
Debt Quotes

There are 1869 quotes

"To target people who are in extremely vulnerable and desperate places and get try to get them to join an industry where 99.6% of people don't make a single penny and then convince them to drop $5,000-10,000, which they usually don't even have, so they have to go into debt or into more debt to join a company where many people don't even make their first sale for months or over a year... I mean that is just extremely, extremely disgusting."
"With uncertain debt structures both at home and abroad, a Chinese financial crisis seems inevitable."
"I owe money now. So any money I make is going into this until we pay it off."
"China was a bankrupt country in the 70s, now we're borrowing money from them. Something ain't right."
"The US is $34 trillion in the hole, stressful, and yet we keep printing money."
"Debt is stressful. You can go to bed thinking about it, you can wake up thinking about it, it can ruin any given day."
"Such a crazy night, and I still owe you money from then."
"I've made a fortune by using debt, and if things don't work out, I renegotiate the debt. That's a smart thing, not a stupid thing."
"Debt is to capitalism what hell is to Christianity: unpleasant but essential."
"There's good debt and it's bad debt, and if you're not fully educated, you think that all debt is bad."
"Debt is a trap that holds us back from living the life that we truly want."
"Debt is the epitome of evil and the killer of your financial dreams."
"Money is created through debt; that's how money enters our economic system."
"We don't go to Mexico for a friend's birthday when we're in bad debt."
"The level of debt our citizens are going into...with $280,000 in debt at enormously high interest rates, and the piece of paper's not getting them a good job anymore. I mean, it's really bad in America."
"The creation of an enormous amount of debt and the monetization of that debt is a significant economic force."
"In a momentous turn of events, the Colossal Financial Behemoth, China's renowned real estate developer Evergrande Group, saddled with a staggering debt of 2.44 trillion Chinese yuan, has finally been officially ordered to liquidate by the Hong Kong High Court."
"The amount and percentage of people's household income that is going towards debt payments each month is ballooning."
"The American life is like live on debts, just make your monthly payments."
"You can't just keep borrowing money because eventually, it's going to blow up and crash."
"It breaks my heart...the growth of this buy now, pay later because what does that mean? I can go out and buy anything I want, not pay for it today."
"It's buy now, pay later, and who are we borrowing it from? We're borrowing it from China, who we're going to bomb."
"If you don't pay, you may get a surprise visitor to come and take your stuff."
"For many struggling to pay their student loans, the debt can feel overwhelming."
"If you could borrow $1 billion 0% interest for 10 years, would you do it? No... It's not worth it. I don't borrow money."
"The world is currently about 350 percent debt to GDP, which is the highest ever recorded in the world."
"If we go over that debt cliff, it's going to be catastrophic not just for the U.S. but for the world."
"I wanna see a downturn that restructures debt and zombie companies."
"The critical factor is that the US economy was very lightly indebted, not heavily indebted as we are today."
"The world ends not with a bang, but with a whimper... It ends with a whimper if the solution is more and more debt."
"The creation of a lot of debt and the printing of money to pay for that debt represents a financial component that is challenging."
"I've seen so many friends fall down the slippery slope of the debt rabbit hole...and the next thing you know, they're so far in debt that they can't afford to do any of the things they were doing."
"The biggest mistake a lot of young people make is they'll come out of college with... debt, and then they'll go get an apartment... effectively, you never win the game of accumulation because you now have not solved the problem of depletion and deterioration."
"Debt should not be considered normal; it is a vicious, pernicious destroyer of wealth-building potential."
"We have the greatest level of debt in the world's history."
"College costs you on average about forty thousand dollars in debt and takes four years of your life."
"The U.S. federal debt to GDP was 56% in 2000, now it's 126% and climbing."
"When you're a debtor, you become a slave to the lender."
"The only reason you should ever have debt is to produce an asset... if you don't trust the asset, don't be buying the asset in the first place."
"So many people owe more on their car than it's worth is extremely troubling. We're looking at a massive financial crisis if this trend continues."
"Private debt bubbles slowly get resolved by pushing that up to the public level."
"60% of American adults surveyed cited their level of debt as their main reason for financial anxiety."
"The student loan crisis, a lot of people were told to go to college. That was a huge mistake."
