
Social Life Quotes

There are 1248 quotes

"Your life's going really good. I've stopped smoking weed, my diet's really improved, but there's one major problem: I'm just lonely."
"Part of self-improvement is actually having a social life; it's improving your social skills."
"I want to slow down and hang out with my friends more."
"The best life that you could possibly think of is when you become rich, become wealthy, get lots of money but then you also do it when you have a vibrant social life of people around you that you love."
"Spending time with friends, grilling burgers, is way better than a gaming PC could ever be."
"I already have a babysitter on the way; reservations are made."
"Social connectedness was protective against mortality and was as little as going bowling once a month with your league."
"Never be scared of giving real life a try and meeting friends of friends."
"You have to structure a life in which you're being regularly exposed to people without any pressure. This is why people say like go and volunteer or take a class."
"You're gonna be glowing and thriving... gifts, invitations, being very social, manifesting your wishes."
"We really just went hard on making sure that we saw friends, making sure that we spent lots of time with family, and it was great."
"I'm thriving in this new busier, active, social version of me."
"The world needs some good parties, in my opinion."
"ESFPs are the people you want to have around if you want to have fun, 'cause they have nearly limitless energy and they can always brighten up a room."
"Your social circle will grow, you'll be able to be with people and go to events and weddings."
"Being surrounded by good music, good drinking, good friends is all I've ever asked for."
"I hope you guys have a great day. I'm gonna be spending time with people I care about, I'm gonna be eating tacos, and I encourage you all to do the same thing."
"If you go on a really fun night out, you don't take your phone out. So when I see someone who went on a night out and took 20 stories, dancing and laughing and having a great time, I know they're bored."
"Have some friends that you see in real life, not just behind a computer screen."
"You can't live a life that is surrounded by yourself; it just doesn't work out in the end."
"We used to go to so many events... and I look back, and I know for a fact I was miserable."
"We need to have a world outside of that phone."
"Don't be scared to meet new people and don't let somebody who decided that hey, I don't want to stick around, don't let them kill your vibe."
"If you pick interesting people to be in your life, you yourself will not be bored."
"I decided to move on and joined a new friend group with much sweeter people."
"You're not ruining her social life; you're trying to give her an important life lesson."
"I am the life of the party, bringing joy and laughter wherever I go."
"Mentally I feel more confident and like going out."
"This was our social life. These were our friends. We made friends on the internet because maybe we had weird interests or we just didn't get on very well with people at school."
"Make some time this weekend for your mates; they'll love you for it."
"I feel very supported and honestly, it's like a dress that needs to be worn in Miami for cocktails with a sexy man of unknown ethnicity."
"A high value woman is a woman who doesn't revolve her life around men. She has her own career, hobbies, and a great social life that fills her emotional needs."
"Get out more, be seen more, have fun again. The key to your happiness and that love life you want is being out more, going out more, being seen."
"I'm honestly just getting some work done today, and then it is our friend Lexi's birthday this weekend, and I think we're going to be going out to San Diego just for like a little girls trip."
"People think that I party all the time. I don't."
"I just want to have a normal weekend with my old friends. Like the old days, right?"
"I can literally not stress how much I've missed being able to go out, just dance, and just have a laugh."
"You go to a diner to hang out with friends, not just eat and leave."
"Create a life filled with people who enjoy your company."
"All you want to do is just be nice to people have fun in life make friends."
"Friends are so important, guys. Be nice, have friends."
"Friends are important in life. Be nice, have friends."
"I'm very happy for her also that it created like a little bit of a social life because, you know, meaning a social life in the industry because that was so much a part of her life."
"You know what's great about these small rural towns too though everybody in town knows that this is the local party spot."
"You're stronger than that, you're more than that."
"His friends are excited to plan their holiday agenda."
"Every party you're at you're like is there a better party somewhere else."
"New York's like it's kind of rough... our leadership is garbage, our schools are like sort of barely open."
