
Interests Quotes

There are 1509 quotes

"The essence of being transforms you, which is what happens when you pursue your interests deeply."
"All the psychologists always say, 'Well, follow your interests. What do you, what are you interested in? What are you fascinated by? What do you admire?' and keep researching, learning, following that, observing that, practicing that, and then that grows into a little bit more of a passion or a hobby, or maybe even a career."
"She's always been a tomboy, never been into girly things. She's always been in computers and robots."
"I actually really love researching things, specifically things that I'm interested in."
"Be open-minded about what your own interests are. I don't think you anymore have to be shoehorned into a particular career to be welcomed into the future of space exploration."
"Realizing how it works is so great because the thing you love at 10 is different than the thing you love at 20 or 30."
"Maybe we don't resonate with them as much anymore, and maybe we are finding ourselves gravitating towards a new area."
"When we say our interests come first, those of others don't matter, we erase the very thing that a nation holds most precious, that which gives it life and makes it great: its moral values."
"Follow your own interest and let that take you wherever it takes you."
"Learning was everything and anything that helped you learn about yourself, about others, about your academic interests, about your creative interests."
"I think it's important to kind of understand what your partner's interests are and maybe take an interest in them to some degree."
"Find a career that you're interested in and then work your way backwards on what steps you need to take in order to get there."
"I was like, 'I want to get some,' and she's like, 'Yeah, that'd be cool,' and I was like, 'I'll get some for like so we can have like a family slime thing because Ruby likes slime, Miles likes slime.'"
"Having any hobby or interest is always going to be more attractive than a person who is interested in nothing."
"If you want to sell me something, talk about the Jets. If you sell peanut butter, put a Facebook post with some peanut butter and a fucking Jets hat. I'll buy it."
"You have always been interested in unconventional and ambiguous things like books, art, or movies."
"Whatever floats your boat, no matter how obscure or strange, there's a fandom for it."
"When I let all that go and I was like, 'I'm an anime nerd, a Sci-Fi loving, film-going motherfucker,' that completely changed how open I was."
"The biggest psychometric difference between men and women is actually in what they're interested in."
"It's okay to pursue your interests, your curiosity, do something because you love it. You'll do it a lot better if you love it."
"There are no permanent friends or enemies, just permanent interests."
"If you like pirates, there should be something in Sea of Thieves for you."
"I guess I'm just a kind of an eccentric guy who's really just putting out all of my interests and they happen to overlap in terms of multiple domains."
"I studied a lot of philosophy and psychological warfare and film in college and in grad school, and that overlapped to really just be a fun synthesis of all these different domains."
"The more interests we develop, the more facets of ourselves we recover and discover."
"He's also really into astrophysics, apparently."
"Autistic people are not just gifted in maths, music, and trains but also may be very passionate about things like performing arts and painting."
"It shows you how power behaves, how power will collude to preserve its interest."
"Countries have interests; those interests do not change just because President Trump is being very nice to Kim Jong Un right now."
"I contain multitudes, but a lot of them are superhero comics."
"I'm really weirdly interested in etymology and linguistics, like where words come from and how language forms."
"Your creativity soaring in December. I see you being interested in other things or interested specifically in home decor."
"Veterans organized themselves into powerful associations to represent their interests and lobby the governments."
"If one of your primary interests is in meeting potential relatives, you're going to find this section very interesting."
"Cassie was a well-rounded, trustworthy, and responsible 16-year-old girl. She was shy and loved music and art and funny with a great sense of humor."
"You don't have innate passions, right? You have little bits of interest that you explore, and then maybe that turns into something bigger."
"If you watch this and aren't at least a little interested, then I'm sorry, I really don't think we could be friends."
"This isn't just about our interests trumping our values."
"It's more about those cultural interests than it is about those class or economic interests."
"Reading about business, self-improvement, I like Orcs and goblins."
"If you're struggling to find your brand, realize that whatever your interests are is that brand."
"Women we don't watch true crime, we study it."
"The things I end up loving the most are the ones I know nothing about."
"Recognize that's not just happened by accident, it happened because of a convergence of interest."
"Real empathy says, 'Hey, I see you. I feel you. I hear you. I understand you. I may not be you, but I love you.'"
"The US wants to win this territory it's their interests."
"It's always interesting what you gravitate toward."
"There's two congruences that we see: an interest in our nuclear capabilities and a connection with water."
"All right, what else is important? I'm here for all the rap beef, R&B singer, whoever."
"Write what you are interested in rather than what you know."
"I think she'd probably like to look at the stars, so I might suggest we stargaze."
"If they don’t care about Pokémon, they’re not your friend."
"A lot of the time people don't really know what is in their best interest."
"It's really awesome when I read comments and you guys are into some of the same stuff that I am."
"The best forecasters were simply right people with wide-ranging interests."
"Your goal is to figure out what questions you can ask to get them to talk about the things that they like."
"There are no permanent allies, there's only permanent interest. So when my interests align with Bernie and align with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, I will help push those interests. But I'm no longer operating under the illusion that they're solid."
"Don't let a label push you away from something that interests you."
"Interests and personalities are kind of two different things."
