
Overcoming Obstacles Quotes

There are 1576 quotes

"You have to let go of the crabs when you're trying to climb out of the bucket and they're pulling you back in."
"There's going to be an increase in your friendships, there's going to be an increase in your courage to overcome obstacles."
"I always say if somebody in the world has made it, that is, happy and successful, that had your circumstances, your excuse is void."
"You're not stuck where you started; you're stuck where you stopped."
"Creating something is a true act of heroism because to create, you have to push through the obstacles that invariably arise."
"Greatness fights. Do the work every day. Challenge yourself to be uncomfortable, push past apathy, laziness, and fear."
"If you want it bad enough, you find the way. You make the way. If there's a wall in front of you, a challenge, an adversity, if you want it bad enough you find a way over the wall, around the wall, through the wall, you break through the wall. You'll get on the other side of that wall. You will make your success a part of your reality."
"You cannot let the people who hurt you now or in the past stop you from becoming who you are."
"I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way."
"If the power of life and death is in the tongue, I want to challenge you to begin prophesying over what is standing in your way."
"Philip Turner's story serves as a reminder that although challenging, overcoming qualified immunity is not impossible, offering hope for accountability in the face of unjust actions."
"If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed...you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move."
"We all have the capacity to break out of these horrific self-sabotaging things that keep us stuck in resistance and not living our full potential."
"No matter the circumstances that you may be going through, just push through it."
"These US service members prove you can overcome any obstacle with the help of your friends."
"We have to feel that we have the power to overcome this."
"Obstacles will come, but manifestation is near when you overcome those obstacles."
"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish."
"I wanted to be a public school teacher, and that meant you had to get a college degree. I had a lot of bumps along the way, but I got a chance to graduate from college because of a commuter college that cost $50 a semester."
"We measure success not by the position we've reached in life, but by the obstacles we've overcome while trying to succeed."
"You are more than a conqueror. Christ is for you, so it doesn't matter who's against you."
"Writing wise, this idea would just make sense to me. I think the whole thematic summary of this subplot was the idea that you need to trust your friends in order to overcome obstacles."
"You are slowly beginning to unbound yourself from being chained up and held back."
"This is a chance for us to get through anything that might be causing stagnation in your life and really creating this sort of dance of creation."
"Imagine now that you are going to breathe and push away any sort of obstacles in your path."
"The hero symbolizes our need to master skills, our need to, much like Superman, develop the necessary abilities to overcome otherwise terrifying and daunting obstacles."
"You get the body, mind, and spirit in the same direction, and you can heal almost anything or overcome any obstacle in your life."
"I always believe in myself, doesn't matter the circumstances, doesn't matter the obstacle in front of me."
"I have been given authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the powers of the enemy, and nothing will harm me."
"What makes something interesting is intention and obstacle."
"The biggest obstacle to what you want is always your own self-doubt, your own excuses, your own fears, and your own stories."
"What gives you confidence? Not being afraid. It's overcoming the fear."
"The foundation of any success you are going to encounter lies not in the ability of your physical body to overcome the obstacles, but of your mind to believe that a way lies around them."
"What gives you confidence is not being afraid, is overcoming the fear."
"If you're watching this, it means you've accomplished quite a bit already. You're very smart and talented, but you may have just hit a temporary rough patch. I know with the right amount of hard work, practice, and patience, you can work through it."
"In the name of Jesus, I decree and declare over every mountain that stands between me and my result, hear the word of the Lord: be crushed into pieces."
"How great you become in any given endeavor will always be assessed by the degree of difficulty of the barriers you have to overcome to get to the top."
"And as I worship you this morning, I'm going to leap over every hurdle. I got to make it to wholeness."
"Work through your fears, that is the key right now to what it is that you're asking about."
"When I acted I was being a different person. The emotional trigger that caused me to stutter—I don’t know what the fuck it was—stopped when I would act."
"The pursuit of the passion should overcome everything, and then all the other things of self-doubt, of impostor syndrome, and things like that will fade away."
"Renew my strength, Lord; fill me with your supernatural power to overcome each obstacle in my path."
