
Canada Quotes

There are 1244 quotes

"The medical assistance in dying program in Canada was sold to the Canadian public as a way to help people with terminal illnesses have better, more peaceful deaths."
"As a country, Canada is probably the country in the world which is the most welcoming of new Canadians, which is the most welcoming of immigrants."
"If we want to be a country that welcomes new Canadians, we have to build more homes faster."
"No relationship is more important to me than the one with Canada's indigenous peoples."
"Medical bankruptcies are unheard of in Canada because we have this comprehensive single-payer plan."
"We know that many Canadians are struggling to make ends meet, that is why today the Prime Minister announced that we're expanding our support for Canadians who need it most."
"Newfoundlanders might actually be the friendliest Canadians."
"I sort of just want to change the medical system to be honest... especially in Canada too."
"Promoters called the park Disneyland of the North, but Canadians had never seen anything of this magnitude before."
"The constitutionally guaranteed rights of First Nations in Canada are not an inconvenience but a sacred obligation."
"Canada is a generally cold country, that is true, but here in Vancouver, we basically get the same weather as Seattle."
"This represents the first case of novel coronavirus in Canada."
"Canadian hospitals have an incredibly strong infection prevention and control system."
"Canada's disease prevention control systems are designed to quickly detect and contain infectious diseases."
"Canada frames itself as the place where enslaved people run to for freedom, but it's not the complete truth."
"The political landscape in Canada has changed forever. The Conservative Party of Canada is now bold and, I might even add, a little bit aggressive."
"When I'm prime minister, you will be shocked at the speed with which I will ax the tax, and the Canadian people will be able to look up at the gas stations and see the prices coming down."
"A lot of people believe very deeply in Canada's sort of fundamental goodness."
"The memory of Canada's service in the second and especially first World War... is a great source of pride to many Canadians to this day."
"Days like this is where I just want to live in Canada and like ride a moose."
"Trudeau accuses China of extremely troubling harassment of Canadian jets."
"These interactions are unprofessional and/or put the safety of our Royal Canadian Air Force personnel at risk."
"I was born in a communist regime and I'm very scared for what is happening to Canada's democracy."
"I love Canada and I love Canadians, and you can always count on me to defend you and your family, no matter how hard it gets."
"We're on the road to becoming a critical mineral superpower, unlocking Canada's natural resources to create more jobs and prosperity."
"The fact that flooding season and, in due course, forest fire season is coinciding with coronavirus in Canada, is posing some special challenges."
"More than ten thousand Canadians died this way last year, up 32 percent from 2020, and accounting for 3.3 percent of all deaths in Canada. That's a staggering number."
"My country, the Dominion of Canada, is 155 years old, and she was Queen for 70 of those years, which is virtually half the entire history of the country."
"Our focus has always been on ensuring that good Canadian jobs remain."
"We're going to replace the hurt he has caused with the hope Canadians need."
"The reason Canadians are so nice is because they store all of their hate in their geese."
"There's no place in Canada for guns specifically designed to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time."
"Guns designed to kill the largest amount of people in the shortest amount of time have no place in Canada."
"In Canada, we have reached a statistical milestone in terms of recoveries; the number of people who have recovered from COVID-19 has now surpassed the number of currently infected patients."
"Inflation is at its highest rate in 39 years, and Canadians are feeling the pressure."
"Canadians are not sufficiently shocked about the bank account seizures during the protests, partly because they don't understand what that did to Canada's international reputation."
"It's a monumental time in Canadian history and something that Canadians and the world will not forget or forgive—the totalitarian mindset during the Convoy protest."
"Canada is a tolerant nation, quite surely because it is a multinational, multi-ethnic nation."
"The situation we have in Canada is that a former drafter of what is one of the most fundamental articles of our shared agreement as a people is now about to launch a legal claim against the government itself for violating the fundamental principles upon which the entire country is founded and assembled."
"Education, healthcare, transport, security—Canada ticks all the boxes."
"We have trusted one another. We have leaned on one another. What we are facing today is a threat to our democratic institutions, to our economy, and to peace, order, and good government in Canada."
