
Circulation Quotes

There are 489 quotes

"Spinach...whether you prefer it wilted, raw, or in a smoothie, spinach is an excellent green to add to your plate for better circulation in your legs and feet."
"Our blood serves as a life-giving river, constantly in motion, nourishing every cell, every organ, and every limb."
"Inside every one of us, there's an immensely complex system of tubes that transports blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the cells in our body. This system is 60,000 miles long."
"The advantage of this ring is that the posterior communicating artery is a connection between the interior circulation and posterior circulation."
"My very favorite stat in bitcoin is that right now there's 18.7 million bitcoin."
"Wizard hits circulation rates as high as 400,000 at its peak but regularly topped 100,000 copies per month for several years in a row."
"Your heart in order for those that muscle to work properly it has to have a constant fresh nice oxygenated blood going to it."
"The pump is blood flow... and that's what you need to realize."
"You can't circulate that with just by itself, you cannot."
"So the amount of times it circulates that is what we call the velocity of money."
"Anything that increases blood flow is mandatory."
"Exfoliation is great for the skin and great to keep your circulation going and regulated."
"It's really important to give thanks for all the good that you are asking for and all the good that you already have in your life."
"Proper circulation will help your memory stay sharp and your brain remains strong."
"It's just keeping things flowing, keeping that blood feeding that tissue, and keeping those blood vessels nice and strong."
"Exercise activates the body and improves circulation."
"More than likely you're not going to find any of these in general circulation."
"Rosemary oil is a nice adjunct to use… it helps to improve blood circulation block DHT."
"You always want to go upwards and go into a natural flow of where you want your blood circulation to migrate when it comes to your skin."
"The injection of the vaccine would remain at the site of injection, not true. Numerous studies have shown that within hours or days, you see spike protein post injection circulating and therefore it can reach distant organs."
"Blood supports life; there is no body part that doesn't get affected when your blood stops flowing at a healthy rate."
"It controls blood flow and circulation to every organ, tissue, and cell in the body."
"Everyone has to get one of these; you have to circulate the blood in your scalp."
"Money come around, money come in circulation."
"Money circulate it's a currency everybody else understand that money come in it's supposed to go back out so that more can come in."
"Patients with EDS may experience fatigue and drowsiness due to sluggish circulation after eating."
"Money is not meant to be hoarded, it's meant to circulate amongst each other."
"Money is like a frisbee. Throw it out because it has to come back."
"We now have at least one species on the planet producing stuff that produces other stuff."
"Perfect health requires perfect circulation."
"Be lavish with your money and keep it circulating."
"As you're circulating, you're preventing vascular dementia. And so, again as you improve your circulation to the brain, you're gonna also improve your memory eventually."
"Islam has these mechanisms that force the circulation of the wealth and encourage and incentivize."
"That money is going to circulate and you know be passed around."
"The heart is not able to pump and get this blood throughout our system like it's supposed to."
"Chlorogenic acid does a lot of great things for our body. Number one, it promotes healthy circulation. All right? It helps the lining of our blood vessels. The endothelium function better."
"The survivors are evidence of the extensive circulation of the books and the value placed upon them by their owners."
"...I absolutely love dry brushing because it exfoliates the skin, supports lymphatic drainage, boosts circulation, and smooths the area."
"The best beauty secret of all: get up and get circulation going into your body."
"...maintain elevated heart rate elevated circulation to flush out lactic acid that's built up without having to actually do anything."
"I haven't spent one [__] Dollar in marketing. My [__] is circulating because I'm getting more in tune with who I am."
"Having proper circulation in here is very comfortable."
"Fannie Mae's main purpose is to buy mortgages and notes from primary lenders so money remains in circulation."
"I feel like if you're gonna be on your feet a lot, they're a good boot because... you have that circulation still."
"Money is an energy that needs to flow."
"Vyana Vayu is responsible for the circulatory system in our body."
"The ideal situation in a high tech plant aquarium is that all of the plants will be receiving some level of circulation."
"...Camlot token has very small amount of circulating Supply versus the total Supply."
"Happy money circulates, it shares, it shines."
"Black money is supposed to bounce 8 to 12 times before it leaves your community."
"The Chartist newspaper Northern Star at its peak is outselling the times. It is by definition the biggest selling newspaper in world history at that point in time."
