
Enterprise Quotes

There are 251 quotes

"The best predictor for success in a complex enterprise is intelligence."
"Decentralized economics or hey, free enterprise, is the way forward."
"The diversity and the enterprise in this part of the country is remarkable and is envied by the world."
"We've got content on the enterprise channel, analytics channel, and hardware channel."
"To attach to a great enterprise... is the fulfillment of the human personality to do great things."
"We are this nation that is built on freedom and individual initiative and free enterprise."
"We are real awakening the majestic spirit of enterprise and exploration."
"Dapr reached V1 production: Open-source, flexible, and ready for enterprise adoption."
"One of the biggest myths related to non-profits is that you're not profiting off of running a non-profit because this can be one of the most profitable enterprises humanly possible."
"Let's make sure history never forgets the name Enterprise."
"The big theme here is that they were part of a criminal enterprise."
"Blockchain interoperability is essential, and Quant is targeting Enterprise clients with the help of Oracle."
"Generative AI has opened up the opportunity for every Enterprise in the world to engage artificial intelligence for the very first time."
"Freedom of enterprise and freedom are directly related."
"Human freedom is very important and economic growth cannot be ensured without enterprise."
"By God, we're going to make this thing work."
"The culmination of the enterprise had gone as magnificently as could have been hoped for."
"The metaverse opportunity is not only about consumers, actually I would argue that the biggest value is likely going to be on the industrial and enterprise side."
"If you're basing yourself here then you need to show us that you are enterprising people who are creating new lives for yourselves out here."
"When it comes to advantages, Amazon Web Services has enterprise-friendly services, easy access to resources, increase in speed and agility, and that too on demand."
"Many enterprise products... would charge you huge money to license these features on their devices."
"Every enterprise will be engineered with generative AI."
"This is DJI's newest entry to their enterprise drone lineup."
"Somehow I doubt that this will be the last ship to carry the name Enterprise."
"You're providing an Enterprise grade lightning platform that allows corporations to plug in and high performance fault tolerant compliant fashion."
"The spaceship copied the Enterprise."
"One of the things that's extremely important for Enterprise organizations is how do you create the right policies the rules the regulations that can allow enable organizations to truly Foster the AI Technologies within the organization."
"Under Ellison's leadership, Oracle expanded its products and services to encompass various enterprise software solutions."
"Enterprise, the most revered and decorated ship of World War II."
"Enterprise simply isn't used to failure."
"Enterprise TBF Avengers begin dropping 2,000lb bombs, the heavy ordinance hammers Japanese gun emplacements, bunkers, and rifle pits."
"Microsoft 365 Enterprise plans provide Enterprise class services to organizations that want a productivity solution."
"Microsoft Defender for endpoint is an Enterprise endpoint security platform designed to help Enterprise networks prevent, detect, investigate, and respond to Advanced threats."
"If you can come up with a solution that solves pain points that enterprises are experiencing, you're never going to find budgetary restrictions or anything that gets in the way of deploying that technology."
"If you're looking to differentiate yourself as an enterprise today, the work that you've done over many, many years – some organizations that are listening to us have decades of data – is the basis of your recipe."
"Enterprise... it was like culmination of everything I knew."
"We're in the society that we're in it's about free enterprise it's, um, capitalism."
"...I will be looking exclusively for people who can introduce me to Enterprise companies..."
"Gro is really have two services, one targeted at Enterprise and the other for normal developers."
"Tactics like these allowed people on the Plains to hunt bison on an incredible scale and actually create a thriving enterprise."
"The use case is if you are an enterprise customer and have multiple firewalls on your inner edge."
"As long as people want narcotics, there will be an organized enterprise."
"Writing software for an internal use in a company of 10,000 people doesn't need to be globally scalable."
"The actual work on the Sovereign class Enterprise E didn't officially begin until August 1995 when prolific Star Trek artist John Eaves was tasked with drafting concepts for what would become the next Enterprise."
"The finished ship would mark the end of an era. Star Trek's decades-old use of filming miniatures would come to an end with this ship."
