
Kidney Health Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"Your grocery list is about to get a whole lot healthier, and your kidneys a whole lot happier."
"We promise that by the end of this video, your perspective on diet and kidney health will take a fascinating new turn."
"Remember, our kidneys are unsung heroes, silently and diligently carrying out their essential roles."
"We saved the best for last...this trumpet leaf...it's a kidney treatment plant."
"Berries, especially cranberries: a powerhouse of nutrition directly benefiting the kidneys."
"Red bell peppers: the crown jewel of superfoods for protecting Kidney Health."
"Monitoring labs like GFR, creatinine, and protein levels helps track kidney health and guides treatment decisions."
"Dialysis may just be a bridge to a kidney transplant."
"Yes, there are some very inspiring success stories here on 00kidney, people were basically able to reverse their kidney disease thanks to what they learned from this program."
"Omega-3 fatty acid has been shown, during several clinical trials, to reduce the progression of kidney disease."
"Just adding more fiber to your diet through the foods you eat, and any supplements, can positively improve your kidney function."
"Imagine this: kidney stones passing through your plumbing can be really painful and might even cause infections or blockages, potentially harming your kidneys."
"Hydration is like a superhero that helps flush out those oxalates, reducing the chances of kidney stone formation."
"New York suggests patients with the CCP virus could be at risk of developing kidney failure."
"Green tea's capacity to neutralize harmful free radicals can be instrumental in reducing this oxidative burden, offering substantial advantages for kidney well-being."
"Lemon juice stands out for its high citrate content, playing a pivotal role in preventing the formation of kidney stones, especially calcium oxalate Stones."
"Black coffee's mild diuretic effect can help eliminate excess sodium and waste products from the body, potentially preventing issues like fluid retention."
"Beet juice is well known for its remarkable nitrate content, which plays a pivotal role in supporting Kidney Health when consumed."
"Cranberry juice is a remarkable beverage with a multitude of potential benefits for Kidney Health, equipped with anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to prevent urinary tract infections."
"Excessive salt consumption can have significant repercussions on kidney health."
"Reducing sugar intake is crucial for preserving Kidney Health."
"Smoking takes a toll on Kidney Health by reducing blood flow."
"Excessive alcohol consumption poses significant risks to Kidney Health."
"Skipping regular exercise can harm your Kidney Health."
"Neglecting UTI can have grave consequences for Kidney Health."
"Holding urine for extended periods may potentially lead to kidney damage through a process called hydronephrosis."
"It's truly an exciting day for advancing kidney health in our country."
"Controlling blood pressure is vital to prevent harmful effects on kidney function."
"People who eat more fruits and vegetables tend to get fewer kidney stones."
"Omega 3s provide a host of multiple health benefits for patients with advanced kidney disease."
"A lot of people think that reversing kidney disease is impossible, but I can tell you that this is not true."
"Antioxidants play a pivotal role in enhancing the kidney's filtering ability, thereby helping to lower creatinine levels."
"Reducing phosphorus absorption plays a critical role in the natural healing process of the kidneys."
"Maitake mushrooms are one of the richest sources of vitamin B3, crucial for kidney health."
"Shiitake mushrooms are among the best sources of vitamin D, crucial for kidney disease patients."
"Turnip greens hold the real nutritional treasure, significantly slowing down kidney function decline."
"Reducing protein intake, particularly from red meat and dairy, supports kidney health."
"Drinking more water is a remarkably simple yet effective strategy for enhancing Kidney Health."
"Berries, especially cranberries, provide a powerhouse of nutrition for kidney health."
"Egg whites are incredibly low in phosphorus, making them a game-changer for Kidney Health."
"Avocados break the mold with their rich content of healthy fats, making them an ally for your kidneys."
"Keto, ketovore, carnivore is the best diet for kidney health."
"Berberine ameliorates the injury in that kidney."
