
Suicide Quotes

There are 376 quotes

"Suicide is a permanent solution to what is often a temporary problem."
"I think most people who kill themselves believe that they are too much of a burden and that nobody wants to deal with them."
"Talking to people and validating their feelings of suicide does not increase suicidal behavior."
"Most of the suicidal men that I work with, their mind isn't malfunctioning; they genuinely have a life that is no longer worth living."
"What is causing suicidal behavior is the fact that the person feels trapped in pain and alone perpetually with no way out."
"It's like our dirty secret; there are far more suicides than there are homicides, yet homicides are what tend to make it on the news."
"The way things are right now is that white men are disproportionately committing suicide, disproportionately lonely, and having a hard time finding love and making friends. You don't just give in to the way things are and start just working with that, basically saying, 'Well, white men are killing themselves more; they're more depressed, but you gotta kind of suck it up, do what you gotta do.' No, it's okay to advocate for legitimate change."
"It's very hard also to survey people who committed suicide."
"Suicide is correlated with a sense of purposelessness in life."
"80 percent of successful suicides are men, and one of the leading contributing factors is loneliness."
"Young people are sicker and unhappier than they have ever been. Suicide rates are skyrocketing."
"Men have silent depression...men are four times more likely than women to commit suicide."
"People have lost hope, and they are drinking, they're doing drugs, they're committing suicide."
"I wanted to die because I thought there was no way out."
"Suicide is never the solution to our problems. It is the problem."
"Suicide itself, three times higher among men than women, and rising very quickly."
"Suicide is the single biggest cause of death for men under 45."
"Suicide is not the answer, even for people with whom I disagree politically."
"The happiest country in the world, so why do they have the high suicide rate? And then people are saying, 'Well, imagine everybody was happy around you, and you're depressed.'"
"Men are victims of three-quarters of suicides in the United States... because of traditional stereotypical standards of manliness."
"When someone takes their own life, the effect on their family and friends is devastating."
"Suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems, so don't even think about it."
"If you commit suicide, you're immediately reincarnated. It's like you don't get out that easily."
"The execution of his perfect suicide is just... Beautiful."
"Men in general, three-quarters of the suicides are normally male."
"Lou King was not depressed and would not kill himself."
"This woman just killed herself over here. That's messed up, that's horrific."
"A song so wracked with pain and heartbreak that its major release would cause its author to take his own life."
"In such dire situations, it is not hard to understand that an estimated two million people committed suicide."
"Aokigahara: known as the suicide forest, infamous for suicides and suicide attempts year after year."
"In the end, Hitler committed suicide in the Reich Chancellery Bunker on the 30th of April 1945."
"I wanted to kill myself, I just didn't have the balls to."
"He killed himself? It's preposterous. There's no way he killed himself without assistance."
"Suicide is the bullet train to eternity it's a darkly beautiful thought tragic a touch insane and it explains why Vincent painted the stars so magnificently."
"By October that year, officers began to suspect that the reason they couldn't find Tatsuya was that he had taken his own life."
"Is ending your life the way to deal with your problems? Well, suicide really atone for the mistakes or lack of a good life that has made you feel so sad? I don't believe so, my friend."
"Despite the official ruling being a suicide, many officials involved seemed shaky on that prospect, to say the least."
"He left a suicide note that just says... 'You are safe now.'"
"We lose about 6,000 veterans and service members to suicide each year."
"It's clear that one of the major reasons that trans people attempt suicide at such a high rate is simply because society does not accept them."
"Him ending his life was his final last-ditch effort at having full control."
"Honestly, it was because I was bored and I needed a change. In 2015, I attempted suicide and the incident left a permanent mark on who I am as a person."
"Days later on December 2nd, 2012, Israel was found dead in his cell after taking his own life."
"It's incredible to think... jumped off of a bridge to their death."
"There's this narrative that gender dysphoria is so bad that people kill themselves over it, right? But this person's clearly experiencing what is objectively gender dysphoria."
"I did, she hung herself, my mother hung herself here."
"70 percent of those people diagnosed with DID have attempted or completed suicide."
"A cautionary tale for parents out there a 13-year-old girl found herself in the middle of a cruel cyber hoax and her parents say it led to their daughter's suicide."
"Megan Meier killed herself after reading the message that she believed came from Josh Josh never existed but Megan believed he was her friend."