"Soon we're going to be able to sit at bars... that's exciting."
"Community is a hobby, okay? If you look at finding and building and nurturing and fostering communities as taking part in community as a hobby, I promise you will lead a much more fulfilling life."
"He was rubbing elbows with people... Dan was basically always gone."
"Did you see the emu story? No? He's had one of the most interesting lives I've ever heard of."
"Interesting girl talk time with friends, moving on happily single, living in the moment, having fun."
"I think it's better to be alone than with the wrong friends because the wrong friends can make you feel like the smallest person on Earth."
"We went to Boujee and it was just probably one of the best nights out I've had in a long time."
"I felt beautiful. I had so much fun with my friends and with Cole."
"I feel like drinking with your friends is the funnest thing you can have in life."
"She just seemed to me like, you know, any other high school girl who wanted to go out and party."
"Make plans with your girlfriends. Don't you dare play... go out with your girlfriends, talk about it with them. It helps so much."
"Liquid confidence that you don't even want but sometimes."
"I got to St. Louis and I went to junior high school, started high school, and I made some friends outside."
"He went home at like 3:00 a.m. Blas that of his mind sent us a text in the morning."
"The actual day is pretty great. You take the day off from work to eat pie and argue with the elderly."
"The nightlife in Leeds is brilliant... so many clubs and bars."
"Life was just a succession of fur coats and invitations to dinner, that's all."
"A daughter, mother, and aunt, the life of the party and a top-notch baker."
"I don't even have time for a boyfriend right now like the last thing on my mind is a man."
"You're going out, you're feeling better, you're doing good."
"It was a very drunken night in our student bar."
"Your habitual all-night parties are the real reason for your supposed exhaustion."
"When you least expect it, you're going to be having some really cool people pop into your life."
"It's almost like you'll find this person when you're staying home a lot, and then you find a sudden date you click with..."
"Lovely day for lots of celebrations...friends, old friends, new friends."
"You want to do motion core shows guys summer is full of official events like weddings graduations and annual Fourth of July barbecues but everyone knows the best parts of summer are The Unofficial ones"
"Happy New Year to everybody! We went out to eat and saw family."
"You're tired of being at home a lot, you're gonna get out more."
"At social events, I'm the life of the party."
"Individual freedom is not opposed to collective social life."
"A perfect day can be like getting through all the things I'm describing and then happily working for a few hours and maybe seeing some friends."
"Every high school friend had a friend who had the hot tub."
"I try to look at the big picture of things... and be around the people that I called my friends."
"Now typical English culture is you go to the pub have a pint and have a chat with your boys."
"I like having friends I just need a lot of time to balance out the social stuff."
"I understand safety... but at the end of the day I know my people we going to find find a way to turn up regardless."
"It's funny, so she called me to come to this club for this [ __ ] [ __ ] I could have been somewhere else, I could be with another girl."
"So if you need to drink, Wink is the place to do it!"
"Leo is fun, vibrant, has a good time, makes good memories."
"Whether we're in a one-star restaurant or five-star restaurant, if we get to hang out with our friends, we are super lucky."
"You're gonna have people coming into your life that also make you very happy."
"A party with your friends is probably the best kind of party."
"Definitely as I got in better shape I was okay with going out more."
"It only takes one or two things on your calendar to make you feel like not a lonely loser."
"Worry about making friends, you'll meet people."
"Ancient Sin City: The long-lost Roman city of Bahia used to be a partying hub."
"I didn't think that I'd make so many friends when I came to this school."
"Trying to make friends is gonna make your college life more colorful."
"You can have fun, go out, and dance your life out into the stratosphere."
"A time of great joy for you. Get ready for much more to come: parties, fun times, holidays, no worries."
"It's about the parties that you go to, the people that you interact with in your 20s."
"Especially towards the end of the week, Saturday especially surprising encounters can happen."