"Berberine alleviates or ameliorates stress and toxicity going on because of reactive oxygen species and inflammation and the lipids in the kidney."
"Excess dietary protein is the most serious culprit when it comes to overworking and damaging the kidneys."
"Hydration, exercise, and a healthy diet each play a critical role in maintaining Kidney Health and overall well-being."
"Apples offer a judicious dose of potassium, a vital mineral for overall kidney well-being."
"Grapes emerge as a formidable ally in the realm of kidney health and detoxification."
"Resveratrol these compounds have been associated with reducing inflammation and alleviating oxidative stress within the kidneys potentially fortifying overall Kidney Health."
"Incorporating grapes into one's diet... offers a nutritious means to fortify Kidney Health."
"Cranberries known for their vibrant red Hue emerge as a potent Ally in the realm of Kidney Health and detoxification."
"Blueberries celebrated as a nutritional Powerhouse Excel as a formidable Ally in supporting Kidney Health."
"Integrating cherries into your diet is a pivotal step towards promoting comprehensive Kidney Health."
"Elevating the body's antioxidant levels is increasingly recognized as a crucial natural strategy in the treatment and management of chronic kidney disease CKD and in supporting Kidney Health."
"Integrating lemon juice into your green tea routine emerges as a refreshing simple yet profoundly effective strategy for naturally supporting Kidney Health and lowering creatinine levels."
"High protein diet accelerates the damage to kidneys."
"People don't realize how important their kidneys are. We take it for granted that we have this organ that filters everything that we take in and gets rid of drugs and intoxicants and really helps to keep us alive."
"Your kidneys are super important... not only do they filter out your excess fluid from your body, they help maintain your balance of electrolytes."
"Dandelion tea supports kidney function by reducing overall toxin load."
"What if you could support your kidneys right from your kitchen? That's right, today we're sharing seven essential foods that help heal and protect your kidneys."
"Bitter melon may also help improve Kidney Health by reducing inflammation and potentially slowing the progression of certain kidney diseases."
"Flax seeds are full of nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and lignin, making them a great choice for anyone who wants to keep their kidneys healthy."
"Garlic acts like a calming force, helping your kidneys heal, and it's also full of antioxidants which are like bodyguards for your kidneys, protecting them from harm."
"Blueberries are small fruits that taste great and have many health benefits, especially for your kidneys."
"Eating watermelon can help keep your kidneys healthy and happy, it contains lycopene, an antioxidant responsible for its bright red color, which helps fight inflammation and reduce the chances of chronic kidney disease."
"Cabbage is packed with antioxidants like vitamin C and sulforaphane, which help protect your body from oxidative stress and reduce inflammation, crucial for Kidney Health."
"Anytime someone with kidney failure eats any animal products, meat, dairy, or eggs, it puts them into hyperfiltration that causes an immediate decrease in kidney function."
"Dietary habits play a significant role in kidney health, with certain foods being linked to an increased risk of kidney issues."
"Apples, their exceptional water content around 85%, establishes them as a linchpin in promoting kidney health."
"Strawberries function as natural diuretics, aiding in increased urination and facilitating a swift cleansing of the kidneys."
"Bromelain, an enzyme in pineapples, works diligently to reduce inflammation within the kidneys."
"Aim to drink about four to six glasses of water daily; it's a small step but it makes a huge difference in supporting your kidney health."
"Keep an eye out for any signs that your kidneys might need some extra attention, but more importantly, try to follow these steps to keep kidney disease at bay."
"Incorporating baking soda into your daily routine can have significant benefits for kidney health."
"Say goodbye to the stress and uncertainty of managing kidney health and hello to a simple, effective solution."
"I'm gonna try to answer that very popular question: what diet is best for kidney disease."
"The key is to treat acute kidney injury early."
"Incorporating these fruits and veg into your diet can help manage your kidney disease while still enjoying a variety of delicious and nutritious foods."
