
Healthy Eating Quotes

There are 1110 quotes

"Healthy eating is very simple but has to be personalized, depending on many factors including your basic predisposition, genetics, diseases you may have, and the food that's available around you."
"Fruits are always going to be a treat that you can feel good about eating."
"Shop the perimeter of the grocery store... the less you go down the aisles, the more likely you are to be getting whole foods."
"When you're eating starches and sugars, add some protein, fat, or fiber to them."
"We love desserts, right? Like, no one wants to live their life without desserts. So how do we make desserts that make us feel good before, during, and after, not just during?"
"Eat until you three-fourths satisfied, not full."
"Life gets busy, and sticking to healthy eating habits can be tough."
"You're not even going to feel like you're dieting with this type of meal."
"I want to use what I have here for good, and I want to show people a healthy way to eat."
"It's time to discuss two meals a day. All right, we've been at this now for 12 years, cranking hard, cranking out books, and every time we finish a book, we say there's really nothing more we can say about healthy eating and supportive lifestyle habits, but there always seems to be something more to say."
"What I always try to encourage people to do is look at healthy eating habits as a lifestyle, not like a diet, not temporary."
"Greek yogurt and hot sauce... It's not some... voodoo healthy vegan kale smoothie stuff; it's actually really, really good."
"Try to eat less processed food and eat more food that's under-processed and has a good array of these protectors in it."
"Real food, Whole Foods, fresh food, frozen is okay but eating food that's in an unprocessed state is critical."
"Focus on the quality of the food you eat. Look for real, Whole Foods as close to their natural state as possible, most of the time."
"I hope you just found this video interesting. We all know that healthy food often sacrifices flavor and tasting good, but honestly, Methodology kills it with flavor."
"You can eat healthfully even in a fast-food restaurant."
"Magic Spoon is a zero sugar, grain-free, keto-friendly cereal."
"Eat more fat loss promoting foods like raw vegetables, cooked greens, and non-starchy vegetables."
"Skip the diet, just eat healthy. That has helped me to stop negative thinking."
"Greens, seeds, mushrooms, liver, eggs, salmon, or other really fatty fish... keep that methylation cycle whirring."
"Trying to eat too clean led to a completely unsustainable diet model. It's not about being perfect; it's about finding a sustainable balance that allows for some indulgence while still moving towards your goal."
"To maintain a healthy diet as we age, we should focus on nutrient-dense foods such as fruits and vegetables, beans and lentils, nuts and seeds, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and lean proteins."
"30,000 years of evolution to improve senses and survive in the wild has led to this beautiful moment: Dog eats burrito in one second."
"You can eat healthy, have different stuff every single day, stick to your goals, and not spend a lot of money."
"If you take the time to prepare your food, utilize it, and actually consume that, then you can save money, eat healthy, be healthier."
"Now, the very first thing you need to do when you decide to start eating healthy is to identify all the healthy and nutritious foods that you love and enjoy."
"People think eating healthy sucks and feels bad, but your body actually feels amazing when you've been eating healthy because you're giving your body the proper fuel, the proper way, that's gonna supply your body with nutrients that not only help you grow your muscles and get shredded, but also allowing you to perform way harder, reaching your maximum potential in the shortest amount of time possible."
"Maybe if I learn how to make vegetables taste good, I can eat amazing delicious food and not feel guilty."
"Eat at the proper time, a variety of natural, non-processed foods, and quantities for ideal weight."
"Just making small intentional food swaps and replacements in a way that you can sustain it, and it really does work."
"It tastes like it's health food but it's really satisfying at the same time, and that's really hard to do."
"Eat from the farm, not from the factory. That is the motto."
"Get rid of processed food and sugar...when you're eating those processed foods, you're eating empty calories."
"It's time for our sponsors... let Green Chef take the work out of eating clean."
"When we eat fiber first... it helps your body not absorb too much of the glucose and fructose molecules."
"What's a healthy diet? It's vegetables and fruits and whole grains and legumes."
"You now have five easy and healthy lunchbox meal prep ideas to serve throughout the week to help you reach your health and your weight loss goals a lot faster..."
"Haya is made with zero sugar and zero gummy junk yet it tastes great and it's perfect for picky eaters."
"Eating healthy doesn't mean you can't put seasoning in your food."
"This vegetable pasta soup is extremely nutrient-rich."
"Eat foods with ingredients you can pronounce and recognize."
"It's important to eat a vegetable-rich diet."
