
Mutual Understanding Quotes

There are 333 quotes

"Only healthy to understand each other and like who you are as individuals."
"We want healthy relationships... especially when two people who know what the other person wants and they're able to provide that come together."
"It's all about balance in a relationship, right?"
"Trust is primarily what this person wants, that shared mutual trust and understanding between each other."
"All three of us were drowning, and we didn't know how to save each other, but there was an understanding that we were all drowning together."
"Having an understanding of where somebody is and planning together is important as well."
"Everything's going to be illuminated; you're each going to understand each other."
"Shared belief systems made people intelligible to one another, and that the systems weren't just about belief."
"The free exchange of ideas and knowledge are agreed and determined to develop and to increase the means of communication between their peoples and to employ these means for the purposes of mutual understanding and a truer and more perfect knowledge of each other's lives."
"Relationships are ratified by mutual knowledge. They know that others know that they know what kind of relationship they share."
"This is what tolerance and mutual understanding is all about."
"You open your heart to me, Ivy; it's only fair I return the favor."
"The whole point of the that mutual enrichment was to say this has been a part of our tradition, the central uh liturgy in our western church and as Pope Benedict intended that there was this mutual enrichment that was going on."
"One thing that they both knew was me and how to get the most out of me."
"The most important thing from both of our perspectives, genuinely, is to understand each other."
"The feelings you have, they have too. I think you both have mutual feelings for one another."
"It's so important to make sure that both you and your partner are on the same page before you take this leap together."
"They think you're out of this world like you feel they think you're out of this world and don't even they've never they didn't know someone like you existed."
"The most important thing in a relationship is being able to communicate—express everything that you need to express and listen to your partner exactly."
"It's not about the sex, it's about each other."
"I appreciate the conversation... I think you can see where I'm coming from and I can see where you're coming from..."
"Children possess a fascination with their everyday existence that is very special and would be very helpful to adults if they could learn to understand and respect it."
"Nothing really to add. The mutual understanding within our crew is fantastic."
"If those are aligned, if you have an understanding of each other that is in sync, that union could last 50 years."
"The best you can do is communicate with your partner and understand what boundaries you are both comfortable with."
"They kind of understand each other and I think that's exactly where I came to the conclusion they're gonna be moving forward."
"You guys do have this deeply rooted connection between one another."
"You guys are gonna have this really good understanding of each other's past."
"You have to have two people who are really compatible."
"We really do speak the same language. We really do get each other."
"They found in each other someone who could understand their plight."
"You aren't stupid, and I'm not stupid. Let's just call it like it is."
"They're both using each other and if this couple really wants to get married and have a lasting relationship then they need to have a conversation about a lot of these issues."
"No one benefits when you talk past each other."
"Mere Christianity has probably done more for mutual understanding among different Christians than any other book ever written."
"You just want to be heard. And you both got a little pain, like we all do."
"The best type of conversation is when both are trying to understand."
"If you have respect for the other person, you respect their intelligence, their opinion, their views."
"You know, like I know him, he knows me. We exactly know what we're doing."
"If we expect to be treated with respect for our decision then we have to show and model it ourselves."
"They both realize that they're different and that they can actually both learn from each other."
"It takes a great man to understand a great man."
"Communication are open so we can if we have differences or don't understand each other."
"The key to collaboration is understanding each other."
"I respect her decision. I'm sure she respects mine. I wish her the best."
"You're going to have to catch up with them, they might have to catch up with you."
"But that's what should happen and if it turns out later on he reflects on it and is like no that's actually a boneheaded answer and here's why he can come back to me and explain it and I will do the same thing."
"Figure out what you're all looking for. Find someone who you're on the same page with. No one gets hurt."
"Recognize that we were both reaching out to each other."
"That's a whole ass human being. It's called mutual respect and Trust."
"Let's do this exercise: you write out what would be the perfect date and I'll write out what would be the perfect date, and let's share that with each other."
"We have to be allowed to learn from each other."
"They really do understand just how much they are into you."
"Little by little, we're trying to understand the good in each other. That's the reason why we can move forward without feeling despair toward our situation."
"We're all confused at the start. This is good mutual confusion."
"If you don't like the show, be separate with it and explain why you don't like it."
"We had such good communication. It was crazy."
"If you understand that you and I are gonna be fine."
"Relationships are kind of about compromise, right?"
"You're not alone. I'm picking up what the universe is throwing down as well."
"Once somebody says, 'I'm cool,' then I'm cool."
"When people understand each other's ideas and motivations, it's easier to find common interests."
"The only way that you're gonna be able to communicate with somebody and get something out of them right and vice versa is by talking to them like a human being."
"Honestly, I've had so many great memories with Carlos, and this one there is like, it was a super hard position for me and super hard position for him."
"There must be an acknowledgment of mutual engagement between myself and the target; otherwise, it's useless."
"She was a person I could relate to the most and she knew and understood me more than anyone."
"From now on, I'm gonna love you the way you love me."
"All it takes to stimulate a beautiful discussion is for everybody to be able to listen to and understand the opinions that others have."