"Instead of leaving generational wealth, we're leaving generational debt."
"When you have debt, that's money that is not your money. You always owe someone else money, and worst of all, you're almost always paying interest on that."
"Why is Generation Y so ballsy about debt and confident that you can pay it off? I know that I will be successful because I will make myself successful."
"We have a system where we have to borrow in order to have an economy; we have to be in debt to the banks."
"The endowments on the universities... we outright end the college loan debt pipeline. That whole thing has to stop."
"Live from the headquarters of Ramsey Solutions broadcasting from the PODS moving and storage Studios, it's the Ramsey Show where debt is dumb, cash is king, and the paid-off home mortgage has taken the place of the BMW as the status symbol of choice."
"It's going to be the most vulnerable individuals who are going to have the most debt, thus it's a very unprogressive, regressive policy framework."
"Debt robs a man of his self-respect, and makes him almost despise himself."
"I do think this is superior because people don't go into massive debt trying to get care."
"I have my literal business marketing degree which put me $80,000 in debt, and I make more serving sushi rolls."
"The world has changed for the airlines... they've had to take on a lot of debt."
"They're eager to get me in debt. It's very generous at 5% interest though, I'll tell you that."
"It's time for both parties to stop pretending that modern monetary theory is true and the debts and deficits don't matter."
"If you are producing students with six-figure debt and then they have degrees that don't allow them to pay off the debt, then you're failing in your mission."
"It's easy to put things on credit cards thinking you'll pay them off later, and then before you know it, you're struggling with debt."
"I owe money, I owe money, and I just don't want that sensation anymore."
"You're prisoners to anyone you owe money to or take money from."
"Every single one of them was preceded by a debt bubble."
"The stimulus packages were not a handout, they were a high-interest loan that we are paying back."
"I look at three major forces that are happening now... and those three major forces are the creation of a lot of debt and the printing of a lot of money to buy that debt."
"China's aggressive lending led to unsustainable debt burdens for many developing countries."
"We're in a similar position in the world in 2008 where standards of living are artificially propped up by debt and so once that gives out everyone will be a lot poorer which will create massive social instability."
"The U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio was 107 percent... that's a total public U.S. debt divided by the nominal GDP."
"We are definitely heading towards a debt crisis."
"Forgive students the first fifty thousand dollars in student loan debt with an executive order now. Um, here's the thing that people don't understand about this."
"Reparations is about repair. It's a debt that's overdue."
"An excessively indebted economy cannot have large rises in prices without collapsing demand."
"You're talking about the most levered developed economy in the world with the most levered consumers in the world with the most expensive real estate in the world, all of a sudden, having a real problem."
"Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another."
"So there's a dollar, debt, demographics and deflation story. It's now the 4 Ds."
"The biggest danger in capitalism is the debt deflation, far more dangerous than inflation."
"This is why we're 31 trillion dollars in debt because of stuff like this. It's making the American people poorer."
"The shortest distance to wealth is always no debt."
"Getting rid of debt in America and getting rid of this burden on the back of everyone is somehow going to cause the American capitalistic system to completely fail is asinine."
"When borrowed money isn't used productively... it can't be paid back to pay down the principle."
"It's a really a fraud in my opinion that it's not that you have to go to a four-year school to get educated and be, you know, 200 grand in debt to get educated. It's nonsense."
"Nearly half of all Americans are currently going under because of debt."
"Certainly we should not condemn people to a lifetime of debt for wanting to learn or better themselves."
"Money as debt is a form of slavery. It's just it's changed everything. Congress, in essence, has ceded total control of the value of our money to a secretive central bank."
"Join me over the next few minutes as I explain China's train debt crisis and how it's become the boogeyman that haunts the Asian giant."
"Politicians and pundits talk about living within our means and paying down the debt. You can't do that without collapsing the entire economy. It would just vanish into this black hole."
"Americans are now digging deeper and deeper into their pockets and going further and further into debt to stay afloat."
"This is not a hot economy when 43% of households can't afford to pay for housing, food, childcare, healthcare, transportation, and a cellphone without going into debt."
"These numbers are Big Numbers we're going to be getting into the point the further we go on quarter after quarter, in this to really begin to feel that debt drag on economic growth."