"One of the easiest ways to make your diet more satiating and to feel less hungry is by eating your calories instead of drinking them."
"It is amazing to see the ways that you can have foods that are healthy and delicious."
"If you walk into a grocery store and here's keto bread, what should you do? Turn it over and read the ingredients."
"Happiness is a healthy relationship with food, not the scales."
"Ready in under 10 minutes, my first pan-fried dish: scallops with crunchy apple salad."
"Ready in under 15 minutes: sea bream with tomato and herb salsa."
"Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, unprocessed beans, and lentils are considered good carbs because they take much longer to break down in your gut."
"Increase your water intake, eat more beans and legumes, and have a decent amount of fiber-rich veggies and fruits with every meal to improve your intake of healthy carbs."
"Instead of having a bowl of cereal, switch it to quinoa or some healthy granola for a lower blood sugar spike."
"Eat the clean, easy way with recipes that help manage your weight and support your wellness goals without skimping on flavor."
"Eat real food... why are you doing it? There's always something better that you could be eating."
"What should we eat I've told you what they've got wrong what I'm going to tell you what you should eat number one eat real food that's where we started."
"We use oils because we enjoy what they can do for cuisine and for making healthy food that we eat tastes that much more satisfying."
"Adding in more veggies all around... you're really going to eliminate those cravings for sugar, those cravings for fat, those cravings for just not so healthy foods and overall hunger cravings in general."
"Half of your plate should be some kind of veggie you love."
"When you build up the healthy bacteria by eating right, the biofilm and the favorable microbiome is more adherent."
"Eat sort of as unprocessed and as natural as you possibly can."
"Eat unprocessed foods, eat healthy, but don't worry about the little stuff."
"You can't be talking about super healthy eating and be eating junk."
"The key to being lean is not being hungry. If you're not hungry, you don't need to cheat, you don't need to binge, you don't have those cravings, and you're satisfied. That is the secret to long-term dieting success."
"It gets really introspective here. Yes, but that's where magic spoon comes in. That's where they come in. It's got that sweet crunchy texture you love from childhood but it's healthy. It's healthy."
"I do think that she represents a much-needed glimpse at what normal eating can be and is."
"Yeah we eat pretty healthy these days but like once a year... Except for last night."
"Low carb vegetables is a mainstay for the diet."
"Avoid the dirty dozen foods with the highest amount of pesticides."
"If you just switch to real food and get off of processed food, that's a huge step."
"If you're eating things that don't have a barcode on it... those will be good for you."
"They have an amazing selection of vegetarian and vegan options, which has been one of my favorite, like the Falafel Power Bowls, hello, amazing."
"It's all about balance eventually. A few bites and donuts won't make it or break it."
"Guacamole is so underrated, it's like creamy and delicious and full of healthy fats awesomeness."
"It's a good thing that we're making a healthy breakfast this morning."
"Vegetables are so important to a healthy well-balanced diet. Now that you have some new recipes, try eating more vegetables."
"Green smoothies are a delicious way to incorporate leafy greens into your diet."
"Ratatouille, a delicious way to eat vegetables."
"Eggs, when chosen wisely, emerge as a safe and nutrient-dense food. They provide high-quality protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, contributing to overall well-being."
"You have to eat healthy to be healthy, it just doesn't happen any other way."
"Clean eating means reducing the amount of processed foods or ingredients that you're consuming."
"Eat what you like... just avoid processed foods and avoid sugar and carbohydrate."
"Magic Spoon is the best healthy cereal if you're trying to cut down on carbs, sugar, and unhealthy food."
"Never get caught without snacks that are healthy because then you're gonna stop and you're gonna go to a fast food restaurant or you're gonna go into a gas station and grab something that's really, really quick."
"Choose foods that you like if you don't have the foods that you like you're not eating that you're gonna go for those chips in the pantry now aren't you."
"Rule number one: skip the animal products completely. What does that leave you with? Grains, beans, vegetables, fruits—healthy things."
"These brown rice cakes are amazing because the ingredients are all whole grains with super seeds."
"Stick with grass-fed, pasture-raised, wild-caught animal products."
"I recently discovered this great app called ibotta... it's a great way to save money on healthy food."
"Another great way to save money on healthy foods is to check the discounted produce."
"Avocados: a delicious, nutrient-packed treat."
"Food that's fast, it doesn't have to be fast food."
"Healthy eating meant procuring fresh produce, and food handling hygiene was strictly observed."
"Thank you for watching I love you very much."
