
Experiences Quotes

There are 7047 quotes

"The next 18 months...is really going to give you a lot of fulfillment in the unknown, taking risk, and having intense experiences."
"Life is all about the possibility of having experiences with one another, and whenever you don't take the chance to live those possibilities, then you're just wasting time."
"Like it doesn't matter if it's to play studio, some mobile studio, you're gonna learn from any place and it's gonna be amazing stories over there, like badass stories I'm pretty sure."
"Everything that's happened in your life has brought you to this point."
"The biggest wealth you will ever have are a set of experiences that can't be repeated, some knowledge that can be beneficial for yourself and those around you, and the feeling of love."
"It's about scars so when you get judged, you get judged on your scars."
"Let your passion lead you to new experiences because your passion is your power."
"It was one of the coolest things I've ever done."
"Imagine watching comedy with friends or having sex or reading a sad book without empathy. It would be worse."
"Being grounded had a young me doing the stupidest [__] ever."
"First dates have the potential to be magical, fantastical, romantical. A night you will never forget but they also got the potential to be straight booty."
"The zero-waste lifestyle is about living more. It's about enjoying life. It's a lifestyle based on experiences instead of things."
"Having the experience is more important than consuming ourselves with other people's view of us."
"Through that, you have become so wise, and you are expanding into the wisdom you have obtained through these heavy experiences."
"These experiences were so profound and paradigm shattering that I'm still reeling from them."
"Our minds are like Velcro for bad experiences and Teflon for good ones."
"Every experience that we have is like a catalyst that is there to provide an opportunity for growth."
"Trust is developed over time and event; you go through things, you experience things over the long haul, greater the trust."
"Everything that affects you... makes up the person that is you."
"Realizes that only through difficult experiences will he become an immortal."
"When I was done shooting this gun the other day, I'm watching the sunset out there in the desert, and it's gorgeous."
"I can't tell you all the things I've learned over the years in doing The Nutnfancy Project. Just so much."
"After 1,000 years, he finally sees a sunset, smells the dinner being cooked."
"The amount of times I've gone and done something I never would have myself... and then it turns out that it's these moments that we still talk about and remember fondly."
"I would not want to be chased by that at 3am."
"All the times in my life that I've been scared or put myself out of my comfort zone or met new people have always ended up benefiting me."
"Happiness comes from people, the experiences and connections you make with one another."
"The human brain is a network of approximately 100 billion neurons, different experiences create different neural connections, which bring about different emotions."
"The most important things in life are free: friends, family, memories, experiences."
"Regrets aren't a bug; they're a feature of life."
"This is more social interaction than I've had in years."
"The experience happens, our conversation could be the experience, that's then processed by the mind."
"You're going to experience happiness in ways that you didn't think were possible."
"The great majority of people in America, Britain, Germany, South America, India, in fact all over the world, think they've had telepathic experiences."
"Happiness and unhappiness are not opposites; they're different experiences."
"The best experiences that I've had as an MMO gamer have been not related around the curated content by the designers but instead by the unpredictable player-driven encounters."
"Every one of those experiences was laying the fundamental foundation for my life's mission."
"It's not about the rides we take, but the memories we make."
"I want to experience experiences. I want to have moments that I'll never forget my entire life."
"The first way to enjoy your life more is to plan in memorable moments."
"Life happens in the world, not in your home, not your office. Life is about people."
"Sometimes the things that feel the most dangerous are the ones that truly make you feel alive."
"I know how humbling it is not to have anything."
"Hungry fish, delicious food, and intriguing individuals are just a few of the things that I experienced on this adventure."
"Every experience that you have with every person produces an emotion."
"In an ideal world, we would just trade in our life energy directly for those experiences."
"Most of us don't know when we're going to die... That money represents all of the experiences that we didn't spend that money on."
"That's the single greatest and quickest souvenir that you can have from any given moment."
"I buy experiences and if I spend my money on anything, it's on experiences with my friends and family."
"This is going to be the best trip of your life."
"I want to validate everyone's possible experience because the moment we make it hierarchical, we lose our empathy and sympathy for people's lived experience."
"I would rather go and do an experience than see a site."
"What these children went through is beyond comprehension."
"This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen, guys."
"We are so absurdly lucky to live in a world where people have distilled a lifetime of experiences into a palatable, let's say 300-page novel."
"I think it's important for young people to go out and have as many experiences as possible before they make a certain particular choice about how they want to live their life."
"Success is not about the destination; it's about the journey and the experiences along the way."
"What people share with us freely in sharing our near-death experiences, we share back to the world freely."
"I just think travel opens up your mind to so many new things."
"Literature is about teaching lessons and imparting values and sharing experiences."
"Art isn't something to be solved. It's not an equation. Art is about people, about experiences, about joy and fun and entertainment and intrigue and curiosity and thinking big thoughts and feeling big feelings."
"You're not born evil; you become evil by your experience and what goes on in life."
"Be open to new relationships and experiences."
"The Ultimate Abyss...it looks scary...but it's a much slower ride than you might imagine."