"It's not about just commitment and loyalty, and moving forward in the relationship with both parties feeling safe and sound."
"Listen to them and know that if you want them to listen to you, you've got to say things in a way that's respectful."
"A conversation is two-sided, where each party has an equal opportunity to make their voice and perspective heard to the other."
"They see the value in that because they understand us and they respect our creativity."
"It's going to require you to not only understand your perspective but theirs as well."
"One of the greatest strengths about this connection is you and this person really do marry each other."
"I think that's one of the most important things we've worked on... learning how to really connect with another person and communicate in ways that both of us understand."
"Meeting her and interacting with her and her being so open to me and so like willing to like get to know me and wanting to you know, know a part of my life I think that that's beautiful."
"This connection is worth fighting for, putting that effort into understanding each other."
"This is a highly developed spiritual connection."
"Some things are left better unsaid, like you know that they know they know that you know."
"They recognize it as an inflection. Mutual intelligibility, they just know."
"You wanna be understood, you wanna be clear, you wanna make sure everybody's on the same page, right?"
"Commitment is a mutual agreement with one another."
"Some celebrities argue that only a partner who is also in the spotlight can understand Fame's trappings."
"It's all about knowing your partner too, meeting somebody halfway."
"You are the one. They really see you as the one."
"We're all entitled to our view, and we can agree, we can disagree, but we should at least understand what other people think. That's the spirit."
"I feel like we're in the greatest place in our relationship now more than ever because I feel like I'm understanding you more I'm we're being nicer with each other's feelings."
"Relationships are about understanding it don't matter how wrong or right the other person is."
"Understanding each other's communication differences leads to better relationships."
"Communication is extremely important, coming back the other way."
"It's almost like they may feel like you guys are on the same boat here in a situation."
"Compatibility for me really is being accommodating."
"Physically and intellectually attracted to you, feeling like you're their other half."
"What's the truth? What are you not seeing about how you and this other person are meeting in the middle?"
"Discussion is very important and understanding each other is a fantastic way to progress."
"Y'all are marrying each other's emotions, thoughts, and just feelings overall."
"They're not even thinking about what they have to do, they just work that well off of each other."
"Are we on the same page? Do we want the same things out of this experience?"
"Respect involves the ears listening to one another."
"It's not about the meat, it's about compromise."
"We seem to be pretty in sync back there, I sure did."
"You're a little bit flawed, she's going to be a little bit flawed. Please be able to recognize that in the other person."
"You're allowed to feel pain. You're allowed to go through this. They feel it and receive it on the other side too."
"Diversity is amazing to just understand, to learn about each other's culture, and to embrace that."
"I think you know you found the one when you find someone who is so committed to continuing to understand you and grow with you."
"We've known each other since 2014... there's nothing that he doesn't know about me and there's nothing that I don't know about him."
"Our conversation should be for each person to understand the other better."
"Sharing of cultural means is how cultures enrich themselves and foster mutual understanding."
"Muslims understand... that there is going to be a genuine interchange of ideas."
"We can't make this stuff up. The first step to respecting each other is understanding each other."
"There's a lot that China can learn from the US there's a lot from US can learn from China and I think you know we just want to have that more mutual agreement and understanding."
"Both sides of this argument can be right if they just for once listen to each other."
"The aim of communication is understanding, but you can't understand if you're not listening to me."
"Both these people are deeply in love with each other, both seeking source, both feeling the power of love in their life."
"It's fascinating to hear how both sides have a very warped perspective of the other by dehumanizing anyone it just hurts yourself like ultimately our end goal is unity."
"I feel my best when I'm making progress and I'm around others who get it who get me."
"I think there's hope that we can get along. I think there's hope that they can improve and there's hope that I can improve. We're always wrong; we need to be less wrong."
"Maintain a lot of respect with each other however that pans out."
"It's like a silent agreement, you know? When you see another guy that gets things, yeah, and then you know you get things."
"Integrating and understanding each other better to erase the ignorance and perceptions."
"Both sides used to understand that rioting and looting and burning down property that you don't own is wrong."
"We have to learn how to listen, we have to learn how to discern, so that way we can really get to the same page and speak the same language."
"They do see something very deep in this connection. I feel like they are able to see into your soul just like you're able to see into theirs."
"They want to explore the depths of this connection with you."
"When there's beautiful synchronicity between both of you."
"We both grasped the truth that we ought to leave shortly but we both wordlessly chose to relax there for just a few more minutes."
"They're going to have to respect the Indians and they're gonna have to respect their culture and our culture we all have to understand that we have got to better our society."
"If you do that the first time around and honor the request regarding what they say it will take to earn the trust back then you can build a strong loving long-lasting relationship with them."
"There is a mutual understanding that feels like absolute knowing."
"Compromise is tough, but it is good to be willing to sacrifice and compromise to a certain level."
"They feel this interesting Synergy with you."
"It's not just about reading their intention, but about opening up so they understand yours."
"The goal of the conversation is to share the truth of your experience and to hear the truth of somebody else's experience."
"You're both going to come to terms with the fact that your life is going to start changing really, really beautifully."
"There is a balance of masculinity and femininity in a good relationship... you have to give a little bit in places."
