
Discoveries Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"Realizing that you would rather have life experiences and take a risk responsibly...leads to great creative discoveries."
"A lot of our biggest discoveries have been made on very unusual single individuals who turn out to have a lesson that's pretty broad, for example, for the organization of the human brain."
"The field of archaeology recently saw some monumental discoveries that are rocking the foundation of what we think we know about ourselves."
"Embark on a mind-bending journey with Kaku about why the Moon is not what you think it is, unraveling hidden lunar wonders and astonishing discoveries that defy all expectations."
"Out of bounds discoveries are some of the most interesting in games."
"The best discoveries in physics seem completely obvious in retrospect."
"We think we have seen it all, but archaeologists keep digging up interesting, if not creepy, things from underneath us."
"The melting ice sheet is unraveling the bewildering secrets this isolated continent harbors on a daily basis."
"Egypt continues to unveil fresh mysteries through a plethora of recent discoveries."
"The most remarkable discoveries ever because we've got an entire library here of ancient documents."
"Curiosity is what leads to discoveries, and discoveries have the potential to enhance our health, our wealth, our security."
"It's an incredible time to study dinosaurs. We now know of over 1,200 different species of dinosaurs."
"Dinosaurs have been discovered all across Britain."
"For those who have been paying close attention to the archaeological news, there's been a lot of very important discoveries that have changed our understanding of human migration into the Americas."
"When I'm with you, I can't help but find more things I like."
"Sutton Hoo: one of the greatest discoveries of our time."
"Here's the 20 most incredible things found in abandoned places."
"Here is the 20 most incredible space discoveries to blow your mind!"
"He believes that with global warming melting more and more of Antarctica that the craft which was once lodged in the ice is slowly starting to reveal itself."
"Every day archaeologists are making headlines by making the most incredible discoveries."
"The most incredible discoveries may be the result of something as mundane as a lawsuit over missed payments."
"Some incredible archaeological discoveries made in the past few years have baffled the people who found them."
"Be sure to look out for these 15 shocking things recently discovered in Mexico."
"I haven't discovered so many different places playing Pokemon go that I normally probably would have never ever discovered."
"Archaeological revelations: rewriting history with each new discovery."
"The remains of a man and a woman were found in the House of the Craftsman in Pompeii in 1914."
"The past few years haven't been any busier than the years that came before them for the world's archaeologists, but the finds they've discovered during those years are more amazing than ever."
"Thanks to science, humans have made some really useful discoveries."
"Experts discovered an Iron Age tunic under melting snow in the Norwegian mountains."
"After figuring out the dimensions of this object, they discovered it was almost exactly the size of the Temple of Poseidon that Plato described."
"History is littered with discoveries that change the way we see the world."
"What do you make of these recent discoveries?"
"What I think about mathematics is that it is an intricate combination of inventions and discoveries."
"Mike of Milford Haven knew just how incredible his find was, saying 'It's rare to find it in that good condition, it's rare to find in any condition.'"
"My father excavated a city in the rub al-khali in Arabia which he dated to more than 4000 years before the rise of any known human civilization."
"History is always being shaped by new discoveries."
"Discoveries are helping in archaeology and history regain relevance."
"Curiosity leading to unexpected discoveries that enrich our lives is one of the core things that makes us human."
"It's been a really exciting day - for us particularly as far as the finds are concerned."
"You will never find a Megalodon tooth on the same layer as a human bone."
"Archaeologists discovered the 4,200-year-old tomb of a previously unknown Egyptian queen found near the pyramid of King Teti. Only 30 percent of Sakhara's contents have been excavated, while most of the sprawling site remains buried."
"Ancient maps depict Antarctica free from its icy shroud."
"Stunning new discoveries reveal who these Scandinavian adventurers really were."
"Three days ago we came here to Bath looking for Roman burials and some mysterious buildings. We found both."
"Is any news on Rocket? Bus route AB or Rocket Route V, I love you know. Yeah, we actually found a Rocket A, the biggest Easter Egg ever discovered on Call of Duty Zombies."
"We have now identified more than one lost civilization anywhere north of Giza's casing stones."
"It's amazing what you can find in these old homes."
"I'm going to be sharing my top finds from 2022."
"There have been quite a number of screaming mummies discovered by archaeologists."