"This of course allows the tractor beam to pull on and basic it's the glory shot we were waiting for the Enterprise comes flying Through the Wormhole it's gorgeous."
"The average enterprise has 1,100 cloud applications."
"AI is going to be the iPhone moment for the enterprise."
"We'll be the fastest enterprise software company to have ever gotten to a billion, five, and 10 organically. In fact, it's never been done before."
"AI is not just an IT initiative. It's an Enterprise initiative."
"The prosperity of this country derives primarily from freedom of enterprise and freedom to hire, to employ, to work, and not from restrictive measures imposed by trade unions."
"We're working hard to meet the demand and make AI adoption really easy for these enterprise customers with everything they need."
"As you can see, this is quite an enterprise."
"Enterprise site allows for delivering curated content for specific audiences."
"As you move forward, this platform actually provides an excellent environment for this kind of growth and establishes you as a knowledge-driven enterprise."
"Simply put, the success of every enterprise hinges on its ability to sell."
"Why focus on enterprise? Well, we're talking about medium-sized businesses, established businesses that rely heavily on technology."
"Now you're starting to build an enterprise-level tool that you can use enterprise-wide."
"AWS has the most mature and enterprise-ready services."
"SageMaker Studio notebooks allow you to customize the environment to uniquely suit your enterprise firm's need so that you can bring your own image packages extensions and also automate customizations with life cycle configurations."
"The certification will enable you to have a practical understanding of how Microsoft's tools and technologies work in an enterprise environment."
"Enterprise grad security wherein it natively supports 802.1x protocol for Port security you can do storm controlling."
"Make sure that at any juncture, you're not ever trading off the user experience for some Enterprise feature or some feature that's going to get you a bigger deal."
"We still have to find a way to build a company that feels like a consumer company that just happens to sell to enterprises."
"Just how powerful this is, it's being built and used at the enterprise level."
"A commercially profitable Enterprise that works without me in it."
"When NextCloud split, they re-implemented those enterprise features as free and open source, meaning NextCloud is fully featured whether you pay for support or just use the free version."
"I may be involved in a losing enterprise yes so there was always the possibility otherwise you wouldn't have put so much effort into it you had to keep that in mind."
"The role of the architect in a modern or large IT enterprise completely changes."
"What the heck, the visual effects... and the Enterprise... this type of stuff really plays with your imagination."
"It's also a really great feature when you're working in an enterprise environment."
"You can push out Enterprise applications to your users."
"It's important to communicate and have the right buy-in for changes in enterprises."
"The future of finance is exciting, especially at the enterprise level."
"I think it's a discussion that a lot of Enterprise level businesses need to start thinking about"
"Architecture is about describing, understanding the enterprise information or data structure."
"Java, the evergreen language, has since become the cornerstone of many enterprise-level applications."
"The solution to welfare is not more welfare. It's more Enterprise, more industry, and more jobs."
"Sustaining an effort is the most important thing for any enterprise."
"Kubernetes offers an enterprise model by allowing users to define specifications in a YAML manifest instead of command-line options."
"I really enjoyed just how well they displayed that there is an actual crew on board the Enterprise."
"The Enterprise destroyed in Star Trek III was the Enterprise!"
"Logic Apps isn't a toy, it's a mission-critical enterprise tool."
"...you get a much richer experience of understanding how ordering and fulfillment processes are dynamic in the enterprise."
"He is a man of most enterprising genius."
"I like it because it creates a unique dynamic within this version of the original Enterprise crew."
"The characters in this show exist on the Enterprise."
"Warroad is the hockey enterprise."
"It's really opened my eyes to what enterprise drones can do like it's uh it's a very interesting field for people to get into."
"Imagine a rent-a-car company that will pick you up right at your door. That's Enterprise."
"It's a fantastic enterprise that we are part of."
"Payments as easy as email for Enterprises of all size and for consumers around the world."
"The software platforms we have built make possible quantifiable and transformative results for the enterprise."