"You're basically getting blood circulation and different nutrients to those muscles."
"Money doesn't just sit in one place, it circulates."
"Capital is value in motion, it comes out of circulation, enters into it again, preserves and multiplies itself within circulation."
"Circulation or the exchange of commodities creates no value. No value can be created in the market."
"Interest is the legitimate charging of interest to facilitate the circulation of industrial capital."
"Capital is not a thing, it is value in motion, constantly changing and multiplying within circulation."
"Input is venous, output is arterial. The cardiac output affects my arterial blood pressure."
"Money circulates in his life freely and copiously."
"When the left side of the heart contracts, it feeds the tissues of the body - systemic circulation."
"Our lymphatic system doesn't have a pump of its own, so we can be the pump."
"Putting the legs above the level of the heart helps aid the fluid in the patient's lower extremities to circulate back to the heart."
"The investigation is currently underway, but preliminary versions of events are already in circulation."
"Generosity is this mindset of circulation."
"This is a huge Chase coin and we all have passed through these in our pocket change and in our change jars and roll hunts."
"Poor circulation affects you in many different ways."
"... every time you receive money, you then have a choice... to send it back out or something that you want."
"One patient that comes to mind, she had her circulation was really bad."
"Your body shifts the flow of blood from areas like your digestive system to your skeletal muscles."
"...the first global Earth system models were primarily intended as a means of understanding the general circulation of the atmosphere."
"But it's so crucial to making sure your body stays healthy, circulation stays great, your mobility stays great."
"Improve circulation with exercises like dry brushing and foam rolling."
"Gratitude fills me for the infinite circulation of prosperity, and the universe supports my journey in creating wealth and financial freedom as a powerful creator of financial abundance."
"I think the answer is like, if there's high enough velocity of money, then you can pay back even though the outstanding debt is more than the money that exists because it just goes round and round and round, right?"
"...you've got less xrp in circulation you've got less xrp to do an increasing amount of transactions meaning the price goes up."
"This is comics at its highest right like in terms of circulation and people buying stuff."
"You've got to stimulate the circulation in the scalp. Dunk your hair in ice cold water every morning and keep it there for five minutes."
"...a forced circulation boiler when water naturally circulates anyway."
"We know that whole body vibration improves blood circulation through the rapid contraction relaxation of the muscles which works to help pump those lymphatics."
"Dry brushing increases surface circulation, stimulates the lymphatic system, stimulates the immune system."
"It's not that the blood basically filters fluid but it's the lymphatic that picks up all the materials from the tissue."
"The Bible is the most circulated and most translated Book in the history of the world."
"Keeps all the cellular elements within our bloodstream flowing smoothly."
"Money flows to the exact same thing."
"Rosemary enhances circulation by dilating the blood vessels, which consequently lowers blood pressure."
"And notice the energy that's been created through your practice that increased circulation throughout the entire body."
"Any amount of stretch is good just so that you feel a stretch and you know that the yoga is doing its job, the blood is moving in circulation, toxins moving out."
"If all your blood vessels were stretched into a single line, they would go round the Earth four times."
"Blood flow is the name of the game."
"...when the coins finally hit circulation, collectors and enthusiasts eagerly sought them out, creating a frenzy in their numismatic community."
"Rejoice in the circulation of energy so that as it manifests, it's not stagnating somewhere."
"The fluid circulating in a living creature is a small world that mirrors the great world."
"Optimize your circulation, microcirculation as the base and then see what else you need. You might be able to get away with less of other things because it's getting where it needs to go."
"Your heart beats at least one hundred thousand times every day. So at any point during your day, your heart is sending blood to your lungs and out to the rest of your body and back to your lungs again, all at once. That's some serious work."
"The Circle of Willis is really a beautiful piece of anatomy and represents a central hub from which radiates the entire blood flow to the brain."
"Stimulating the eyebrows is going to get the blood flowing, it's going to help with growth of the eyebrow hair."
"...the more vegetables you're eating throughout the day the more nitric oxide you're producing so arteries are opening up the more antioxidants than are in your diet."
"It's called lymphedema. It's when your heart doesn't pump strong enough to get the blood back up."
"The heart: a muscular pump that provides necessary pressure to keep blood flowing."