"Crafting delicious meals that cater to a kidney-friendly diet can be both enjoyable and straightforward."
"Balance your plate: aim for a plate that's half filled with low potassium fruits and vegetables, a quarter with lean protein, and a quarter with grains or breads that are safe for a kidney-friendly diet."
"Plan ahead: prepare meals in advance to ensure you always have kidney-friendly options on hand."
"Use herbs and spices to add flavor to your dishes without adding extra sodium or phosphorus."
"Incorporating these snacks and sweet treats into your kidney-friendly diet allows you to enjoy the pleasures of dessert without the worry."
"A kidney-friendly diet helps manage mineral levels, prevents further damage to your kidneys, and significantly contributes to your overall well-being."
"Microalbuminuria is considered to be anything above 32 to 99."
"What you eat can significantly impact your kidney health."
"When our kidneys are healthy, they contribute to our overall vitality."
"Blueberries, often referred to as Nature's little marbles, are packed with an array of compounds that specifically benefit kidney health."
"Cauliflower's low potassium and phosphorus content make it a star player in the realm of kidney-friendly foods."
"Fish is an incredible source of high-quality protein, essential for tissue repair and supporting the overall health and functioning of our kidneys."
"Onions are more than just a culinary delight; they're a kidney-friendly powerhouse."
"Our goal is to repair the diabetic kidney in terms of delaying the rate of progression of kidney failure."
"Movement three builds Chi in the kidneys and benefits the back, legs, and knees."
"Movement five strongly discharges stagnant Chi, clearing any pathogenic influence from the kidney."
"I thought red meat was bad for my kidneys, but my kidney function has actually doubled."
"We should lower an elevated serum phosphorus towards normal in all stages of kidney disease."
"Plant-based diet high in potassium, low in sodium, that kind of diet will be best for your blood pressure and best for slowing the decline of kidney function."
"Managing your blood pressure can help lower your creatinine, help save your kidneys, and help you live longer."
"Stay informed and take action for your Kidney Health."
"Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) helps to decrease oxidative stress and inflammation in the kidneys, which are common contributors to kidney disease."
"Hydronephrosis is determined when all the calyces connect, differentiating it from parapelvic cysts."
"The natural nitrates in beet juice might enhance blood flow to the kidneys, helping them function more efficiently and potentially slowing the progression of kidney damage."
"Knowledge is power, and by the end of this video, you'll be armed with the information you need to keep your kidneys healthy."
"You know, it's quite a medical breakthrough in terms of for kidney patients."
"The urine albumin to creatinine ratio is critical. It is the best way to figure out where you stand."
"Having an abnormal GFR is a risk factor for heart disease."
"The long-term project is to control the variables that we know affect loss of kidney function."
"The ability to have good will depends on the kidneys."
"As kidney patients, our lives pretty much revolve around our labs... that is the roadmap for my diet and it helps motivate me to stick with my plan to keep exercising, to stay healthy."
"With the right treatment, you can cure, reverse your kidney, your abnormal kidney function."
"My kidney function has done nothing but improve since I've been doing carnivore two and a half years."
"Check some of the recipes that are available on Kidney Kitchen."
"Dialysis... allows people to live without normal kidney function by performing some of these essential functions outside the body."
"There might be a benefit in terms we call acid-base balance, where we're providing bicarbonate, which is a base that actually helps to preserve kidney function."
"Protein doesn't cause kidney disease; it doesn't exacerbate kidney disease; it is not the enemy of the kidney."
"If there's one take-home message I want to get across, it's please stop vilifying protein."
"Food and eating good food and cooking really is a way to help manage your kidney disease and it's really important no matter where you are in your journey."
"Having a plant-based diet really helped, and my kidney function is definitely getting better."
"We've stopped the progression of that advanced polycystic kidney disease in its tracks, which is absolutely unheard of."
"The vegans had 31 to 38 percent lower rates of chronic kidney disease."