"I fancied myself a leader... my talent for leadership would place me at the head of vast enterprises."
"Each of these farms or ranches or plantations is a business enterprise."
"Transforming an enterprise with technology requires strong teamwork as well."
"This program is presented by This Dot Labs, the framework agnostic consulting firm helping enterprises realize their technical goals."
"Every imaginable vertical business segment in the enterprise is using AWS in a very meaningful way."
"We're working with nearly 200 clients on actually building enterprise gen applications."
"Daring enterprise, you know, doing something bold and adventurous."
"The large enterprises, they even have people entirely dedicated to cost management."
"Zoom has gradually transformed itself into an Enterprise software company for businesses."
"This is where I wanted to be on the Enterprise."
"Long-term, Enterprise is where the activity is going to come from."
"This was always the dream, to get all of the enterprises end and all the same scale."
"Java is better for larger scale projects and enterprise software because it can handle more data, more computing, it's more stable."
"A data catalog is an enterprise-wide asset providing a single reference source for the location of any data set required."
"All modules come together and are integrated with each other, then it becomes a complete enterprise structure."
"There is no scarcity on the Enterprise, you can get equipment and food and parts from replicators, instantly transport anywhere."
"A truly collaborative data governance program across the enterprise."
"Risk management is a core component of enterprise security program."
"2015 was the time enterprises wouldn't go near blockchain."
"SharePoint is one of those tools that's also very well used in the enterprise level."
"What most people would like is governments to get out of the way and let private enterprise create wealth."
"U.2 is something to be reckoned with when it comes to storage media, particularly at the enterprise level."
"Azure Service Bus is a fully managed enterprise message broker with message queuing and publish-subscribe topics."
"Kubernetes... provides us with that enterprise level orchestration."
"We're here to help enhance the value of your existing investment into Windows Enterprise."
"We've got feature updates which are a big ask from enterprises and organizations."
"There's a lot here that you get with enterprise security."
"Hire the enterprise sales team to sell top down into larger companies."
"By 2024, almost 40 percent of enterprises will have adopted features within the SASSY platform."
"It uses PowerShell remoting to run user-contributed modules across hosts in enterprise to collect data for use during Incident Response, breach hunts, or for building an environmental baseline."
"This framework can be run across a single host or even tens of thousands of hosts across an enterprise. So yeah, it scales."
"Process mining is going to be a central technology to see life all the processes in an enterprise."
"We don't sell to enterprises, we sell to different customer user types."
"JavaScript, the open cross-platform object scripting language for enterprise networks and the internet."
"JavaScript is designed to be used by HTML page authors and enterprise application developers to dynamically script the behavior of objects running on either the client or the server."
"All this comes with enterprise-grade security that's beyond imagination in on-premises."
"We spent 40 years cramming technology into the enterprise, now we're spending the next 10 yanking it out."
"For me, it was interesting to get an insight into the world of ultra-high-end enterprise VR hardware."
"That's the way to build a sustainable enterprise."
"This software can be used in any enterprise environment because it is open source and free."
"The pillars of our prosperity are the most thriving when left most free to individual enterprise."
"We're trying to get to the real-time Enterprise where it's kind of cloud everywhere, in memory everything."
"Escape. Risk. Risk is our business."
"Let's do it again; let's reinvent how enterprises won for the next 50 years: resilient, intelligent, and sustainable."
"Snowflake provides all of the functionality of an enterprise analytic database along with many additional special features and unique capabilities."
"The cloud's a really interesting phenomenon that's basically taking over the software world; most of enterprise computing is moving to the cloud."
"Any enterprise is built by wise planning."
"Active Directory is absolutely amazing, especially in enterprise type environments."
"Every enterprise on the planet will eventually run on Nvidia's operating system for AI."
"...it's possible every day for every human being in that Enterprise to say yes to three questions without any reservations..."
"You could probably succeed at any worthwhile enterprise."
"The Harappans were very enterprising and perhaps there were some enterprising people who built these colonies in faraway places."