"Nothing wrong with us having a social life as parents. I encourage parents to have a social life."
"Cherish truly quality time with friends, classmates, and family."
"I made basically all my friends through my dorm."
"Finding cool people to hang out with is clearly important."
"We've lost the days where we used to go out and play... sit around our table with our family."
"I guess there's little devil inside all of us isn't there?"
"A new beginning of social connections, good luck is going to come your way."
"Your boy has rhythm okay the only reason I'm not going out to clubs every weekend is because everyone's crumping man."
"You flew to Atlanta to stay at my house while I go party with my homeboys. Now when I got a really nice house, Jess, I'm sure. But I'm saying when I go to the strip club, as a woman, her mind's going to start doing this, right?"
"I want to go out and meet with my friends. I want to watch movies. I want to have some fun for once."
"My friendships are so valuable to me and I take such pride in those relationships."
"So we're doing 4 to 7 every day at Saddle Ranch in LA."
"If you get the impulse to go spend time with friends, do it."
"Most communities will have a local pub that is a natural focal point for social activities."
"This is a year to be around the people and energies that make you feel good as well as having some really beautiful experiences no need to waste your time on this at all."
"I was working very hard, so I didn't have time for much socializing."
"The people at the Abbey, when you're in Menomonee getting drunk and spending time with each other and having fun, that's what real life is."
"Your social life is gonna start being even more active and prominent."
"Hang with your mate, hang with family, hang by yourself, just remember to have a smile."
"Taco Tuesday is like a beacon of light. It's like, 'It's Tuesday, we still got the whole fucking week ahead of us, but at least we get to drink up a few cervezas tonight and munch on a couple carnitas tacos, right?'"
"I love my life but I also do enjoy socializing occasionally it's nice it's healthy you got to get out there and be around people otherwise you become insane."
"You find yourself living a life in which people want to spend time with you so that they can learn from you."
"Creating an environment that's equally important in their social life as well as a competitive outlet."
"I do want a date and I do want things happening."
"Nashville has become like the epicenter of partying, and I think people just really love being here for the music."
"So remember to go out, make memories, and I'm excited to make sober memories together. So it's really very nice."
"Actually taking time to build true friendships... has been a huge thing for me."
"I'm not open to new friends...but now in L.A., [expletive] is open to new friends."
"Congratulations to everybody that enjoyed themselves on a Friday night."
"I had the best night I possibly ever could have imagined, it was incredible, I met the most amazing people."
"We the life of the party, we bring the positivity and we just like to have fun, no stress."
"Honestly, this summer was the funnest summer ever and I felt so happy with my personal life, my friendship group, my family life."
"I just have had such good times, like late nights."
"It's so grown up and adult. You can actually have people over, you can entertain, you can have intellectual discussions, you can read books."
"Friends are like low-key closer than family almost because you know they're with you a majority of the time."
"Making time for your friends is so important because your friends are going to be the support system in your life."
"Nostalgia brings you back to a point in time where the biggest problem you had was figuring out which friend's house you wanted to go over to on the weekends."
"We are all longing to just go back to... having a good time."
"If you have a partner and a couple of good friends, you're doing really well in this world."
"I would say spending time with friends and family is a hobby."
"We're back. It's Thursday, and I'm ready to go out."
"You don't need to say no to things or turn down fun experiences with your friends that you'll regret missing out on later."
"These clubs are like sophisticated fraternities on steroids."
"When you're out late for the party, the fun is never gonna end. There will not be repercussions for what I am doing right now."
"Making friends in college is crucial; embrace new connections and experiences."
"She was just a happy-go-lucky person. Loved to get out."
"But remember if you want to be fun so try stupid stuff if it makes you smile and your friends laugh then it's going to be saying that would probably work on girls right guys."
"Life is beautiful, life is great. I'm having fun with my people. That's where I'm at."
"I find more happiness in playing basketball with my great friends than going out to a party."
"Not drinking doesn't mean you can't have fun."
