
Deeds Quotes

There are 358 quotes

"The best deeds are those done regularly, even if they are few."
"Fame, a primal allure of many men, the pursuit of which has led to a myriad of both great and despicable deeds."
"The more good deeds we do, the more humble we should become."
"The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said Allah writes for you ten good deeds, so that is a thousand good deeds and on the Day of Judgement Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'ala elevates your rank 10 degrees from every Salat upon the Prophet Muhammad."
"The smallest of deeds can become magnificent if done for the sake of Allah."
"Deeds are raised to Allah subhana wa ta'ala in this month, and that in and of itself should give us some pause."
"The most beloved of deeds to Allah are the ones that are consistent, even if they are small."
"The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, 'Allah Almighty was grateful because of what he did, therefore Allah forgave all of his sins.'"
"The last of our deeds [should be] the best of our deeds."
"Every deed is judged according to its intent, and you will get the reward of that which you have intended."
"The only currency of the Akhirah is deeds... nothing beyond this point except amal, the good deeds that you have done."
"I demand from you deeds of mercy. You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere."
"The only thing that makes a man holy is his deeds."
"No wealth and no offspring will benefit but the deeds will benefit."
"Can you imagine how many deeds of Abu Bakr that history has never recorded?"
"Your deed shall be judged by your last deeds."
"It is not a competition between men and women... it's a competition in who does more good deeds."
"Faith and works are bound up in the same bundle."
"God, who will render to every man according to his deeds."
"You have faith but then you back it up with the Good Deeds."
"God will repay each person according to what they have done."
"Words are useless; it's what you do in life that matters."
"Deeds are more important than words."
"You are changing the world one good deed at a time."
"Let their deeds stand as monuments, so that when the human race is called to judgment, we may say, 'This too was humanity.'"
"Crazy deeds of heroism are, you know, kind of like the idea of a Guardsman holding out a post for days by himself. That's a deed worthy of song."
"Resurrect us with him for our love for him although our deeds have a lot of shortcoming."
"Allah looks past your faults as long as you keep doing good."
"Consistency in your deeds will grant you entry into the door of Paradise."
"...make it your mission to do one small good deed today for the sake of Allah, and don't doubt the power of that deed..."
"Do noble deeds not dream them all day long."
"Progress, destruction, glory, great kings, and their noble and often nefarious deeds."
"The way we live as Believers determines how we're going to spend eternity."
"Every good deed will be repaid in time."
"If this views is not sat connected to the next life and good things, yeah, good deeds, you're in trouble. That's a billion views taking you to hell."
"Deeds, words, and prayers of Mercy."
"Our actions are far greater than the speeches they make."
"The Christian who is consecrated by his faith does good works, but the works do not make him holier or more Christian."
"He shall render every man according to his works."
"In God we are judged by our deeds."
"Follow a bad deed with a good deed. That's what He said. Follow a bad deed with a good deed, it will remove it."
"Even his most heinous deeds were done with a greater plan in mind."
"The Deeds are more precious than the words."
"Imagine you come on the day of judgment and your deeds are little but your sins are many, and it looks like you're about to be thrown into the hellfire. But out of nowhere, all of a sudden you see a mountain of good deeds..."
"When you find Scouts who do a thing, it doesn’t much matter what their medal says or doesn’t say."
"But, in the end, it’s a lot of talk when you put it next to somebody who dives in, pulls them out and saves a life."
"Your character and your actions and your Deeds matter more than any immutable characteristic."
"Their deeds were honorable God-glorifying deeds."
"No one becomes christ-like by one act. It is a process of one christ-like deed after another."
"The 1st would lay the foundations and deeds for all Astartes that would follow."
"The only thing we're going to take with us to the grave is our deeds."
"Allah may test you to see who amongst you are the best with their deeds."
"Death is not even the end. Allah tells us even what you left behind because that's your work."
"A good deed never goes unpunished."
"My grandfather used to tell me he used to always tell me that a man is known by his deeds not by his words this needs to be what This Woman's about we need to become about our Deeds our actions."
"Voluntary deeds breed a connection to the reward of the Hereafter."
"People of Excellence honor the sight of Allah upon them in a way that they are engaged in certain Good Deeds that other people are not engaged in."
"The son of Adam dies, their actions are cut off except for three things."
"You've done a lot of good deeds in your lifetime, it hasn't gone unnoticed."
"They just hide but you can recognize them by their deeds."
"Prioritize good works in your life."
"There is a seed in every deed, good or bad."
"The most beloved of deeds to Allah are those that are consistent even if small."
"That ruins any good deed you've done."
