
Lifestyle Changes Quotes

There are 542 quotes

"Your life's going really good. I've stopped smoking weed, my diet's really improved, but there's one major problem: I'm just lonely."
"There are many things we can do to mean that [aging] is not an inevitability."
"If you do genuinely want to quit playing video games, you probably need to stop being friends with the same video gamers because you'll realize that a lot of your friendship just revolves around the video game."
"I'm sitting here and I'm like, 'Wow, not drinking for a few weeks, going to bed at 10:00 PM, I feel 20 percent better on a day-to-day basis. How did I not realize this before?'"
"Undo it is based on the idea that...the more diseases we study and the more biological mechanisms we look at, the more evidence we have to show why these simple changes are so powerful."
"In my 20 years of experience as a medical doctor, if I can help my patients make some small changes each morning, it can have profound effects on their negative thoughts, their moods, their stress, their anxiety."
"Make unhealthy behavior harder, and healthy behavior easier."
"The overwhelming majority of people who have kids would not give up their children to go back to lying in bed, sleeping in naked, and smoking pot."
"Just making little micro changes to your life, your diet, your sleep, just drinking more water, staying hydrated... it'll change your life."
"I'm excited to see how much better I can even feel in the future with just even eating healthier and exercising again."
"If you make a few changes, you can add seven years to your health span, not just your lifespan."
"Now we're forced to be inside; now you have a bunch of Millennials learning how to cook, cleaning, doing laundry."
"By doing a little bit more, you can get tremendous health benefits. If you understand the principles, you understand the steps, you can make it easy and seamless."
"Everyone has a right to know that lifestyle changes are a safe and highly effective treatment option."
"I miss the little nuances of regular not being locked in my house life."
"Nothing was changed besides walking more, adjusting my calories, and then adjusting my training. And it really is that simple."
"The pursuit of progress has led us to a critical juncture where the sustainability of our way of life is in question, requiring fundamental changes in how we live and govern."
"What is normal life will take a long time to return, and even at this point, in two or three years from now, even once a vaccine against COVID-19 is available, we will have changed our behavior."
"This has led to an even blurrier line between work and life, because both now occupy the same space."
"Listen, lose weight, get in shape, eat healthy, get vaccinated, get back to life."
"I think the next breakthrough in health is going to be in learning how to get people to do what they know they should do."
"If we can start doing some of these simple things, we can return this kind of joy, health, and happiness back to people's lives."
"Life is going to be quieter for a matter of months. Everything will function. Life will function."
"Until you experience an alcohol-free, toxic food, toxic person-free life, you don't know what you're missing."
"My biggest regret in life is that I didn't eat deep dish pizza before I became lactose intolerant."
"Take baby steps...You make one change that you know you can live with...until it just becomes second nature."
"You don't put on body fat in one week, and likewise, it's not going to come off in one week, but you can make a significant change to your lifestyle in one week."
"We are entering a new era. Everything is changing: the way we buy, the way we work, the way we live, and so does the way that people do business."
"You can drastically reduce your anxiety by making small and sustainable changes."
"Force yourself into patterns that improve your life."
"Proceed by subtraction: get the unhealthy stuff out of kids' lives and bring back the healthy stuff."
"God doesn't remove; He replaces. So, when people are religious, they're like, 'Oh, don't drink, don't smoke, don't have sex.' It's like, no, listen, God wants to replace."
"First, do no harm... taking things away feels depriving and negative, but when you do it, you will be rewarded handsomely."
"I have not had any soda since 2020 I have only drank water."
"I think the most effective things are sleep, exercise, and then nutrition."
"Our lives are gonna be a little different... we're probably going to be much more likely to wear masks in the future, much more likely to wash our hands."
"Exercise, friends, compress your feeding window, stop snacking all the time... become more resilient and less vulnerable."
"Nearly half of Americans say they can't afford their previous lifestyle."
"Maybe do a bit less of everything, not be so greedy."
"PCOS is not a life sentence. When you address the root cause, it can be reversed."
"Cut sugar, reduce carbs, eat fewer meals, exercise, de-stress."
"You can reverse these diseases, you can get rid of these diseases just by making some simple changes in your life."
"Change your environment to change your life."
"The grip of obsession with brand new things was loosening."
"You use the magic word. I was just about to reply with mitigation. Yes, there is intractable kind of Diabetes Type two that you can mitigate greatly."