"There's a lot wrong with diets that are based on starvation... but a diet based on healthy vegetables and fruits and whole grains and beans is the fuel your body works on and that allows you to succeed automatically."
"Developing a healthy relationship with food is really what it takes."
"Step away from the mac and cheese and come over to this sprouted broccoli."
"I overcame a major struggle... but now here's the thing... it's a pattern of eating and it's a healthy lifestyle shift."
"No matter where you're shopping you can afford to eat good."
"No chemicals, no bad stuff, just healthy carbs, proteins, vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and everything you can dream of."
"HelloFresh is an amazing way to maintain wholesome and easy eating habits throughout the days."
"Making some sort of Thai red curry is how I trick myself into eating a bunch of vegetable friends. Just throw them all in there and there you go!"
"Oh look at it it peeled off the banana and now he's cutting it up into slices and it'll fit perfectly in the acai Bowl."
"Eat the foods that you love, just make them lower in calories."
"Factor makes it easy to eat clean 24/7 with fresh never frozen prepared meals."
"Cooking it up and then just cooking up a bunch of fresh vegetables makes a really delicious, very quick, and easy dinner."
"Shop the perimeter... that's where the real food is."
"You really don't have to go on a diet to eat healthily."
"Absolutely delicious and a great healthy snack."
"The more fun that you have in the kitchen, the more likely you are to experiment with your food skills and practice making different healthy dishes."
"I feel like Daily Harvest is the epitome of that and like we all know I'm a lazy cook but I like to eat good and this is the best of both worlds."
"Crash diets are bad for your long-term health."
"Factor provides healthy and delicious meals."
"Cereal is amazing but I don't need all that sugar. Zero grams of sugar is a good thing."
"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dinner like a pauper."
"People with a healthy relationship with food don't obsess and pine over it."
"It's basically a protein and fat smoothie. It tastes delicious."
"To keep the pounds off adopt a low calorie density way of eating filled with fruits vegetables and other whole plant foods."
"If we're gonna eat food let's at least try to be healthier... because I also want you to live longer."
"The pizza. I can't get over the fact that the crust is made out of cauliflower."
"Burgers can be a part of a healthy diet if you prepare them in the right way."
"When you eat clean and with life, watch how bright your ideas get."
"Built Bars are the secret to eating healthier food while also eating tastier food."
"This is a great alternative to other protein bars that have a lot of sugar and other unhealthy ingredients."
"When it comes to creating a complete plate, I like to add in some add-ons or sides."
"This recipe is so simple and quick to make... it takes all of the veggies that are inside of a spring roll and inside of a sushi roll but we're making a salad out of them."
"Avoid overly processed and denatured foods. Eat food that's more natural, whole, and real." - Holistic Hilda
"Real foods don't have extensive ingredients lists."
"When you start young with good foods... Then they're more apt to eat it later on."
"Ten dollars for these organic chia seeds. Tons of omega-3s."
"It's a great way to get some fresh nutrition in your winter time diet."
"It doesn't have to be a big endeavor in order to get some healthy things in your diet."
"Snacking on nuts and seeds... just so helpful."
"However you can get greens into your life if you boil them, broil them, steam them, chop them, massage them, or if you use chef Mike the microwave, that's fine just get them into your life."
"Balance is key: enjoying treats in moderation is part of a balanced diet."
"Just add in more vegetables and fruit and eat less [expletive]. It's over and over the same message here folks, it's simple."
"Stop eating fast food and high-fat crappy meat that you know is bad for you and eat the healthier stuff. Simple."
"With built bars, it's a guilt-free, gluten-free, low-calorie, high-protein treat."
"I was absolutely floored when that movie ended."
"If you need a dab of ketchup or a dab of mayo to make a healthy meal appetizing, make it happen. Just don't throw in a whole, you know, three tablespoons full of mayo and expect that meal to still be healthy."
"If you don't have it in your kitchen cupboard or you can't pronounce it, you probably won't want to eat it."
"Don't go down the middle of the aisles, stick around the outside where there's just real food."
"Just eat real food; if we just ate real food, the chance of developing type 2 diabetes would be very low indeed."
"The purple yams are amazing. It's got some broccoli, spring onion, pears, and apples."
"The good news is that there are foods that taste great and can help fill you up for almost zero calories."
"I eat oatmeal with protein powder, it's the greatest."
"It is not deprivation. You can eat healthy and yet still eat tasty foods that are easy."
"Sheet pan dinners: the ultimate solution for quick, healthy meals."
