
Present Moment Quotes

There are 3487 quotes

"Mindfulness is the ability to be focused on what's happening here right now instead of having just random thoughts."
"Mindfulness is moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness that's cultivated by paying attention."
"Act now. There is never any time but now, and there never will be any time but now."
"To attract more love, abundance, and joy into your life, allow yourself to live more fully in the present moment."
"Vitally important in any endeavor that you undertake no matter what it is, is not to lose your connectedness with the present moment."
"A lot of this month and this month's energy is about recognizing what you already have in front of you, recognizing that you already do enough, and that there may be blessings that you are completely overlooking that are right in front of your face because you're too busy focusing on what's not going correctly or what's not happening in the way that you want it to or what's not done yet or what's not happening."
"Finding joy in the moment is what will help you from not feeling like you were robbed when you're nostalgic in the future for a time that you didn't appreciate in the present."
"Finding moments of gratitude, grounding yourself in the present moment."
"Being in the now is absolutely important because now is all there is. There is nothing else but now."
"When events happen, the most powerful part of acceptance happens if you accept it as it's happening."
"The beauty of life is in the present moment, the unfolding of the journey."
"The Power of Now: The past and the future are illusions because when you're reliving or foreseeing them, it's in the now."
"Nobody can go back in the past and change things; it's just in the now and the here."
"Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself."
"Let go of everything you stored from the past and accept everything that's happening right now."
"Mindfulness means focusing the attention in this present moment and letting go of the future, letting go of the past, and just coming to be aware of whatever is present right now."
"Mindfulness helps teach individuals to be able to let go of those orientations and come to awareness about what's happening right in this moment."
"Mindfulness meditation... paying attention to present moment experience without editorializing or reacting to it."
"Mindfulness is a non-judgmental awareness of the present moment."
"Mindfulness means just shifting your awareness over into the present moment."
"Mindfulness I would define as the art of bringing your awareness into the present moment."
"Research shows that our mind actually wanders about 50% of the time, and research also shows that when our mind is wandering we are never as happy as when our mind is in the present moment."
"Mindfulness is really the awareness that arises when we pay attention in a particular way: purposely attending to the present moment, without judgment."
"All we ever really have is just this moment."
"Living in the present moment starts to increase our level of well-being."
"Mindfulness is about a profound acceptance of the present moment as it is, including how much we can't change it."
"You deserve to pat yourself on the back and not be so focused on what's next that you miss out on what's right in front of you."
"Now is the only thing that is real, not the past, not the future, now."
"Make the present moment your friend, not your enemy. Make the present moment your friend, and your whole life begins to change."
"What we call future is just an extension of your state of consciousness in the present moment."
"The deepest satisfaction is inseparable from going more deeply into the present moment and discovering the essence of who or what you are as Consciousness itself."
"Enjoy the present moment and enjoy that journey, that process of getting there."
"Enjoy the present moment as well... Embrace the dewdrops of life before they disappear with the morning sun."
"The more you focus on the present moment, the more you align with your inner peace."
"Awakening is inseparable from present moment awareness."
"You live more in the present moment, appreciating the little things, because you're no longer waiting for the big thing."
"Your entire life unfolds in the present moment; that's all you ever have."
"Reality is happening right now in the present moment. Reality is not back in sixth grade science class."
"The ultimate reality is not only there in any supreme place but also here, equally here and now."
"The past is no longer here, the future has not come, the only here and now is the present moment."
"As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease."
"We are who we are in the present moment; we are not defined by the past."
"All you have to do right now is breathe. No one in the world at this moment is asking anything else of you."
"We are simply the present moment as it is right now, and that's all we'll ever be."
"You're never actually in your history, and you're never in your future. They only occur in present."
"If your mind is in the present, you cannot be anxious."
"Potential is not a real thing... The only thing that exists is what is, right now."
"Happiness or enlightenment is not something 'out there' in some other place. When you practice in that way, you start to realize that it's actually moment to moment."