"Increasing exercise or decreasing a sedentary lifestyle will help to reduce the blood pressure."
"Change and you can live a longer life as simple as that."
"It's you coming into the 2.0 version of your way of life."
"2024 might be the year for radical changes, from diet to consciousness."
"Forming habits is important because it means that you're no longer having to exert willpower, which is sort of you only have so much willpower to use. So if it's just automatic, that's where these alternate."
"Something's gonna give and you're going to have to give up this lifestyle and downsize or just not use [ __ ] that is burdensome to a significant extent."
"We're not voting with the planet in mind, we're voting with humanity. And absolutely, what's the second thing we can do? Well, of course, we have to live in a very different way."
"We wanted to make fairly small changes in how we fuel, change our body composition a little bit, but mostly just be healthy."
"I was very materialistic. I used to spend all my money on clothes, and laughter shaves, computer games, on going out, on drinking."
"If you're not going out, if you're not walking around, you don't eat that many calories."
"People realize by taking protections... a lot of these things that have plagued us for our whole lives... can be avoided."
"Technology has transformed the way we do almost everything."
"You just need to cut the fat off, and the fat was getting fresh every day, eating good, drinking liquor, getting jewelry."
"Sell that watch, yeah babe, sell that car, sell that motorcycle, let's say that diamond, so sell, sell, this and then start working out, only purses baby, no."
"Metabolic switching... from sugar burner to fat burner... helps regulate blood pressure."
"Cutting carbs alone won't cure diabetes; lifestyle changes are crucial for long-term management."
"I think even if you're not a Christian yourself it's really hard to argue the kinds of lifestyle choices or changes that Kanye is making."
"The seismic revolution in health can come about when those of us in the healing profession are able to share with the public what is the lifestyle that would protect them from these chronic common and killing diseases."
"Clearing up our diets, clearing up our homes."
"2020: the year of toilet paper, banana bread, and at-home workouts."
"Building good habits is gonna take care of some of the bad ones as well."
"People want a magic pill rather than subtracting what they're doing that isn't helping them."
"You're never too old to make changes to make meaningful healthful changes in your body."
"It really seems like the only way out is to stop trading your health for convenience."
"For many people, lifestyle modifications alone may not be enough to substantially reduce one's risk."
"Diet and exercise can improve cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and improve insulin sensitivity simultaneously."
"It's about making small changes. Don't put the pressure on yourself to be perfect with it."
"In conclusion I recommend walking and working it worked well for me and made me much healthier it didn't hurt my eyes and I can still work frankly this is the only way I could make myself work it's a personality thing"
"What really has to change just by adopting belief in determinism and living as if that were true?"
"The reality is that 65 is the new 55 and 55 is the new 45."
"Inflation has a real tangible impact on the way that we live our lives."
"Personal lifestyle changes are significant primarily in this fight to signal to others."
"Breaking down scientifically proven healthy habits into tiny tasks."
"You gotta get off it... then you won't crave it... then you won't buy it, all right?"
"I committed to making 10 key lifestyle changes to see if I could turn this all around."
"Results for many people are almost too good to be true. Afternoon fatigue just vanished out of nowhere."
"Heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes - all can be reversed."
"Primarily today, we're gonna focus on your health, on your wellness, on you getting lean and clean."
"It becomes so easy, people become so used to you being vegan."
"I think about kids not being able to compete in sports, I think about the things that families used to do and take for granted."
"So, you're having artichokes, onions, and looks like there's a tomato there too, yeah, these kids, it took me two years to whip this place into shape, now we got a professional cleaner."
"If you're obese or pre-diabetic or diabetic then it is important enough to make changes."
"My life has shrunk from being able to do anything that I wanted to do... I now have to limit, make choices all the time."
"Life goals: catch up on One Piece, travel more, stream even less."
"We need to get back to being with our families, getting off social media, getting off the video games for the kids, and having family dinners."
"Figure out a way to not rely on that because over time you just don't want it."
"Do the smallest changes that you know you can make for the rest of your life."
"I am always looking to make changes in my daily life to be more sustainable."
"I've already noticed such a difference in my sleep quality as well as my energy levels and my hair."
"It's time to put up or shut up... cut out the candy, cut out the Doritos, cut out the Starbucks."
"Small little changes in your everyday life that are gonna help you be able to save money but also get you places so you can save that money and actually intentionally spend it in areas that are getting you closer to your goals."