"What's so incredible, though, you guys, is that as technology advances, the discoveries become more frequent, the discoveries become bigger."
"What's intriguing about this newly discovered enclosure is that it and what's inside it appear to be earlier than the medieval."
"Everything that we've discovered so far has been a combination of fascinating and absolutely terrifying."
"Join us today as we take you through 15 terrifying things discovered in Antarctica that changed everything."
"Imagine what it would be like to live in your house your entire life and suddenly learn so many things about it."
"These are 20 mysterious discoveries from India."
"The beginning of the 21st century heralded a whole bunch of sensational discoveries in astronomy."
"Archaeology is literally the study of ancient people and places, but the irony is that there's always something brand new to report about it."
"This historically rich site would never have been found at all were it not for exploratory work carried out ahead of the creation of a new housing estate."
"Oil soros: a nodosaur discovered under the oil sands of Fort McMurray, Canada."
"Surprisingly old stone points discovered in a Mexican cave are the latest in a long line of fascinating discoveries that have raised doubts about when people first arrived in the Americas."
"It's pretty crazy to think that to this day people are still finding new and interesting glitches for both new and old games."
"Hello wonderful person, this is Anton, and today we're going to be discussing new observations and new discoveries coming from the iconic James Webb Space Telescope."
"People have been finding out new things related to Final Fantasy 9 for years now."
"Near the border of Iran and Turkey, there's been a big find in archaeology that's got people all over the world talking and wondering."
"Archaeologists say they have found the earliest human home in history located in Vanderberg Cave."
"Well, I'm glad we got to the bottom of all that, I actually found a lot of those things really interesting."
"For me I have a I'm my personal list of that all right I think going to the moon and getting direct measurements of its mineral content and soil content from the coolest thing was discovering that the moon is the product of a collision."
"While most drone footage is pretty cinematic, a few clips out there show terrifying drone discoveries."
"This is off to a really good start with all these finds."
"Here are the 20 mysterious things people found in the mountains."
"It's far less common to find a priceless Egyptian relic underneath a typical Egyptian family home."
"Darwin wrote toxodon is perhaps one of the strangest animals ever discovered."
"Foreign terrifying new discoveries hidden under the Sahara have catapulted this terrain into one of the most mysterious places."
"New discoveries are building up an incredible picture of who Neanderthals were... including what they ate."
"We're going to announce here from Cambridge in real-time these new discoveries."
"Now we have this thermal vision, we're able to discover so many things."
"I found a sponge hidden behind a wall. You know what you got to take the little victories."
"The discovery basically changed everything we knew about early humans and who was capable of what - we now can't be entirely sure who made the oldest tools."
"In this video we'll take a look at some of the most astonishing finds in Europe from Britain's Pompeii to a crude oil bath here are 15 of the strangest things recently discovered in Europe."
"The Frozen regions of our planet hold some of the most bizarre discoveries on Earth."
"From the search for a missing tomb to the evolution of the plague that may just come back to bite us, here are 10 wild discoveries that reveal secrets of the ancient past!"
"We never settle for anything but the best archaeological discoveries."
"Who's ready for another video roundup of amazing archaeological discoveries?"
"The neuronet can still make useful discoveries by finding little pieces of computational reducibility and little regularities."
"Join us as we look at the most mind-boggling discoveries of World War II."
"Where investigation is taking place in the Amazon, astonishing finds are being made."
"The James Webb telescope has already made plenty of discoveries by observing the universe at infrared wavelength."
"What makes the job worthwhile are the incredible discoveries that an archaeologist can make."
"Those discoveries can educate the whole world, and in some cases, they can even change history."
"Sometimes, the greatest finds are just a message away on Facebook Marketplace."
"So many discoveries have been made recently within the ancient Egyptian necropolis of Saqqara that we're beginning to lose count."
"The ruins that can be found all across Mexico have produced some truly remarkable archaeological finds."
"Our modern way of life is rooted in the discoveries, ideas, and inventions of a century ago."
"This parabiosis experiment revealed something really important."
"George Harrison was always someone who was enthusiastic and wanting to share these life-changing discoveries to the world."
"History is littered with happy accidents that have made our lives easier, tastier, and well stickier."
"Big projects at places like Copan and Chichen Itza peeled back layers of mystery, revealing intricate details about how they lived, worshipped, and governed themselves."
