
Natural Healing Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"What if I told you there's a hidden world of natural healing right in your kitchen garden or even at your local grocery store?"
"Don't let nobody trick you out of your body's natural capability of healing itself."
"Healing is a law of nature... It's going to keep doing that, no matter what. It's not optional, it's not going to do it sometimes, it's going to do it all the time, because that's what it does."
"The body heals itself, and we are really just accessories to help it heal."
"Without drugs, without costly medication or intervention, you just stop eating for a period of time and, according to the research, these things get better."
"Everyone has a physician inside him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well." - Hippocrates
"Give thanks and appreciate the little things... We got water, we got herbs to heal us, we got some type of food, and we got oxygen."
"It is fantastic to see that without drugs, without medicine, we can reach at least the same result than with medications."
"The body knows what to do. The information in food is so powerful that if you figure out what to eat, you don't have to worry about how much."
"Nature has everything that we need to heal ourselves. It is ancient wisdom."
"Nature recognizes that people are highly stressed and that people need healing medicines for the problems of addiction and depression."
"Allow the body to heal itself, and that's how humans are designed to react."
"Stem cells work by enhancing the body's natural process of regeneration."
"Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well."
"Crying is a physical manifestation of emotions, it's cleansing us, it's salt water, it's cleansing us."
"Your body has the ability to heal itself. That's how nature designed it."
"Unfortunately, my [ __ ], it's a very big difference between Big Act and you, my [ __ ]."
"You can go your whole life's journey without plant medicine."
"Consider lemon as a powerful healer through food, it's nature's gift to us."
"Juice fasting is not a quick fix, but it's the first step in healing because the body wants to naturally heal."
"I really believe that you can get into those spaces without these drugs."
"It activates your body's own healing mechanisms."
"Your body isn't an electrical system, or electrical system, so that does that help for people to just get in touch and make contact with the real earth."
"Your body wants to heal itself. You are not meant to be sick all the time."
"Give your body the opportunity to heal, and it will heal."
"Healing trauma without medication and without medicine is possible."
"Yarrow is an incredible plant when it comes to wounds."
"The human body has an innate intelligence; it will start to heal if we remove the cause."
"The ideal diet for humans can transform your life, reverse disease, and help you lose weight naturally."
"Our bodies are literally designed to heal themselves."
"The body heals itself; you don't need medicines and chemotherapy."
"Your body can heal... The body has the capacity to heal."
"The key is taking out the bad stuff, putting in the good stuff, and the body has its own innate healing system."
"Earthing, or grounding, is being barefoot. It's supercharged and healing."
"It almost sounds too good to be true... your body just kind of heals itself."
"Your body is amazing, it wants to heal itself."
"You're letting your body heal itself, and that's amazing."
"It's amazing how your body just heals itself."
"The sea water in the ocean water and the air have all kind of compounds and elements that will heal any sickness that you have and you let somebody separate you from this because you fear humanity."
"The philosophy: the body is self-healing and self-regulating."
"Your body is a miraculous self-healing machine designed to be in its perfect weight and its perfect health, its perfect strength, its full mental faculties for a hundred years if it's fed properly."
"God graciously gifted us with these plants, and they promote healing and nourishment."
"The body's own healing mechanism is equipped within."
"It's just proven time and time again that if you isolate down to one thing and stick to it your gut microbiota will heal the body will take care of the rest the body heals thyself."
"The body knows how to fix itself. It's the doctor's sacred duty to support and promote that ability."
"Support the body in what it's attempting to do anyway because the body's way smarter than we are."
"Let your body do what it needs to do—start changing your lifestyle and do things naturally."
"You can feel well again without medication, without drugs."
"Water cures, drugs kill... All of the doctors who hold the outdated ignorant paradigm of disease will be stunned when they realize what is ahead."
"The body tells us it can heal itself... That's a great hopeful message."
"Rafa is now here so we are going to create one for men but this is Rafa which means healer for women because God has put so much in the earth to heal us."
"Your body's capable of curing most illnesses itself."
"Nature is the best remedy; spend time outdoors."
"Even with a full thickness tear, it's possible to heal it naturally and get your function back."
"It's in the grand plan of nature to heal itself, the common cold is you know if you treat it it goes away in a week and if you leave it alone it takes seven days to pass."
"This is designed to walk you through all the steps to heal your rotator cuff tear naturally so that you can avoid surgery."
"...whereas like Western medicine seeks to kind of suppress symptoms this is more working with your body and helping it to heal in a more natural way."
"...there needs to be more information out there that you can heal these things naturally and the way you take care of your bodies and change your lifestyle matter and surgery is not the only option."
"The only thing that actually cures disease is our endogenous mechanisms, you know, fever and sleep basically."
"The human body heals itself, we just got to get out of the way."
"If you just give the body the raw material it needs to do its job, magic things happen."
"I try to get people to heal every meniscal tear naturally if at all humanly possible."
"All animals instinctually, intuitively, even when you watch cows in a field or wild animals, they'll touch the Earth for certain physiologic benefits, and that's natural."
"Drugs don't do anything, your living cells do something. Drugs supply the information, drugs are signaling, the body still does."
"Your body was designed to heal itself."
"Nature is the ultimate healer to all of our problems."
"When you eat a high nutrient-dense diet with all kinds of beautifully colored vegetables and healthy fats, they're more powerful than any drug we have."
"The body wants to survive, it's natural, it's always healing, always."
"Your body can heal itself if you give it the right foods."
"It's medicine that's focused on the body's innate healing mechanisms."
"All that man needs for health and healing has been provided by God in nature, the challenge of science is to find it."
"Pills are not the only answer; food is the answer. You can change your diet and reduce acid production and actually heal your own body by what you're eating."
"We have in nature the things that will heal us."
"Your skin itself has such a power of regeneration."
"I've been so persistent about trying to heal my body naturally, heal it from the inside out."
"The thermal spring waters our city is named after are known for their legendary healing properties."
"Our doctors are Dr. Sun, Dr. Air, Dr. Water, Dr. Nutrition, Dr. Exercise, and Dr. Rest."
"All of that is natural medicine, root work, and that is what our ancestors used."
"Nature cures the disease while the remedy amuses the patient."
"I'm on a specific mission right now to heal my body naturally."
"There is not a pill on the planet that can possibly do that."
"We're trying to tap into the natural healing that the body can do itself."
"The body's ability to heal itself is amazing if you give it the things that it actually needs."
"First do no harm and revere the healing power of nature."
"Plant-based medicine is such a powerful modality."
"Let the water do it, let the natural resources and stillness do it for you."
"We have to get out of the way of the body doing what it does best."