
Dietary Balance Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"The Prophet (SAW) eating fresh dates with cucumbers illustrates the importance of balancing the temperament of foods."
"Every meal doesn't have to be perfectly healthy; it's about finding a balance that includes a lot of nutrient-dense foods but also leaves room for indulgence."
"When you consume omega-3s, it ties up some of the enzyme that would normally absorb omega-6s. We get enough omega-6s in the diet; we want omega-3s because they're good for our brain, they're good for the inflammatory response."
"Fasting is just a balance. So if you say that you don't support fasting then really what you're saying is that we should just eat all the time."
"Having small spikes in glucose is actually perfectly healthy as long as you have periods during the day where you're not absorbing a lot of sugar."
"Eventually you can in fact eat too much ice cream and your audience is gonna start thinking can we get back to some lean protein and change it up."
"It's all about balance eventually. A few bites and donuts won't make it or break it."
"A large increase in the ratio of omega-6s in the diet compared to Omega-3s directly increases our risk of obesity."
"Teach it like it's all about balance. You can have birthday cake if it's a balance. You can't have cake every meal."
"Moderation is key in both vegan/vegetarian and omnivorous diets."
"I think I'm finding the balance of eating enough but also eating clean."
"It's a matter of lifestyle balance, it means that yes you can have your chocolates, your whatever in moderation."
"It's like all about balance, you're allowed to have a McDonald's meal whenever you want."
"I'm able to just eat what I like stay obviously on track with my diet but not go overboard on either side."
"I actually think that you just need to have a balance between eating really healthy and not eating healthy."
"Maybe there is a little bit better balance between glucose and ketones."
"Moderation and balance is key. Allowing myself to have those treats and those foods that I enjoy and not feeling like anything is off limits is sustainable."
"Low protein/low fiber options imbalance your blood sugar levels."
"We want to understand that it's the variety that complements each other and gives the body all the different building blocks and all the different catalysts and vitamins and minerals that it's gonna need."
"Find your balance between fuel and entertainment."
"In general, if you are eating within your caloric requirements and you're otherwise healthy, then consuming some sugar doesn't really seem to have a negative effect."
"It was pushing too hard in the gym, not willing to eat enough food because if you want to stay lean, this applies to men and women."
"Balance is not starve yourself for three months and binge for three months."
"Always listen to what your body wants, but don't ignore the need for something green and crunchy."
"Apple cider vinegar is good because it just helps create balance throughout the entire body."
"Balance is key guys never restrict yourself."
"Living a healthy lifestyle does not have to be restrictive. It can be enjoyable, it can be balanced, and it can include all your favorite foods."
"It’s very important to, you know, balance the types of fat you’re eating."
"Our dietary pattern is this scale of balance where you can be putting stuff on the side that heals and nourishes your gut microbiome in your entire body."
"Having your high fat meal with polyphenol-rich foods counterbalances any harmful effects from inflammation."
"If you have autoimmunity, go gluten-free, but it's important to find balance."
"We want some saturated fat in our diet but we want it in the healthy range."
"If you made wild oily fish your primary protein, you'd probably have a pretty good balance."
"By nature, vata is cool, dry, rough and light, so eating foods that neutralize these qualities—foods that are warm, moist, oily, smooth, and nourishing—will help to balance excess vata."
"Balance your plate: aim for a plate that's half filled with low potassium fruits and vegetables, a quarter with lean protein, and a quarter with grains or breads that are safe for a kidney-friendly diet."
"We want the balance of eating as well as fasting, it's the balance of cleaning while also building up."
"Sustainability is also a key factor as well as making sure you get that balance between fasted and fed."
"Really low-fat and really low-carb diets aren't ideal for your hormones for really long lengths of time."
"It's less about one thing being good and the other thing being bad and more just about how much of what you eat in total."
"There is no such thing as Super Nutrition, only Optimum Nutrition."
"It just takes a little bit of creativity, a little bit of balance, and you can still eat what you love while keeping your blood sugar in check."
"So meal number two post workout is going to be a high protein, high carb, low fat meal."
"So it is important that dietary amendments for Rosemary do not impact too much on existing restrictions for some members of her family."
"I believe in a balance, you don't have to 100% alkaline your body, you could do a mix between both."
"Balance is key... it's not that there's wrong foods or bad foods, it's just having balanced, intuitive kind of eating."
"It's the combination of foods that's right in Ayurveda."
"Being able to sporadically enjoy your favorite foods here and there is unbelievably important."
"It's all about balance and what you enjoy and digest."
"I'm learning to balance the lifestyle of food I want to still be able to eat."
"I believe in balance. I believe that you can eat what you want, a bit of everything, healthy, unhealthy, balance is key."
"It's really important, like a balance when you're dieting."
"The body can handle a piece of birthday cake in celebration with friends."
"It's all about balance, like taking care of your body and making sure you're eating right."
"Food is just food, and everything can be incorporated into a healthy diet and a balanced diet."
"For every individual as their health compromised behind some vitamin or mineral deficiency, there are a thousand people who have their health compromised because of dietary excesses."