
Actions Quotes

There are 3950 quotes

"Verily actions are by intentions, and for every person is what he intended."
"Every action you take is either making a motivational deposit or a withdrawal."
"Every action that you take is a vote for the type of person that you're going to become."
"Always do things from the sincerity of your heart, not for any agenda."
"It's not about doing nice things for them, it's avoiding the bad things."
"The fundamental hallmark of belief is how you act, not what you say about what you think you think."
"When I act on these loving thoughts, miraculous things happen in my life."
"Actions create success, thoughts create actions, then the mind creates the thoughts."
"One thing I learned is they never regret what they did, they will regret what they didn't do."
"What you do matters, what you believe is really secondary."
"Corruption in the mind produces corruption in the activities."
"You could have been a man who stood for something, but what have you done since Nassau failed? Oh, nothing but murder and mayhem."
"It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me."
"Love itself is an action but it's like a container of actions that you decide what to fill it with."
"For every action there's a reaction. If you take action from a place of love, the reaction is also going to be from a place of love."
"Anything done out of love is the best way to do something. Anything on this planet if you approach a situation from a state of love, that is how it's going to be received on the other end."
"It's not enough just to love yourself. You have to love yourself and then be willing to treat yourself with the way you act, the way you decide, the way you think with love and respect."
"Your identity is the story you tell about your actions in the world but it's also your actions in the world."
"You can't nod yes and mean no; integrity is about aligning your actions with your words."
"Maybe doing good things will give me good luck."
"The attractive quality of kindness... it's sort of a built-in attraction. It's just there. And when a person's kind, it not only shows in their face but naturally, most of all, in their actions."
"If you choose to act in ways that disregard the moral metrics, then you're not acting morally. If you do act in ways that do incorporate the moral metrics, by definition, you are acting as a moral agent."
"You don't get to choose your desires. If you don't control your desires but your desires control your actions, then you don't control your actions."
"Not all bad actions have bad intentions. Sometimes the bad action or the thing that someone's trying to conceal is just a negative consequence of something that was otherwise positively intended."
"The most important thing in life is to be in a place where your behaviors and your actions are thoroughly aligned with your values."
"History will judge us for our actions or lack thereof."
"Every action we take is first filtered through our feelings. How we feel about something will always determine or affect what we do and how well we do it."
"Your actions will always speak louder than your words."
"We had lived long and great lives and done many wonderful and terrible things."
"What he goes on to do next is completely unforgivable."
"See then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only."
"The only thing that really matters in this world is actions. What people's intentions are don't matter; what matters are deeds."
"Your every act, every conscious act, is preceded by a thought. Your dominating thoughts determine your dominating actions."
"The community you form, based off the actions you take, will make it a more positive place than negative."
"Actions have consequences, and the consequences of any action should weigh on the mind of the individual before they commit to that action."
"Every action you take is like a vote for the type of person you want to become."
"It's not what you do that makes it meaningful, it's who you do it for."
"Actions have consequences, and you might not like the consequence."
"At the end of the day, actions have consequences."
"Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become."
"Love is a verb, not a thing. It's your actions that show love."
"Words spoken and deeds done are two things you can never get back."
"Do as you will, and know that you will be compensated and rewarded accordingly."
"You're always aware of the consequences of your actions, and then when those things pay off, it's very interesting and satisfying, even if it's a bad thing."
"Just because we can physically do something doesn't mean that we are morally justified to do so."
"It ain't what you do, it's the why that you do it."
"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind."
"You got to do the work because it's only through your actions that you will accomplish what you want."
"Everything you do matters a lot more than you think."
"Instead of thinking of people as heroes or villains, it's more like, did they do a heroic thing or did they do a villainous thing?"
"Words do hurt and actions speak louder than words."
"The essence of diplomacy lies not only in our words but in our actions and the relationships we build."
"Destiny is nothing but the sum total of the actions of the free will up to this point of time."
"One day you will have to answer for your actions."
"Beliefs create your thoughts, your thoughts create your actions, your actions create your character, and your character creates your destiny."
"Our daily actions have consequences that reverberate over time, throughout eons. We have an effect on the rest of human development."
"The echoes of our actions reverberate through time, shaping the melody of our collective future."
"Sometimes we do the wrong things for the right reasons."
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of your own actions."
"What you put out there is like what you get back."
"Influence is such a powerful thing. You can influence people to do a lot of things."
"Character is a constant effort to integrate your words, deeds, and actions."
"Your politics don't make you good or bad. Your actions, what you do, make you good or bad."
"It is imperative that all of us remain thoughtful about how our words and actions reflect on the times."