"The obstacle is the path. The timeless art of turning trials into triumph."
"The enemies you see today you will see no more."
"If you can have a mustard seed of faith, you're going to see mountains start moving in your life."
"You are not the only one facing what you're currently facing. The thing that you're currently facing, someone has already overcome, and because they've overcome, there is hope for your story."
"Your obstacle would not take you out, but you would take your obstacle out."
"Courage is not knowing no fear; it's pushing ahead and overcoming the fear."
"You're being given the gift of vision to see a path through the darkness."
"This is how the cookie crumbles some days, folks, and we defeated it though in the end."
"What do you do when you're speaking to that mountain and it's not moving? Go higher. Go over the mountain."
"The man whose consciousness is influenced only by the goals and purposes he is set within is delivered of all defeat and failure."
"The fact that he gave you that means you have a purpose and through all of these hurdles... you're gonna climb over them."
"There is no barrier that I won't break, no limit that I won't surpass, and no challenge that I won't answer."
"Our weapons of warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds."
"When there's something that you need to do, don't let anything stop you, no matter what the obstacles are. You work your way through it to get to where it is you need to go to."
"I can do the impossible, so tonight we hopping over every obstacle."
"It’s about overcoming obstacles with compassion and understanding."
"The Death and Emperor combination indicates being a transformer, overcoming obstacles and inspiring others through wisdom gained from experience."
"Everything you worked for, including any obstacles that you faced, you've overcome them now and this is about you moving forward."
"The whole point of that fairy tale... is that love overcomes even death."
"Remember, no matter how hard it gets, there's always a technique to overcome it."
"Believe in everything that you are and understand you're something greater than any obstacle."
"To be the hero of your story, you must answer the call, and the obstacle is the way."
"You just kind of bounce back and learn. Nothing is impossible; you just have to kind of keep running through the walls."
"Expect some pain, it's gonna be tough, but you can overcome it."
"There are limits, guys, that you'll need to expand past, and you'll need to face obstacles only to face restrictions you'll need to face in order to overcome them and expand outside of them."
"If you want to get over this and you want to get past the trauma bond, guess what? It's a hard path and you're gonna have to grow up."
"All this activity... was teaching us to view muscular dystrophy more as an inconvenience, albeit a big one, but not as a reason why we couldn't do the things we wanted to do in life."
"Destroy any limitation and move forward. There is a way, move forward."
"You can't be a dream chaser until you know how to identify and overcome dream killers."
"Despite the economic hurdles Black people have faced, many have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams."
"Life's not just about the destination, but the journey and the obstacles we overcome along the way."
"Your destiny is too great to let what one person did keep you from moving forward."
"Losers bow to obstacles; champions make obstacles bow to them. That's the difference."
"Go for it in life, you know? You can get there, there'll be enormous barriers."
"So when the mountain won't move, pray for the strength to climb that mountain."
"Never underestimate the power of prayer and faith in overcoming life's hurdles."
"I could lose my life in it, and I pulled myself out."
"There's always a way you can get out of the mud and make it."
"There is a system in your head that is stopping you every step of the way, and the five-second rule is the only tool that you need to beat it."
"All these challenges are surmountable, should we collectively choose to overcome them."
"The Vengeance is about being a vehicle to get you out of any situation, whatever it could be."
"The power to adapt and overcome what is holding you back."
"Keep your eye on your intention. Don't let any outside distraction or your own insecurity stop you from your goals."
"If they could do that, I had to wonder if it was possible for them to tear down other seemingly insurmountable walls."
"If you want to change the world sometimes you have to slide down the obstacle head first."
"That is an example of how you could use a more of a functional style of coding."
"You can't escape your fears, you can only confront them."
"You want to make your life better? Go do it. And if there's an obstacle, then let's talk about the obstacle."
"Triumph, success, rising above, cutting through what doesn't serve you."
"Sometimes you gotta go backwards to go forwards."
"If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl."
"When people told me I couldn't do it, I ran in that direction."
"If you're David, you are the little guy but you can beat the big guy."
