
Social Dynamics Quotes

There are 4171 quotes

"You have to let go of the crabs when you're trying to climb out of the bucket and they're pulling you back in."
"There's positive people and negative people... when you're with a negative person, one of two things is going to happen: the negative person is going to make the positive person negative, or you're going to take the negative person and make them positive."
"It's just easier for hot people, it's just everything's easier for hot people."
"Your goal is to be 90% liked and 10% disliked; you need the push-pull patterns of the universe."
"The most amazing looking people don't have like good personalities 'cause they haven't had to...they never had to build a personality."
"Problems of perception involve how we perceive ourselves, how we perceive others, how we perceive the chain of events and situations in the present."
"Fame doesn't change you; it just changes everybody around you."
"Women would rather share the king than marry the jester."
"I want everyone to like me, but I don't like them back the way I like you guys."
"The victim control dynamic destroys social groups, and so for this reason, I decided to expose it today."
"Human history typically shows that we dominate any other people of lower technological scales or less advanced societies."
"For an appreciation day, shouldn't you appreciate someone who's least appreciated?"
"Influence is the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something."
"When she walked into a room, everybody was excited to see her because she was just such a cool person."
"The bullying didn't go further... I became friends with the bullies because of it."
"Once you get past a certain threshold... it's harder to make them dislike you. You've built up credibility and trust."
"Stop wasting your time on people who treat you good one day, then act like you don't exist the next day."
"Avoid drama. Drama is a social conflict...the one through line that connects all possible drama sources at the table is that the reasons behind it are always social in nature."
"SJ was known by the people around her as the grass snake because she loved golf but didn't even love golf; she just loved going to golf clubs and looking for rich men to blackmail."
"If you're in a room with 100 people and 99 of those people are good people but they're not talking, and one person in that room is screaming and shouting abuse, all you can hear is abuse."
"Just because you were oppressed doesn't mean you can't simultaneously be an oppressor."
"Humans and our propensity for gossip... it's more about the movements of people and the changes in thought processes."
"If every other YouTuber that's on the show has a positive experience... and you are the only one that has the problem, then I'm 99% sure that you were the problem in that situation."
"You're looking for accountability, you're looking for them to own it, but if that involves them experiencing some amount of guilt which they can't handle, they're gonna keep on playing these victim cards, these hardening cards, these wall cards, like whatever they need to do to avoid that guilt."
"The peak age for friends is age 29. After that, our friendships steeply decline."
"We started with 10 friends and it's down to like three of us."
"What makes a popular person popular? It wasn't attractiveness... It was that the most popular kids also liked the most people."
"She's like the girl you want to be friends with; she's a girl boss, she's not a gatekeeper."
"Give them a communal goal or a communal hatred or a communal inconvenience; that's all it takes to create a group of people."
"What the point here is that Doug says why cooties, and the response is, it could have been anything; the kids just needed something to tease Jack about."
"Stay very still, these women are about to release years of pent-up resentment."
"It feels like, you know, at school when everybody's doing their group projects and you've been left out of the group project."
"Focus on yourself, let others focus on themselves, and things are going to be a lot more copacetic."
"The key here is that it's a political space, not a social space. Disliking people in a social sense... doesn't prevent you from working with them on issues of critical importance."
"The online world has created an entirely new sphere of social interactions with new rules and boundaries, and it seems like we aren't really sure how we should be navigating it yet."
"Pretty privilege works on the principle that people who are deemed more attractive based on societal beauty standards have an upper hand in the world and are afforded many opportunities and advantages that regular folks aren't."
"Housing is complicated primarily because the people that live in a certain district are already ultra privileged being in houses."
"Running for class president would make me more popular, changed my life. But the more I campaigned, the more I just wanted to beat Caruso by any means necessary."
"The sooner that we acknowledge [social rank circuits] and try and find one that generalizes to the goodness of as many members as possible, we're not doing our task. But clearly, you're doing the task."
"With an exemplary enthusiasm he brought to everything he did, except work, he whirled in the middle of the group."
"Belonging and behavior are not a product of belief but that belonging and behavior, for most people, actually precede belief."
"People who are in the grip of mass formation typically become radically intolerant for dissonant voices, and in the end, this goes quite far. In the end, people who are in the grip of mass formation typically start to commit cruelties and atrocities towards the people that do not go along with the masses."
"The wheel of fortune plays a major part in the lives of your average Riojan. They do not believe this is mere chance; they believe the gods act to bring down the mighty and raise up the meek."
"Freedom of speech is desperately claiming and demanding the right to annoy people."
"When other women see that you're a man in demand, they are going to chase after you even more."