"Do you think that matters, fam? But then again, when I looked at it in hindsight, the most they could have taken was a couple of iPhones and a camera. I still would have gone happy."
"We have to be willing to challenge the old self image because the old self image will always create experiences consistent to what it has experienced before."
"Not all education takes place in a classroom and not all learning is found within books."
"The most radical thing you can do is to actually believe women when they tell you about their experiences."
"It's the most amazing thing to be a part of."
"There are many ways to experience stress, and it impacts all your senses: hearing, touch, smell, and most definitely vision."
"Your thoughts create experiences when you're in oneness."
"We have all seen and heard things that no one should have to see or hear, things that will haunt us forever."
"Consume memories, not items. Get out of your house and go places and be with people."
"The joy is in experiences and it's in the people that you experience stuff with."
"This game provided the most amount of unforgettable experiences that would stick with us for our whole lives."
"It's better to go out for experiences...that's something that lives on in your mind forever."
"We need sort of a mind shift back to where we were and the value in face-to-face experiences."
"Welcome to Singapore, welcome. We've just checked in to the lovely Mandarin Oriental after perhaps one of our favorite cruises."
"These brief, transitory instances that we get to peek at Nirvana."
"Life is just experiences, and we tend to label what experiences as good or bad."
"Presents for your parents and experiences to share with them...that is the thing that will make me happy."
"Ever wondered what it's like to wake up in a new country every day?"
"Life isn't about happiness; life is about experiencing life."
"The unpredictability of being in the right location at the right moment is what causes these spectacular and sometimes terrifying experiences."
"If you haven't already been in London, I'd highly recommend visiting when you can."
"We're all in this pop group where people from all around the world come together and share so many amazing experiences."
"That's like going to Venice and not seeing the canals."
"We're not just here to watch football; we're here to experience it."
"It's been a fantastic year for our channel, and we've really just loved all the experiences we've had."
"Everything you do, you can learn something from, and you can carry something with you."
"Allow room for the unexpected, and allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised."
"That zip line experience was like reverse catfish, like you start off, and it's actually better than you thought."
"It's a nice natural date like, There's nothing like Wow, Wabam, you know kind of feeling."
"The beauty of the internet is you get to watch other people's experiences and take what you want from them."
"Followed it to the end. And when it came back, it was better than it was when I was a kid. When does that ever happen?"
"It's like stepping back into a time capsule."
"By far, this is our best accommodations that we've ever received."
"That's what this whole experience is like, being pulled out in an undertow where you're like, oh, this..."
"It's not about completing the journey, but instead, more about the things that happen along the way."
"The best moments are the ones we didn't plan for."
"Oh my god, oh, I miss her. That was actually really fun."
"Collecting of experiences is like education."
"In the end, it's not just about catching them all, but about the adventures along the way."
"Many people look back at high school as the best time of their life, while many look back at it as being a really unpleasant time."
"I still want to do like skiing, go on a cruise. I've been on a yacht. I took a motion sickness pill, and then you're fine after that."
"Expanding your set of experiences... is the ultimate secret to transforming your life."
"I honestly coming on a second time, my anxiety about it is not anywhere near as bad as it was the first time."
"I think my ears are ringing. They probably are. Is that a pregnancy symptom? No, I think it's just my life after Taylor Swift concerts."
"It wasn't a game; it wasn't theater; it was as real as it gets."
"You need to have as many of those dopamine hits of joy whether it's good food, good company, travel, books, music, whatever."
"Money is just a tool, a resource; what we really want is the experiences and freedoms it provides."
"In other words, comics in the early to mid-20th century largely focused on laughter for its own sake, and didn’t necessarily ground their material in their real-life experiences."
"When you have experiences when you're younger, you get to hold on to those experiences your whole life."
"You're going to finally realize through your experiences what really matters in life."
"You don't place as much value upon material things as other people might; you're more about enjoying your experiences."
"This is a universe of infinite good, capable of constantly producing infinitely new experiences."
"The differences between boys and girls aren't set in stone; they're there because their experiences have taught them different skills and mental attitudes."
"The power of being able to share those experiences with other people sort of has become something that we think is core to the experience that we try to make."
"I don't regret any of those experiences because they were beautiful in their own right."
"No matter what you've gone through... all of it is shaping you into the person that you can become."
"Being different from everyone else comes with its troubles, but it's so fun because you have different experiences with everything."
"I've actually learned a lot about the voice and how our experiences affect our voice."
"Life's crazy, and you never know what will pop up."
"Embrace the ups and downs; they make the journey worthwhile."
"This night, from start to finish, was one of the craziest experiences we've ever had."
"Adventure really happens only when things go wrong."
"It was such like a treat and such a bucket list like vacation to me."
"Smart people learn from other people's experiences, and dumb people, like me, always learn from their own."
"If you ever get a chance to feed lorikeets, do it. It really is amazing."
"It was the start of something special that one can only experience to truly understand."
"There's something to that, you go on a vacation it's just sunny, you don't really remember it, but if you had a thunderstorm you'll talk about it for years."
"You as a person are an amalgamation of your life experiences and your genetics."
"Individuals are the sum of their unique experiences, challenges, and accomplishments. What matters is not the barriers they face, but how they choose to confront them."
