
Medical Assistance Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The medical assistance in dying program in Canada was sold to the Canadian public as a way to help people with terminal illnesses have better, more peaceful deaths."
"The World Health Organization team on the ground is excellent, and they've brought 100,000 tests with them and other medical equipment."
"At this time, we just need to keep him calm and get him to the hospital where he can be properly assessed by a physician."
"Saving your life, staying with you whilst you're unconscious, making you comfortable, and healing your wounds is considered a normal favor."
"If you end up like us, there is no medical help for you."
"A lot of support helps, whether it be for medical stuff or acquiring gear."
"We helped the medical personnel who could no longer handle so many cases and we saved some lives."
"Helping out with the whole medical thing first and foremost."
"Nurse Rachel Hartley sailed 35 hours on a boat to help virus-stricken patients."
"We're really so lucky that there is a procedure that can help Ethel."
"Doctors Without Borders... providing emergency aid to those affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural or man-made disasters."
"I am very excited that Dr. Phil offered mom help with a brain scan."
"Please do not hesitate in trying to get some medical help. There is nothing wrong with it. There is no stigma about it."
"The Czech Republic has not only prevented saturation in hospitals, it is now also starting to help other countries."
"Doctors Without Borders provides medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare."
"Your help can be the oxygen tank a person who is struggling to breathe needs to survive."
"We've offered assistance, we've offered medical supplies, et cetera."
"The only weapon they had was a needle but they were around right where it was the hottest. You'd hear that yell, 'Medic! Medic!' and they'd always be there."
"There are 33 people who are still alive because of refuge medical."
"Saving lives, doing what we can to make that happen."
"My name is Dr. Ted, what seems to be the problem?"
"If you're really ill, just go to a golf course, collapse in front of a doctor—he's got to help you."
"I'm alive! You gotta get the doctor who's in charge of this place and bring him here!"
"He began to discover that his readings could outline treatments for Shell Shock veterans, and nobody else knew what to do with them. There were a lot of them, and those who followed his instructions got better."
"The ultimate question is: should you be criminalized for not helping someone who needed medical rescue?"
"Skills that came in handy when he sniffed out an Alzheimer's patient."
"Being clear about your symptoms will help medical professionals understand and assist you better."
"It's vital to have a doctor on the team. The danger of climbing Kilimanjaro cannot be underestimated."
"We're bringing a new tool to the healthcare provider to help people that aren't otherwise helped."
"These dogs can. They can tell beforehand when a seizure will occur. They can warn the person, which is an incredible phenomena."
"Do your mom and her doctor both a favor by informing her doctor of your observations and concerns."
"I tell the flight attendant to inform the pilot that we need to get this man to a hospital as soon as humanly possible."
"We don't ask them identifying questions. We just ask them where does it hurt and how can we help you."
"Think of it as like the right hand man of a surgeon."
"My name's Peter, we're going to look after you."
"We have come here to help the Allied prisoners under your control. The war is over, and we want to get them medical treatment."
"If men are suffering from this, again talk to your doctor because there are treatments that we can offer."
"If you're outside the hospital or paramedical setting, you should be calling for help immediately."
"I'm Dr. Laura Shakin, I'm a reproductive endocrinologist helping people build families and answering my patients' questions every day."
"Hello, hi I'm Paul, one of the paramedics from the ambulance service. How's your pain just now?"
"It's my goal to get Mr. Griffin to the hospital as soon as possible and give him the care needed."
"So even with an EFR certification or a PADI Rescue Diver certification, we're not doctors, so it's very important that you contact medical service as soon as possible, so when they come, they can take over from you."
"This suit can detect magic, infrared, and x-ray beams, scan injured people to determine their injuries, and even detect plasma levels in blood to help administer First Aid on a superhuman level."
"The inhaler will help her in breathing in a way that it opens the airway, so the breathing becomes easier."
"They can sense when people's blood sugar changes for diabetics."
"We've had a great success rate in helping persons in crisis to get the care, the medical care that they need."
"I could use the Medics Guild right now."
"Medicare provided medical assistance and insurance for elderly Americans."