"A parasocial relationship is kind of a one-sided relationship where one party is investing a lot of emotional energy into the relationship, and the other party isn't even aware that the first person exists."
"We like to say yes to people whom we like, which means that we want to be likeable in some sense."
"Everything is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power."
"We have such a hunger for depth and human connection."
"The central axis of social hierarchy is something like assumed moral superiority and everything else is a marker of that."
"I grew up as kind of like the fat kid... my physique would improve or my rank would improve that it would seem that more people would... want to be friendlier with me."
"Shut up and do what I say, or else I'm going to have to revoke your chances of joining."
"Your sim will now have preferences that determine which Sims they are socially compatible with."
"She had manipulated her own family members and through them, had chosen to harass everybody who were once friends with her."
"You only get so far as a loner; you need a tribe."
"A lot of people think about this as kind of commerce. And I think a lot of it is actually really expression, which is the core social dynamics."
"Powerful social dynamics...were related entirely to use patterns."
"Greg grows into his own, becoming more manipulative in the company he keeps."
"Male attention is ever so available, and that's why so many girls don't respect men."
"Adolescent males become hyper aggressive when you put them in situations where they can't win."
"Absolutely nothing, but if you refuse this one versus one, I'll tell Melanie that you're a big baby."
"Friendship breakups are awkward as well because, even if you don't break up, you just grow distant."
"Canceling is not criticism. It is not holding someone accountable. It is an attack on a human being."
"The goal of cancel culture isn't necessarily to eliminate one person from society but to make certain ideas untenable."
"There is a mix of dominance and humiliation tied into this but these people are expressing a desire to dominate and humiliate me."
"The friend zone is a horrible description of a very manipulative thing to do, and that is to say that it's a zone you're put in that you can negotiate your way out of, that you can bargain with people and manipulate their feelings by being impressive enough, by giving enough gifts, by buying enough diamonds and chocolates, and that's so insulting to say that you can buy my feelings, that love or attraction is negotiable."
"You’re powerful if you CAN use magic, but also becoming a kind of social outcast in a changing world."
"The highest form of influence that we have isn't like associations; it's friends."
"The greatest addiction in the world today is the addiction to other people's approval."
"The story of brainwashing is really the history of those individuals and the social forces they were caught up in."
"We live in a world where you cannot control what people think of you at all."
"Cancel culture is the immune system of the internet."
"As individuals, a difficult lesson to learn is that not everyone is gonna like you, and you can't please everyone."
"A man descends several rungs in the ladder of civilization. Isolated, he may be a cultivated individual; in a crowd, he is a barbarian."
"Shame culture doesn't help. It radicalizes people."
"Not everyone is always happy for someone's success."
"You're going to have male versus female, black versus white, etc., competition over a very scarce number of high-value jobs."
"Is there merit to the idea that some gamers can be too toxic? Well, yeah, absolutely."
"In a world where everybody is connected...the notion that you can destroy someone by looking at them in a certain manner starts to take on a little bit more meaning."
"Wearing a talisman against the evil eye...is making yourself aware that this dynamic is going on, and I do not want it to affect me."
"Everybody...engages in those types of causalities by the way they dress, by the way they present themselves, and also can have an effect on others by the way they say certain things, by the way they use passive-aggressive behavior."
"I've always noticed that when there's conflict, it's the confrontational one who is advised to walk away."
"The presence of people is not a bug, it's a feature."
"Having a person to hate or fight against is an unimaginably powerful unifier."
"Mystery's method was about open, attraction, comfort, and close, which fundamentally changed the way I approached interactions."
"It doesn't matter if you're right if people don't like you."
"In order for certain people to experience privilege, by definition, other people have to experience oppression."
"As a group of men, you're supposed to elevate your women above other women and you're supposed to give them power and privileges that are tied to your position."
"Their society, an intricate web of power struggles and backstabbing, each Dark Eldar constantly vying for dominance over others."
"Don't let people know your business because the moment you let people know your business, the moment that they will say something to try to manifest against you."
"How might that experience of being a privileged player in a rigged game change the way you think about yourself and regard that other player?"
"If you were to take all the world's wealth and divide it amongst everybody... not long, with a matter of years, that money would end up in the exact same hands."
"We're going to make our own amusement park, and the girls are going to want us back. Brad is going to get jealous, and we're going to have so much fun."
"If teachers are allowed to lead prayer at school, you create in-groups and out-groups."
"Women shaped men more than men shaped women."
"By now, you've probably also noticed all this mumbo-jumbo about reputation."
"I wrongfully gave more value to the opinions of those who agreed with me over those who were holding me accountable for valid reasons."
