
Investment Quotes

There are 46773 quotes

"Investing in sleep... it's an investment in something you care about so critically, which is your health span."
"Your health is an investment, not an expense. But it will become an expense if you don't take care of it."
"Making money work for you is the first step towards financial independence."
"Always thinking about that big picture... realize that the market's not going anywhere. There's going to be money to make tomorrow, the next day, the next day after that."
"Chess courses are not a waste of money if you ensure the material you are learning is applicable, if you choose quality over quantity, and if you understand that spending money does not equal results."
"If you're going to invest in something, right, if you're going to invest in your hobby, you got to have fun doing it."
"We have 86,400 seconds a day, and whatever you're not investing into something for your happiness, for your health, for something that's going to outlast you, then we lose it every single day."
"Your body is the most expensive real estate you own."
"Investing in yourself is the best investment. Yourself becoming the best version you can be."
"Making Google the best place for billions of people to shop, we've also been aggressively investing in building an open ecosystem where all merchants can flourish."
"Passive income is a really interesting thing."
"The whole entire business decisions of just throw money at all of these games until something works was not the way to go."
"ARC, as you know, is focused solely on truly disruptive innovation, and most of our stocks are not in broad-based benchmarks."
"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin
"If we invest in the women in those communities, you've actually invested in the families and in the communities."
"Everybody just wants to own Nvidia. That's just crazy."
"Now we can find yield in crypto terms, in crypto native assets, internet native assets that have no nation state dependencies."
"Xbox is a place where you know when you're investing in Xbox, you're investing somewhere that is dedicated to making games more successful and creators more successful."
"What we've done at ARK is we are pure play innovation."
"I just can't really think of anything better to invest my money in than to have a sustainable living option next to a relaxing part of nature."
"There's a lot going on in the world that is beyond our control. But investing in your child's future is something that you can take control of."
"Spend less than you earn and invest the difference."
"At the optimization stage, you're also going to focus on diversification."
"We started this portfolio with $50,000, it's already at $3.5 million."
"Put money in stuff you understand and you love. Don't put money in stuff because it sounds sophisticated."
"The 2024 crypto bull market will be the last cycle where retail investors can make generational wealth before the big institutions come in and own the industry."
"2024 will be a great year for crypto investors because three huge catalyst events are coming to the market."
"These ETFs are going to surpass gold ETFs in not too long a time. The big Bitcoin ETFs are the most successful ETF launch in 30 years."
"Once you understand it's digital money, then you realize that the strategy is you just buy it and keep buying it, and don't sell it until you have to pay a medical bill or until it's an urgent life-or-death matter."
"I really hope this portfolio has been helpful for you guys, as I strongly believe early 2024 will be the final window of opportunity to accumulate quality projects."
"If we simply reprioritize our investments, part of those funds each year go to each region, so that they can begin to build out and scale up a 3rd Industrial Revolution infrastructure."
"Your future is worth investing in. It's just a fact."
"Dividend stocks are an amazing investment asset that can grow your money and grow your income for life."
"You do not want your money to be driven by emotion."
"The stock market is still the most accessible wealth-building tool that the majority of people have access to."
"The stock market is not a casino; the stock market is not a gambling center."
"The stock market is a place where you can go and buy ownership in some of your favorite companies."
"It's a leap of faith to be putting your eggs in that basket."
"I'm walking out of the pawn shop today with $1300, and I'm very happy. It's going to go on my kids' college education fund."
"If you buy today, you're likely buying at the peak of a massive bubble that's going to see a big drop in prices in the coming years."
"The best time to invest in real estate was 10, 15 years ago... There's always a good time to invest in real estate."
"Cash flows your freedom, but appreciation gives you wealth."
"When you invest not just financially, you invest mentally, you invest emotionally, you invest your time, you invest spiritually... it's all going on in your brain. That's homework."
"Your looks are a depreciating asset; your mind is an appreciating asset. Invest your self-worth appropriately."
"Invest in things that appreciate, like real estate."
"It's really important for me to give shareholders a great return on their investment."
"Be the one that isn't wagering; you're investing and forging new paths."
"If you can find a sector where you're positive on the commodity outlook and you couple in exploration success with new discoveries, that's how you can make 30 to 50 100 times your money in some stocks."
