kind of resolutions for 2020 is actually to be really consistent with meal planning and prepping and couponing and all that kind of stuff."
"So this meal is actually only roughly 350 calories."
"Now because we bought the salmon in bulk we actually got to save a lot of money so this meal comes in at just around five dollars."
"This is what was left over and then I have leftover roasts from Wednesday night."
"I really wanted something where I could have a list of meal ideas and have something that's also really flexible."
"All of these great ideas that I feel like I've walked away with and I'm gonna try to incorporate into my meal prep and planning for the weeks ahead."
"Meal planning saves me from dinner chaos every time."
"Just a really versatile jarred meal that I can use in multiple ways once the baby comes as just an easy postpartum meal."
"Okay, let's focus on how you want to feel after this meal."
"I agree with American Institute for cancer research suggesting that we should eat a serving of either legumes or whole grains at every single meal."
"Simple delicious never lets you down recipe you need in your life when you want that quick easy meal."
"Executing these meals and creating the perfect work meals all week long to keep you satisfied, to keep you high on energy, and to keep you healthy throughout your work week."
"Have a low calorie dense voluminous filling meal so that you're actually full in the evening."
"I guess making a variance now on the food instead of just having the one portion."
"With hellofresh it's all about making life easier while keeping your meals exciting and flavorful."
"The number-one thing you can do to improve compliance is meal prep."
"It's a great one to have leftovers of for the next day."
"It's nice to have a meal kit that is planned out for me and takes out all the stress for me. I can focus on the cooking and just enjoy eating."
"Freezer meals give me peace of mind; we can eat at home whenever we want."
"Start with 6 to 8 small meals and then slowly increase the quantity of food per meal."
"Another thing hellofresh is really great for... budgeting on your food shop."
"Shopping my fridge and pantry showed me that I have three meals at the ready this week. I don't need to go to the grocery store because I have everything we need."
"Meal planning on the homestead is very different than meal planning at the grocery store."
"It's getting busy, people, and that's where HelloFresh's 15-Minute Meals can come in handy."
"Now let's talk about the macros. So this makes 12 muffins..."
"Now talking about the macros on this this will keep you full because it's..."
"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper."
"I've learned so much from you. I love stocking up and then make my meal plans around everything in the pantry."
"If you guys are looking for some extreme budget dinner options, today is going to be a great video for you."
"I'm going to be sharing five dinners for just $25 that can feed your family of four this week."
"If you're trying to create multiple meals on the same budget, figure out things that you can use and buy and then use them across multiple meals."
"I really hope you enjoyed it and got some meal prepping inspiration."
"Imagine yourself coming home after a long day of work, not having to think or worry about what to eat."
"It's gonna be a busy month, the boys, they're back in school, they got sports going on, baseball and soccer. My husband's coaching, so I'm not gonna have a lot of time to cook dinner at night."
"That's why I'm gonna prep up my freezer now, stock it full with some keto freezer meals."
"So my intention today is to share with you guys my favorite keto freezer meals that will provide enough keto dinners to last pretty much the entire month."
"We're gonna try to start sticking to this and like planning out our meals for the week."
"For each meal, we're gonna pop a balloon and that is where we are heading to."
"I am sure many of you grains are like me, and you hate thinking, 'Hmm, what are we eating today?'"
"Feeding my family of five for around $25 a day is not too shabby in my book for 2024."
"Create a meal plan for this week."
"Imagine if you knew exactly when you're eating meals on a structured plan."
"...a super budget friendly dinner meal."
"Figuring out meals like these for my clients is really what allows them to be able to maintain their physique year round."
"...join my monthly keto meal plan membership where I release seven days of fully macro-calculated meals to you each month for only seven dollars."
"If you need any other budget meal plan ideas check out some of my other videos and thank you so much for watching today I hope you have a wonderful day."
"If you base your backpacking meals around that you're just like overall going to be happier."
"Start with your starches have your sauces made and have fruits and vegetables available."
"You could do more or less, and then you can... This is where you would access a shopping list. So after I pick all my meals for next month, I'm just hitting this shopping list."
"Factor cuts out stressful meal planning and extensive prepping so meals come together in minutes, taking the guesswork out of what to make for breakfast, lunch, or dinner."
"Honestly, meal planning is probably one of the number one things that you can do to simplify your life."
"the perfect amount for us to have dinner and then to have some lunches"
"It's smart to control and focus on what you can control, which tends to be the meals that you are more likely to eat in isolation."
"You have to think about meal for meal."
"So the best thing we can do is to simplify our meal rotation and get in the habit of cooking at home consistently again."
"In fact, the simpler the better, I think, when it comes to meal planning."
"The problem is it's actually very quick to make a meal plan. You could sit down right now with a pen and paper and write out meals for the coming week in three minutes."
"We're going to get a big shopping bag I'm going to take my grocery list that is included in my large family freezer meal pack 15 which is 40 casserole dinners."
"Most days I'd cook in hostels because it's a lot cheaper food wise and then I would make extra put it in the Tupperware and then have it for lunch the next day thought to save money."
"Tuesday we're doing fajitas so we need tortillas the fajita meat I already put in there I just got the pre-made like fajita meat that comes in like a little bag veggies are in the freezer."
"Do you see what I'm saying like your base ingredients and you know how many servings how many meals it's going to last you then it's pretty easy."
"Healthy lunches are tough. I'm trying to figure out like what to eat for lunch today, like, healthy lunches are kind of tough."
"Groceries are ordered, they are on their way, I'm really excited for some of the meals I'm gonna make this week."
"I love cooking, but I also like the convenience of not having to cook every night of the week."
"Lately, what Robert and I have been doing is just on during the weekend, on like Saturday or Sunday, we'll decide what we want to eat for every day of the week, write down the ingredients list, and then just go pick it up."
"Spend less time meal planning, shopping, and cooking and more time hitting your health goals with food you actually love."
"...for lunch though I'm having some leftover Tui and then I'm going to hard boil a couple eggs..."
"I personally don't really like repeating meals."
"Meal planning is like the very first step of getting your life together."
"I think my favorite thing about it is that come every Monday I don't need to think about what we're eating."
"What's for dinner? If that question stresses you out like it does me then listen up."
"It's been such a game-changer for me because prior to Factor, I would just literally get stressed about meal time."
"By combining avocados with a variety of nutrient-dense foods, you can create a synergistic effect that maximizes the nutritional impact of your meals."
"I'm about to go out for a little bit uh but before I do I want to get some beans started realize I haven't used white beans in quite a while so I decided let's use some for today's dinner."
"If you do nothing else in your food budget except for meal plan... you will save a ton of money."
"Rice and beans and potatoes are cheap. You can buy a 10 pound bag of lentils for 12 bucks and you can eat all of that for a month."
"Don't eat a ton of food if you're predictably not as hungry at some points of the day. Save some of that food for later or redistribute your meals and macros."
"Protein is so important for our body, we want to make sure we're incorporating protein at every single meal and breakfast included."
"Plan meals by categories: meals, macronutrients, or inventory."
"I tend to do if I'm coming to the kitchen late in the evening I'll find like one main thing which today is prawns and that'll act like my centerpiece."