
Islamic Teachings Quotes

There are 306 quotes

"My aim, Inshallah, is to combine the wisdom of prophetic nutrition and modern nutrition to bring you the best of both worlds."
"Oh believers, eat from the good things we have provided for you and give thanks to Allah if you truly worship Him alone."
"The Prophet (SAW) eating fresh dates with cucumbers illustrates the importance of balancing the temperament of foods."
"Fasting is prescribed for us as a way to attain Taqwa but also serves as a form of healing."
"Verily actions are by intentions, and for every person is what he intended."
"The best deeds are those done regularly, even if they are few."
"Always try to...take our advice from the best example that we have, that is the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam."
"Giving Dawa is a responsibility of every Muslim."
"The messenger was summoned to the presence of the divine and what is then decreed the one commandment only one commandment that we know of and all the rest come down indirectly through Jubilee and that is the Salah."
"Contemplate the word of Allah to bring some healing and understand the world around us."
"Allah subhana wa ta'ala said at the end of this Ayah, 'then the scheme of disbelievers will always go to waste.'"
"Then certainly with every difficulty, there is ease."
"The ultimate Dawa of Islam...was the character of Muhammad (S.A.W.) and then that coupled with the most amazing words ever heard on the face of this earth, the words of Allah Himself, the Quran."
"Every single person who did a favor for us, we have repaid that person, except for Abu Bakr. For him, Allah will compensate him on the Day of Judgment. I could never pay him back."
"The sun has not risen or set on anyone after the messengers or the prophets that is better than Abu Bakr."
"Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says he has the capacity to create love between you and the one you hate."
"Dear brothers and sisters, I want to welcome you to our webinar tonight, where we're going to be speaking about a topic that should give us a lot of pause and one that is necessary to really balancing out our connection to Allah."
"As for the one who feared that standing before their Lord and restrained themselves from their lowly desires, then verily their abode shall be Al-Jannah, their abode shall be paradise."
"Allah blessed Adam over Iblis intellectually; we are at the top. And so Allah told Iblis to prostrate to Adam, not the other way around."
"Taking care of the environment according to the Quran chapter number six is part of the Sharia."
"Following the sunnah of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in all that we do."
"Unite together on the Rope of Allah, all of you together, and do not divide."
"Allah speaks in the Quran... about the Christian church, the Christian cathedral, the monastery, and the Jewish synagogue and the masjid, that these buildings must be protected."
"What Allah says in this ayah is, if you were to avoid and make great effort to avoid the major portions of the kinds of things you have been forbidden from, then as for the lesser shortcomings, we will bury away the remaining sins of yours."
"The Quran is God's Word, not inspired by God but God's direct revelation."
"The prophet saws used to help...in the house."
"The Quran is very much a celebration of life."
"This comprehensive nature of Islamic teachings gives guidance for all sorts of aspects of life."
"True happiness and true solace come with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, not with anything of this Dunya."
"Islam teaches us how to be a real man. Real manhood is about mercy and kindness and softness and forbearance."
"Muslims should show the best of behaviors and discuss and talk in the best of manners."
"The greatest joy in life is certainty of Allah. That's the greatest joy."
"Human Excellence is I believe a human duty of every Muslim."
"Let us listen to the series with a different intention, to know the Prophet's profile better, to love him more."
"These four things are the formula Allah gave the messenger to accomplish his mission."
"Be gentle in your approach, beware of this harsh character." - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
"Whenever you find gentleness, it will always adorn and beautify the person's character." - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
"Being gentle has immense benefits, it is one of the paths to paradise." - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
"Gentleness leads to people loving you, supplicating for you, and wishing for your well-being." - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
"The believer gets along with people very easily, easy to get along with." - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
"Various types of hope are recognized in the Quran."
"The best example for mankind is in Muhammad sallallahu Salam. He is the best example."
"To disobey Allah, one of two ways: either you don't do what He has asked you to do, number one, or you do what He told you not to do."
"Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth."
"Nothing increases your Iman like knowing your Lord and understanding His names and attributes."
"Iman is written in our hearts by Allah Himself, making it the greatest blessing."
"Iman beautifies the soul and gives inner energy, contentment, and optimism."
"Allah grants a sweet life to those who do good and have Iman, regardless of gender."