"Happiness is a trainable skill. You are learning to be with the moment without pushing it away."
"Happiness is not a bars a feel-good a high, it's about being with the moment with love and acceptance."
"The answer is here right now... the oneness that we're looking for is always here, right now."
"You are enough exactly as you are in this very moment and every moment."
"Sport is fun, and I think it brings a sense of enjoying the moment to life for everybody, whether you're watching it or playing it."
"True happiness can only be attained by being very present and happy, content with the present moment."
"You attract romantic love by enjoying this moment fully."
"Don't live in regret; don't live in nostalgia; live in the now."
"Focus on living in the present moment. What you do today, right now, is going to determine where you end up tomorrow, next week, next month, ten years from now, 20 years from now, 30 years from now."
"Everything you always wanted is there, in this moment."
"If we learn to let go of that desire and discover that happiness and joy are in this moment now, then we can start to progress."
"You are in the vibration of manifestation, manifesting quicker than ever at this time."
"This show is all about living in the present, appreciating the time as it is now, instead of regretting the past or being blinded by the future."
"I am receiving the blessing of healing right now in this moment."
"The essence of who I am is instantly rejuvenated and renewed in this moment."
"If you discover how to lose your anxiety now, then you can be happy now. You don't have to wait until you get the outcome you want."
"I didn't want to own a house anymore and I didn't want to have any worries to look back on. I just wanted to be able to really focus and be in the present moment."
"In everything that is happening in our life right now, there is an opportunity for joy."
"In the present moment, usually, there's nothing to fear."
"All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present."
"The most important thing you could be doing is what you are doing right now."
"I need to be more present. If you're always looking towards the future, you're like missing everything that's happening in front of you."
"The joy, peace, and freedom of living life in the present moment."
"Nothing ever happened in the past, it happened in the now, nothing will ever happen in the future, it'll happen in the now."
"If you come back to the present moment, there will be only beautiful silence."
"The key to happiness is living in the present moment. You are not alone inside your head and you better get to know your unconscious partner if you want to have a fulfilling life."
"When you're in that present moment, something really amazing happens. You forget about you. You're basically just an awareness, you're in the unknown, and that is the perfect place to create from."
"The present moment is all you have. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy."
"Contentment is never in the next season if we can't cultivate it in the present one."
"The greatest gift is this moment of pause where you get in touch with what you actually want."
"The power of the present moment of meditation is something slightly different, usually overlooked."
"The entire life consists of the present moment. There never has been anything else, everything happened in the present."
"When you become aware of the present moment... the entire life consists of the now, it can only unfold in the now."
"The essence of now is ultimately who you are."
"Don't wait another day, don't wait another minute, don't wait another moment. Now is your time."
"Be content where you are, enjoy this moment right now, for you will never get it back."
"When we are not focused on what we are doing, we tend to be far less happy than when we are focused on what we are doing."
"Contentment in the present moment is where happiness and fulfillment are found."
"The present moment is okay; the next moment is also made from the present moment. So as long as the present is okay, everything will be alright."
"The past is over, the future hasn't happened yet. The only time is right now, and the only question is what are you gonna do."
"Put your heart and soul into every action and bring a sense of gratitude to where you are in your life."
"Here and now is where you will find true contentment."
"Life is about living while you're here, making the most of now, not getting lost in what's happening elsewhere."
"I know it's cliche, but I have to be grateful for right now."
"If you were living totally in the present moment, it would look something like this."
"I cannot change the past but I choose happiness now."
"In this present moment, there's nothing to fear."
"If you get up from a creative process and you feel grateful, you feel a love for life, you feel a joy for existence, you feel a passion for the moment, you will not be looking for your future because you'll feel like it's already happened."
"The moment in front of you is not bothering you. You're bothering yourself about the moment in front of you."
"Do what's in front of you with all your heart and soul."
"You got to feel that, man. You don't look too far ahead, you focus on what's in front of you."
"My urgency isn't actually just being present, you know, in this very moment in time, and feeling like wow, there's so much to be thankful for."