"It's actions that need to be condemned, not beliefs."
"What we do has significance... or we create our own hell, or we can actually bring heaven down into Earth."
"When we talk about morals, we're evaluating the consequences of our actions with respect to some goal, and does it ultimately increase, decrease, or have no effect on our well-being."
"The most profound and important things that you will ever do to impact another person, you may never be told about."
"Actions determine emotions and emotions determine actions, so you have the power to change either way wherever you find yourself."
"Every action you take is essentially a vote for your identity."
"You're beginning to see it, oh my... every act of hatred and violence you committed against another, you were committing against yourselves."
"Have fun with the choices you make, the actions you take, and the thoughts you have."
"For everything you do, there are consequences, good and bad."
"The story you're living is revealed by your actions and not your words."
"Are we doing things that are really meaningful?"
"We can't control our environment, so what can we control? We can control our actions that we choose to take, regardless of what the environment is."
"What matters is the countless small deeds of unknown people who lay the basis for the significant events that enter history."
"Everything you do in life is like a boomerang."
"It's like somebody being like, 'Ha, here's a beehive, let me punch it. Why are all these bees stinging me? Ugh, angry gamer bees are stinging me.'"
"A true reputation is not built by what you occasionally do... It's not something that you project or perfect; your real reputation comes from relationship and repetition."
"What you pray counts, what you think counts, what you do counts."
"Your actions have to match your ambition. And depending on how high it is, you have to recognize how patient you need to be."
"You can't control the outcome of your actions; you can only control your actions."
"A community is not responsible for the actions of those within it unless the community generally promotes those actions."
"What you do when nobody is watching and without expectation of a reward, that's really important."
"The truth is, you have to love your body through your actions, not just through words."
"It isn't what you say that defines your character; it's what you do."
"You don't live in a vacuum, and you take actions that affect other people."
"It's not the message you leave, but what you do that defines you."
"Our life is our message; our actions are our message, and they are being followed."
"First it's what you do, and then it's who you are."
"Every single thing you do is going to have a consequence."
"Those thoughts will influence your belief system, and that belief system will then influence your actions."
"The gap between opinions and deeds has been separated so much... all that we see of people for the most part are opinions."
"People with high self-esteem do esteemable things. They do things that create more self-esteem."
"We are the sum of all our actions from the past."
"I don't care what you intend; I don't care what you think; I don't care what you wish for... all I and the rest of the 7 billion people care about is how you act."
"To me, a good person doesn't have to preach about how good a person they are. It's shown in their words and their actions."
"The things you do when no one's watching is really who you are."
"The things you do and don't do are far more important than you think."
"We all did what we had to do just to survive."
"Your only job is to take responsibility for your energy and actions and frame of mind."
"Whatever seeds you plant, that's the tree that will grow."
"I judge a man by his actions, not his words."
"Judge people by their actions more than... how decent are they, and that has very little to do with how much money they have, how much education, or which political party they belong to."
"When someone's words don't match their actions, that's a red flag."
"All actions have unintended consequences, and you can't know that they're right and wrong because those are variables over which you have no control."
"Words, they can lie. But energy and actions do not lie!"
"We don't live in the afterlife; we live in this life. And so, what you do really matters."
"Every action has effects; actions have consequences."
"Ignore what he says and follow what he does, and you're a happy camper."
"Words can be empty, but actions...if you love someone, take care of that person."
"Your action speaks so loudly I can't hear what you say."
"Actions speak louder than words, as the old saying goes."
"I realized that the love primarily isn't about feelings... Love is about actions."
"If love motivates our actions, it needs to be motivating such actions in the best possible way."
"Our actions have consequences, and it is the actions that matter."
"The things you do or don't do, they actually do matter, and they tilt the world towards something approximating good or towards something that very closely approximates hell."
"You reap what you sow, so what is being reaped and what is being sown?"
"We're going to get judged upon our deeds. How we thought, how we spoke, how we acted... These are the things that are going to judge us."
"Our thoughts influence our feelings, which influence our behaviors."
"It's for the shit that they did in the world, either they did something very positive or very negative. That's what's going to make you remembered after death."
"Just because one person does one bad thing does not mean that that person is characterized by a single bad action they've done."
"I don't think I believe in 'deep down.' I kind of think all you are is just the things that you do."
"The butterfly effect...a seemingly small thing that you do can have a huge effect further down the line."
"Y'all know I'm flawed. I don't got to explain stuff; my actions speak for themselves."
"Everything that you do is either taking you towards the goals you have or away from them."
"It's small little things that we think don't change anything, but it does have an impact."
"You harm yourself as dust thrown against the wind comes back to the thrower."