"Debt, the horrible debt that we have right now, is an enemy. It's an insidious cancer that's eating our country from the inside out, and we have to stop it now."
"Inflation benefits debtors. It's a transfer of wealth from creditors to debtors."
"Why do we feel like we keep getting in the situation where we're taking out micro loans?"
"College debt is real it's hurting young people and there's really no good reason for it."
"You should gift yourself getting out of debt first."
"Your house is worth less than the loan you have."
"Our rising debt levels pose a national security threat."
"Debt strangles capacity for new productive investments."
"With white supremacy in white America, there is no black person on this planet that will get enough 20s to take care of their student debt."
"I sacrificed a lot of my time to try and recoup this debt."
"Debt was a key part of the crash in 2008...virtually everybody believes it was."
"I think debt is like, you want to show off ludicrous wealth, but the moment you run into trouble, it's like a fine line. The moment you run into trouble, people drop you like a rock."
"Average person is doomed. They have bought a house and borrowed all the money to buy the house."
"Chinese debt has been growing very rapidly since the 1990’s."
"Debt is owing anything to anyone for any reason."
"We recently paid off over 300 thousand dollars in student loans."
"Literally two and a half years from now, you'll actually be out of bad debt if you sacrifice now and have a fully funded emergency fund."
"If you're in debt and you're trying to trade out of debt you're just going to get more debt."
"My low buy year forced me to attack this problem and to start putting real money down on this loan to get it out of my life and for me to finally become financially free."
"Think about being 40 years old and owing 30 thousand dollars."
"So how was this couple able to pay it all off in just 18 months?"
"The FED kept interest rates artificially low for more than a decade encouraging people to go deeper and deeper into debt."
"Set yourself free of debt which is what controls you and controls everything around you."
"If someone is like hey, education, education, education, the fact is, like, you get a degree now, you might just have this giant debt load and no job at the end of it."
"The amount of debt we're taking on in relation to how much money we make is still relatively reasonable."
"Debt, debt, debt, on top of that, on top of that, it's been piling up."
"They are still paying the debt that they borrowed from a bank on a house they're never going to get."
"The nine trillion dollars of debt that the local governments have built up in China does represent a major problem."
"Reparations are about paying a debt that's owed."
"There's something really wrong about a society that leaves as an inheritance to its children a lot of debt."
"The fact that we've got higher debt levels today and we're potentially going into a global recession in 2023 means that we're now at risk of something disastrous happening."
"People are struggling, taking on debt at record levels."
"If you're late and maxed out on credit cards, you're losing over 350 points."
"There's only so much debt in the system. It's kind of like you're either growing or collapsing."
"The level of debt is so huge, small changes in interest rates destroy large amounts of value."
"Student loan forgiveness is inherently immoral."
"Life accumulates... we either accumulate the debt or the value."
"We're entering the end phase of this post-World War II debt super cycle... The value of gold exploded."
"America must pay its bills on time and in full."
"Americans drowning in long-term credit card debt."
"Rich people are the ones who are able to take on the most debt."
"Nothing can financially ruin you quicker than debt."
"People are living off of credit...people who are just collecting money from the government...so all this government spending is being financed by debt."
"Debt for middle-class families over this space-time period has almost tripled."
"The debt today is a million times bigger than it was in 2007."
"We're completely debt-free right now. It feels so amazing."
"The faster you get out of debt, the faster you're going to have a legitimate emergency fund."
"The debtor will be the slave of the creditor."
"Your body keeps the score and your body knows when you're not safe, and debt puts you in an unsafe position."
"Money, or in this case, debt, is the root of all evil."
"Debt is a way of pulling tomorrow's Prosperity into today."
"No collateral is allowed to go bust in this environment because we're too leveraged as a world."
"Car loans are America's wealth killer today."
"Your children's children are gonna have to pay for this."
"Education should be free. Students shouldn't have to run into debt to get it."
"A little inflation is a damn good thing if you have debt."
"Your debts are too high, you can't pay them off, and the people who brought you here have zero credibility."
"It is criminal in this country that we have young people graduate with 30, 40, 50,000 of debt just to get an education."
"China is looking at a ballpark on paper debt figure of over 850 trillion officially from this industry alone."