"There's no get-rich-quick scheme. It's common sense. You work, you make money, and then you put that money to work, and then you, hopefully, one day use the money that money makes."
"Philanthropists are putting record sums into tackling the world's most pressing problems."
"First of all, the stock market is at record highs, Bitcoin is at near record highs, gold is at record highs, everything is up."
"Life has been expensive for you, and you have continued to pay the price... but courage is going to require, in order for you to finally cash out on the investment of life that you have continued to pay, you are going to have to activate your courage."
"Pursue and invest in solid, mutually beneficial relationships."
"For decades, we've under-invested in the public health infrastructure of this nation."
"Invest in California now. Now is the time. It's on the up."
"You still have to invest in yourself and in your marriage."
"This is crazy, gold and silver, monetary metals, the world's best inflation hedges for thousands of years."
"Gold and silver to hit new nominal and real all-time highs before this is over."
"Short-term chaos equals long-term gains, five to eight X gains in 2025."
"This is good ground to sow into. Your gift will make an impact."
"I was living very small. I wasn't spending money. All I was doing was buying real estate."
"Learn how to invest in stocks from somebody who has six figures or seven figures in the market."
"My money makes two to three times off the same dollar before it ever circulates outside of my territory."
"The secret secret to building wealth for regular people is not building the next Amazon, it is not finding the next hot stock before it pops, it's investing your money."
"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world because now your money is working hard to earn you more money, and every time your money does that, you're going to have more money that you can send out to work hard and earn you more money."
"Investing is not a one-time thing; you got to keep investing your money consistently."
"If you're trying to invest your money, you should invest it in yourself."
"Invest into gold and precious metals to protect yourself against market volatility and inflation."
"A good investment plan is always slow and steady."
"Most rich people do not idly count their wealth sitting under palm trees; they continue to reinvest it in new projects."
"I just really want to see you invest, I want to see you build, I want to see you do something good with your money."
"Make something happen in your financial and investment life."
"Every rental is like a little oil well. Little oil well you can text that's right. Each one is just pumping oil out of the ground every day, every month, every year."
"Mobile home parks... they're good for stories but really they're good for cash flow."
"Infrastructure is important, and as I’ve said before, we’re living off of the infrastructure investment of my parents and grandparents."
"You don't always know for sure if it's going to pay out financially, but you always know it's going to pay out relationally."
"Invest in learning about how to make your money work for you."
"It creates this enormous opportunity to invest in America: new bridges, new factories, more prescription drug costs decreases."
"People invest in people's visions and stories."
"The Heroes of Liberty book series is not just the best present you can give your loved ones; it's also one of the best investments you can make in their future."
"You can see why Charlie Munger loves this book... it helped him identify and understand when am I being tricked."
"If you had a great business on Main Street and it's just bringing in tons of cash, the last thing you're going to want to do is sell it."
"Don't jump from you see somebody across the room... to making investment sexually, emotionally, and otherwise."
"The investment in seeds is a huge payoff, huge return on that investment."
"Regardless of the costs...the payoff is there; there's a big return on investment."
"Investment in knowledge is actually a great way to help future generations."
"You want to own bitcoin as property, and that's where I think we're going."
"Investing in trust and safety is a top priority and serves as a competitive advantage."
"Investing $2.5 billion into a specific black community that was torn apart by a highway is a good example of addressing systemic racism."
"What made America a great place for the whole world to invest was the stability, reliability, transparency, and impartiality of our legal system."
"If banks create money and it's used for productive business investment, that gives us economic growth without inflation."
"It's a new year, and you need to make your money work for you."
"Invest in your happiness. Don't put everything into one thing."
"Don't invest in someone based on how much you like them, invest in them based on how much they invest in you."
"Think of muscle like an investment. You can make money by working more hours, or you can have your money make money for you."
"One of the most certain investments is your health."
"If we believe that long arc of history is bending toward justice, then investing in alignment with your values is not only ethical but a smart risk mitigation strategy."
"You can spend a lot or a little to go iRacing. Some of these rigs, Denny Hamlin's is rumored to cost way up in the tens of thousands of dollars."
"NVIDIA is looking strong right now... for me, NVIDIA is a great long-term hold."
"Apple always does have extremely solid packaging. They probably spent like $5 million on box engineering."
"Investment in human capital is obviously important because it helps citizens provide even greater value to their country and can help develop the economy."