"So, you're basically us catching up and chatting about things we find interesting."
"The Democratic Party is a vessel that can either represent working people or can represent... corporate interests, wealthy interests." - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
"I just want to look at dragons regardless of what they're doing."
"Just because someone is famous, that doesn't mean they are entirely one-dimensional."
"They are allowed to have other interests as well, and reading."
"The point of my book is the ideological critique cannot work unless it's anchored in an understanding of people's actual interests."
"If you enjoyed True Crime content like this, make sure you're subscribed to see more."
"I'm kind of over dance. I've kind of fallen in love with something else."
"He had a complete fascination with Machinery."
"That's funny, you know what, I have never asked you guys, uh, favorite book since this game is essentially about a writer, you know, gotta find a picture one forestry equipment around there had to be something I could use to reach the top."
"There's something in this world that excites everyone."
"What have you spent a hundred, three hundred, five hundred, a thousand dollars or more on in the last several years?"
"She's doing things that John ain't doing she has my full attention she watches anime and she play video games."
"When someone wants to call you a nerd, they're like, 'What, you like chess, nerd?'"
"Do interesting things and you'll become interesting."
"The things you feel strongly about are the things you're passionate about."
"Both men and women love to be asked about the things that they love."
"Try things if you think you might be interested in something, try it."
"If society is failing men, then you cannot blame them when they decide to shift their interest to something that they feel does not fail them."
"I keep talking about Germans and tank destroyers and I would like to make a change."
"You're learning to have more fun, connecting over common interests."
"Protect your professional and personal interests."
"Just because we lack a belief in something doesn't mean that we can't... have other passions and interests."
"Making friends beyond proximity... people who share interests with you."
"Connection is about people being open and talking about their passions."
"I like to bring in... music, art, learning about different people, travel."
"What mad scientist shouldn't collect carnivorous plants as well as being interested in UAPs?"
"You're free to choose what you're going to focus on, you're free to decide what interests you and what you like doing and what you want to pursue."
"It's the things people choose or fascinated about or obsessed with or you know this material subject matter being these shoes."
"Chloe develop from someone who's very apprehensive towards Pokemon into someone who's now fascinated by them."
"There's a real importance to... paying attention to what you're interested in."
"It's better to just share things that you love."
"Sun in the eighth house people desire to have depth. You guys won't explore a topic that doesn't really mean a lot to you."
"If you're not interested in artificial intelligence, you're probably not interested in interesting things."
"Chances are you're a fan of top fives and you've probably got a knack for late night investigations."
"Identify what aligns with your interests, passions, and uniqueness."
"You shouldn’t have to be convinced that both parties in this political puppet show are owned and operated by the same interest."
"Don't demonize people for what they're interested in."
"Women are literally not allowed to have interests and that is whack."
"If monster is your favorite character... you're that person in your friend group that is super into all the creepy things."
"There's no permanent friends or enemies, just permanent interests."
"If she loves skiing, get good at skiing. If she loves Game of Thrones, get good at nerdy stuff." - Roland Garine
"For every one person who wants exclusive coverage of GameStop or AMC, there's a thousand who are like, 'Hey, I also like learning about other things.'"
"Trust your past self who had a high interest in watching something."
"I don't care if it's nerdy, I love hearing about people's different passions."
"What am I truly interested in? What do I truly enjoy doing? Like what do I truly want to?"
"I'm not totally convinced that it's in their best interest... should not be the ones accommodating and forgiving Cody."
"People change, people's interests naturally grow and evolve with them."
"I really really think it's so important to recognize the people in your life and be grateful for them."
"What are you most excited about diving into."
"I would love to learn astronomy and biology, chemistry."
"Despite what interests you have, despite what your beliefs are, there's someone or something out there that thinks the same way that you do."
"Stop being sloppy about this... there is something antagonistic to our interests out there."
"In late 2000, Matthew was described as a friendly, intelligent young man who enjoyed fantasy stories and online gaming."
"I love solving strange puzzles and strong women."
"I want to have a platform for people to connect over similar interests. I wanted a channel to be talking about music, you know, and music and all these other interests that I've always had."
"I was always really creative as a kid growing up, into music and to film."
"If you care about Noelle, you should care about the things that she loves."
"If you have any interest in pretty much anything, you will find some book that interests you."
"Every single topic is boring to someone, and every single topic is interesting to someone."
"Follow what you're interested in... it'll transform you from a citizen into an individual."
"Anything you can be interested in, you will find others who are."
"No permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only permanent interest."
"I appreciate when you love something that much, whatever it is."
"Even before his arrest, Perry had an interest in MMA."
"What's really cool is you can really personalize it and find what fascinates you."
"States don't have allies or friends, they have interests."
"There is one thing lamer than your interest becoming perhaps more tame as you get older, and that's your interest staying the same."
"Kind of like the idea that she's into plants and that kind of thing so very opposite of werewolf but it's also like that connection with nature isn't it?"
"It's like you have a skill, then you have an interest, and you just happen to be kind of interested in this Indie hacker software product world in general, is that true?"
"He loves Power Rangers right now. Colton goes through phases every year, he has a new lock."
"You don't have to have the exact same set of interests to be friends with somebody."