"Don't wait for your healing to feel gratitude, don't wait for your new relationship to feel love, don't wait for the mystical moment to feel awe."
"To experience the mastery of self is to simply love myself unconditionally, which simply means to see myself as I really am at this very moment."
"The only time we ever surely have is right now."
"Make the moment matter. Whatever you're doing, it should be fun."
"If you're happy where you are in the moment, you can't really regret stuff from your past."
"Comparing yourself to your former self is so detrimental. You are exactly where you need to be right now."
"The beauty of current situations is there if you allow it in, accept it, and see the positives rather than the negatives."
"Everything that conspires to make the preciousness and sacredness of the present moment difficult to realize is what I hate."
"If you make this moment right now beautiful and wonderful, that's the best you can possibly do for your future."
"It all starts right now. What's your relationship with the right here, right now?"
"If you're truly in the present moment and you know exactly what you want, and you begin to teach your body emotion, start practicing opening that heart; it's amazing what happens."
"It's possible to have an utterly transformative and totally satisfying encounter with the present moment."
"You're never going to be as young as you are at this exact moment."
"You have realized that the secret to happiness is living in the moment and it is now easy to be present at all times."
"Tomorrow's not promised, the next moment isn't promised."
"The preciousness and sacredness of the present moment are often overshadowed by our preoccupations, highlighting a universal struggle for mindfulness and authenticity."
"You're really going to be setting yourself up for success. I feel like you guys are going to be doing a lot of things in the present moment that are going to make your future self very happy."
"You need to be happy, whole, fulfilled in the present moment."
"Spirituality and spiritual awakening is about living in joy, living in the present moment, and being in touch with your intuition."
"Focus on the task at hand, stop looking at the future."
"I realized while you're planning your life and you think you're going somewhere, your life's actually happening now."
"Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why they call it the present."
"All that matters right here, right now, is how history will look back on you."
"Radical acceptance in the now opens the flow, accepting everything for what it is right now."
"The present is all there is, that's why I call it a holy moment."
"Don't focus on the past bro, focus on your presence. That's it bro, be the best you can be."
"Live in the present moment, not in the past, not in the future."
"Objective judgment now at this very moment; unselfish action now at this very moment; willing acceptance now at this very moment of all external events."
"It's the little moments of every day that make me happy. So, I'm learning to enjoy the now and realizing it's a pretty great place to be."
"Do you want to change your day? Then change this hour, change what you think, feel, and do at this very moment."
"Fantasies do not build real relationships; present moment connection, which requires us being willing to sit with our own uncomfortable emotions that might arise within present moment connection, is what actually builds deep relationships."
"Enjoy where you are right now before you're not going to be there anymore."
"Every moment life is complete... each moment is whole."
"Vipassana... teaches you to be in the present moment without attachment."
"Let the day's troubles be sufficient unto the day, focusing on the moment and opening yourself up to the infinite complexity of the moment."
"Every time you are in fear, you are moving away from the present moment and the power is right here, right now."
"Children don't fear like adults do because they are tuned into the present moment."
"All you really have is this very moment... you gotta enjoy it along the way too."
"The moment is now. Today will be the day you feel yourself rising, rising to be an improved person."
"Be in the moment. These are the good old days."
"What we're seeing is the gift we're being given here, and it is a gift."
"You attract romantic love by enjoying the moment... just show yourself having fun, enjoying yourself and your own company."
"As you release and heal your past, you experience more love in your present moments."
"True wisdom comes from the ability to be fully present in each moment."
"Self-soothing means that we can show up for ourselves and participate in a process of paying attention to what's happening right here, right now."
"If you live in the past, you have depression. If you live in the future, you have anxiety. But if you live in the moment, there you are."
"Your whole life consists of the step you're taking at this moment. There is never anything else."
"Problems disappear...in the present moment, and in the present moment, problems cannot survive."
"The power of creation lies in the now moment."
"Life is going to have extreme highs and extreme lows, but you have to love the here and the now."