"Vivian's suicide was out of character; many who knew her stated that she would not leave her children behind."
"Previous suicide attempt is the most important risk factor for suicide."
"Unmanageable debt is commonly cited as a factor in suicide."
"Suicide does not ease the pain, it simply passes it along to someone else."
"Tragically, she took her own life shortly after she disappeared."
"Suicide is just murdering the most important person in the world."
"Seppuku is suicide by disembowelment originally used by samurai in battle..."
"God is breaking the spirit of suicide. I bind every spirit of suicide in Jesus' name and I command you to leave in Jesus' name."
"Men are much more likely to commit suicide in this country."
"For those precious ones... caught up in a moment of tremendous grief and depression and commits suicide... Christ died for them."
"There is arguably nothing more selfish than taking your own life."
"The shooter apparently died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound."
"Young men commit suicide at four times the rate of young women."
"If a man or a woman kills themselves, are they not murdering themselves?"
"Could it really be just as simple that brian did decide to go into the park or the reserve on the 13th or 14th of september to take his own life?"
"He killed himself because like he says, 'our time has passed.'"
"He committed suicide. So you can imagine when I learned of that, I was devastated."
"Margot Hemingway's life was dealt a devastating blow when her half-sister Joan Hemingway died by suicide."
"Perhaps Rebecca Coriam had taken her own life."
"Suicide. He must have been unable to bear seeing his work praised under Matarama's name."
"It's traumatizing to lose any member, any close member of your family, but especially, you know, when it's someone taking their own lives and they have so much life ahead of them, it's extremely painful."
"When someone close to you passes away from suicide, there's a lot of guilt with it."
"Can you be a Christian and commit suicide and still see the face of God? I need to know."
"Harold then decided to kill himself by drinking acid. Apparently, everyone who spent any amount of time near the house has reported feeling an incredible sense of dread."
"And also one of the major things that it can lead to is suicide."
"When somebody jumps under a train in order to commit suicide, that's what they think they're doing."
"Suicide is a real thing. Depression's a real thing. Anxiety is a real thing."
"You give them one little false allegation and they go off and kill themselves like an hero."
"...taking your own life is sort of like burning down your house without recognizing that there are a whole bunch of other people living in the house with you."
"...Uncle Joe was dead and so was my aunt, both had taken their own lives."
"Bipolar disorder also has an even higher mortality rate than unipolar depression, mostly due to an elevated risk of suicide during depressive episodes."
"I started drinking, tried to overdose. I wanted to die."
"Life is more than what you make it, so you can't just decide to kill yourself like that."
"This girl at the top of her game, obliterating people highly respected, and she killed herself."
"They don't prevent you from killing yourself, they just don't."
"It's hard to make that detail fit with the suicide narrative."
"Reason number 35 for why men have a higher Seaside rate list all other 34 reasons you can find those if you look up Men's suicide roll 34. bro you saw the perfect opportunity and you took it with no hesitation."
"According to the fan theory with unknown origins, one of the main characters, Lou, successfully commits suicide in the beginning of the film."
"The defense contended that Lynn gave Jesse the money because Lynn knew she was going to end her own life."
"Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary feeling."
"The suicide rate for divorced men is nearly two and a half times than that of married men."
"The only philosophical problem that is truly serious is suicide." - Albert Camus
"For people in the depths of depression suicide can sometimes seem like the only way out."
"If you're down I'm down for a double suicide."
"One of the things that correlates or is often seen in people with disassociative identity disorder and suicide attempts."
"Suicide seems easy but it is actually difficult."
"Sometimes Sunday night or Monday morning, he had hung himself in his closet."
"Göring's suicide note claimed he kept the capsules with him."
"How do we go forward without people just like killing themselves?"
"Mr. Baumeister committed suicide by a self-inflicted gunshot wound."
"The woman raised her chin. She tucked the muzzle into the soft flesh beneath it. Then she pulled the trigger and blew her own head off."
"Thomas Lynn Bradford... committed suicide by sealing his Detroit apartment, blowing out the pilot of his heater, and turning on the gas, dying of carbon monoxide poisoning."
"Göring committed suicide in his cell on the night before his execution on the 15th of October 1946 using a cyanide capsule."
"What do those who want to commit suicide most regret? That this is the last choice that forced them to say goodbye to life."
"There's worse to come, I'm afraid Miss Marple. My father committed suicide."