"Violence of any kind has no place in Canada."
"We are continuing to invest in meaningful ways... to solve this housing crisis that Canadians are feeling so acutely."
"With Canada going to the World Cup, people across the planet will be exposed to the beauty that is Canadian multiculturalism."
"Legalization cannabis in Canada is legal for recreational medicinal purposes."
"This could lead to part of the newly formed country succeeding and joining Canada as a new territory."
"Having a Canadian job offer plays a very, very important role in your application for permanent residents."
"I think it's about recognizing Canada has a lot of its own problems with reconciliation."
"Canada Healthcare is a gem famous for its publicly funded and universally accessible nature."
"Mackenzie King secured for Canada something extraordinarily important: political independence from its former colonial master."
"It's just the most important thing Canadians can do."
"The spirit of optimism lives in Canada right now."
"Canada is known for its incredible natural beauty."
"Canada does have freedom of speech... Canada is a country with... Free Press."
"Canada has free health care... a very popular program with middle class Canadians."
"We could not ask for a better friend or ally than Canada."
"I love Canada man, it's so sad to see them getting railroaded by the government with like the trucker convos."
"The community here is Canadian, its value system is Canadian."
"I whispered in his ear, 'Mr. President, I'm working with some good Canadians who are very worried.'"
"Canada is not free of discrimination or racism, and we have to do better."
"This sounds like North Korea. That is what Justin Trudeau proposes to Canada. It's real." - Ezra Levant
"Their courage and determination will define Canada's North."
"Canada is just a friendliness there's a genuineness about it."
"The current compromise and group who runs Canada are losing their legitimacy through corruption."
"Canada almost certainly won't survive the next few centuries without annexation by the US."
"Canada has an awesome single-payer health system."
"Physician-assisted suicide has received a bit of a rebranding in Canada as 'medical assistance in dying' (MAID)."
"Canada is free, and freedom is its nationality."
"What we really want is to restore what Canada always was and always promised to be."
"I myself I'm really amazed that there's another way to immigrate to Canada."
"Canada is shaping up quite nicely actually, it's looking like we may get reelected in our next term."
"We're facing a very strange future for Canada."
"This is a fight for Canadians today and Canada tomorrow, so we must never forget the values that make us who we are."
"So this is a thing. I should start making videos about cities in Canada."
"Canadian parliamentary committee urges condemnation of Beijing's crackdown on Hong Kong's democracy."
"The film does a lot to play off this idea that Canada in the age of the late British Empire was just a fundamentally strange society."
"Justin Trudeau is probably the most famous Prime Minister Canada has produced in decades."
"School in Canada would be better served by teaching more practical skills."
"The word 'dominion' and Canada's name comes from the Latin Dominus which means master."
"Hockey and football: Canada's beloved sports."
"Canada approved the first bitcoin ETFs in North America."
"The victory of the Canadian Corps at Vimy Ridge is universally regarded as the finest feat of arms performed by British troops in the whole war."
"Justin Trudeau's real father: a famous Canadian conspiracy theory with a playful twist."
"Historical Canada, wolves, werewolves, and more wolves." - Totalbiscuit
"So when Canada became independent, they chose to remain a Commonwealth country."
"Eight out of 10 Canadians get more money back through the price on pollution."
"Canada is a middle power militarily, an economic powerhouse, and a stable, functional, growing democracy."
"What happens in Canada does affect the rest of the Democratic world, believe it or not."
"The Canadian identity, if there is such a thing, is one defined in opposition to the United States."
"Nortel had helped to rebrand Canada as more than the place where you got lumber, dairy, and maple syrup."
"Saying hi from Canada, so hard to find alternative news sources here."
"It is outrageous that Canada's state-funded news agency is spreading an incomplete story."
"Bilingual and bicultural does not mean you exclude the multicultural nature of Canada."
"All Chinese Communist secret police stations in Canada have been shut down."
"Jordan Nader was reported missing on October 13, 2020, from E.C. Manning Provincial Park in British Columbia, Canada."