"As soon as you start becoming more confident and seeing your worth, a lot of people are gonna fight after you."
"To witness the downfall of the popular bullies is pure schadenfreude."
"Girls can be completely vicious to each other, just ask any high school teacher about the way that girls bully each other."
"Without a doubt, without question, the best influencer... is changing somebody's social circles."
"Some of us are able to laugh at ourselves, a skill which apparently none of you possess."
"As Lux's magic powers grow, she can pick on enemies, friends, or random strangers by causing embarrassing distress in public."
"It's hard to find genuine friends because most people want something from you."
"To be offended is to be right and to gain status."
"Domestic abuse is a typical manifestation of toxic masculinity... Is there an analog of toxic femininity in which women use female typical forms of power to have power over the opposite sex?"
"You don't have to be good at anything to feel like you need to fit in."
"Friendship and respect are two sides of the same coin."
"A scapegoat is a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, and faults, regardless of other people being either entirely at fault, or also at fault, especially for reasons of expediency."
"If you're pursuing goals that have value, you have to do that in the social space, you're going to produce hierarchies because people differ in competence."
"It's just genuine fantastic storytelling as it's making the powerful rich people seem like common folk but also making these fictional characters seem real and fully developed."
"They're all subscribed to a very distorted reality, and conformity is expected."
"Individuation is punished, boundaries are not accepted."
"How far does his community stretch? That matters because where do you draw the line?"
"Positive reinforcement can work, regardless of how small or seemingly insignificant it seems."
"Shocking how little we really know about each other."
"Inside jokes...what makes it inside is that not everyone is able to get the jokes."
"No one enjoys feeling like they're being shamed for enjoying parties and pop music, and many people feel as though NLOGs are simply pitting women against one another."
"Usually, when this degree of hatred for one another is happening, it's because someone somewhere benefits from it."
"Charismatic doesn't necessarily mean that that person is a good person or a bad person, just that they are very good at drawing people to them."
"People want you to do well; they just don't want you to do better than them."
"If you want to find a way to manipulate women...the easiest way to do that is through compliments."
"Scientists are like children: we're curious, playful, whimsical but...we don't like to play with others; we're jealous, petty."
"Good fences make good neighbors; we tore down our fences, we can peer inside someone's world view, someone's philosophy, and it's triggering."
"Class struggle is the fundamental relationship between classes."
"It's easy to take advantage when there's lack of education. When you have education, you're going to use your smarts against somebody who doesn't. That's your up."
"Ruby needs to be made an example of not only in her punishment but also in her humiliation because that's what these people thrive off of."
"Failure increases loyalty... When we share failure, sometimes, in fact, often, it makes us commit even more to our standpoint out of fear of social embarrassment."
"Cities are historically considered to be the strongholds of democracy."
"One of the ways I would know who is alpha in a room is by how many of that person's mannerisms other people used."
"I am toxic because if it makes my people happy and it results in me having reliable brothers around me, call me as toxic as you want."
"You're going to be very popular. A lot of people are going to be drawn to you."
"The superpower of Homo sapiens is the ability to cooperate in large numbers."
"Suddenly there's kind of an artificial camaraderie that wasn't there before."
"Relationships are ratified by mutual knowledge. They know that others know that they know what kind of relationship they share."
"I pray for two things: that my mom is close with my future family's family... and that my wife gets along with all my other friends' wives."
"The most important thing you can do is once a year, if you're not pushing one person out of your social circle and bringing one better person in, you're doing something wrong."
"The people who are going to support you the most in life are people who are not your family, are people who are not your immediate friends."
"People who don't own property are much easier to control."
"What you're going to find out is that when you mess with a community of really good people, it does not end well."
"You have a very magnetic aura where people just feel drawn to you."
"We can really care about something together; that we do have the ability to shift public focus."
"Viral is the loudest. Crazy girls, the girls that are quiet, that aren't like that, they don't get no one."
"You're gonna have the prettiest girl ever, and then Sally's gonna be like, 'Why didn't I go with Richard?' Keep your head up, my guy."
"You shouldn't speak to those below you because they are below, but you can't speak to those above you because they are above you."
"Women have an easier time being single than men."
"What's so funny is that it's the privileged people who can afford armed guards and live in gated communities that are pushing for gun control the most."
"You know these types of fellows who pretend to be cool and don't hang with losers, but in reality, they're even bigger losers."
"The biggest obstacle to any kind of class solidarity or class consciousness in the country is the fact that white people across classes will identify with whiteness and unify under whiteness before they will with class."
"It's social enforcement... from the bottom up... that's where it gets really creepy."