"Blood is transported through the body on two systemic loops: pulmonary loop and systemic loop."
"The lymphatic system: returns excess tissue fluid to the bloodstream and contains transport vessels and lymphoid organs."
"The cardiovascular system: like the highway of our body, transporting things around from all the different organs and systems, just keeping everything running and alive."
"The idea that my dollar made it right back to me after changing hands just floored me."
"Our goal here is just to get the blood flowing, muscles warm, everything moving."
"The coolant flows into the engine through the water pump."
"The heart lovingly pumping joy throughout the body through all the veins and arteries and nourishing every single cell in the body."
"The Elusive Samurai by Us Matsui, author of Assassination Classroom, has reached 2 million copies in circulation with 13 volumes."
"God sees where someone has known him, has written something that's really valuable; he makes sure it's circulated widely."
"Lower blood pressure, improved blood flow, and reduced heart disease."
"The theory behind alternating between warm and cold... is that it causes the blood vessels throughout your body to quickly open and close."
"If there's going to be money provided out, it's going to be more money in circulation, it's going to help the economy."
"It literally feels like it brings circulation to the skin."
"It's just beautiful, beautiful aquascape, tons of flow, tons of light."
"Compression socks go a long way for circulation and blood flow."
"It's a wonderful way of restoring circulation and relieving pain management."
"The circulatory system is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells and removing waste products."
"We're just going to get a quick dynamic warmup, getting the blood flowing all through those muscles, getting our heart pumping, everything moving."
"It's like pain relief, body detox, skin cleansing, improves circulation."
"The lymphatic system... provides an auxiliary route to return extracellular fluid back to circulation."
"Exercise is super important to get your blood vessels healthy, and they love exercise."
"If you spend money comfortably, it will come back to you."
"It increases circulation, it's cleansing, it makes a different and useful gift."
"It's a myth that you need to gravel vac your aquarium as long as you have good circulation and a large deposit of beneficial bacteria."
"There's over 60,000 miles of blood vessels in your body."
"It promotes circulation and nourishment to the skin and really can detoxify the skin and give a vibrancy to the skin."
"Your money, because you spend it, spreads around."
"In a vein, the blood pressure is actually quite low, so you need a valve to prevent the backflow of blood."
"Arteries carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the tissues."
"Blood flow decreases to the skin, which means that repairs will occur more slowly."
"If you've got a lot of varicose veins, remember that collagen is what forms the structure of your vascular tree."
"The left ventricle has a thicker muscular wall so it can contract with more force and pump blood at higher pressure."
"If the quantity cannot be realized in money, it ceases to be capable of circulating, and its price becomes merely imaginary."
"The function of the pacemaker is to facilitate cardiac pacing to reestablish effective circulation and normalized hemodynamics."
"Veins dilate, my friend, veins will accommodate more blood."
"With this pressure, blood flow will be really very good, and cardiac output will be maintained excellently."
"The truest definition of an artery is that it carries blood away from the heart."
"Blood has the potential to carry oxygen throughout the body and deliver it to different systems as it is needed to keep the body functioning constantly."
"Hopefully, you have a better understanding now of how those anastomoses can take more blood through a different route if the liver becomes fibrous through disease."
"Money loves circulation; the value of money comes when there is circulation."
"Without having blood transporting our nutrients to cells, we would not be able to get the nutrients where they belong."
"Muscles work like little hearts, like pumps that help to move blood around the body."
"The brain is only two percent of our body weight, it gets 15 to 20 percent of blood flow."
"The name of the game is to keep oxygenated blood going around and round with a sufficient head of pressure to perfuse those vital capillaries."
"The coronary arteries... supply the heart muscle tissue itself with blood."
"The aorta is the major artery that's sending blood to the body."
"...the ductus venosus is the main vessel for oxygenated blood from placenta to the fetal heart and circulation."
"The problem is transportation; as soon as you give that patient fluids, fluids turn the RBCs that were sickled back into the roundish shape so it can start flowing again."
"Good circulation into the knees might also feel a release of pressure at the low back."
"Healthy circulation is the cornerstone of health."
"Oxygenated blood travels in through the arteries, oxygen is delivered to the capillary network, waste products are picked up, and then deoxygenated blood is returned to the heart and the lungs."