"Eman is like a beautiful tree whose roots go deep, whose branches are in the sky."
"Our character is the first thing anyone notices before they open any books about Islam or the Quran or Hadith or anything like that."
"Spread a good word, make Islam easy and not difficult for the people."
"There's another thing in the Bible when they talk about galaty as being a SE yeah yeah in Islam as well."
"The best way to do Dawah as a Christian would be to use the Bible to persuade other people of Christianity."
"Everything in Islam is carefully chosen by Allah; even minor details have significance."
"May Allah subhanahu ta'ala take us out of the mud of our own selfhood and help us to spread our wings."
"This religion of mine, of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala, it shall reach whatever the night and the day reaches."
"Whenever Allah takes something away from the Muslim ummah, He will always replace it with something better."
"My point here is that Surah 54:1 says, 'The hour has drawn near, the moon has been split.'"
"We have to ingrain our Islamic personality in our children."
"All you who believe, seek assistance through Salah."
"The Quran does not accept the Trinity. Quran as we believe as the Muslims that it is the word of God."
"Islam is not this like rigid set of rules that are going to make your life miserable... it's a guideline to live a complete and happy life in a way that you're pleasing Allah at the same time."
"It's what did Allah say? Did Allah say that Muhammad was shocked or did Allah say, 'I was shocked'? Both. It would only make sense to say both if Allah said it in two different occasions."
"Let's learn from our beloved Prophet, peace be upon him, to show kindness, mercy, and compassion to everyone."
"Islam needs to ask if it is possible that over a billion people have been misled by Abbasid propaganda regarding how and where their religion began."
"Verily those who are al-muttaqun, when an evil thought comes to them from Satan, they remember Allah and indeed they then see."
"Responding with sabr is only for the believer, meaning that it's something that you train, it's a muscle that you work on."
"Our religion is not just based or founded upon the Quran... our religion is also based upon the Sunnah."
"True virtue I've only seen through the example of the Prophet saws and his companions."
"Allah doesn't make mistakes... In fact, for someone to even assume that he does, you've left the fold of Islam."
"Anyone can turn back to Allah. There is no such thing as too much sin."
"Someone who strives to fulfill his role as much as he can within the Realms of Islam."
"Welcome to our first session of the late-night khatira from Valiant Islamic Center with Shaykh."
"Do not despair from the mercy of Allah because Allah forgives all sins because he is all forgiving and all merciful."
"The Prophet (salallahu) is the most relatable person in human history because there was nothing you could go up to him with and tell him that you'd been through except that he could be like yeah I can relate."
"With hardship, there is always ease, and Allah's mercy prevails."
"Islam is not a result of our intellectual endeavors; Islam is a revelation."
"These ayah that he's reciting, they are very effective."
"If you love Allah and you love the messenger then follow what Allah said in the Quran."
"We tell people that's haram, that's haram. If you educated people to the Deen, they would know it's haram and they would leave the haram."
"Fight them until there's no fitna." - Abdullah ibn Umar
"Every single fitna that would happen until the end of time." - Hudaifah ibn al-Yaman
"Islam is all about ignoring the worldly appearances and doing the complete opposite, humble yourself, Allah will raise you."
"It's extremely important, brothers and sisters, for us to be able to speak about this argument in a way that we can show the veracity of the Quran without the person requiring any knowledge of the Arabic language."
"Islam teaches that we should submit to God through good deeds such as the five daily prayers."
"Allah judges you based on your repentance so what should we be doing if we're good Muslims? You repent to Allah, you help people come out of their mess so that they can get to that repentance rather than judge them based on the sin."
"Every Muslim, based on their ability, tries to perform their best."
"Whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger will be in the company of those blessed by Allah: the prophets, the people of truth, the martyrs, and the righteous. What honorable company."
"The companions reminisced and thought about listening to his recitation in Paradise that it is Jannah like paradise-like to listen to this man recite the Quran."
"Islam is not here to command you to believe XYZ, it's here to tell you what the truth is."
"The behavior of a lot of people who call themselves Muslims sometimes isn't that Islamic."
"Non-Muslims may not read the Quran, but they read you. Your behavior."