"We think Alberta should be treated a little bit more like Ottawa treats Quebec."
"Canada right across the border, you've got 39 percent fewer deaths for almost 40 percent."
"Canada is a beautiful country, and I'm proud to be Canadian."
"I don't know a single person in Canada who's not struggling right now. Everyone is on the brink of losing everything."
"Everybody in Canada... has health care as a right. They've had it for decades. They spend substantially less per person on health care than we do."
"Interest rates are likely to hit a similar level to the USA in Canada of four or five percent within the course of the next six months."
"Canada is on the path to actually being fixed."
"Canada went into this crisis with a far better fiscal position than just about any other G7 country."
"The investments that we're making will allow Canada to bounce back strongly from this."
"What a moment in Canadian history here at Parliament Hill."
"Every Canadian deserves a secure retirement. Let's ensure that."
"Canada is seriously huge, so it's no wonder that there are plenty of interesting things to see in the country."
"Justin Trudeau is going to lose the next election in the most epic fashion possible."
"Whatever decision you make with your design, just make sure that you're able to defend it based on your research and the use case."
"Welcome to Harrison Hot Springs, the Sasquatch capital of Canada."
"Tim Hortons is just a big part of being Canadian, huh? I guess so. I've just always been a Tim Horton stan."
"Do you acknowledge and realize the impact that you had on Toronto slash Canada basketball with how you came and you was like 27 all NBA done contest, like you splashed and made."
"People are super nice in Canada, man. I don't know how they did it."
"Goodbye from Canada, eh? Unitard Canada, ha ha ha! That needs to be a DLC, it just has to happen."
"Canada needs more fair and balanced journalism."
"More than 6,000 indigenous children died in residential schools in Canada."
"This video will focus on Canada and particularly on the role that this war played in the shaping of the Canadian identity."
"What if those people leave? Well, that's happening in Canada."
"This is a moment of real political consequence in Canada."
"I think the world series is going back to Canada north of the border."
"It just shows how we're losing a Canadian identity."
"There's never been a better time to visit Canada. The weather is great, the people are friendly, and the food has its unique twist."
"We're going to take care of the people of Canada, that's what we do here."
"Thank you for standing up for liberty in Canada."
"Canada, you are already doing so much better than we have it here in America."
"I'd say the easiest one for me to actually make happen would be Canada. I'd like to spend more time in the Canadian Rockies."
"We are seeing the full ramifications and effects of them like we're seeing in Canada, a country that is, of course, under lockdown."
"Giga Canada folks, it's coming, mark my words."
"So let's begin with a brief unpacking of all of the alleged mass grave sites in Canada so far and the actual information we have on them."
"Freedom breaking out in Canada, who would have known? All those nice, polite Canadians, oh my god."
"How far off the rails have we gone in Canada? Try being pursued for contempt of court for violating an order in a lawsuit to which you were not a party." - Viva Fry
"Canada is now on the correct side of history."
"Canada's support for Ukraine is unwavering." - Minister of Defense
"It's the end of freedom in Canada, and I'm not exaggerating."
"We are closing the market for military-grade assault weapons in Canada."
"Things are gonna be tough in Canada in the year ahead."
"Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world's lakes combined."
"Freedom of expression in Canada is a fundamental right. It is actually a precursor to peace and security and democracy. It is not a threat to our society; it's what makes our society possible."
"Happy Thanksgiving to the Canadians out there."
"We're going straight to Windsor, Canada with their winnings."
"It's November in Canada and it is balmy outside, what is happening? I'm not complaining."
"The maple popcorn at the Canada cart is popped fresh here too, that gets it some bonus points from us."
"Butchart Gardens is a stunningly beautiful garden located in Brentwood Bay, British Columbia, Canada."
"I'm officially in the United States, yay! Spent about a day in Canada."
"We're going to Canada for our second attempt and it's going to be great."
"Thank you, Canada, for exceeding all of our expectations."
"Replacing home heating oil is good for Canadians uh when we put in heat pumps and that's exactly what we're doing."
"You know you're in Canada when the property has an abandoned hockey rink."