"From forgotten cities to archaeological discoveries, there are 20 bizarre discoveries found in drained water bodies."
"Y'all would not believe what I found this morning."
"Some of this stuff is just absolutely incredible. There's a lot of finds of a lifetime in here."
"I love sharing all the new finds with you all so you know what to look out for on your next shopping trip."
"While most of the time we are super excited about our discoveries, this time we were left speechless."
"Discoveries and inventions are not terminals, they are fresh starting points from which we can soar to new knowledge."
"Hundreds of Bones were Unearthed by German Expeditions between 1909 and 1912."
"Thrift stores can be a really awesome place to find really cool things."
"Many of these discoveries have been quite unsettling."
"As academics and journalists began researching the Tea Party's supporters and organizations, they made several important discoveries."
"It's those kinds of discoveries that I just find make it very palpable and make it very emotional."
"Over the years several discoveries have been made along the Nile Delta and just recently archaeologists discovered over 100 tombs in the area."
"The best discoveries are made during post-excavation, the process that takes place after the dig back in the lab."
"16 fragrances that I discovered last year that I think you guys need to know about."
"Particle accelerators have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of the fundamental aspects of the universe, leading to numerous significant discoveries that have shaped modern physics."
"The discovery of these particles in the 1980s at CERN provided critical proof of the electroweak theory, which unifies the electromagnetic and weak forces, one of the key achievements in efforts to develop a unified theory of fundamental forces."
"These AIS could make transformative Nobel prize-winning discoveries every few minutes, and perhaps eventually every few seconds."
"That's the good thing about Antique Centers, you never know what you'll find. Just extraordinary."
"Sometimes, the best finds come when you least expect them, like stumbling upon that elusive fourth margarita glass."
"Where do you start really I mean so many little discoveries from this piece of archaeology"
"So many exciting discoveries uh and so much to uh to talk about uh I'm amazed"
"We're out in the middle of nowhere in a farm field and find pull tabs. Man, that was the best sound of the day too."
"...certain discoveries that are so mindboggling that even experts call them bizarre."
"Some people think that every significant or interesting archaeological discovery was made decades ago, but that's not the case. Remarkable discoveries are still made all the time."
"It's a complete skeleton, and more importantly, we can say exactly how it died."
"The reality is that this area is incredibly rich in dinosaurs."
"But who cares? We found some good stuff in there, good stuff."
"I anticipate huge discoveries in the next decade."
"Technology and new discoveries go hand in hand. Sometimes you have a question to ask but you don't have technologies that can support or address the question."
"You never know what the heck you can find."
"Professor Galatzi's discoveries generally shed light on matters that are less sensational but in no way less human."
"Again and again, Mercury has proved to be an astonishing place. Not just a hotter version of our moon, but a fascinating world in its own right, with a history that is crucial to our understanding of rocky planets everywhere."
"You never know what you might find at the sale."
"I love going to estate sales, you just never know what you're going to find."
"...sometimes Hidden Treasures can be found in the most unexpected places."
"The amount of exciting discoveries is just endless."
"...many of the archaeological discoveries...have utterly baffled archaeologists..."
"A little curiosity can lead to remarkable discoveries."
"Can we keep scaling large language models up and up all the way to human-level AI or are there still fundamental discoveries to be made?"
"Our four percent produces more creativity, more inventions, more copyrights, more medical discoveries, more cures, more technologies than the other 96% of the world."
"Yet as the mysteries of the macabre death weapons continue to be unraveled, what new discoveries remain out there? Discoveries that will rewrite the history books on the death weapons of the East."
"They find the giant skeletons everywhere, even like in Argentina, you know, in Peru."
"Viral research has led to a number of huge discoveries in biology."
"Discoveries, especially the early models, as classic cars in their own right."
"...these are definitely super exciting discoveries..."
"Life's unexpected detours can lead to profound discoveries."
"Life's unexpected twists can lead to remarkable discoveries."
"These are the most astonishing and random historical discoveries in the world."
"By far the coolest part of my job is when something like this happens."
"Thank you for deciding to join the Monarch Hollow Earth Expedition at the Kong Research Outpost where we're on the cusp of countless earth-shattering discoveries. See you out there."
"This year is about acceleration of progress, invention, innovation, and groundbreaking discoveries."
"The scientific discoveries we could make on a place like [Oumuamua] would be mind-blowing."