"It's such an unusual thought to say, 'I love you for who you are right now.' The embrace of the very moment that you're in."
"The fact that you're here right now, in this moment, is worth being proud of."
"Life is just a memory. Life is a series of moments and moments pass. So let's make this one last as if it's all we have."
"Thought is past. There's no future thought, there's only the past."
"Root ourselves in love in the very present moment."
"You cannot change what you're doing right now, but you can change how you are going to enjoy your day."
"Focus more in the present moment and know that you could feel grateful for what you already have."
"Do not fall in love with the potential; focus on the present moment."
"Don't prolong the past, don't invite the future, don't alter your innate wakefulness, don't fear appearances."
"Wherever you are right now, you're exactly where you need to be."
"I'm not here for a long time; I'm here for a good time."
"Don't judge the moment. Don't judge what's happening."
"I have no idea what's going to happen right now, and I'm actually really excited."
"The present moment is taking over everything, it's swallowing up the past and it's swallowing up the future."
"The iterative strategy is living in the present moment. Make the best decision that you can today, recognizing that it may be the wrong choice, but you'll figure that out tomorrow."
"My pain is in the past and my worry is in the future, but when I'm in the now, when I'm in that moment and open, that's when inspiration comes."
"Maybe we're meant to just live in the present and that's it."
"The fact that someday the universe is going to suffer heat death... doesn't mean it doesn't matter now."
"The here and now is everything. I preach about with present moment awareness, which is not the easiest thing to learn, but I think a lot of you are really grateful right now for the things that you have learned and experienced."
"This is your time, and it's for you to be the best right now."
"Your power is here right now; it's not out in the future. It's here."
"I'm loving every moment of this, every single moment of this."
"Your happiness will depend more on how much you fully live life in the present moment and on the strength of your connections with friends and family than it will on your bank account."
"Our yoga is all about being in the moment and enjoying the journey rather than the destination."
"Your ultimate identity is here and now, when you step out of the thinking mind but you don't become unconscious, you become more conscious of the essence of who you are."
"Trust your instincts that this is where you're supposed to be right now."
"Honor where you're at today, accept exactly where you're at today."
"Remember, life is a series of moments and moments pass, so let's make this one last as if it's all we have."
"If you could be present in the moment, you can actually get something out of life."
"What is actually important is here and now. Now it's definitely now. We try to experience what is available there, on the spot."
"This experience is about enjoying the moment, not thinking about what's next."
"Grieve fully, and at the same token, once those tears have been dried, really allow yourself to feel in the present moment what the gifts are, because they will not be here forever."
"Your yes was pregnant with your ability to overcome the very present moment that you are standing in."
"Every day is a new adventure. This is what it's all about: the future, the now."
"The sun goes down, the stars come out, and all that counts is here and now."
"I am so fascinated by this moment that we're in."
"Only once I started focusing more on the present moment and the little things, instead of the big picture stuff, was I truly able to enjoy myself."
"All you ever have is now... cherish every moment now."
"You can give yourself those feelings and emotional states right now, today. You don't have to wait."
"We've been maturing, learning, evolving, and now we're ready to reunite, ready to focus on the present moment and what is here in front of us right now."
"You are not the result of your past; you are who you choose to be in the present moment."
"You have to seek the love and the beauty that you want in what you have now."
"Enjoy what you're doing now, enjoy the moment, get what you can out of it. Don't worry about yesterday, don't think about tomorrow, just enjoy this moment."
"I'm not trying to look towards the future too much... I'm just trying to kind of be present and live in the moment."
"Truth and love are absolutely identical. Truth is everything that's happening right now and love is absolutely synonymous with that."
"Your power lives in the present. God exists only in the present."
"The present is the most neglected timeframe, yet it is the timeframe in which all of your power and God exists simultaneously."
"Your mind and your choice in this moment, the actions you take in this moment, is your tool."
"You need to let go of the past completely and just be in the present moment."
"Complacency is inevitable; you have to consciously be in the moment."