"The bottom line is Quran says in chapter 4 verse number 116 that God is willing to forgive all the sins."
"There is nowhere in the Quran where Jesus said I am God or son of God or worship me."
"Muhammad didn't just talk the talk, he walked the walk every day." - John Ramsey
"Any time you feel the whispering of Shaytan, any time you feel that inclination, seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, Allah hears and Allah knows and sees."
"Allah preserved this story, and it is amazing that this story, even though it happened in the time of Musa (AS), yet it is preserved in our Ummah."
"In the history of Islam, there has never been a controversy surrounding the fact that God is one."
"There's something completely different about Adam that both the Quran and Muhammad in the Hadith say."
"Worship me and establish the prayer for my remembrance." - Allah
"God says in the Quran: 'If you have doubt in what we have revealed to our servant, then produce a surah like it.'"
"When you go through difficulty, you become closer to Allah."
"A test is an invitation to draw close to Allah. I see it that way anyway. It's always an invitation, but it can knock someone's relationship with Allah badly."
"Test management is in internalizing the true meaning of Qadr and really accepting that, you know what, this is good from Allah."
"The recompense of evil is evil, but whoever forgives and makes amends, their reward is with Allah."
"Islam is the final religion based on Muhammad's life and sayings, the Sunna, and the Quran."
"There's no point being a Muslim if you don't do Islam because you've missed the whole point."
"Cleanliness is one of the first things you learn in Islam."
"Allah subhana waa Embrace us all in his Mercy."
"The believer does not face any anxiety or hardship not even the prick of a thorn except that Allah will compensate them accordingly if they are patient."
"May Allah make us amongst those who are pleased with him and who will be pleased by him on the day of judgment."
"The Hadith are collections of sayings of Muhammad, and often subsumed into that concept are the Sunnah, which were the actions of Muhammad, or the practices."
"Why should they trust you when their imams don't agree with what you're saying?"
"Whoever says la ilaha illallah sincerely will enter Jannah."
"Anybody who speaks about Allah is actually doing something to serve Allah and serve the people that got to hear something beneficial."
"Sharia is a comprehensive guidance that God has given for Humanity to bring Justice and peace to the society."
"Islam provides comprehensive solutions for individuals and societies."
"Repentance is the first step, coming back to Allah, stopping the sin, hating it, and rectifying the wrong."
"Hold on to the Rope of Allah and don't be divided."
"What really matters with Allah is the level of your devotion."
"We build alliances upon the Quran, that's how we unite."
"Allah subhana wa tala created us to give us paradise, that is our goal."
"Let them shake their fists it's not upon us except to convey the message clearly show them the Miracles of the Quran the Miracles of the Sunnah the splitting of the Moon the evidences for such things that we have videos."
"Abu Bakr, the clear number one in that category."
"Abu Bakr's full belief in what the Prophet brought."
"Forgiveness in Islam: These were people that were persecuting him for 13 years. This, by the way, is a bedrock example of forgiveness in Islam."
"Living a full life is encouraged within Islam."
"You'll be rewarded for what you've done, and you'll not be misjudged. But if you reject Islam, the Quran suggests you're concealing the truth."
"Islam offers an uncorrupted, unchanged set of instructions for conducting your life."
"This verse that we're talking about was revealed because of what took place between the dispute between the Al-Ansari and Zubair."
"Justice is the foundation of all dominion, and Allah will preserve a state that is just."
"Understanding the true way of the Salaf and following the Quran and Sunnah is your victory."
"Marriage is part of the Deen, part of the Sunnah, you should."
"The arrest and prosecution was the first instance of U.S. law bringing an individual into custody overseas."
"If Prophet Muhammad was a false prophet, why would he introduce so many of those laws?"
"Anything that is an obligation from God, something that you must do in Islam, has an immense amount of beauty."
"Islam prohibits killing of innocent human beings. Human life is precious."
"Islam tells women they are equal with men but different."
"Islam is not a religion of weakness, it tells us to be strong but just and fair and good to people."
"The Quran gives people explicit time instructions to pray or to fast based on the sun."
"The best example is the example of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wasallam."
"I always get inspiration from the life of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wasallam."