"For as many years as we have seen trouble, may your deeds be shown to your servants."
"No one has entered into paradise by their deeds, except by God's mercy."
"Suffering alone exists, no one who suffers. Deeds alone exist, but no doer thereof."
"Your good works will outweigh anything."
"Allah does not forsake the deeds and the good work of the righteous people."
"The only thing that's gonna benefit you in your grave is your good deeds."
"Your day should just be this beautiful day full of good deeds and full of your work. Make intention for every single job that you're doing, everything you're doing that it's for Allah."
"We are defined by the sum of our deeds, the amount of lives that we can actually touch."
"Hollywood believes in heroic identities, not heroic deeds."
"The doing of good deeds not only establishes your place in Jannah, it also removes your sins simultaneously."
"It's not about being in charge or having more rights, it's about working with what you have to get your share of good deeds."
"Every little deed, every word has power."
"Thoughts are just as important as deeds."
"Faith that is not accompanied by deeds cannot save."
"Be fearless and full of good deeds. That's the clincher."
"The legends of Heroes pass down to people only talk about their good deeds."
"Deeds don't get you saved. Deeds don't unsave you."
"You'll be paid in full for your good deeds and your bad deeds on the day of judgment."
"The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds and through commendable and seemly conduct."
"Now I want to take your hearts to Amir al-Mu'minin. Do we ask Allah for this safety at the moment of death on the Day of Judgment? To be safe with God on the Day of Judgment through your deeds, through your salah?"
"Angels record good deeds for a fasting person even while sleeping."
"All the bad deeds that you have, they're going to be turned into Good Deeds."
"The greatest of all deeds are the deeds of the heart."
"I've seen some of the good deeds that you've done for the people of this planet."
"The 10 worst things that Batman Bruce Wayne from DC ever did."
"The good deed you did in this world multiplied by 10, and the bad deed you did in this world multiplied by 1."
"There are scales for every action, and they are measured by the deeds of the Imams."
"The most beloved deeds to Allah are continuous actions, even if they are little."
"It's not because of the words that he spoke... it's because of the deeds that he did."
"Thank you for causing 50 good deeds to happen."
"When I die, my deeds will follow along with me, that is how I imagine it."
"The most beloved deeds to Allah are the regular ones, even if they're small."
"Life exists because of our deeds."
"Karma is the accumulated sum of a person's good and bad deeds."
"What matters are deeds not words."
"The true horror of monsters lies not in their appearance or sharp claws but in the deeds they commit."
"The only things that count are the things that people do."
"It's not the thought that counts. It's actually what you do that counts, okay?"
"Salvation is the cause of good deeds, according to scripture."
"If your so-called hope in Allah ends up pushing you to do more good deeds, it makes you a better Muslim—then this is hope that is praiseworthy."
"You will go in front of Allah alone, you will have to answer for your deeds alone."
"The believer starts thinking, what are my deeds? What of my deeds, what of my time am I reducing to ash, and what of it am I planting for the future?"
"We are a collection of our deeds."
"So what you want to do is you want to fuel your Iman tank with as much good deeds as possible, right? So it can last as long as possible."
"The foundation or the base is the heart. The foundation of our deeds and our actions and our intentions is the heart."
"All that we carry with us in the next life is not money, it's not stuff, my sisters. It's deeds."
"Allah does not look at your external look, but rather he looks at your deeds and your heart."
"Karma is the accumulation of a person's good and bad deeds."
"Put your self-love in the last place, so that it does not taint your deeds."
"Just because you tear it up on Earth, don't mean you have torn It Up in Heaven."
"And wisdom will be proved right by their deeds."
"The only thing that carried true value and worth was your righteous deeds and your relationship with Allah."
"Love each other. Love manifests its reality in deeds, not only in words."
"...the land does not make anyone holy, what makes a person holy is their deeds."
"Men judged according to their Works."
"...at the end you'll just go with your hands open with literally nothing in it except your Deeds just your deeds..."
"When Arnold Winkelried in the high Alps under the shadow of the avalanche gathers in his side a sheaf of Austrian spears to break the line for his comrades, are not these heroes entitled to add the beauty of the scene to the beauty of the deed?"
"Once you embark on a righteous deed, it's like you gave a gift."
"We're supposed to be doing the works of Jesus."
"This love is like a bucket. You have either to fill it with the good deeds or fill it in with the baddies."
"Beware because bad character or conduct spoils Deeds as vinegar spoil honey."
"Joseph did many wonderful things."
"You see that man is Vindicated by works and not by faith only."
"No good deed goes unpunished, and while we're on the subject of Good Deeds."