"Don't lose money. That's rule number one. Rule number two: Don't forget rule number one."
"Bitcoin is the hardest money that has ever been invented."
"It is the biggest business and investment opportunity in all of history."
"You have to constantly reinvest into the business."
"Putting your money in the S&P 500 and not touching it... 20 years from now, you'll have returned more money than the smartest people on Wall Street."
"Invest in traveling... Spending money on travel makes you richer."
"Every dollar you put into your health now will save you hundreds 20 years from now."
"Don't think you need a lot of money to start investing in long-term goals."
"Good debt helps you in the future, it makes you money, it increases your value; bad debt is debt used to purchase liabilities, things that take money away from you."
"Investing in America in ways we haven't for decades: roads repaired, bridges rebuilt, improvements in ports, airports, and public transportation."
"This is leading to massive investments in the clean energy economy that will both lower carbon emissions in the United States and create enormous numbers of good jobs."
"Britney Mahomes has done is not only support her husband but do things like invest in the women's professional soccer team."
"Learn to invest in people that invest in you."
"Over the long term, and especially when looking at the advancements of artificial intelligence, I think Google is going to be one of the best stock market investments out there."
"If you work really hard towards something or you invest more time into it, you should be able to get a return on that investment."
"Invest in things that spark your creativity, especially hobbies that you've wanted to pick up for a very long time."
"We need more investment to scale up climate finance, with investment instruments and funds available for everyone."
"There is no drawbacks to investing in preparedness for you and your family... it's an investment in your future."
"You want the right combination of paying off capital with a reasonable interest rate and a reasonable balloon if you are monthly repayment driven."
"The movement encourages people to invest, it encourages better pricing for retail, it encourages faster settlement, it encourages transparency, and community due diligence."
"The TFSA is a gift offered by the Canadian government to encourage Canadians to invest in the long term."
"If you hold high-yield dividend stocks and ETFs in your TFSA, you will never pay taxes on these dividends, and this will allow you to maximize this exponential growth."
"You make more money in a market crash than when the market goes up."
"You have to own assets that make you money while you sleep and grow while you sleep."
"We're also deeply investing in AI responsibility."
"I am prioritizing Tesla stock...I am personally unaware of a better risk-adjusted opportunity in the stock market."
"The alliance between Microsoft and OpenAI started in 2019 when Microsoft invested one billion dollars into OpenAI."
"I think my best the best way I spent my money was investing in myself."
"I don't think there's anything wrong with splitting the date down the middle. It shows me that you are invested in this date like me."
"Whatever it is you invest your own time and energy into, that is what you are going to breathe life into, and that is what is going to manifest in your own life."
"Imagine a country where you could look your kids in the eye and say, 'Your country loves you, your country values you, and your country will invest in you and your future.'"
"If you're spending on space, you're spending it on Earth, you're spending it on the people and the processes to make space things happen."
"You can't guarantee a return in the market, but historically, over a long period of time, you generally will earn more than the finance charge."
"M1 Finance takes the emotions out of your investments."
"M1 Finance is a 100% free Robo-advisor or automated investing platform."
"One dollar invested for a 20-year-old can turn into 88 by the time they get to retirement."
"Master the art of deferred gratification, so you can get those dollars working for you."
"The investment principle says: when you as a business go out and make investments in projects or assets, make sure you earn a return on those investments that exceeds some minimum acceptable hurdle rate."
"If you plan on playing GTA Online for a while, this [equipment upgrade] is definitely worth it."
"The urgency of the situation dictates that it's worth investing the money to save a lot of time."
"You will win more than you'll lose when you're actually invested in that person."
"At any income level, you can always have an IRA."
"What if we could actually spend some serious money behind Fusion Energy, which could power our civilization for millennia to come and make energy too cheap to measure?"
"When you invest in others, you're investing in yourself."
"The best insurance you can give your new investment in tires is to get an alignment along with them."
"Risk is what forces and entices investors to make good and sound investments."
"You should be investing on financials, not emotions."
"Imagine splashing cash on a Birkin bag and you can't even make an investment in a house or car."
"Gold is insurance, and I like to sleep nights and stay calm."
"Not every single thing needs to be a home run. You can hit a third-base investment. It's still going to be really good."
"The rule of 72 is a shortcut to estimate the number of years it takes to double your money by dividing 72 by the annual rate of return."