"Allah shall never throw the one whom he loves into the fire of hell." - Sheikh
"The one who has these characteristics, the one who has good manners, there is no question that the fire of hell has been made haram for him." - Sheikh
"Constant dua to Allah to be saved from jahannam." - Sheikh
"He is telling you for you to hold on to this clothing of taqwa is far better."
"I don't think the Quran gives us an essential feminine essence and an essential masculine essence."
"Islamically, women are given property rights right from the beginning."
"Islam is providing for them in the best way."
"Truth and falsehood - constantly coming up throughout the Quran."
"If somebody shows you a hadith, it's part of our Deen, it's part of our life."
"Islam makes marriage so simple and it can really just be so simple and so beautiful."
"We should give him dawah because this is a true sign of a believer that you love for others what you love for yourself."
"Your uniqueness and the way Allah created you can never be an inferiority."
"Allah never prohibits something without allowing you something that is pure and Halal."
"If you don't believe this Quran is from God, why don't you produce a book like the Quran?"
"The message of Islam is one God and His messenger."
"Islam considers the health of the individual as well as the society very important to have a healthy Society."
"Allah does not charge a soul except with what within its capacity. It will have the consequence of what good it has gained and it will bear the consequence of what evil has earned."
"The Quran refuses to completely throw the baby out with the bathwater."
"Everyone needs Islam, Islam doesn't need us."
"Allah has blessed it with amazing acceptance. No other book of modern firk has been given more acceptance than this book."
"The love of Allah and His messenger transcends so many different movements."
"Be disciplined in seeking to connect with Allah who has created you from a single type of nafs, and who has created from it, from the same type of nafs, created its counterpart."
"The Quran came down to cure our hearts before our bodies."
"The very most truthful speech is the book of Allah, and the best guidance is the guidance from the Sunnah of Muhammad."
"Love Me For the Love of Allah... Love my family because of my love for them."
"When the prophet saws calls them to something, they prefer what the prophet saws calls them to."
"If it's from the divine, then what the Quran says is going to be true."
"Taqwa is the basis of our individual progress to Allah, taqwa is the basis of our marriages."
"In Islam, you do not come to a woman you do not know, talk to her, and then start having intercourse with her. Islam protects both men and women."
"Calling to Allah encompasses all aspects of faith and guidance."
"The Quran itself is being described as light."
"One step back to Allah negates all of those steps to shaytan."
"Charity in Islam is also our time, it is our knowledge, it is our effort."
"Allah says, 'We will test you with fear and with hunger, of wealth, loss of life.'"
"Die with a smile and you will be treated the way you perceived Allah to treat you."
"The Quran talks about the fact that the day and the night... rotate in the form of a ball."
"Islam is a religion that calls us to and propagates the concept of moderation. That's what our religion is."
"If someone tells us to do something which goes against the Quran and which goes against the Sunnah, we will reject it."
"May Allah help us to become and to raise confident generations of Muslims that can bring the glory of This Dean to the entire world."
"The Sunnah: Pray the missed prayer as soon as possible."
"All believers, do not put yourself ahead of Allah and His Messenger."
"Hold on to your dean, your way of life, Islam, submission to the creator not the creation."
"The best way to spread Islam is by showing good character."
"What Islam does authentic Islam is it softens it softens the heart."
"Stay away from the music, the remembrance of Allah is the best thing. The best speech is the speech of Allah."
"I pray that Allah beautifies our hearts with the most beautiful of meanings, understandings, thoughts, inspirations that will guide us to be beautiful servants of Muhammad."
"When you get to Allah, you should be going through Rasulullah salallahu alaihe salam."
"Hold on to every Sunnah, every moon step of sharia."
"The Quran: a book of clear-cut proofs and evidences."
"Prophet Muhammad's biography is a testament to his truth."
"No religion would promote terrorism. I mean, there's only one Islam, and that is of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."
"They can't let you go, you're constantly in their energy and on their mind."
"Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you."
"Every religion has a defining characteristic, and for Islam, it's modesty."
"Being a Muslim is supposed to be based upon following the evidence."
"Adding Sunnah practices adds stability and strength to your foundation."
"The Quran always asks us to reflect and to think and to ponder."
"Islam starts in the heart your belief is where it begins and then it is professed on the tongue and then it manifests on the limbs meaning first and foremost you have the belief."