"For all who do evil hate the light and do not come to the light, so that their deeds may not be exposed. But those who do what is true come to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that their deeds have been done in God."
"As asked by their deeds you shall know them," Father Ambrosio replied.
"Allow me this grant that I may show you my loyalty in my Deeds rather than binding myself with my words."
"Justification was not by faith alone, but by faith plus good works."
"Meaning is what you do. It's not what you say, it's what you do."
"A noble deed and punishment would be unfair."
"You can only judge a man by his good deeds, not by all the stuff he does behind people's back."
"Share your successes not through words of self-aggrandisement but through deeds that inspire and uplift others."
"The legacy you leave is not measured by the volume of your words but by the depth of your deeds."
"As from a great heap of flowers many garlands can be made, even so should many good deeds be done by one born a mortal."
"From being stranded in the snow to having trouble crossing the street to even just leaving a door open, little by little, good deeds are capable of changing the world."
"He leads his followers by example and good deeds rather than by flowery rhetoric."
"We're saved by grace, but we're rewarded by works."
"Your deeds will follow you down through history."
"Whatever they did of any good deed, we will approach it and turn it into dust that gets scattered."
"Doing a good deed results in another good deed if your first one's accepted, and if you do a sin after it, it's a sign that it was rejected."
"Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone does marvelous deeds."
"Do good deeds; this will put a glow on an individual's face."
"We don't know which of these deeds will be our saving grace."
"Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for mankind."
"Wisdom is proved right by her deeds."
"The best of deeds are those that are small but consistent."
"Valorous acts are still valorous even if minstrels do not sing about them."
"Húrin's name... means 'Húrin the Steadfast,' and that name is given to him, almost certainly because of his deeds."
"In next life, they will not carry any movable deeds, they only carry the fixed deeds."
"The most beloved deeds to Allah are those that are consistent, even if they're small."
"Let us not love in words, but in deed and in truth."
"God will never forget anything you've done in showing love to His name."
"Good deeds often circle back in unexpected ways."
"The Christian is a consecrated man but his consecration is unseen by his fellows except in the outward Deeds which are the result thereof."
"My reward is with me, to give to every man according to what he has done."
"By the deeds of the flesh no person will be justified; salvation is by faith alone."
"Show me your faith without the deeds, and I by my deeds will show you my faith."
"As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead."
"Do a lot of good deeds before these things come to you."
"The trials, the tribulations, the afflictions that happened to you are because of your deeds, because of your sins."
"Declare and make known His deeds among the people of the Earth."
"The best way to celebrate somebody is to remember their good deeds."
"The best deeds are those deeds which might be small but they're done consistently."
"Our good deeds then aren't done to earn God's love but they're done because we have God's love."
"Every Christian is one day going to stand before God and give an account not for our sins, but for the things we've done."
"You're not saved by works, but faith without works is dead."
"Remember the deeds of God, remember his heart."
"He will never be judged by who he is but by his Good Deeds."
"The rewards for Good Deeds are multiplied manifold during Ramadan."
"The most beloved Deeds to Allah are those done regularly even if they're small."
"Ramadan comes to teach piety, so we are expected to keep up with good deeds and abstain from evil as much as we can."
"We did our good deeds for ourselves today."
"Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised."
"And who are renowned throughout the land for their good deeds."
"This life is a test to see which of us is best in deed."
"No good deed deserves to go unpunished."
"Doing good deeds got a lot of good karma."
"The road out of hell is paved with good deeds."
"It is not fine clothes that make good deeds."
"Cooper's understated style personified the notion that a hero was made of deeds, not words."
"Remember me with favor, O my God, for all I have done for these people."
"The beloved of deeds to Allah are the consistent ones, even if they're very small."
"To love Jesus Christ by our deeds and love one another by our deeds."
"We're all going to wear for eternity the works we did."
"The nudity that shows you uncovered is the clarity of your deeds."
"If you think your good deeds are absolutely worthless and you're saved by grace, that makes your deeds good."
"To God be the glory for the many things that he has done, what he is doing, and what he will do."
"Think upon me, my God, for good, according to all that I have done for this people."
"Be rich in good deeds and to be generous and willing to share."
"Gratitude is with the heart, with the tongue, and with our deeds."
"You do good deeds and you are rewarded."
"If I help someone, then the reward will be for me only, right? That is why I always do good deeds."
"The Winds of magic can lead to great deeds of ruin or preservation, manifestations of destruction or of miraculous healing."
"By dread deeds you answer us with deliverance, O God of our salvation."
"He was one who performed surprising deeds."
"What measures life is not the amount of years but the measure of deeds, of good deeds."