"Steps and changes we can make in our everyday lives... it's kind of a game changer."
"Where are the people out there calling for people to get healthy? Where's someone who's a leader who gets on TV and says ladies and gentlemen we've got to decrease our body mass?" - Joe Rogan
"You're healthier you're physically you are healthier your blood sugar is coming down you're losing weight your digestion is finally sorted itself out but the other thing is your tastes are starting to change in ways you didn't expect."
"It's more important to just make these lifestyle changes that I could maintain over the Long Haul."
"I just don't miss Starbucks. I think it's more of just a habit and a routine. So I think that's what I'm realizing."
"Changes don't work unless you're living in alignment with them."
"Reduce the number of electronic gadgets around you... we need a break from constant technology."
"I think the biggest problem is now we are so sedentary in our lifestyle everything is made for us. We don't have to move so the key thing is just keep moving."
"You don't have to lose a ton of weight to get those benefits."
"Even if you aren't lean, if you're obese, you can still adopt healthy habits regardless of weight loss to improve your health."
"Even before they may even lose weight or see any huge results, they'll notice their blood pressure drops because their insulin drops."
"I have been loving my morning walks... definitely good change it up."
"Smartphones were cool back in the day especially when they were more of a luxury rather than a necessity."
"I think with the pandemic, I was in my pajamas for about at least 18 months. I forgot how to tie my shoes."
"Spending years and so much money to get to Canada, and then leaving why would they do that?"
"Body shots don't leave a mark but they do damage. Leg kicks, I often can leave marks these days because they're whipping the men, certainly on the calves. But they often times don't leave marks, but they still do damage."
"I've never deep cleaned more in my entire life."
"We have to make some fundamental changes in the way we live and power our lives."
"Target, yeah, y'all better get the L. Yes, yeah, I got the L. Stop using all that stuff with dye and bleach and all of the rest of the stuff. Actually helps, I've seen a major difference."
"By making these shifts in my habits it's not only made it easier to stick to my diet... but it's also made such a huge difference in terms of my digestion."
"It's been a unique kind of 'okay, this is what it's like' to go full introvert again."
"Ultimately, the only time we're going to get the real public health gains... is when there is infrastructure set up so that people find it easy to make those choices."
"Rather than focusing on the 10 pounds you have to lose, focus on the things you need to change that will allow you to lose that weight."
"Now I see why he moved out so he could do this [ __ ] by himself."
"I really got my life back on track... I made a bunch of small changes."
"It's one of the most epic sunrises on Earth."
"Exercise and diet can help with ADHD symptoms."
"There's a lot of opportunity it's becoming bigger and I think right now it's really a golden time for remote working remote living."
"Cutting out alcohol really does help, not only mindset but just on you in your body."
"Furniture once again evolving and changing to fit our new lives."
"If you change your diet and you commit to 150 minutes of getting your heart rate up, you will feel something."
"Every way of life that you and I have become accustomed to is going to be affected..."
"10-minute walks after every meal... twice as effective as metformin for blood sugar control."
"If justice is done to black people, white people's lives and way of life is going to have to change."
"I changed a few things in my diet, I changed a few things in my style, changed a few things in my mindset and it all came together when it needed to."
"Framing up a new lifestyle or performance agenda."
"Open your heart, speak and act with kindness and love, and honor your heightened sensitivity. Capricorn is directing you towards making healthy changes in your lifestyle, your career path and choices, your home, and your relationships."
"People who found an easier, more convenient way to do things from home are going to keep doing that."
"Research shows intermittent fasting enhances insulin sensitivity and fights jet lag." - Dr. Jim Stefani
"This lifestyle literally could save your life."
"Making those little changes and habits are going to impact the rest of your life."
"By helping others, we often help ourselves; contributing to our community can make us feel more fulfilled in life."
"This guy right here, 10 bucks a gallon diesel, that thing's getting parked."
"Ugh, it is low-key depressing that my sleep was better then despite having to be woken up at 1 a.m. to pump every night."
"I basically ended up with more space in my brain to think about things other than food and even though I love food that experience has been really really freeing."
"Good luck, don't beat yourself up if you slip up."
"I'm going to ditch my style comfort blanket and kind of document it, show you how it goes, show you the trials and tribulations."
"It is hard to look less attractive by adopting some of these positive lifestyle changes."