"In our actions, we shape our world; in our defiance, we shape our destiny."
"Being a leftist does not make you a good person. Doing good things makes you a good person."
"Our vibration is a combination of what we think, how we feel, and what we do."
"I have a feeling that there are going to be repercussions to my actions."
"Sometimes to do a little good, you've got to be a little bad."
"In Hollywood, actions sometimes speak much louder than words."
"Morality is all about actions and consequences, which by definition are about the interaction of things, and not about the things themselves."
"Your actions always have a way of coming back to you."
"You need to take personal accountability for the actions you take."
"We're responsible for our actions, even if they're taken stupidly."
"This person will be genuine... It is actions that you can trust."
"Love is a verb, not a noun. It's not a thing, it's not words, it's actions. Watch people's actions to know if they love you, not their words."
"People can change. However, I do believe that people can't just say that they've changed; they need to actually show it with their actions."
"You're not shouting into a vacuum, when you do something, it fucking butterfly effects into the rest of the world."
"The legacy of our actions is inscribed in the lives of those who come after us, for better or for worse."
"Belief isn't about what you tell yourself in your head. It's in your actions."
"The action doesn't become worse because the person is wearing hijab."
"If you don't want to be criticized for taking a politically volatile action, then don't take the politically volatile action."
"Just because you do something bad, doesn't mean you are a bad person."
"Every time you victimized someone you were victimizing yourself."
"A man is defined by his actions, not his memories."
"History won't judge us just based on the eloquence of our words but by the power of our actions."
"The only thing that women respect is not words, it's deeds, it's actions."
"Heroes don't proclaim themselves as heroes. The world does, their actions do."
"He did exactly what was in his heart, and people really enjoyed it."
"Actions have consequences, they're passed from one generation to the next."
"Actions speak louder than words, but not nearly as often."
"When people get desperate, they do really desperate things."
"It's about if you really love somebody, you're gonna do certain things like that."
"Escalating isn't an emotion, it's an action, it's a thing you do."
"Feelings are neither good nor bad. What matters is what you do with those feelings."
"Sorry doesn't work a lot of the time. Sorry needs to be followed by actions."
"Your thoughts dictate your actions and where your energy goes."
"Their goal is to create chaos, that is what they do."
"Don't be surprised if some heart-based actions, gifts or surprises come your way."
"Men invest in relationships and connections through their actions, much as you would invest money in a bank account."
"What people do is so much more important than the titles they get given."
"I regret doing it a little bit, but part of you was glad you did."
"Just because you've done something bad doesn't make you bad."
"You are the ripple. Your thoughts, words, and actions will affect mankind."
"Their actions will tell you who they are and how much you mean to them."
"We're doing everything we can and these actions are important next steps."
"It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you."
"Sometimes, our actions speak louder than words."
"The things we do don't define us. It's how we act and what we do for others."
"The actions that take place are the actions that benefit the powerful because that's what power is."
"Islam teaches that the way to be happy is completely different, it is through making your actions actions that are beloved and pleasing to God."
"There's not a good person and a bad person. There's good actions and bad actions."
"Actions certainly speak louder than words, and they keep choosing leadership that has very cozy ties to corporate interests."
"He always preached love with words and his actions."
"Actions speak louder than words, and I'm interested, only the future will tell who he really is."
"We're each a center where everything we do echoes."
"Pay attention to your actions, they become habits."
"Every move needs a name, no matter how big or impressive."
"Could you imagine something you did when you were 15 affecting the rest of your life?"
"I kind of feel bad now because I don't think I needed to kill it."
"What made him a legend wasn't just his magnificent actions, it was also the stories about him and how they spread throughout the world."
"Have a purpose behind every nation that you get."
"Just do while you're mad, you're going to feel better about it when you're happy."
"Your intentions no longer matter here because nobody can trust you. Nobody can trust that these were actually your intentions. They can only see your actions, and your actions make you untrustworthy."
"What makes a person good is about the intentions or the genuineness behind the actions that you take."
"Your actions determine whether or not you are a good person."
"It should have been a snap because a snap is a very swift and decisive motion."
"The things you do, they're like dropping a stone in a pond, the ripples move outward."
"Sanctioning President Putin? Yes, why not sanction him today, sir?"
"Do something different in the physical and watch what God is going to do in the spirit."
"Our actions can serve as powerful testimonies of our faith."
"Isn't it refreshing when a politician actually does what he says he is going to do?"
"Are there limitations to what can be done and are there ramifications?"
"Actions reveal preferences. Whatever you ask people, look at what they do, not at what they say."
"You are not responsible for what you are attracted to; you're only responsible for the actions you take."