"Low meaning in life is predictive of higher rates of suicide."
"The loneliest group in society, I think, are men between the age of 30 and 50. And that is a group where there is a very, very high rate of suicide."
"You have this character who you've been reading about... committing suicide just giving up."
"Every time someone kills themselves, they go, 'He took the coward's way out.' If it were a coward's way out, everyone would be doing it. Come on. How many brave people do you really know?"
"I don't think Heath would have considered suicide as a solution to anything."
"The girls whose suicides go unexplained in the town that works hard to forget it ever happened. 'The Virgin Suicides' is a story about the lengths to which teenage struggles can be diminished and misunderstood."
"Pranking someone with a fake suicide is the most a-hole move someone could ever do."
"Suicide seemed like his inheritance, his birthright, his fate."
"I'm coming, I'm coming! This is not a joke, I'm committing suicide!"
"Technically my father hadn’t killed himself like his brother had but he might as well have done."
"If a country's prosperity depended on one girl's suicide, then such a country should disappear."
"Suicide is on the rise worldwide, but America seems to be the epicenter of it."
"Young men are four times more likely than young women to kill themselves. It's not going well."
"But from a mistake to a crime is a far cry, and it is as a crime that the clergy of Christendom wish us to regard suicide."
"If it were women with that rate we would have a special month dedicated to women's suicide awareness month and we'd be wearing purple bands or whatever the [ __ ] we wear on the NFL."
"I was suicidal for a couple of years leading into my 30s."
"Suicide? Why for what reason? Maybe losing that contract. You said it was pretty important to him."
"Many people can have thoughts of suicide and never make an attempt on their lives."
"Suicide is not a selfish cowardice act."
"If someone really wants to die, they will find any means."
"The fear of killing myself I felt the first time I thought of suicide at 14 melted away over the years with practice, like an athlete building enough muscle through training that they become fearless."
"Culturally, we need to destigmatize suicide. Certainly in religious settings, we need to support survivors of suicide loss."
"Believing that her life is over, Annie lays down in the tub with medicine bottles next to her."
"People who are suicidally depressed do not douse themselves with accelerant in front of an embassy and then light themselves on fire. This is a very specific thing that is like, well, yeah, I guess suicidal in one light is not something that's born out of the usual."
"The original newspaper articles all stated that at least one woman had jumped to her death. And the woman was named Pamela."
"Is it wrong for me to show the world that I really love somebody? That's how I feel about somebody."
"Mentally ill Ilse Koch committed suicide shortly after her son Artwin on the 1st of September 1967."
"Before you try to take your own life, I mean that's the ultimate solution and it's no good for anybody."
"Killing myself is not the answer."
"...I feel like I can understand how someone could become violently suicidal on the drug to the point where they may, you know, stab themselves several times or attempt to take their life in a horrific way..."
"Most people don't think of suicide during their lifetime just in terms of, 'Oh the stewardess won't give me the whole can.'"
"Male suicides make up three times the amount of female suicides. Guys don't open up about their problems because nobody [__] cares. You're just told to get up and walk it off. So why even bother opening up about it, right?"
"Within 48 Hours of that Bata took her life true."
"It's the largest recorded wave of suicides in history."
"we are facing right now you know what the biggest the biggest thing that we're going through that killing our young people and the re one they committing suicide"
"To make her feel sorry I suppose is that usually why people kill themselves"
"A suicide note from her husband. In it, he said the financial strain was too much to bear."
"It's just suicide. Well, that's kind of our thing. Yup."
"If you are someone who is having dark thoughts, suicide is never the answer. You don't get a second chance."
"I feel like 90 of the time when that's the scenario someone's like I'm gonna kill myself if you leave me, they're not actually gonna do it."
"Suicide is suicide. We don't need to know how these guys do it. Do we want to? Are we curious? Of course. But as far as with society and the younger demographics, we shouldn't be."
"He did consider suicide at one point."
"that like nice places always have like high depression and suicide rates that's because a lot of people go there because they're like that'll fix me yeah and then it doesn't yeah exactly yeah"
"We live in a society where we don't ask for help. Call the suicide hotline, don't keep it to yourself."
"Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy."
"This bankai is sort of a suicide bankai, one of the most bizarre bankais I've ever seen."
"Suicide is a permanent, irreversible attempt to solve a temporary problem."
"As far as suicide, in some ways, you could say all death is suicide."