"Don't rush, just focus on your school, and whenever you're ready, go out to people."
"Alcohol isn't everything; me and you could go on a night out and have so much fun without drinking."
"I want to do travelling, I want to sort of expand my social circle."
"If you need to drink in order to be able to enjoy your night out, you're choosing the wrong nights out."
"Coffee drinking is quite an integral part of social life, especially in South India."
"It's about to be a lituation, a lit weekend."
"I love the parties. I remember those moves of yours. They were fantastic."
"I will be out there on a Saturday night at one o'clock in the morning."
"But anyway, I'm gonna get moving, places to go, people to see, things to do, possibly a fish and derby to win this weekend."
"The allure of females mean that they will need to groom that body hair and control the smells or they'll spend another season unsuccessful and alone."
"The best thing about being single is not even [expletive], it's just getting together with the boys at the pre."
"Go out and enjoy life, new friendships and connections are opening up to you."
"Go out and date, have fun, but you're going to bump into somebody really big this year."
"Make sure you give importance to other people in your life as well, it's not all about yourself."
"I thought he had just tons of friends, never knew anyone that he didn't like or didn't like him. He was a tremendous athlete, was always very good at whatever he tried to do."
"Forty's like the new 21, like all my friends who are 40 are living their best lives."
"Celebrities you can shop you can meet people so it's all cool you'll probably have a good time."
"Curate the social life that works for you without feeling guilty, pressured, judged, or shamed."
"I feel like in a lot of ways the cards are saying that you're ready to get out there and meet new people."
"I usually go to parties with my family, my coworkers, or my friends."
"Let everybody know and make them laugh. It makes a much happier life when other people laugh."
"Balance: I surround myself with people I love and enjoy my time with them, but I also take time to nurture myself. My relationship with myself. Well, I have found a healthy balance between being with friends and having self-care time."
"There are happy hours at the pub, the champagne bar, and the pool bar."
"I just scored dates with five different chicks on the rebound."
"Nerds, friendships, and memories: Good times at university."
"Do not spend time with people that don't make you feel good."
"Make plans, go on adventures, have those conversations with loved ones."
"Variety is the spice of life in terms of the people you hang out with."
"I made a plan to not hit up any girl, not even try to take them out."
"I cannot promise I will be sober because I am going to pop down the pub a little bit later."
"A town is dreadfully boring; any break in the monotony is a welcome reprieve."
"If you need alcohol to have fun, you're just not fun."
"Sometimes when we accomplish something, we want to party a little bit."
"It's just social, peaceful and quiet and I just feel at home with myself here."
"He was like, 'My mates,' and I was like, 'None of your mates are gonna be at a point where they want to just chill now.'"
"I just know that when three guys my age around 19 and 20 started this job all were normal well-adjusted guys with no cares in the world other than girls parties and working."
"You're going to have what you want, so be open to this whining and dining, this is what's up ahead for you."
"I am living a fantastic single life. I make my own money, I take myself shopping, I go on trips with my girlfriends, I go dancing, I go on dates... basically, I do everything I love."
"You were not created to go through this life alone."
"Now it's a time of creativity, romance, friends."
"For those of you who are single and ready to mingle... somebody very special is about to walk into your life."
"This is my first party ever. I'm in high school now."
"Just because I'm cutting and dieting doesn't mean that I can't have a few drinks."
"You're giving up your childhood, you're giving up going to schools, you're giving up having friends."
"Teens desperately miss their friends; their school is their life."
"People don't want to have a miserable winter if people can't handle another winter where they don't go out to parties I think that's completely fair."
"I think I want to just enjoy the most I can with my friends I go back I go back to my hometown I'd say everybody come back if you want to see me let's enjoy enjoy it let's have some drinks and just have a good one."
"Don't be so damn serious. Hang out, have fun, and hook up."
"It's so important to make time for your friends."
"I was just full of energy and I was just a good time."