"Eat a big healthy lunch and make dinner a smaller, lighter meal."
"The dressing has to be healthy and I'm recommending people make a big bowl of healthy vegetable bean soup on the weekend."
"If you break down the actual cost... it's way cheaper to actually go to the grocery store and eat healthy."
"Eat the rainbow people, it's delicious and nutritious."
"But if you get folks to just eat less junk food and put less added fats into their food, all of a sudden they can still have the foods, a little drier for sure, it's not as great but it's still super healthy."
"Eating healthfully so we get our nutrients and don't have to overeat to get them."
"I've got green beans as my vegetable with my sheet pan dinners."
"Prepped, packed, and ready to go—healthy meals for the entire week!"
"This has zero calories, this is what's going to give us our barbecue turkey breasts without having to worry about any extra calories or sugar."
"Enjoy clean eating without the hassle, choose your meals and enjoy fresh flavor packed meals delivered to your door in just two already in two minutes of a quick microwave."
"It shouldn't be expensive to eat healthy. It shouldn't be exclusive."
"I look at healthy eating as such a priority in my life that I find time again this is not every day, I'm not succeeding every day but I'm doing the best I can."
"Fresh fruit, leafy greens, vegetation, things with seed, and herbs."
"Magic Spoon is going to replace all that store-bought cereal with something that tastes just as good and it's actually healthy for you."
"Kale can be sliced really thinly again and used raw."
"Carrot - freshly dug and you really shouldn't do anything to them you should just eat them straight like that because they taste so sweet and delicious."
"Cauliflower - the best way to prepare it is to cut off the like that and you can just go around and then you want to cut off each floret too."
"The flavor of the food comes from the phytochemicals in the food."
"It's all about buying clean ingredients, reading the label, and knowing exactly what you put in your body."
"Mediterranean eating pattern has consistently shown the best results."
"Eat a lot of whole fresh natural foods, try to cook and prepare most of your food at home so you can really see what's going into it and you can put your own love into it as well."
"If you can, as I say you buyer um and by if possible unprocessed."
"If you eat generally well, you'll feel generally well."
"I eat healthy 85% of the time and indulge the other 15%. Balance is key."
"Find healthy foods that you actually love eating."
"I wanna encourage you guys to eat your foods color."
"Tonight for dinner, well, I made one of those smoothies from the large stock in the freezer."
"Magic Spoon is all the childlike nostalgia of the cereals you had growing up and probably still eat with none of the negative health impacts."
"Eat nutrient-dense foods as often as possible."
"These are delicious and even though it has it only has six grams of total sugar and four grams of added paleo sugar that's what you want to see."
"It's on sale right now CF tape 35% off if you're a Prime member why are these good or good for you because it's a grain free tortilla chips."
"The whole point of eating a salad is to eat healthy. If you're eating that much sugar, it defeats the purpose."
"The more ways you could include fresh fruits and vegetables, the healthier you will be."
"When there's fats in your juice, it slows down your digestive system along with the soluble fiber, so that means you’re going to get a greater uptake of some of the special phytonutrients and phytochemicals in the juice recipe."
"Skip the extra trip to the grocery store and the chopping and prepping and cleaning up too, while still getting the flavor and nutritional quality you need."
"If you want clean lean protein powder, I technically consider it a pantry staple."
"It's just organic roasted peanuts, that's perfect, there's nothing to it other than peanuts."
"The low hanging fruit for most people is going to be eating home more often."
"Stick with high quality and Whole Foods for a great start."
"Discipline yourself to only eat fruits, vegetables, and proteins."
"Embrace the many advantages of these age-defying foods."
"Enjoy tasty food while still burning fat with our recipe bootcamp."
"I've been trying to have a big salad every day and then I feel like I'm getting so many vegetables and fruits."
"Avoid added salt, oil, sugar, and processed animal products."
"Just eat more plants, focus on putting more plants on your plate."
"The flavors are well balanced, it's nice and creamy, and there's veggies in it as well. That's a good thing."
"We eat grass-fed beef, salmon, avocados... I eat good."
"Healthy starchy carbohydrates, you can feel full and you're not going to be having so many cravings."
"If an item has a long list of ingredients that you can't pronounce, put it back on the shelf." - Advice on processed foods
"My breakfast is really low in seasonings and refined sugar."
"Salads are so good, all of them are delicious, fresh."
"You don't have to stop eating the foods that you like, you just need to make the same meals but have them lower in calories."
"I'm not promoting any diet to you other than healthy abundance goodness for your body."