"A massive tsunami of debt has engulfed the planet."
"Keep your debt utilization low and pay all bills on time."
"Getting into debt is super easy but getting out is hard."
"Once I catch you with the debt, I hold you forever. You are my prisoner."
"Those who are paying interest, those who are paying mortgages, those who are borrowing money are always going to be the slave."
"Keep hustling this money that you're paying 15 16 17 interest on is so expensive and it is destroying your wealth."
"The US is in the hole by $34 trillion and yet we keep printing money."
"My husband left me and I have car loans and a mortgage that I'm behind on."
"Debt is consuming people's lives, causing a lot of anxiety."
"That servant goes out, he finds his brother, who owes him a small debt, and that debt was three days' wage."
"Do not spend money that you do not have because it will snowball."
"College grads would get great degrees, land high-paying jobs, and repay that debt easily, allowing even more students to take out loans. At least that was the plan."
"This is the worst time to be getting into debt."
"It's immoral to borrow from the next generation."
"It's not even like paying off a credit card debt with another credit card. It's like paying off credit card debt with a loan from the mafia."
"Millennials in their 30s have racked up a historic 3.8 trillion dollars in debt."
"Gen Z is chalking up credit card debt and falling behind on their payments faster than any other generation."
"Unmanageable debt is commonly cited as a factor in suicide."
"Investing for retirement while having high-interest debt is like running on a treadmill and trying to lose weight while eating a cake."
"Our young people are being saddled with ridiculous student loan debt right now by these universities."
"This aversion to debt is a cultural trait, with the German word for debt being the same as that for guilt."
"The destruction of businesses and jobs, the sinking of the country into the depths of unbelievable debt, are alarming."
"Interest rates, leaving you in debt for the rest of your life. That ain't right."
"Buy now, pay later could lead to an increase in consumer debt."
"It's so great when you pay off fucking debt, it's like that shoulder that's removed from you."
"I found myself at the age of 41 in the first recession, $800,000 in debt."
"The local governments have built up over nine trillion dollars worth of debt."
"Bonds are like IOUs - you're loaning a company or government money."
"Squid Game is about people with enormous debt coming together to play a series of deadly games."
"It's time for a jubilee: the erasure of debt and a rebalancing of power."
"Debt has long been both a source of profit and a tool of social control and racial domination."
"The end of the pandemic will leave us with massive debt and a whole bunch of bubbles."
"That's how money is created, you have to borrow it into existence."
"We're only seeing what they want us to see right, we have no idea if some of these people wearing 6,000 bags are in 50,000 of debt or not."
"There's almost 14 trillion dollars with a dollar denominated debt."
"Get out of debt. That's America's prison. It's everyone's prison."
"You should never spend a single penny in interest on a credit card."
"Cash still rules everything around... keep your debt low."
"You can put 10,000 on your credit card today, pay it off in its entirety tomorrow and they're not going to care."
"Debt is never talked about in this Bible as a good thing. It's always a curse. It's always a bad thing. You're always a slave."
"Folks, the bond market is overlooking a soaring $2 trillion debt problem. There is no escape."
"Americans are forced now to use their credit cards to maintain living standards."
"The debt cannot be paid back, it will be defaulted on whether it's via non-payment of current currency units or the devaluation of current currency units via hyperinflation or hyperdeflation."
"Nothing on earth is its equal, a creature with no fear inside it."
"We've paid off our other loan, now we have 80,000 in the bank and no debt at all."
"Education is one of the most important things in the world, but the debt for education is the biggest scam of the world."
"Your net worth is what you own minus what you owe. If you owe a whole lot, it doesn't matter if you own a whole lot because at the end of the day, if all the people that you owe come a call in, you're broke."
"He carried all of that... he paid the debt with his own life. It's remarkable."
"Debt is not my friend, the system is designed to keep you broke."
"Too much debt will ruin any and all nations."
"We've got the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world."
"It's hard to pay off debt, it's hard to walk through that process."
"Debt slavery is an economic system that hides the truth behind words like 'Fidelity and Trust' while ripping you off."
"The biggest threat to the United States is not terrorism, it's not weapons of mass destruction, it's not climate change, it's... our debt."