
Competence Quotes

There are 2303 quotes

"Your capacity to be articulate is a great indicator of your general competence."
"This is a very fluid and very competently put together game."
"The only way to get from conscious competence to unconscious competence is through practice."
"All we ask for is competence and accountability. If you mess up, just say, 'Yeah, that was a big mistake, and we're going to learn from it and not do that again.'"
"Hyper-competent people are not selfish, and one of the great pleasures in their lives is to find people who have the capacity to also be hyper-competent and to open doors for them as rapidly as they can possibly be opened."
"You are able to handle difficulties with grace and competence."
"Confidence grows as we become more competent."
"Recognise that you've got to put in the time, you've got to put in the hours to become competent and that this will help you to build self-confidence and ultimately become a more confident person, a more confident English speaker."
"So here's the thing, confidence grows as we become more competent."
"If you're a person who can turn up on time with a firm handshake, who is genuinely competent and doesn't lie to anybody, you're going to be fine."
"Competence and meritocracy are good for everyone."
"Arrogance is when your confidence exceeds your competence."
"The most attractive people in society... are capable people, people who just go and get it done."
"Presentation is everything. You know what you're doing, you know what you're saying."
"It's actually a competent game in its own right."
"Power is competence. And why in the world would you not want a competent partner?"
"It's not a panacea to just have women running everything, like it's not a panacea to have men running everything, but it is a very good solution to let competent people who prove themselves run things regardless of their gender."
"Every single pro player knows who these players are and respects them for being competent."
"Competence is necessary, calming is necessary, exactitude is necessary."
"You have to be smart; you have to be competent at what you do."
"Presume competence. That simply means, have a belief in everybody around you, believe they're capable of growing, believe they're capable of learning, and believe they're capable of making progress."
"If you think you're incompetent, there's a better chance that you're not incompetent because if you think you're incompetent, you're actually humble."
"If you can't trust yourself to think on your feet in a long-form conversation, you've got no business being in the White House."
"Competence without warmth leaves people feeling suspicious."
"Confidence is a perception, not a real thing. Confidence is tied directly to competence."
"The more competent you are, the more comfortable you are executing."
"If you've been made Untouchable by the system and you've just been rising through the ranks for years based on say your intersectional identity, you are going to think you much better and more competent at things than you actually are."
"Women are looking for competence; who wants to be with a useless partner?"
"Competence leads to accomplishments, which then inevitably leads to confidence."
"What we need to solve our problems is both competence and compassion."
"We've been there, we've done it, we've got years of experience."
"Competence is held in very, very poor esteem by the ruling class in America."
"There's nobody anywhere in the world better to handle the situation than the Army Corps of Engineers."
"You can have a really, really small circle of competence, but what is very important is staying within the circle."
"Practice is key to transitioning from conscious competence to unconscious competence."
"We need serious, competent leadership now more than ever."
"Our society works because it's competence that's at the heart of it, not power."
"The people who truly are capable, who've got brains and who have independent judgment and who have a strong moral sense of what is right and what is wrong, well, they've been edged out early on."
"You're sharp; you're good. He doesn't miss, this guy."
"Lucky for you, one of us is competent. I found you an option elsewhere, and I suggest you take it if you want any hope of salvaging this so-called career of yours."
"Stand up straight with your shoulders back... it's a good way of figuring out how to establish yourself in multiple competence hierarchies."
"There's a general incompetence problem just everywhere. Have you tried to get customer service help since the pandemic? Something changed."
"It's not just about competence. It's about motivation as well."
"Competence... just keep people safe and make the education system work."
"It wouldn't matter if you were the greatest lawyer in the world; if you don't even know the basic facts of the case, your opinion is meaningless."
"What you're trying to say is women could go read the manuals, learn the information, apply the information, and run the existing infrastructure as effectively as the men are."
"Few films are made with such competence and a love for history, and this one is able to rub shoulders with the greatest of epics."
"Competence leads to accomplishments which leads to confidence."
"You could have someone both malignant and competent. You know what I mean? Not just the kind of buffoonery of Trump. It would be worse."
"The government is rewarding the incompetent people and keeping them in business, and they're punishing all the competent people."
"Her abilities were top-notch and had surpassed his expectations."
"The entire experience makes them feel both more competent, as well as more confident."
"To make money in the world today, you need to prove brutal competence."
"If you're a man who tries his absolute best and is brutally competent and speaks against Authority, there's only one path. Where else was this going to end?"
"Education is key... confidence equals competency and proficiency."
"It's pretty awesome to watch Alan snap into action and lock it down."
"Competence matters and professionalism matters."
"Being a good communicator makes you more competent in everything you do."
"Optimized challenge increases your competence."
"Courageous in the extreme, competent in the extreme."
"If you're watching us you're already RP aware and understand how the world Works to a degree you have some level of competence some level of critical thinking skills."