"All of the men of the world standing around a pickle jar that needs to be unstuck and they're telling you how to do it."
"People who lack talent stick together and oppress those who do possess talent."
"We talk about a lot of uncomfortable truths in the dating game and teach guys what it really takes to be attractive."
"Cursing is actually associated with higher intelligence, better pain control in people, a kind of a social lubricant, and also honesty and authenticity."
"This is Paradise; we're not here to make friends or to like find a surrogate sister."
"The idea of just moving away from coercion as the prime mover in human affairs obviously leads to a more meritocratic world."
"Treating people as individuals is a better thing than treating people as members of groups."
"It's much easier to make friends before you're famous."
"Despite being more connected, we're also lonelier than ever."
"Racism is not only this system to suppress and oppress people; it's a culture that you can buy into, it's currency that you can use to access social capital with a particular majority group."
"Personal responsibility... there is some collective action I think that is good."
"Don't give all your power away; don't overly compliment her. Give her one compliment...that's enough."
"Hypergamy doesn't exist because women are greedy... it exists because pregnancy, childbirth, and the needs of babies invariably make women vulnerable."
"White progressives are my specialty... I think we do the most daily harm because we're more likely to be in the lives of people of color."
"It must be very difficult to distinguish between people wanting something from you and people enjoying your company and liking you."
"One of the reasons that INFJs are confusing and even contradictory at times is that they're people-focused types and fascinated by psychology, but not always particularly social."
"People are always going to be in conflict. Again, very interesting idea for a game."
"What goes around comes around, my friend. It's a vicious cycle, but it's a fun cycle."
"If you have made yourself in the top 20% of men, the rules are different for you."
"It's just an opinion...now everyone's like too offended to hear people's opinions."
"The ability to offend is a kind of social mechanism to keep other people's behavior in check. If we can't offend one another, we can't know what each other's boundaries are."
"Bigotry is political... a reaction to changing power relations between groups."
"Isn't the 'I' which stands for each of our individual egos, really the thing that separates us the most and isn't the 'I' therefore the most overrated letter?"
"This belief that the oppressed class only seeks revenge against its oppressors relies on the assumption that one must only be able to exist within its reflection."
"Money is the greatest social network of all."
"Bitcoin is maybe the greatest social network of all also."
"The stranger...is that invitation to chaos...but also something that will bring something new and potentially disruptive but also potentially beneficial."
"Whether or not the stranger is disruptive or beneficial depends to a large degree on how you treat the stranger."
"Politics has always been fascinating to me, not necessarily because of the issues themselves or the people involved, but more how those people involved talk about those issues and how social exchanges occur between parties and individuals."
"I don't think anybody has done more, more involved work, more study for hypergamy... it's probably the single most important dynamic that's involved in all of our lives."
"It is the underpinning of a lot of the things that we don't even realize what's going on... a lot of that finds its primary route in hypergamy."
"The mob evaporates when we show them we are not afraid."
"A person who plays high status is saying 'Don't come near me, I bite.' Someone who plays low status is saying 'Don't bite me, I'm not worth the trouble.'"
"People don't like you will always not like you, and the people who like you will like you and they'll defend you."
"Call-outs have become an acceptable way to inflict social violence and rarely followed up with anything in any way resembling transformative justice."
"If you divide people, then we're going to be living in a divided society. But if you unite people, then we will be united."
"Community with Megan only goes so far and it doesn't go to her closest Community, which is family."
"We turn the world into us's and thems and we don't like the thems very much and are often really awful to them."
"I think both sides on the fringe are terrible at having jokes being poked about. People in the middle are much better."
"Colorism is simply institutionalized racism that comes with an instruction manual for how we should and should not receive people based on the color of their skin."
"At the end of the day in high stakes you have to be like someone people want to play with like that's what matters more."
"And I think it's the reason why it's good is because we are still trying to beat you, like we are a different entity than you guys are."
"That's fine, those people are not being are not persuadable."
"Girls will gladly siphon off free attention if you allow it."
"Tribalism isn't inevitable. Our capacity for detached reflection offers a path out of it."
"When people feel fear, they hold more tightly to what they have and regard the unfamiliar as a threat."
"I think most young women are gonna like this or young people yeah this is definitely for the girly girl the flirty girl you know the the young girl in high school who wears makeup to school and and does her hair it's very very girly."
"World of Warcraft was more than just a game, it was a social experiment."
"The greater your perceived suffering, the greater your privileges in society. Further than that, you're either a victim and therefore deserving of sympathy and support, or you're part of the privileged class and therefore deserving of neither."
"People forget that a lot of [__] really does come back to just that basic familiarity."