"Suicide is murder and if you didn't kill the person who hurt you why would you kill the person they hurt?"
"I had suicide plans mapped out towards the end of my alcoholism."
"New York dramas like people hang themselves. People try to kill themselves."
"Would someone really try to take their own life by stabbing themselves in the chest with scissors?"
"Francis had taken her own life at the age of 23."
"There's a suicide clause. I don't think you get money."
"When Britain declared war on Germany on the 3rd of September 1939, Unity shot herself in the head with a pistol."
"Taking your own life is a cowardly action to engage in."
"I don't care. I truly do not care if they said that he was a coward for taking his own life because taking your own life is a cowardly action to engage in."
"An artist is going to commit suicide the week the album drops on video and they're gonna go number one and they're going so, I'm dead. Like, because it's like, everybody's trying to pull out a trick out the out the hat."
"The citizens of Jonestown had just committed the largest mass suicide in history."
"Tina Turner's eldest son, Craig Raymond Turner, died by Suicide at his home in California."
"There are strong relationships between suicide and religion, and suicide and education, and therefore there are social determinants of this very individualistic action, as suicide."
"Suicide is the leading cause of death for kids starting at age 10 in Colorado. Thoughts of suicide or a suicide attempt are among the top reasons that patients come to our emergency departments."
"That night we drove to his dad's house. Within half an hour of being there, James had taken his own life."
"He was transported to the hospital where he later died and no hero was a suicide letter."
"Almost immediately he emptied both barrels of the shotgun into his head."
"Anytime there's thoughts of suicide that come to anybody's mind, it's from the devil, it's not from the Lord. Give the Lord, give this world one more chance, and ask God to show Himself to you, and He will."
"You see when people take their own lives because they lost a job and they can't bear it to the point they will take their life, it is sad."
"She can actually commit suicide in a blink."
"No suicide is a very dramatic choice and they said it has not only dramatic consequences and energetic consequences for the people left behind but for you too when you cross over."
"Supposedly this perfectly well-balanced man who had no reason to commit suicide was suicided."
"Why did she shoot the auditor and then commit suicide? Why, it didn't make sense."
"I sincerely wished that I could end my life to make the pain vanish for good."
"It isn't pointing to gender reassignment surgery as the cause of suicide."
"Taking your life will not make the pain go away. It will multiply it and then transfer it onto every single person who loves you, so you will leave but the pain will stay and be bigger than ever."
"Marsha Bennett died from arsenic poisoning, but it wasn't murder, it was suicide."
"Taking your own life in battle rather than being caught or captured by the Native American tribes appears to be a likely scenario."
"When we've attempted suicide multiple times, it's crucial to address underlying issues and get proper support."
"I tried taking my life you know three times well because I did yeah I did because I felt that you know when I was a child I felt like they're winning you know I have to do this"
"When you see societies that lose meaning, what you see are record numbers of suicides."
"Suicide is no way out of a storm you listen to me it never never never solves a problem."
"Given trans suicides combined with vet suicides, I give them two weeks. Don't have long."
"This is a song about, you know, what it's like where I'm from and like and you started talking about suicide and you played this song and I'm getting goose bumps thinking about it now because it was like oh my god he's like he's really eloquently addressing suicide."
"I almost didn't release [Boys] purely because I lost a friend to suicide and I lost another friend, a person who was well known in my hometown who was very close to me, manager as well, so there was two people that I knew that had done it within the same year."
"I don't like when you leave and I'm alone because I'm scared of what's happening if you die I'm gonna kill myself."
"The causes of the tragedies of these types of tragedies are always complex and multiple and both individuals you're referring to took their lives two years after they appeared on a show."
"Tragedy struck in 2010 when her son Michael died by suicide."
"Suicide is a major issue associated with depression."
"It's profoundly evil that for efficiency's sake they recommend why don't you kill yourself."
"I think I was incredibly close, yeah, very, very close to taking my own life."
"Between 1974 and 1993, 92 men and 34 women fell from the bridge, all suspected suicides for reasons unknown."
"Suicide is considered a crime, but when someone's in that mental state, are they committing a crime? Are they just outside their norm?"
"Unfortunately on April 30th 2008, Chip chose to take his own life."
"Possibly Tammy committed suicide."
"He was found dead in his cell an apparent victim of suicide."
"What were the demons that drove her to suicide?"
"Maybe he preferred suicide to prison."