"You need a reason why it's going to benefit your life... Don't try and do it because it makes you better than other people."
"Functional medicine is about modifying your lifestyle."
"Making the switch to aluminum-free deodorant does not mean having a sacrifice on product performance."
"I'm excited for it to go away enough that we can just live our lives again."
"Moving into the house is a bit of a game changer."
"Covid has really empowered people to say, 'Hey, I'm going to take control of my life and my lifestyle.'"
"Is the focus really on research and wellness? If lifestyle is the cause of illness, shouldn't we be shutting down fast-food outlets and focusing on educating wellness rather than medicating illness?"
"Restructuring my day led to more free time and increased productivity."
"Anything you do other than getting 2,000 cars a day from greasy slimy fatty dead decaying flesh is likely to insult in some kind of systemic improvement."
"I just have a good time with it, I love drinking, I haven't drank for almost eight months now."
"If we're gonna eat food let's at least try to be healthier... because I also want you to live longer."
"Women have changed the lives that they want to live."
"There is a new way to live life. The old rules of deceit can't work anymore."
"Working from home has kicked off a new Utopia experiment."
"I'm gonna tell you, this is the smartest [] old [] did. Old [] rebranded clubbing once [] got too old to be out at 3, 4, 5 in the morning. They came back and killed their ass with brunch."
"If you're listening today and you get rid of your visceral fat, you will have an entire new body and with it an entire new life."
"I'm simply over it... I want to be able to zip up a dress in my size and lay on my belly with just pure comfort." - Chrissy Teigen
"In order to truly reduce stress, we have to change our lifestyle."
"Walking to the thermostat has never been the same."
"Living in such a way... it's a program for cultural transformation."
"We want to flip that. What if we only worked for 20 years and we got to enjoy retirement for a lot longer?"
"We all need to make changes in our daily lives."
"The only thing that changes is basically rent and transportation."
"Our lifestyle is changing and it won't continue to change. It's gonna have to change fiscally."
"It's actually gonna be the norm now... pretty sweet norm to get used to."
"It's never the big things, it's all the little changes you can make in your life."
"I'm gonna add hollandaise to more things in my life."
"White collar workers are starting to bring lunch."
"Her kids are just so proud of her for the changes that she's making."
"People who have gone in and out of goth do not assume that everything has gone terribly wrong in their life."
"I tend to start my 'new year's life changes' a bit earlier when I feel ready."
"Decluttering is a powerful re-regulation exercise with very good fringe benefits."
"Choosing to completely cut out or cut off the toxic people in your life or the toxic habits."
"Lifestyle changes, adjusting the level of stress... It's a commitment, you know."
"Positive strides in the home-related sector."
"I stopped working so hard and started doing more things that make me feel good."
"It's more than quitting smoking, it's more than going to the gym, it's more than stopping drinking."
"Why are we changing the Bible to fit our life instead of changing our life to fit the Bible?"
"Ready to make a New Year's resolution you can actually keep? Our friends at Manscape have one for you: taking care down there. Join the seven million men worldwide who trust Manscape."
"Doing the same kind of thing all the time is gonna get tiresome, so it's always best to try and start finding other things as well to supplement the normal."
"It's definitely time for lifestyle changes. What you do between the next eight days, eight weeks, eight months is what's going to affect you for the next eight years."
"Stop drinking Coca-Cola and any soda, it's going to kill you."
"Start making little changes and start getting healthier."
"He wants to lessen his carbon footprint, don't we all?"
"This week, you're going to commit to a new job, a new routine, a new health regimen."
"Everyone wants to be healthy, don't they? Maybe not through the work that it takes or the mandatory lifestyle changes, but that destination that is so desired is on everyone's minds."
"Improving lifestyles could reduce the impact of infections and viral outbreaks."
"It's a transformation that is totally worth it."
"I find that Venus-Uranus aspects in general, like changing up your pattern of pleasure seeking, it's generally very fruitful."
"It's one of those things where it's such a small change but it actually makes such a huge difference."
"The worst thing you can possibly do is make no decision."
"I think this is an interesting time because we are driving less and consuming less."
"Laser hair removal is definitely going to be a game changer for many people."
"I think we can all agree that those were very easy things to do, small little changes that can save you thousands and thousands of dollars over your life if you choose to implement them."
"I want that looks like in my life now is to get that good at golf."
"When we get back to the US, we're going to be renovating the bus..."