"What's the point of saving money if you never spend it on being able to experience something?"
"Life is short, and it should be fun, and sometimes you have as much fun making mistakes as you do having big successes."
"This has been an amazing experience, and we got to be very grateful for it."
"I'm the kind of person that would buy the upgrade for all my friends because I care way more about the experience we have than saving a few bucks."
"If you get the chance to do that with one of your grandparents, honestly take it. It's one of the best experiences you'll ever have."
"Our brain is constantly rewiring itself... our brains are wired differently based on your experiences."
"The purpose of life is to have amazing experiences, not to collect money."
"The best things happen outside of your comfort zone."
"Once you share a moment, it's no longer just yours."
"Life is all about experiences, and we are so lucky and blessed that we have a job of experiences."
"We are a culmination of all of our experiences, good and bad."
"Really enjoyed Pterodactyl, you get some absolutely incredible views across the park."
"We are going to New York for Christmas... I've been wanting to go to Serendipity, this place with frozen hot chocolate, for like my whole entire life."
"That was a fantastic time, and I would love to do that again at some point."
"Ultimately, people are a product of their genetics and their experiences—nature and nurture."
"Nothing will ever beat Side, making videos with your friends and every time it's like that, you're getting unique real experiences."
"This is officially the last thing on the list... falling in love."
"If you like mountain climbing, do you like to be aware while you're doing it? If you like to drive a motorcycle, do you like to remember the next day that you had a great trip? Why the hell do you want to have something called sex of which you don't remember anything the next morning?"
"I used to own a deli, and the struggles of what you go through... it helps me be a better member."
"A person's true nature is formed by life experiences."
"Your inner child is basically a part of your consciousness that embodies all of your childhood experiences."
"I love that you bring like your whole family on that tour, that's really cool."
"This is what I wanted. This is what I wanted out of the whole experience."
"In all the time that I've been doing these live videos, whatever just happened has never happened before."
"The whole idea is creating... openness to new experiences."
"We just want people to walk away from this like we've walked away from seven years of sailing of, yeah, things aren't always as you think when you live in a bubble."
"I think the only time I feel FOMO is like watching finals."
"Football brings you places, lets you see and do things beyond your wildest dreams. It's the best job."
"There's a lot of crazy things that happened in that."
"You should explore while you're here and make sure you leave with no regrets."
"The moral of the story is, you're going to meet friends in the most absurd ways which nobody in the other fields ever can describe."
"We are more than the sum of our parts, more than the things that have happened to us."
"During group gazing sessions with Braco, visitors describe being touched by an invisible and silent power which opens them to new and positive possibilities."
"You get to see the best and the worst, and you get to see the beauty in people."
"It was worth every single second. That one ride alone was worth all the money, the effort of traveling here, connecting flights, trains, hotels, Ubers."
"Real growth doesn't come from sitting around doing psychedelics...real growth comes from truly living life."
"You could write a book on the depth and intensity of experiences that you've had."
"We just witnessed a genuine alternate reality situation."
"I think there are some games that just work better that way. Without single-player, we would be lacking so many fantastic experiences."
"It's better for an awesome experience to end and leave you wanting more than it is for it to completely outstay its welcome."
"And now here we are in this brave new world, the new Anna, the new Duncan, with this experience behind us. And we can never go back."
"Life is short and it is those experiences that you inevitably look back upon and never regret."
"I truly believe that there is a lesson to learn in every single experience."
"The only way to hit big is to have all of those smaller experiences."
"As many launches as I've seen, seeing it in person is a whole different experience."
"This is probably the coolest experience I've ever had."
"Every now and again, escaping and doing some cool ass [ __ ] but then being put back in the box."
"ESFPs wanna experience all that life has to offer."
"Women initiate divorces more often than men, it's a fact."
"You gotta get out there and do stuff, otherwise you're never gonna grow."
"Expect costs. Expect amazing experiences if you let yourself have them. Expect amazing new friends if you let yourself go and meet them."
"A lot of it has been bad, but also a lot of it has been pretty good."
"Like this is awesome, you know. It's still amazing."
"Who's the worst person you've ever dated? Well, all of them obviously."
"It's never as great as it looks, it's never as good it feels, it's never as terrible as it feels."
"What you felt was a lot more and a lot more in a good way."
"It is in the character of growth that we should learn from both Pleasant and unpleasant experiences."
"Your perspective is in everything you hear, see, say, experience, every feeling, every emotion, all of it."
"Spend your money on experiences not liabilities."
"The more things you experience, the more you can actually understand when people are talking to you."
"I just want to be able to do as much as possible, be with my friends all the time, travel in the future, just really experience things."
"The real currency in life is the love that we exchange, the experiences that we have."
"Experiences and opportunities are the things that you're going to look back on in your deathbed and you're gonna want more of, not more money."
"True beauty lies in sharing experiences with others."
"It's a way of decoding the layer of metaphor that encapsulates our experiences."
"You haven't reached the pinnacle of everything. There's still more life to live, more experiences to be had."
"I'm just going off of the things that I like and the things that I have experience with."