"Competence really, really important, really matters to voters."
"She's insatiably curious, a natural leader, and the best darn change maker I've ever met."
"Britney seems to be quite capable, alert, goal-oriented, and able to collect and organize her thoughts."
"He's got what I call unconscious competence."
"He just made a Marine Corps Martial Arts Drill Instructor tap out."
"The lack of competence in the public isn't just related to Brexit, it's across various issues in society."
"On no planet can you make up for incompetence by being the nicest person in the world."
"If you are able to perform well at whatever job or whatever thing you're doing, you will have confidence."
"Just because she's a woman and younger doesn't mean she's not capable."
"Strive to competence. If you're competent, if I can rely on you, you're at the 80th percentile and that is within your means."
"I was hide-and-seek Champion 1992 so I should be pretty good at this."
"He ran huge departments... was competent at Administration."
"The most important thing is balance. If this balance is missing, all talent, all competence, all genius, all you know, whatever exuberant things you have will go to waste."
"The gloom stalker tells the other ranger subclasses just how it's done."
"For the first time since I finished my time with my trainer, I was riding with someone who actually knew what the hell they were doing."
"He's good, he's accurate, he protects the football."
"Thomas Jones was a good man that did everything well."
"At best, these people have no idea what they're doing. At worst, they know exactly what they're doing, and they're evil."
"This is exactly what I wanted if it had been done by someone a little more competent."
"If you can't complete a sentence, you shouldn't be president." - Joe Biden
"I'm happy to go get coffee and I'm good at it."
"Better fire control, target acquisition marksman than most soldiers. True that."
"This is actually pretty decent. I think you've got a pretty good idea of what's going on in Major League Baseball."
"Competent people who can do this can really polish an idea and create something special."
"Our society functions under a system of competence and assessment... not power."
"The Gunners are actually highly competent with technology. We frequently see them with assault rons and sentry bots. They know how to hack into robots, they know how to repair them and refurbish them."
"I believe that he has skills and has the knowledge and skill set to actually bring us ahead."
"There's a reason why you're the best at what you do, man. Your ability to look at both sides, to analyze both perspectives and give one of the best answers to every single question is so admirable."
"Staying within your own circle of competence may give you opportunities that other investors might miss out on."
"You have the required skills and internal drive to make anything happen."
"We are here to work and if anything we should be judged by our competences not by the way we look."
"There is no doubting von Manstein’s abilities as a military commander."
"She was a damn good spy if we don't even know who killed her."
"Command respect, look like the guy you want to come off as competent."
"But the level of competence, the level of caring, the level of love... I just think it's brilliant."
"I want a president who's competent whether I agree with his policies or not."
"The only thing you can trust the Chinese to do is execute whatever plan they have with competence."
"I'm learning the system. I know what I'm doing here."
"I think politicians should be competent, should have a few things that they want to fix, have a good head on their shoulders, and keep the train on the tracks."
"Energy is pretty good... they do not know what they're doing."
"We want real people, real competent folks who could help us in times where we need them to lead."
"As a man, you are judged by females and by society at large on your competence."
"There isn't anything that you can possibly do that makes you more competent than to learn how to communicate."
"There's no criminal organization that he cannot penetrate"
"Admiral Marshal was a good, competent, capable officer."
"She is easily at par with a lot of her male counterparts."
"Trusting yourself is the essence of competence."
"He joined the army; it was a childhood dream of his to be a soldier, and he was a damn good officer."
"Never screw with an accountant who actually knows what they're doing."
"The contrast cannot be clearer when it comes to competence versus incompetence."
"Act competently while in pain; it'll take you to a whole other level."
"Do the people in government watch Dr. Strangelove and think, 'Man… I hope we can be that competent someday!'"
"We totally forgot about the new ore textures. It's so different, oh my god, it's so different."
"I've got a sailing qualification. It's a certificate of competence."
"When somebody shows themselves to be too incompetent to stir sugar into coffee, you don't give that person more money."
"Hierarchies are fundamentally based on competence."
"A calm born of proven competence... that's what astronauts do for a living."
"I found pineapples for 10 000 points don't you interrupt this is what I'm good at steve you don't need to fight about everything I do."
"She's portrayed as deeply competent, often in contrast to a male counterpart."
"With his undeniable defense, support, and battle prowess."
"She did it exactly as per the book, so cool as ice is what I remember."
"Politics is not just about ideology; it's about basic competence." - Michael Knowles
"You have an entire German army almost surrounded. And if you can cut it off and destroy it, you've basically won the war."
"He's unquestionably competent but also very strong-willed and temperamental."
"You don't have to be an operator okay don't you don't have to act like an operator dress like an operator but you do have to have a certain level of competence."
"I think at the end of the day what we all want here... is competent people trying their best... to help move the country forward."