"I think the greatest human enterprise is making something out of nothing for no reason."
"WordPress is the most popular CMS in all of the world and it's used by companies like FedEx, UPS, and Best Buy."
"That's just about every large business in the world runs SAP software."
"The culture lives and must exist at the most fundamental level on the line employee in an enterprise like this."
"There's an enormous opportunity in the Enterprise."
"They are currently the fastest growing enterprise on earth."
"Once you reach the enterprise level... the application for virtual machine management and hosting becomes exceedingly important."
"It has been a remarkable journey from the dreams of its founder to its evolution as a globe-embracing enterprise."
"An effective enterprise architecture is critical to business survival and success, and as the indispensable means to achieving competitive advantage through IT."
"Virtualization has become a critical component in most enterprise networks."
"It really is an enterprise-grade solution and a set of features that you can really trust."
"We need leaders who are primarily servant leaders who serve the higher purpose of the enterprise."
"The beauty of the free enterprise system is the two of you meet somewhere in the middle."
"The enterprise certainly looks grand and majestic."
"It's a sensational story of how an enterprise grew."
"At Success Factors, we believe that people put the intelligence in an intelligent enterprise."
"With this network of intelligent enterprises, we are able to create a sustainable world."
"Big companies like Slack actually use this system."
"Enterprises are already building on it, mass adoption is coming for it."
"Enterprise architecture... ultimately is also about the business."
"We could be looking at the start of a very, very important enterprise for you."
"If this enterprise is well motivated, it will be happening for real within your lifetime."
"Pi first and foremost is an Enterprise data management platform."
"Free enterprise celebrates and is inseparable from human freedom and innovation."
"We've got some big things going on here at Triple L Rustic Designs."
"This is an enterprise IoT platform with a strong emphasis on security."
"Models create transparency and traceability across the entire enterprise."
"It facilitates the development of an Enterprise Knowledge Graph."
"F# is designed to be a functional language, a succinct, performance, robust language you can trust in enterprise situations."
"It's about customization and integration. You have to be able to fit within the workflow of the enterprise customer."
"When you're building enterprise level applications, optimization and being able to streamline your processes to ensure that your end users are getting the best possible experience."
"Identity and access management is a critical part of an enterprise security plan."
"Engage with the ecosystem and monetize your creativity, it's time for everyone to build the intelligent enterprise."
"The high-end commercial enterprise systems actually do this."
"Then you get a taste of like, okay, do I need enterprise-grade stuff?"
"For enterprise applications, I would say Angular is the one to go."
"You would only need to have micro front ends if you have a super large enterprise application."
"We're right at the intersection of open source and enterprise, which is the world's innovation written as code."
"Labor believes in wealth creation, we will always support enterprise, creativity, and hard work."
"When to use RabbitMQ? In typical enterprise integration scenarios."
"This is one of the reasons that I think Windows Server 2012 is a valuable tool, valuable server, why I would pay for it in the enterprise world."
"Collaboration is key in building enterprise solutions; it's about more than just automation—it's about creating a cohesive ecosystem."
"Custom logging bridges the gap between business data and technical data, providing an enterprise-grade solution."
"The enterprise ready AI-powered assistant that improves team collaboration."
"By using managed services, large enterprises can save as much as 35%."
"A big burden is to make sure the enterprise stays compliant."
"We are taking butter FS into production with the release of our new unbreakable Enterprise kernel."
"This is a teamed enterprise, do not let your own feelings stand in its way."
"What if there was a unified solution that scaled to meet the needs of everyone from the smallest teams to the largest Enterprises?"
"Data science helps to build information-driven enterprises."
"Camel can be used to implement integrations by using building blocks that are called enterprise integration patterns."
"We've done the work to make Drive enterprise-grade. It's ready for you."
"It seems to be the most popular enterprise."
"If you're just looking to match what's the next Microsoft, you're never going to think it's Facebook, this college social network that's free."
"We believe that the answer is not so much around the best or fastest machine learning models, but it's the industrialization of the enterprise ML model that's really important."