"It's cold in Canada, baby, and you need toques or beanies."
"Harrison Hot Springs in Canada is the gateway to Sasquatch Country."
"Canada's residential school system is now seen as being a form of genocide."
"September 30th Is Now national day for Truth and Reconciliation."
"Amazing staff, amazing organization, and the people of Canada"
"I feel like Canada just has a lot less problems."
"A record-setting number of nearly 2,000 people attended Toronto Pearson's job fair."
"There are jobs in different industries and require different sets of qualifications, but there is a high demand for jobs in Canada."
"There is pressure on the job market because of the influx of people seeking asylum and international students looking for work."
"Prepare yourself financially before coming to Canada. The job market can be tough."
"Canada is not heaven, but it gave me the first real opportunity in life."
"...the Sussexes choose to make Canada their permanent home..."
"In the late 19th century, Saskatchewan was a more important part of Canada than it is now."
"Oh Canada the land of woods of snow of mysterious horrors and real monsters"
"Here are five allegedly real Canadian scary stories. Enjoy!"
"I think this man, Canada, beautiful."
"Do you know that in Canada milk comes in bags?"
"Canada is just one of the friendliest places I've ever been... people are always willing to help... I feel a little bit safer there than I do in its Southern neighbor the U.S."
"Canadians, they're like the nicest negotiators on the planet."
"How beautiful is Canada, okay? What the hell?"
"Freedom of expression: Canada values freedom of expression and promotes open dialogue so you can express yourself however you want as long as you're not harming other people or violating anyone's human rights."
"Quebec makes great films. It's English-speaking Canada that's doing a terrible job."
"The chars project presents a rare opportunity, a unique workplace to experience the growth and progress of Canada's North."
"Oh, Canada, you have a Bassmaster Classic Champion."
"We will continue to invest in Canadians with supports for affordable housing, child care, and early learning."
"Consistently voted as one of the top islands in Canada now it's also a favorite in the world namely because there's just so much to do."
"I smoked weed in Montreal Canada and that wasn't uh that was just a place where sorry about my cat oh who do we got here who's that let's see see cookies yeah."
"I do live in Canada where we have Universal Health Care coverage."
"We're spending an extended weekend in Ontario and Quebec."
"Despite its size, a staggering 80% of Canadians live within just 100 miles of the United States border."
"So then why, with so much land at their disposal and with continuous efforts to expand away from the border into the north, do Canadians tend to cluster so close to their neighbors to the south?"
"Canada is a great place to actually be free if you understand it."
"This is the best thing that's ever happened to poker in Canada."
"The numbers in Canada, well this starts at $83,000."
"This is all about the truckers. Canada started it, the United States is going to finish it."
"Fighting here in Canada is an absolute phenomenal thing. You know, it's no secret that Canada is vastly becoming the mecca of mixed martial arts."
"Oh, Canada, we stand on guard for thee."
"Welcome back to another Sergey family vlog here in Canada."
"That he was a hero all across Canada."
"Of all the flags in the world, the Canadian flag is one of the best. I think it's so bold and the leaf is just so iconic, isn't it?"
"Ice hockey is the most popular sport in Canada."
"People are a lot more friendly on the road in Canada."
"Canadian coinage has a very long and storied history."
"This is like, so good. I feel like Canada is like America's role model."
"Canada, you guys clean stuff, you familiar with soap or that?"
"One of the last CL of speeches he gave before he was killed was for the Canadian Broadcasting Company where he talks about the idea Canada was the Northstar for us and our relationship with each other needs to transcend our Fidelity to any particular country."
"How long can a UK citizen get a Visa for Canada? Six months, mate. Happy Days."
"Only in Canada do the buses apologize for the accident"
"I think there could be ways around the shipping to Canada thing but I'm not getting my hopes too high."
"Enjoy these allegedly true scary stories from Canada."
"Thanks for inviting me. I did train in Canada. I'm American but did spend five years in Montreal. Now, returned to the states to practice. But it's really a pleasure to be back in Canada, among Canadians. Love Canadians."