"Journalists habitually getting it wrong are either incompetent or fantasists and have no place as journalists."
"That is American leadership and that is certainly competence of his team."
"The highest form of corruption is appointing people who are incompetent to positions."
"He's such a brilliant guy then the second parameter your personality will be judged is a grasp of narrative and argument yes sir we didn't find you lacking in that also."
"Jamie Raskin gave what might be the best oral argument."
"The real question here is why would someone as competent as Shinobu ever choose to join the Arataki Gang?"
"Articulate, clear vision, confident, done the work. She is the real deal."
"I enjoyed this movie for what it is: a competent story."
"Competence is worth it, even amidst deserved praise."
"A majority of Americans now believe that Joe Biden is not competent."
"He's got the ability, he's got the experience."
"Biden didn't have a learning curve... he knows how a White House should function."
"Competence and courage are two sides of the same coin."
"I think there is room for a sane competent person I think if we had a sane competent person as president and we do not have the sane competent person right now."
"It's good that we meet people after all these years, still in top of the game, still fighting, still selling out arenas."
"Self-confidence comes through self-competence."
"Ben Wallace has done an extremely good job as Defense Secretary."
"Ask yourself why would Boris Johnson have a competent cabinet minister?"
"Harry is actually just an especially, really good cop."
"Replace confidence with competence. No one knows this stuff better than you."
"The more I listen to this judge, the more impressed I am that he's actually a very intelligent man. He's actually really trying to be fair and apply the law."
"I'm a genius in certain areas and incompetent in the others."
"There is ample evidence that Angie is a fully capable parent."
"We need competent leadership for foreign policy."
"Congratulations to them for being very good at what they do even though they're very evil."
"The fact is there's a lot of dumb people at the top too."
"Just the sense of leadership and of competence, it's not a high bar they're having to be in competition with the Tory government."
"Competence...the fundamental key...everyone counts...without competence we're setting ourselves up for real problems." - Chris Hadfield
"Confidence and competence right there ladies and gentlemen."
"Agree with Tim or not, the dude knows what he's doing."
"From being vulnerable and needing help to realizing their competence."
"I just have a job to do and I do it very well."
"Maybe what was needed right now is not this beacon of innovation. Maybe it's competence and logistical savvy and calmness." - Narrator
"Competence, intelligence is not a function of sexuality. It's a function of the value you have added to yourself."
"Leaders in the 21st century have two characteristics: they have competence and they have character."
"This race is about competence and character." - Senator Warnock
"Recognize the competencies needed for mastery."
"This is a guy who knew exactly what he was doing."
"I want to be a winner again, not the victim of incompetence."
"She might see old friends from her days in the galactic Republic, competent policy makers like Elvira."
"Connected, competent, but character faultless."
"To have real confidence you gotta have consistency, don't you? I mean to have confidence you gotta have competence."
"They wanted her to come off as really competent."
"An alpha female is admired by competent men, not by fools."
"Show me a female who claims that she is an alpha and claims that she's dominant among men and I will show you a female who has found incompetent men."
"Age and competence do not always go hand in hand."
"We can't have a guy like this. The guy doesn't have a clue."
"Give it to Jon Favreau, a safe pair of hands."
"Defining your circle of competence is the most important aspect of investing."
"Dunning-Kruger principle: people tend to overestimate their competence."
"Your competence leads accomplishments which then creates confidence."
"You have to be really good at what you do for people to make sure that they're not too terrified of you."
"Corbyn has demonstrated he did not have the competence to deliver."
"So that you can confidently take down whatever monster stands in your way."
"Surf is about his levels right now. He's doing his level [expletive]."
"Shout out to Herb Dean. Yeah, did a phenomenal job stopping that fight."
"Sherlock Holmes, best detective in the world."
"You manifested this person... they know how to get [stuff] done."
"Merit matters. If you can do the job, you're good to go."
"Can you work with people, can you display a level of competence, can you make sure that you are compassionate?"
"Confidence without competence gets you only short-term cheap victories."
"When you're competent in a craft and ambitious... the world becomes yours."
"Leon is proven to be well-rounded for all the categories."
"The people that are doing it don't need to yell about it. The best people in the world don't advertise that they're good. They just go and do it."
"You shouldn't hire somebody like John Brennan or James Clapper you should hire somebody competent."
"I see why he talks a good game but he's able to back it up because he was one of the greats."
"Look at that confidence, like I can really take care of this."
"Incompetence should not be rewarded with blind loyalty."
"Meritocracy actually allows a path for those people who are capable and competent to arrive at the forefront."
"The accident at the lighthouse gives Agnodike the opportunity to demonstrate her competence."
"There's very few people probably in the history of this process who are better prepared than Judge Jackson was." - Tommy
"Robin Hood is smarter and better at shooting and better at defending himself than the people who think they're very smart because they've got account books."