"Beamer is best known for positively affecting circulation through its effect on the smallest vessels."
"This is how Beamer effectively stimulates basal motion and therefore affects both systemic as well as local circulation."
"The majority of dysfunction comes from circulatory dysfunction."
"This loop is called the Hadley cell, and this is one of the general circulation patterns on Earth."
"Keeping your hands warm channels your blood circulation to other parts of your body like your toes, and you'll feel warm all over."
"Warmth causes vasodilation, blood circulates more, that's more oxygen, vitamins, nutrients that are going out to the tissues."
"The breakdown in circulation is the far more important variable."
"Money is how many currency units are in the real economy chasing goods and services."
"Walking increases your heart rate, strengthens your heart muscle, and improves blood circulation through your body."
"Feel the blood going all over your body; it feels so great."
"Chili peppers have tremendous benefits at really improving circulation and reducing chronic pain."
"It's always a good idea to have your legs higher than your heart."
"Beets contain nitrates that have been found to help expand blood streams, making it easier for blood to travel throughout the body."
"Our warm-up is going to be a little different as I introduce some postural therapy exercises to improve your functionality and enhance circulation."
"If you put it in our hands, we won't keep it to ourselves but we'll circulate it in various means and ways to change lives."
"Improve a lot of the health and the flow of the nerves and the veins."
"This was the period in which economies were being standardized thanks to the intense circulation of people, things, and ideas."
"Divine love as me blesses and multiplies all that I am, all that I have, and all that I choose to circulate."
"The circulation of the blood is primary through its rhythmic pulsations; it is the blood that drives the heart and not the other way around."
"This commemorative design graced all 1999 $2 coins intended for general circulation, becoming an emblem of Nunavut's identity and historical significance."
"The heart is pumping blood... it's pretty amazing, it actually pumps 2,000 gallons of blood a day."
"Magnetic fields circulate but never converge to a point."
"If all your blood vessels were stretched into a single line, it would go around the earth more than twice."
"Book lovers need to be fed new and fresh books to keep the system going."
"The left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to all parts of the body."
"The function of the heart is basically to pump oxygenated blood out through the rest of your body so that your body cells can operate normally."
"The heart is actually an organ in the human body, it makes sure that all of our blood is moving around and keeps us nice and healthy."
"It's just crazy how well these things expel heat and allow air to circulate."
"Eating clean, eating healthy, a lot of fruits and veggies because it helps with blood flow."
"Dark chocolate increases vasodilatation, meaning that it helps open up the blood vessels."
"The heart beats about a hundred thousand times every day, pumping about 8,000 liters of blood per day."
"These conversations have centered around the accelerated production, circulation, and consumption of fashion."
"Every dollar I spend and donate comes back to me multiplied."
"The best way to prevent frostbite is to make sure that you have good circulation going."
"This warm-up is just to get the blood flowing, get the muscles warm, everything moving."
"We're just going to do some dynamic moves to get the blood flowing, get everything moving and ready to go."
"The goal is to get the blood flowing and get the heart rate up."
"You've got more blood pumping out your body, you can clear toxins, you can deliver more oxygen."
"The vessels that supply the low resistance organ like the brain, liver, spleen, kidney demand continuous forward flow throughout the cardiac cycle."
"Exercise is so beneficial; it helps to microcirculation to get going."
"Movement improves the circulation, pushes this extra fluid away, and then it feels less swollen, less painful."
"We're increasing blood circulation, we're increasing your body's innate ability to heal itself, reducing inflammation."
"Getting your blood flowing everywhere and getting your body working globally is the best thing you can do for your health."
"Each day the average human heart beats about a hundred thousand times, pumping two thousand gallons of blood through your body."
"I send my money away with love, and may this money go out to help this person and to help others and to continue to help all those that it touches."
"Say 'thank you' or 'arigato' to your money when it comes in, and when you spend it, say 'I'll see you later, come back with your friends.'"
"Humans have what we call a double circulatory system, which means there are actually two circuits going on."
"Efficiency is when you circulate. Efficiency is when there's zero waste."
"This deluge of Athenian coinage inundated economies in the Aegean and parts of the Near East."
"The heart is a double pump that pumps blood to the lungs and then to the rest of the body."