"Against all odds, you can defeat your Goliath."
"Feather shows us there are ways to open doors that are closed right now and I hope they keep doing it."
"You defeat the stronghold not by going up but by pulling it down."
"Never let anyone tell you you're undersized. If you have that dream and you work hard for it, you're going to be able to make it come true."
"A block, a quote-unquote failure, a mishap, it's actually going to help you avoid the black hole that was there."
"It's all about the hero's narrative. You have to give the hero an obstacle... but if he wants it, he can achieve it."
"Strength card, you're gonna be overcoming this challenge."
"I see you fully out of that cave, moving forward on all of this stuff."
"At 99 of successes, failure. The fact that you've came from drug abuse, suicidal thoughts, losing your dad..."
"David, fueled by his faith, confronted a giant and emerged triumphant."
"Nothing will stand in the way of your goals and dreams."
"All of us are tested with extremely difficult obstacles that seem impossible to overcome but somehow someway find a way to destroy them bring me down cannot stop me other than myself."
"We should never be discouraged by those who can't get it done, we should be encouraged by those who've shown us that it can be done."
"Hunger is the unstoppable internal force that will motivate and inspire you to find a way, no matter what obstacles you face."
"Even if you said something crazy... you guys will communicate through that."
"You will end up together despite difficulties."
"Maymay maximized her body strength to not be held down by her curse technique."
"Don't let those people stop you from making a bit a bold move."
"You have to make up in your mind that the only way you can lose is if you quit."
"Give yourselves to prayer. There is absolutely no obstacle that cannot be overcome in prayer."
"It is astonishing when you put all the pieces in together like even for me it felt like less than ideal conditions but damned if it didn't work you did it all right you did the impossible."
"Don't lose your dreams, don't lose your goals because sometimes there may be a roadblock or there may be something like a brick wall that's challenging you at the moment."
"It is not, it doesn't have to be an obstacle. It is not, it can be transcended."
"Reclaim your power, move forward in your life's purpose and passion. You will not be held back."
"Failing is like a stepping stone to being great. Each mess-up is a way to learn and get better."
"They're learning from their mistakes and they're learning to transcend those obstacles."
"There was something about the suit being a size too small that it showed me that I can overcome challenges that even I sometimes doubt myself on."
"You have the ability to go past this perceived block."
"We're moving past the drama, our sign, it's okay."
"When we transform our fear into faith, then even when there are obstacles and things are not working out the way we anticipated, it's because there's something better."
"We didn't practice for what, eight days for the Steelers... and then we beat the [__] out of them."
"He's got a shot at beating this whole thing."
"When you hit a storm, you think it's the end. Whatever that voice is that's telling you that you are going to be defeated by the Moabites is lying."
"Every stumbling block must become a stepping stone, every opposition must become an opportunity."
"Recognize where you feel stuck and then take great leaps forward for success in life."
"Every time you feel like this is impossible somehow, somehow find a way to get up and continue through what you're doing."
"Faith leads us to believe in the ability to overcome difficulties that will promote our success."
"No situation is impossible. There're just contingencies and obstacles to get around."
"The obstacle in the path becomes the path. Never forget, within every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our condition."
"As long as you are disciplined with your finances, you overcome any type of financial obstacle."
"If you're not over it, it's probably over you."
"No matter the obstacle and no matter your age, you can leave behind a world that is better than when you found."
"Fear is always a constant, but accepting it, that's where we win the battle."
"It's one thing to be able to identify these fears. It's another thing to know what it is that you need to do in order to be able to overcome them and become fearless."
"When faith becomes action, the impossible becomes possible."
"Aang stopped Yakone, a powerful bloodbender who didn't need the full moon, using energy bending."
"Do not let tiredness or fear be the winner of this war."
"Even from twelfth place, Pink Pearl proved that no challenge is insurmountable."
"You will complete something out here, Aquarius. There will be a cycle ending and this will bring a big reward."
"We hit a pothole, that's all. We're gonna come back stronger."
"Throughout my life... I consider myself an outlier... there's always people around me that have told me that I can't do something and multiple times I've proven them wrong."