"If you can understand they can understand it's not it's not like how smart do you think you are."
"In order for men and women to have success in love and marriage and relationships, they must understand and respect the wiring of the masculine and the feminine principle."
"I felt like he really saw me and I really saw him."
"I will not accept the reveal if they reveal before they like both of each other's sides."
"We're only human, and so too are the people who love us."
"They feel truly happy with you at the end of the day."
"They know something beautiful is going on here, they feel they know you at a deep level and vice versa."
"We don't have any romantic desire for each other."
"Literally just to have somebody that understands you and gets you, and that you can love and they love you back is so [ __ ] rare."
"I want to feel like I see this person who they are and they see me for who I am."
"This is truly meant to be love, understanding, more than fighting, frustration, adversity."
"The word itself doesn't matter; being understood is what matters."
"Use it as a tool for communication and understanding."
"We are reflecting back at each other everything that we are in this moment."
"Communication is key, not just for you, but for them as well."
"Both of you guys are going to have to be patient with each other."
"It also creates this perfect agreement between the two where neither can reveal each other's secret identities at risks their cover too."
"We're just following the detective through all this different social strata that you're experiencing what makes up the whole city through one man's journey."
"Compromise and balance, understanding each other's needs."
"You're gonna feel very compatible with this person."
"Love conquers all, passion, compassion, understanding each other."
"I just want you to remember, you know, I meet respect with respect."
"I think it's important that people understand each other and have a basic level of respect for each other."
"You have a better chance of resolving conflict effectively where you can come to a win-win if the other person feels heard and understood, just like it is for you."
"All sorts of different groups of people had to learn about each other."
"There's an internal communication, both of them have their eyes closed, you know both of them are thinking about one another."
"No matter what happens next, no matter what each of us decides to do, we swear that the rest of us will understand. No one will be blamed. I swear. Me too."
"I don't have to understand everything that you're doing. I don't have to approve of everything that you're doing. But I think the two of us can find middle ground and appreciate what each other are doing."
"They want to come to some sort of a mutual understanding with you."
"I'm so far from perfect... the sooner that it eases your mind, it eases my mind, and we can just move on."
"You don't have to see eye to eye on everything, let's not be absolutists, but you do have to see eye to eye on some things, the big things."
"Some sort of truce needs to happen here because you're both feeling the same way."
"I respect your beliefs. Thanks, I respect yours too."
"It's a very good sign that you were able to come up with things so quickly that you like about your partner."
"I want to be with someone who is kind to me and treats me like a human being."
"You know your stuff, and we know our stuff."
"We both come away with a bit of understanding of each other."
"If they’re both crazy they’ll go crazy together."
"The hope is just to have mutual understanding for the members that stay, for the members who leave."
"They feel that there is actually a sense of purpose between you both."
"There's going to be a new relationship coming up for you that will be again unlike any other, it's much more just, it is the equal give and take, it is that mutual love, that mutual understanding, it's very balanced in that aspect."
"They feel so comfortable like they don't have to like hide anything they don't have to pretend to be anybody else they can just be them they can just do them and and and you can do the same and that's what they want."
"He knew the value of respect, he showed the Indians respect and in return, they respected him."
"God has to confirm the relationship to both of you. You both have to feel peace. You both have to know this is right. You both have to want to marry each other. It has to be mutual."
"Me and Dave go way back on you go we're mutually not watching each other's things except for we pull stuff completely out of context from each other and then talk about each other."
"You're taking me and I am on board for that journey."
"Neither of us ever feel neglected or dismissed or abandoned."
"One thing Jeanne and I had always agreed on was that we were each other's brother."
"You're both very independent people, so it's like I recognize your need to be independent and you recognize mine."
"And there's honesty on her end, and for him to show her something that nobody else is showing her, which is respect and not putting himself first."
"Confirmation you learned a lesson, they learn a lesson, everybody learns a lesson here."
"A real man knows that doesn't define a woman and he's also looking for a woman who doesn't define a man by those things."
"That's why I love you, because you never had it. No, neither did I."
"...if a connection is truly meant to be right, both of you will be 50/50 and see it the same way. No one will be more invested than another person."
"It's so wonderful to be able to speak about this with another fan that gets it."
"The silence between them comfortable, filled with mutual curiosity and a growing sense of camaraderie."
"That's incredible, that's amazing. Bravo to you guys for learning how to please each other."
"I think that's very fest. I don't think that's one way. I think they both see that in each other."
"It's our personal responsibility to respect other people and to help other people respect us."
"Look at us getting on mutual ground."
"You're not just wanting a romance, you want somebody who is going to meet you where you are."
"He took it also it was like on both sides of us both having that being in that situation."
"This exploration is especially pertinent in today’s globalized world, where interfaith dialogue and mutual understanding have become crucial for peaceful coexistence and mutual enrichment among diverse populations."
"I normally like in my other relationships I would have had to like bring to the forefront like 'oh I don't tolerate this I don't tolerate that.' We never had to have that conversation because it was just like mutual respect."
"The moment when you're talking to a friend and you both mutually know a person."