"It is beyond fascinating all of the amazing archaeological discoveries that just happened within the last 20 years."
"The Hubble Space Telescope is making fantastic discoveries in the field of astronomy."
"The exciting thing is that there are many new discoveries coming out due to the vast amounts of funding from both private and government sources."
"Antarctica is not just a place of ice and snow, but a gateway to discoveries that could change our understanding of the universe."
"From a terrifying bristle worm to awesome cube-like ice formations, here are 20 very strange things about Antarctica."
"In the next few years, we're going to be making incredible discoveries that nobody can imagine right now."
"From prehistoric settlements to lost ships from World War II, here are nine of the most incredible recent archaeological discoveries found underwater."
"The legendary Kola Superdeep always remains the record holder for a number of amazing discoveries."
"These discoveries, they just keep coming, and they are significant."
"In the course of their research, CERN scientists have often come across discoveries that have affected our everyday life."
"If you're new here, I post content related to discoveries, life, and inspiration."
"Prepare to be astonished by these amazing discoveries unearthed by archaeologists."
"Instead, we're focusing on outstanding discoveries; we're looking at the kind of finds that are so weird or so magnificent that they stand out from the crowd."
"Scientists have used artificial intelligence to make some amazing discoveries in Peru's Nazca region."
"No one can say just when the Atomic Age began; a long series of discoveries and experiments have made it possible, each a step in the progression which has brought mankind's greatest opportunities and problems."
"The mission has been really productive, a lot of discoveries, a lot of confirmations, and a lot of mysteries as well."
"Absolutely amazing things in there today. Some of this stuff should be in museums."
"It's a time of big breakthroughs, big discoveries, massive progress."
"Cosmological discoveries are great."
"The VLA has been making astounding discoveries, from water ice on Mercury to the remarkable jets of elliptical galaxies."
"The discovery of an entire ancient city hidden for centuries under the Euphrates has the potential to rewrite history books."
"We should be more cautious in general of claims of new discoveries or claims of forgeries."
"From an Ice Age wolf to a parallel universe, here are 10 of the most surprising recent discoveries."
"Dear traveler, welcome today we're going to retrace the latest discoveries made on Mars."
"It's been a very enlightening 16 years, there are new groundbreaking discoveries almost weekly."
"Recent discoveries... not only expand our knowledge of the physical universe but also invite deep reflections on the nature of reality itself."
"But what do you make of these interesting recent discoveries?"
"Look at that, that is quite pretty. These are just surface finds."
"Every Tuesday morning I give you my list of exciting guitar geek discoveries, gear, and new music so you can stay inspired to live your best acoustic life."
"The top 10 archaeological discoveries from the year 2021."
"The world is full of fantastic ancient archaeological discoveries."
"From ancient mysteries to discoveries that are literally out of this world, it's a collection of the brilliant and bizarre."
"We rarely see a week go by without something remarkable being found somewhere in the world."
"Over the years, many things have been discovered in the depths of secrecy, long lost to time within Egypt: pyramids, mummies, trophies, and more."
"Over the last few years, a dramatic wave of tantalizing discoveries has been illuminating quite a lot of detail to the evolution of these two groups."
"Enjoy your viewing of the most astonishing finds on beaches."
"These discoveries... are going to be discussed and analyzed for many years to come."
"From a one-eyed shark to a weird carcass, let's take a look at the 20 strangest things washed up on beaches."
"I am so excited to share with you all of the lovely bits I picked up."
"It's raining and getting rained on, all of those things, but you find some unexpected little sightings."
"Amidst the vast sea of data, CERN's endeavors lead to groundbreaking discoveries."
"There are countless incredible archaeological discoveries being unearthed across the globe every day."
"I'm just excited to share some of the gems that I found throughout the first six months of the year."
"The discoveries that will be made in the next few years or decades will change the world."
"Throughout the 1800s, as pioneers journeyed westward and settled the new frontier in America, farmers would often find various items buried in the earth."
"The link between Sardinia and Canaan seems to be coming stronger and stronger with each new archaeological find."
"I'm so excited to be sharing with you guys my best drugstore finds of 2019."
"I really hope that you guys found this video a little educational, I hope you learned some new dupes."
"Let me know in the comments fun treasures that you have found at thrift stores."
"I found some incredible things that I cannot wait to share with you."