"Challenge can be the universe challenging you it's a way of kind of allowing you to sort of get beyond your own blocks."
"We are all here right now under the yoke of something that I think a lot of us will agree is very uncomfortable. How do we conquer that? How do we overcome that?"
"Positive thinking and emotions will help you move mountains."
"There will be people that aren't gonna try to knock you down. But just get back up and be you."
"What separates successful people in life from everyone else? It's not their age, but their ability to hit a roadblock and rather than let them stop them or freak them out, to find an answer."
"Tackling that thing that is standing in your way that you so desperately want to avoid."
"No chabby squirrel is going to stop our boy from getting these apples."
"People have overcome far worse odds than this."
"You remove the harm that's been done and the barrier that's between you at this point."
"God says to you in Jesus' name I give you the authority to overcome every obstacle in your life. An abundance of benefits will be yours this coming weekend."
"My son who was told from birth that he may not ever be able to walk or speak... Look at that dapper gentleman."
"You move mountains in your life with that attitude."
"God's trying to show him I'm a barrier breaker."
"He's just scared of water and then he is awesome."
"When your drive for overcoming is greater than the obstacles, the obstacles seem to vanish."
"God will make a way where there seems to be none."
"It's not pressure, it's a challenge, and it's something that can be navigated."
"You are rising above it and you are never going down below again."
"You're no longer on the same level as your problems."
"Your purpose wasn't to do it, your purpose was to become strong in the experience."
"Brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something."
"Mars will melt the iceberg and show you the way forward."
"Sometimes when you're struggling you need to go higher."
"With God, we are the majority. With God, we will break down walls and overcome giants."
"No matter what... Even if it seems impossible, it is possible to escape your current circumstances and live a better life."
"Very few people get to do what they love. Why let a little thing like death stop you from sticking to your passion?"
"You cannot underestimate a positive outlook. It really can determine success or failure in any obstacle that we face."
"Start before you're ready and if you start before you're ready there's gonna be no, there's gonna be no roadblock in front of you."
"Failure was just not an option, there was no no for me."
"Love conquers all, love brings down all the obstacles."
"Life is challenged and life is hard, it's ups and downs in life so when you get hit with challenges like you got to be able to you know have enough composure to come out on the other side of it."
"There are powers in your subconscious mind which if aroused and utilized would help you do what others tell you is impossible."
"Hey, there might be some barriers but if you believe in yourself enough you can achieve in this country."
"Use your vibrations to manifest what you want in life; let go of fears or obstacles."
"We can overcome them, we can conquer them, you know why? Because it's part of our life."
"You showed me that positivity Trump's all... and not let any of that get in your way."
"I feel like you're overcoming something really difficult."
"It's like doors you didn't even know were locked start to open, places you didn't even think, 'Oh, you know, I can't walk there, or I can't do this.' It's like, 'Oh yes, you can.'"
"The challenges you're facing will be overcome."
"You're overcoming your own internal limitations."
"A real woman that believes in you will look through all the um obstacles, man-made obstacles or distractions I put up."
"It feels great to talk because it was weird having to talk only through a whiteboard."
"But then what happened to me is, well, I said, 'This is the lemons turning into lemonade.'"
"Believe that they'll go right and that you're brave and you're strong and you can overcome any obstacle."
"Every man has power to lift the fog in his life."
"There's nothing wrong with failing as long as you learn something from that." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
"He was a man of unbending energy and of a willpower which overcame all obstacles."
"He chose to continue forward... When there's a will, there's a goddamn way."
"It takes nothing less than sheer nerve to keep the dream alive after so many setbacks."
"If you could sort of build these foundational building blocks and approaches to obstacles and how to deal with failure and learn and move on you're going to live a purpose-filled impactful life now happiness."
"Once you get past that one limiting thing that we saw coming through with the devil then the the world's your oyster the sky's the limit pick your metaphor it looks pretty good."
"You're finally getting unstuck in your life."
"Don't forget when they slammed that door in your face. Like, you show them, you know, show them."