"Politics is not about morality. It's about interest."
"I had always wanted to really dive into the subject."
"Every time the promoter can control the title, it greatly advances their interest at the expense of the athlete."
"Do you regularly watch shows or documentaries about law, law enforcement, criminal investigations, trials, espionage, or foreign affairs?"
"But how could he ever find any other shared interests with his dad beyond the two of them playing chess?"
"Honestly, I don't know if I have a favorite because I like all different ones for different kinds of things."
"You've got to have these things in your life so that you develop a personality, you develop taste."
"I was fascinated with tanks and big trucks since I was a kid."
"What if I got like a like a 308 rally car then I'm like ticking so many boxes."
"Anything that existed at any point has a fan base that wants to see their thing."
"I'm not interested in drama, fame, money; I'm interested in worldly affairs."
"A stakeholder is the one whose interests may positively or negatively be affected or perceived to be affected by the decision, activity, or outcome of the project."
"The wisest strategy is often to join the group that can best serve your long-term interests or the one with which you have the most affinity."
"I don't care about songs, I care about cool things."
"I guess because I had the free time to be able to find out what my interests were, I was actually able to do that and figure out what I really enjoy."
"Part of being a parent is being invested in your kids' interests, even if they seem stupid."
"I always had a fascination with cars."
"You have to get out, you have to be yourself, and you have to put yourself in spaces with people who are interested in the things that you are interested in."
"Everyone was entitled to their own interests because that was what made each person unique."
"It's okay, even preferable, to pick and choose the stuff that captures your attention and skip the rest."
"Loot crate is like a friend who knows what you love."
"I actually kind of want our kids to be nerdy."
"Those are my two favorite things: dogs and bars."
"...I love historical fiction as well as science fiction fantasy, and I read a lot of historical fiction."
"I love creativity and I like socializing."
"I like the scares, I like the creepy things."
"What would be your dream thing to find in this palette?"
"People love nothing more than to gather with a large group of people who share the same interests as them and then talk about those interests."
"He lives a life that is truly tailored for himself, and his own interests."
"The next chapter of my journey is gardening, chickens, goats, those kinds of things."
"I love geeking out about products."
"I am a very simple man when it comes to video topics and just things that interest me in general."
"My interests are very much aligned with yours."
"The things I love now are things I used to love doing as a child."
"I have a very large Squishy collection."
"I just absolutely love stuff like this."
"You should see the Shelf in my room: Jamie Lannister, the Hound, Snow Giant, Spain, the Night King, Littlefinger, Tyrion, Danny, Ned, Stannis... you name it, I had them all."
"I do like makeup videos, weird random videos that don't really make sense on the internet."
"I love a good sword pointing pose, I love figures I can do that."
"We don't have permanent friends or permanent enemies, we have permanent interests."
"She loves to do crafts, she loves to do art."
"I know it's really dorky, but I love anime, comics, cartoons... Even though my dad has different plans."
"...cool stuff but he likes the weird oddball stuff too..."
"I usually read just about all of them, and depending on what I'm interested in at the time, is what'll come about."
"Who needs tea and knitting when you've got Murder Mysteries"
"Anne didn't sit still as Queen, she was especially involved in religion and had even made a special study of the Epistles of St Paul."
"Now for some reason I feel like building some military models again."
"It's a long video but if you're into guitars like me, this is super interesting."
"It's like everything I like all in one place."
"I never grew out of my cartoon phase."
"I think I'd probably end up getting into like tech stuff. I'm super tech-savvy."
"You know how much I like bobble heads."
"The only reason you think the government is spying on you is because you want someone to care about your interests. - Me"
"I'm Into You Do you guys on Instagram do you enjoy Instagram yeah so I love it and I love looking at like boats and cars and even though I'm not into cars I like looking at them and getting the information Rolexes uh Yachts I'm really into yachts"
"So, these are important aspects, especially during your free time, you know, what are your hobbies, what do you like doing when you've got nothing on? So, it shows you, tells you a lot about that person, mashallah."
"Everybody has something that they are passionate about."
"To be an interesting person is to have things in your life that you do, that you're passionate about."
"What we are really arguing about is not our position but our interests, the need that's driving that."
"The Medieval World was a place of pleasure and one where if we know where to look we can see our own desires reflected back at us whether it's sex booze or Sports medieval people held exactly the same interests that we do."
"I wouldn't say I'm really a collector of Hot Wheels, but you know whenever I find them I hang on to them."
"I thought well what does Wolf Gang love other than being outside reading oh and apparently scissors."
"He's a Lego Star Wars Marvel nerd who also happens to be tall and still has all of his hair."
"I've also recently expanded into mechanical pencils."
"I hope the writers, I don't anymore. I like watching monkeys on TikTok. I'm obsessed with it right now."
"I like Cinema, you know? My father was in, you go into how the generation changed."
"They can have two of everything, multi-talented and have many interests."
"Oh my God, turn ons: Curd Bonut Jr. and mopeds."
"I have interests that sort of stand by the side waiting to get a bit of attention, easily have 10-15 hobbies."
"Ever since I was a kid I've been a huge fan of werewolves."