"Every dollar you invest into an asset becomes kind of like an employee that's working for you 24/7 to create more income, even when you're on vacation."
"If we don't invest in an asset class like a new one like cryptocurrency or invest in the stock market and our jobs are being replaced, where is the money gonna come from?"
"Invest in the things we can control: our minds, our bodies, our emotional state, our spiritual state."
"It teaches you how to invest at a young age and later on you're much more likely to become an entrepreneur."
"The market tends to return about 7% to 8%...What that means is that your money will essentially double every 10 years if you do nothing."
"Loving people is like investing money; never invest more than you can afford to lose."
"Shoutout, Dr. [BLEEP]. Seriously, the best investment I've made in the last 12-plus months has been weekly seeing a therapist."
"Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy only when others are fearful."
"If you're in the early game, Minamoto still is one of the most effective commanders that you can pick up with cash."
"Coaching is one of the most valuable tools you can have. It's an investment in yourself and it can yield some of the highest returns."
"Forget the time spent, think of now. Where can you invest now?"
"Altcoins have the potential to absolutely explode and make you a ton of money."
"Holding for a long period of time... it's also way more likely for you to make money with this stuff over the long term."
"Full disclosure, I'm not selling a single doge. I'm still very, very confident for it in the long term."
"Dogecoin still has the big catalyst of Coinbase... it still has a big catalyst of Tesla accepting doge."
"We've put so much of our energy, efforts, and money into Spacestation. It feels good to finally get this house for our family."
"Once you own it, it's in your best interest to spread the word about how great it is so other people will buy it."
"A meticulously restored 1913 Steinway piano, a masterpiece that not only resonates with timeless music but also harmonizes as a noteworthy investment."
"Investors get tax breaks... portfolio and passive income get lower tax rates than the income you get from a job."
"Billions of dollars are floating in this space to fund teams that are building the next generation of blockchain applications."
"You have to have an expectation of where it's going to go, where is it going next higher or lower. If you can't reasonably outline that, then you're gambling."
"Institutions are truly understanding the value of Bitcoin. They are really seeing it as the true digital gold."
"The intelligent use of debt can make a huge difference; there is good debt and bad debt."
"It's all about investing in yourself. What's the point in having a new bike frame if you can't ride your bike?"
"Massive support for children and the people who take care of children is the best long-term investment."
"I spent around five thousand dollars performing this test to provide you all with real quality reviews."
"I have decided to start giving unsolicited investment advice. Invest in cheese. You're welcome."
"If you believe in the value of Bitcoin, it's another way for you to save money and actually get a return on your money."
"There is no one size fits all when it comes to rental real estate."
"Bitcoin is digital property. We are sucking the monetary energy out of houses, bars of gold, silver, bonds, stocks, and collectibles."
"Bitcoin is the Apex property of the human race. There's nothing better, everything else is riskier."
"I think Bitcoin is the Apex property, so it's definitely the safest lease impaired property."
"The riskiest thing would be to hold bonds and bond-like real estate and bond-like equity because there's no way for them to increase their cash flows by a factor of 10 or 100."
"In the Western World, we've got devaluing currency, so you just got to find scarce assets that are going to hold their value over long periods of time."
"That's why wealthy people buy rental property."
"Investing in the right system from the get-go because otherwise you're going to end up buying something twice."
"Every dollar that goes into space exploration rather than military money is a good venture."
"Buying good tools is never a waste of money because it's a forever tool. That thing will last forever."
"You don't know how long something is going to last, so when it's working, you may as well double down on it."
"You still have a lot of time for compound growth. You have a lot of decades left."
"What we have seen over the last 24 hours is remarkable, truly an inspirational time for everyone to be investing."
"Volatility is the price you pay to get 10x the performance of the S&P. If it wasn't volatile, you wouldn't have the opportunity to make such significant gains."
"Every successful investment idea in the 21st century was a digital transformation. Bitcoin is the digital transformation of property, gold, and energy."
"If you can take your monetary energy and put it into digital energy, you can partner and ally with everything you find admirable in the world."
"The main reason why we started this investment series is so that you could understand how it really works when you achieve financial independence."
"If you situate your investment right, you can actually generate dividend income every single month."
"Part of me thinks that if you're still into NFTs, at least you're sticking to your guns."
"I just spent $10 million training you. Why would I fire you?"